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Just got through watching "Casino Jack and The United States of Money"...Then I threw up

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posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:15 AM
While it is nice to OCCASIONALLY view such outrageous truths, I personally would prefer watching a documentary by Carl Sagan or Terence McKenna on positivity. Negativity fuels negativity and while all of this BS is happening between monkeys on a hill I would much rather enjoy and ingest good vibes.

PLUS! Peace, LOVE, Unity and Respect my brothers and sisters!

They're not going to make it happen - WE are.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by indigo21
So the solution to government corruption, according to Democrats, is to have more of it? Obama has added 135,000 public servants, a complete void of productivity, a ball and chain on the US economy, ready to take bribes. Nice.

Care to provide any documentation that may support your statement? This is what I find when I do a search on the subject.

Nice try though.

UPDATE; "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" can be viewed online for free at;
edit on 13-2-2012 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:48 AM
I just DVR'd it. It looks interesting (in a disturbing kind of way)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

S & F
Thank you for posting this. I was looking for a good doc to watch. By the way. Republican or democrat... I don't think there's much of a difference anymore.....which one uses the most vaseline?

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 09:47 PM
NETFLIX? It's on instant view in Netflix.

It's also free stream on for Amazon Prime members.

reply to post by Flatfish

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by XLR8R

When it comes to greed, republicans have proven that they are all in.

Democrats have their problems, but not like the current crop of republicans.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by indigo21
So the solution to government corruption, according to Democrats, is to have more of it? Obama has added 135,000 public servants, a complete void of productivity, a ball and chain on the US economy, ready to take bribes. Nice.

Yes. The 500,000 gov jobs that have been cut during Obama's time in office will lead to way too many bribes.

Obama keeps creating this huge government while cutting all the gov jobs @ same time! ! He is a self loathing commie!

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by XLR8R
reply to post by Flatfish

S & F
Thank you for posting this. I was looking for a good doc to watch. By the way. Republican or democrat... I don't think there's much of a difference anymore.....which one uses the most vaseline?

While I agree that there is corruption in both political parties, especially when it comes to special interest money and K Street lobbyist, I believe that the problem is by far most prevalent within the republican party and this documentary goes a long way toward proving that point.

All I'm saying is, keep an open mind and while it's important to pay attention to the dialogue of this film, it's also crucial that you pay close attention to the faces.

UPDATE; "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" can be viewed online for free at;
edit on 14-2-2012 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 06:20 PM
UPDATE: For anyone who hasn't yet viewed the documentary, "Casino Jack and The United States of Money" will be airing tonight at 7:00 p.m., CST on HBO. Or about 45 minutes from now.

Edit to add; Sorry, it's not HBO after all. It's airing on the AUD channel which is channel 500 for those who use direct tv.

edit on 17-2-2012 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:40 PM
Flatfish, I finally was able to view the video. Fortunately, I'd already had my episodes of vomiting, because I followed the Abramoff story years ago as a 35 yr subscriber to In These Times. There were times I almost quit my subscription, thinking certainly the articles were outlandish and far out, but six months later the stories would "break" in the msm, and the publication was found to have been dead on.

What citizens need to take away from this video is that DeLay and Jack Abramoff worked in a Republican political system ripe for their greed and corruption. The GOP wanted so much to hold onto their religious/political fundamentalist "base" (which had made them rise Phoenix like from the ashes of the 1960s-70s cultural turmoil), that DeLay and the RNC rooted out moderates by withholding campaign financial and general support to them. Witness DeLay (and Boehner) passing out checks to House members ..on the House floor. Witness the kowtowing to far right cultural icons like Rush Limbaugh and Fox news.

Young people on this thread who blame my generation for these ills must understand that there were babyboomers who exposed and fought against this corruption. While criticism of liberal ideology was perhaps harshest put by liberals themselves (current version of pc had its roots with far left), the wholesale authoritarian onslaught of the far right made "enemies" of fellow citizens (including GOP moderates) and political dialogue null and void. You were either to love it or leave it, with 'em or against 'em.

Between "Greed is good!" philosophy (backed by right wing religious televangelists who proclaimed that God Luvs Ya! by showering you with earthly treasures) and flexing of far right conservative muscle and shouting media voices, between manipulation of thought (coutesy of Republican Frank Lutz and his client Gingrich) and a base ready to believe, not reason, who Karl Rove only needed to vote for that 1% win (50 plus 1) the tide of American politics had no need for a voice other than the far right. Yes, others spoke out, but their voices were drowned out in the far right tsunami.

So, this video exposed explicit corruption, but Abramoff nowadays goes on book/media tours to warn about the continuing corrupting influence of money in American politics. The younger generations will do well to heed the video's warning, "Stupid people get wiped out." and fight against this corrupting influence over their lives. Every generation must overcome something, and this is what the generations after babyboomers must overcome.

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
This may be a good documentary. But if it says that our form of government is a "democracy", that's the first red flag.

The second red flag is that it makes a distinction between the two parties, when there is no distinction. Same old divide and conquer tactics.

The third red flag is that it's all about the money. Those in the top layer of the system are hardly in it for the money. Money is a tool to control the masses.

It sounds like this film has an agenda. That doesn't mean there isn't any truth to some of the content. But it sounds as if one should be cautious of their slant of the "facts".

Still, thanks for the recommendation. I'd like to see what they have to say.

Well America is a democracy with a republican form of government - or are you saying it is not.

Maybe you think it is a Republican Oligarchy...

There IS a difference between the parties, don't be a worse tool than the ones you are discounting.

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

Great link...thanks. I want everyone to see this astonishing documentary. I couldn't believe the interviews I heard from Abramoff on radio since he got out of prison. He has written a book and I am sure this Jew will go on to keep seeking fortunes, legal or not.
Seems to me the Jewish mafia is alive and well in the entire world!
That is what the Fed Reserve is!

posted on Feb, 26 2012 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by FreedomXisntXFree

It's called "don't forget, we have to pay the Fed Reserve mafia" and we just can't do that if we use all of our "own" money! Get rid of the corruption by the Jewish cabal of bankers worldwide! The problem seems to be that our own congress is so hugely in bed with the crooks, they no longer have the power to kick out the crooks because it is "them"!

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