reply to post by ottobot
+S to you just for replying...I know it wasn't an easy post to respond to kindly.
I won't get too personal about my wife other than to say she is generous to a fault and many people love her on FB/MS etc. She was a business
manager, good-looking, kind, loving, but her money management skills at home sucked. She doesn't pay attention to what I say/ask, had to bury a cat
after cautioning her about coming into the driveway too fast where it liked to lie down.
That is one instance among many which never cease to cause me some form of grief.
My best friend here is her ex-husband who is now doing well, his home and car are paid for and he is the only person who knows where I am coming
I am not going to turn this thread into a wife expose' so suffice it to say no matter how much I gave her in $, or attention, or material, she is
never content. Her psyche goes back to the way her father treated her (lack of presence) and I can't blame her for being the way she is but I do
blame her for not listening to better judgment on matters.
If I say something and it then happens I can't say anything or its like an I told you so and that won't help either. "I can't do anything right"
So I say nothing now and we both basically go along to get along.
That isn't peace, its avoidance and the underlying issues will never go away.
Trust me on this though, it is my independent thought that assures the division. It wasn't bred of hearsay but living the life first-hand.
You are correct that warfare, even verbal is a path away from peace. That mental blockage is where mankind is at today.
You see, I can't be a better person than I am today, I don't love myself, I never think about myself... but I do think about how deeply other life
affects me and if I had the affinity with mankind that I have with animals (who are better judges of character) then I even as a single voice could
change the world with logic and reasoning but more importantly
Love and understanding of the human psyche.
Animals would come to me when I call them, even when in pain and crippled... that is a loving nature developed between us. A bond of trust that goes
beyond feeding or talking to.
Why then does the one woman in my life not hear me?
I will tell you why, it is the same reason you replied... you felt challenged.
Isn't that indicative of the way the world is too?
We reap what we sow and if the ground is fertile we bear the fruit of our labor.
The question everyone should be asking is what do they inspire in others?
You see, I am a firm believer that we should all live up to our full potentials ... we are all each others greatest resource because I don't know
what you could be inspired to nor inspire others to that could in turn inspire me to which is a snowball of inspiration in the area of the human
If this world remains at odds with itself it will fail. Take all of the emotions felt by every human and put together is it any wonder why we are so
just like my marriage, and if I can't resolve my marriage then how could I presume to be able to change the world?
Do you see my frustration here? I can't change you or a world in pain unless it wants to be changed and without trusting my judgment in being able to
see the picture I am but a passing thought...
Knowing you could make the difference but not being listened to ... don't we all feel this way?
There is only one language that cuts across that barrier, the language of LOVE and that is the one word mankind resists because like mirrors, we all
reflect the environment we live in.
the devil is winning.
I know many here (hell, everywhere) even deny there is a God but they confuse Religion with Spirituality. Religion was created by man to divide men.
Spirituality is the unification of us all.