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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Sep, 23 2012 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by prithvi2011

Yeah good question. I listened to Chunyi Lin's Equinox meditation 9/22 free here

He didn't seem to mention anything in particular -- just that China and the Arab states were in upheaval.

In an earlier guild meditation he stated that the Spring Forest Qigong guild had redirected a hurricane from hitting Manhattan - well that's what he implied -- that they focused on guiding it away in their meditation and then the hurricane changed directions.

But then Chunyi Lin also mentioned how the health of the U.S. is better since the crack on the Washington Memorial has been fixed - but I looked into it and it was fixed by some Carlyle merchant of death making a tax deductible contribution and I'm not sure giving the Merchants of Death an opportunity to look good bodes well for anyone.

Also Chunyi Lin said how 11/11/11 was this amazing spiritual energy because the Buddhist says so -- I guess number 11. Anyway that 11/11/11 was really promoted in the New AGe community and Chunyi Lin is marketed in the New Age community. So I mean if Chunyi Lin wants to make that day spiritual then by all means it can be made so by his increased meditation -- he said he did so.

Anyway Master Nan, Huai-chin says precognition becomes common as the practiser advanced but it's only accurate for little things - not huge events. So actually I've personally had precognition probably 2 dozen times since I've did the qigong training - and I even had it before I started training -- but maybe after I met Effie P. Chow in 1995 - qigong master. I mean I now know I had a precognitive dream even before I met Effie P. Chow.

Anyway Chunyi Lin said he missed the 9/11 disaster which surprised him since normally if there's a big national event he will have seen it precognitively.

So I don't know what to say only that I know Chunyi Lin's healing energy and long distance healing and his ability to see inside people's bodies -- I know that's all real. Also he said he helped find this missing person once -- in Minnesota -- he narrowed down the location and told them which direction to look and then they found the person.

But when Chunyi Lin starts talking about the energy around the world -- which he does in those podcasts - you can join the international guild for free to access the rest of his podcast meditations - anyway he talks about how the energy is better or worse for the various sectors -- southwest, southeast -- etc. for the whole planet. It's pretty wild stuff but also pretty general stuff.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 01:47 AM
10 Frisson-Inducing Songs (And the Definition of Frisson) by Hugh Moore on November 21, 2011

This link is a real treat!!

Frisson - that's dopamine producing chill producing love producing music!!

What's the secret?

Musical Chills: Why They Give Us Thrills ScienceDaily (Jan. 12, 2011)

Now that's the evolutionary biology secret from neuroscience -- but what's the music theory secret?

Dr. John Sloboda says the most common means of creating this spine chilling goose bumps effect is from an enharmonic key change using the same note in the melody. Dr. John Sloboda give an example from Schoenberg – an E flat minor chord switching to D major but keeping the same common note – G flat (in the E flat minor chord) is the enharmonic as F sharp in the D major chord. This again emphasizes the strong overtone beats between the key changes.291 “In Sloboda's study, respondents reported that even after listening to a passage fifty times, the passage continued to be able to evoke a frisson response.”292

291 Elena Mannes, producer, The Music Instinct: Science and Song, PBS Documentary, June 2009.

292 David Huron, Sweet Anticipation: Music and the Psychology of Anticipation (M.I.T. Press, 2006), p. 283

Citing from my book linked in the OP.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 08:49 AM
Question for the OP. I took Level I & II Spring Forest Qi Gong with Master Lin last spring from the discussions and fascinating posts you have shared. It literally changed my life & lenses in terms of how I understand the human bio-transceiver machine.

The question is in regards to Taoist Yoga & Awaken Healing Energy. As explained, the chi is directed around the microcosmic orbit and utilizes the sexual/seminal fluid in order to transmute it into vitality.

Is this process affected or diminished/destroyed when the practitioner has had a vasectomy? Does sperm play a role in this process (obviously not in women practitioners), but the question is really about physical blockages and if they affect the flow of qi.

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by elmoastro

Yeah that's a good question. Hmm. Let's see what Taoist Love Dr. Lin says (a different Taoist Lin!!)

After vasectomy, the sperm pressure inside the epididymis will alternate (interfere or suppress) the brain metabolic functions, and sexual responses through the modulation change in sympathetic (L1/L2) and vagal outflow, where the sympathetic nerves innervate the white adipose tissue of the epididymis, inter scapular brown adipose tissue, pancreas, liver and adrenal medulla, and the vagus nerve innervate the pancreas and liver. This is why the sperm pressure inside the epididymis can induce psychological and physiological disorders unless your pituitary function gives up your testicular function. Buddhists' monks have used the semen and sperm retention method to disable their sexual function for over 2000 years.

He's against vascetomy but he's pro-sex and then he says that Buddhist monks have essentially been doing the same thing as vascetomy. So he says you have to change your pituitary function from creating blue balls -- yes I am celibate but I don't get blue balls because I burn off the reproductive fluid as internal emissions through vagus nerve activation that then creates internal heat.

But Master Nan, Huai chin and the book "Taoist YOga: Alchemy and Immortality" strongly emphasize that there must be "mind celibacy" -- this means no "heart fire" - which is to say if you have physical desire towards someone that will activate your jing energy as internal heat but it will be "false fire" because it's based on the mental desire to create external ejaculation.

So then Master Nan says this type of internal emission after "heart fire" is like internal pollution for the body and it has to be purified -- some texts literally say -- like in the Nath Siddhas Tantric tradition of India -- using sperm to "feed the brain." So there is internal emission - but it has to purified. Now in the West we don't believe that sperm can go into the brain. All I can say is I can actually taste it internally through the brain-mouth -- which is pretty strange - since I've never tasted it externally but you know how smell and taste are very similar.

Anyway so this is actually internal pollution and poison along with the e. coli crap bacteria that are free radicals -- It all has to be cleansed-purged.

Yeah I know this is "too much" information - I will try to stay focused here -- but this is why energy masters are so rare in the West due to the constant onslaught of materialist tantric desire. So tantra works by saying indeed you have improved your health by sublimation -- through vagus nerve activation.

What I'm trying to say is I empty my testes internally - and I don't even fill them up -- I burn off the energy before it fills my testes and I even have "retraction" but the secret here is that reproductive energy comes from the electromagnetic energy of the heart as spirit energy. So actually food increases the reproductive energy but you have the choice of turning it into electromagnetic energy (which you can do a lot more with) or deconverting it into external ejaculation. Most modern males opt for the later, understandably as we are under constant onslaught to do so. haha. That's why I sit in full lotus all the time - because full lotus yoga position "burns" karma - and that's exactly what it means -- burning off the reproductive fluid through activating the internal vagus nerve.

So ideally this has to be done with the mind also celibate or emptied out - if you sit in full lotus long enough this will also happen. But unless this spiritual mind celibacy can be maintained then the tantra practice just is good for body health and also happiness as the vagus nerve on the left side then increases the heart oxytocin.

Dr. Lin the Taoist Sex doctor is against celibacy because he doesn't do the full on alchemy training. Mantak Chia with all his sex Taoist books does not have his third eye fully open so he is not as strict about the mind celibacy training - he does it for health and creating chi energy mainly. But the third eye fully open is the shen laser holographic energy that Chunyi Lin has. Once in the Guild wknd meeting he said emphatically that you should not even think about sex to get to advanced level of training -- but he just said that once because obviously it's too strict for most people. haha. But at the time I was getting to advanced level and so it's what I needed to hear but still the energy turned me into a "chick magnet." haha.

So by "burn" I mean that the sublimation has to go past the prostate - if the piss is foamy then this has not been achieved. So I assume this is the same for vasectomy. The sublimation is vagus nerve cerebrospinal activation endothelial brain pineal gland stimulation.

edit on 24-9-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2012 @ 06:24 PM
Fascinating. That makes sense. The mind/creation tool uses the tools of the body in various ways for various functions. But everything starts with mind! So the body, whose job it is to flesh out the minds programs/instructions will create a virtual experience that results in physical response--regardless of whether sperm is present or not. Thus the quieting/taming of the mind allows for re-channeling of the energy, transmuting it into what they're calling "vitality".

It makes sense with all the celibacy involved in the more esoteric disciplines that the mind merely re-maps or re-purposes through this training to allow for the conversion into chi energy.

Thanks for the detailed response.

posted on Sep, 26 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by elmoastro

Yeah when I trained I wasn't online -- meditated six hours a day -- and read meditation books and got the shen laser transmissions from Chunyi Lin.

So then when the electromagnetic fields were strong -- I went into a local seedy cafe in the West Bank and this female looked at me and suddenly I felt that she had an orgasmic reaction to my energy. It was such a shock to me that I knew this that I didn't really acknowledge her response to me -- and how I could sense it. Like she had deconverted my electromagnetic energy for her own sex energy response and so then my own body's electromagnetic energy got pulled down also.

So anyway when the electromagnetic energy created this spacetime vortex spinning -- with the room spinning around me when I was in full lotus -- it wasn't just normal dizziness. So then when I came out of that meditation it's like I knew my mind was not the real "me" and also my body was not the real "me." -- So there is consciousness as a spacetime vortex that creates awareness as the shen holographic vision information. These terms get switched around -- formless awareness is sometimes the spacetime vortex called the Emptiness in Taoism. Anyway it wasn't until years later that I discovered in the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" that this dizziness was from my spirit shen energy leaving my body before enough chi electromagnetic energy had built up.

Chunyi Lin said I should have called him at that point but I was too broke and I didn't want to disturb him -- he was using his home phone number at that point with his wife having to take all the calls and doing healing in his house. Anyway -- I thought that we would have just connected "spiritually" if it had been necessary. haha.

So after that I couldn't maintain the strict diet or the meditation levels - I could sense energy through walls, etc. and so I moved nine times in one year but it didn't help. Chunyi Lin said for advanced training you want to be in Nature where the energy is balanced and with other practisers instead of just in the city, etc. And then he moved his healing center farther out of the city and I just had a bike.

So anyway it is difficult the more advanced the training gets but even at first if you keep it up then you can keep going. I was just relying on a book and didn't quite have the resources to keep going advanced. But I got far enough to be permanently transformed and that was over 10 years ago.

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:06 AM
After the event in Sep 2001, I went from making a good living to zero in one day. I had to adapt and find some other path and tried many different things from writing mortgage loans, started a gutter company, took a class in mediation, learned to weld... I was on a search to figure out what "my passion" was and what "i should be doing".

For me it didn't work to keep trying to find something to do as my wiring is pure experiencer. My program finally crashed as I began to realize the limits of what the mind was meant to solve. I got pretty down from the years of working the mental gordian knot I had created for myself. The Eckhart Tolle books were key for me and confirmed my disbelief in the concept of time and how the mind uses it for constructive purpose but also to maintain emotional program wirings involving past and future. So I took a coffee shop manager job, got out of the house that I'd been trying to hang on to for 10 years and spent all of my spare time at the rose garden and Japanese garden at the park nearby. I started to check out. Through the process my mind stopped the chatter. I could sit for hours and the Observer/Experiencer was able to create enough space to operate out of awareness rather than chatter mind. The mind eventually learned to trust this newcomer and it acquiesced to it as the ego realized it wouldn't be destroyed in the process. Rather it understood that life was much more peaceful as it didn't have to defend electro-chemical-emotional wirings. It was this process that got me to an understanding of the mind/body/creation machine. I shed all labels, beliefs and judgments and consciously erased my hard drive. I gave my machine instructions to delete all unnecessary wirings, beliefs, information, trivia, news/weather/sports (haha--basically everything you have in common with others--oops.) And it opened my mind to new understanding and a way that sort of transcended the emotionally wired experience and allowed for a peaceful consciousness that accepted and remained in present moment. The power of creation that resulted was intense as there was no longer any fears or worries to stifle the creative flow. Thought or intention put out, let it go, and it would be realized in its proper "time". When time does not exist, there is no concern as to a "when" things "should" happen. It just does through this sense of serendipity as our transmissions seek resonance.

So I sat at the park for a few years and still do. As my rhythm settled in to nature, it was like a picture book from Sunday school where animals--birds, squirrels, bugs (and people--haha) would come to where I was and my energy was so non-threatening and resonant that I realized the natural pulse of nature and that I was a part of it.

After you started this thread, as I mentioned, I took a Spring Forest Qi Gong intro class, then Level I & II. After the intro class, I went home and my sister called. She had a shoulder problem (she's a nurse) and I was in a pretty high state after the class and the energy there, so I asked if I could try something. I explained what I was doing as I (in my ignorance) used the sword fingers technique and worked on the blockages in her shoulder. Over the phone. I got quiet for a minute as I was chopping up the energy blockage and pulling out the excess. After a bit of this she says, "What are you doing to my arm? I feel this tingling and surge going up and down my arm. So I just said to sit tight and I finished the technique and filled the area with heart energy as we were taught. Then I told her what we had learned and she was pretty blown away by the experience. I just smiled as I realized the stuff was true, it worked, and further opened my eyes to working deeper in meditation and understanding this.

The interesting thing is I am an empath. So what I didn't realize was how I managed my own energies. So while I was able to help my sister with her arm over the phone, I also picked up the blockage and it landed in my own shoulder--haha. So now I had to learn not to take on the stuff you work with but let it pass or go elsewhere. It was pretty profound to see how on one hand healing took place and then having the blockage manifest in my own reality.

The balance of supporting a household and trying to further develop through Taoist Yoga is interesting. It's a very polarized experience with family/society pulling one way and the quiet path taking me out of the matrix. So I'm basically living a very detached life, maintaining a minimal presence in the matrix and trying to stay grounded in nature and meditation. Right now I'm working with further shedding of programs, clutter, baggage and stuff in order to continue to tune & harmonize.

Full lotus seems a mile away but I can't say I've carved the time necessary to get there physically. Yet my own experience through awareness and presence has caused me to add five holes to my belt as I've thinned up like a rail

posted on Sep, 27 2012 @ 09:11 AM
I found that 90% of my hunger craving was a result of....boredom. The thinking mind in control. As the observer took responsibility, the body naturally called for what it needed (not much).

Thanks for your experiences and sharing them. It really helps to have someone with first-hand understanding and who has taken the time to explore and experiment with this. It takes it from the esoteric and places it in the everyday reality if one so chooses.

It's weird to live in a city, have a family that I care for and spend time with, yet be so checked out in terms of the bell-curve of life that it's causing me to rethink everything.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:45 PM

These structures propagate without friction and can carry information, either through their structure, or through their magnetic momentum.

Amazing quantum cosmos living consciousness book pdf link by Ervin Laszlo

How changes in phase not amplitude create holographic resonance of consciousness as fields within fields -- the whole universe correlated in harmony.

posted on Feb, 7 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

ha! Just more proof that indeed "magnetic momentum" exists.

Oh yeah this blogpost called Non-commutative resonance, quantum biology and logical inference: the secret of paranormal alchemy summarizes the research of this thread! Nice find!

Finally a good overview of this whole thread -- now in clear terms that anyone can understand.

edit on 7-2-2013 by dreamtweeler because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-2-2013 by dreamtweeler because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2013 @ 10:42 PM
Sometimes I hear a buzzing sound in my head at night at a high frequency before a portal starts to open before my eyes while my body is paralyzed.

posted on Mar, 2 2013 @ 03:03 AM
I saw reference to diminished fifths in a documentary on Black Sabbath last week, referencing it as "the devil's note", or perhaps it was chord. I did a search as it occurred to me tonight, and came across this thread I missed. I'll bump it in case it makes for good late nite readings for anyone else.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by dreamtweeler

These structures propagate without friction and can carry information, either through their structure, or through their magnetic momentum.

Amazing quantum cosmos living consciousness book pdf link by Ervin Laszlo

How changes in phase not amplitude create holographic resonance of consciousness as fields within fields -- the whole universe correlated in harmony.

I downloaded this book by Laszlo, read large parts of it and unfortunately came to the conclusion that it's just a big pile of New Age tripe, no matter how much it masquerades behind references to various topics in quantum mechanics. I kept reading on, and ultimately became disgusted by the calculated insertion of conjecture by the author, among references to perfectly valid sources. This is done on purpose. One of many examples is on page 19, where Laszlo is referring us to Bose-Einstein Condensate, and an experiment that was conducted to actually synthesize it in the lab, then by a slip of hand proclaims that it exists in living organisms. Come on Laszlo, not every reader of your book is so dumb as to accept this nonsense for a fact. Even though you calculated correctly that not everyone is well versed in physics.

And Laszlo keeps doing that on pretty much every page. Page 22, "fluid genome"...


posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

― Nikola Tesla

I dare to dream. Dreams made this world possible. This world is what happens when people keep saying, "What if?" When people dare to dream. I have respect for the imagination, the desire to expand our mind and understanding. The willingness to consider everything, not wanting to miss a single possibility.

I have respect for imagining the impossible. Our world would be so 1200's if no one had ever imagined the impossible.

posted on Mar, 8 2013 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
I have respect for imagining the impossible.

There is a large difference between imagining the impossible and actually making up a narrative that's aesthetically very pleasing but has no roots in facts. Imagination is always good, but indulging in arbitrary claims made up as you go is actually an impediment to progress. The structure of the solar system was discovered based on actual measurements. What Laszlo is doing is effectively saying that celestial bodies are flashlights carried by a large number of gnomes on top of a glass sphere - not literally, of course, but there's the same level of fact base.

posted on Apr, 7 2013 @ 10:37 PM
Yeah you want quantum biology -- it's a new science field -- Dr. Mae-Wan Ho is the best on it.

Quantum Life: How Physics Can Revolutionise Biology: Jim Al-Khalili at TEDxSalford

That's a good start.

So here he is giving the full talk at the Royal Society
edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

So here is the Nature journal debate on Bose-Einstein condensates in quantum biology
edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

In the case of the electrons in the tubulin subunits of the microtubules, Hameroff has recently suggested that these are part of a Frohlich condensate, which is a coherent oscillation of dipolar molecules. This oscillation was originally proposed to be a Bose-Einstein condensate, but in the most recent version of the theory Hameroff favours a synchronous oscillation of the electrons.[26] Hameroff suggests that through a feature of this kind, quantum activity, which is usually at a very tiny scale, could be boosted to be a large scale influence in the brain. Hameroff has proposed that condensates in microtubules in one neuron can link with microtubule condensates in other neurons and glial cells via gap junctions.[27][28] In addition to the synaptic connections between brain cells, gap junctions are a different category of connections, where the gap between the cells is sufficiently small for quantum objects to cross it by means of a process known as quantum tunneling. Hameroff proposes that this tunneling allows a quantum object to extend across a large area of the brain as a single quantum object. He further postulates that the action of this large-scale quantum feature is the source of the gamma synchronization observed in the brain, and viewed as a neural correlate of consciousness.[29] In support of the much less controversial theory that gap junctions are related to the gamma oscillation, Hameroff quotes a number of studies from recent years.[30]

So synchronized resonance
edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study pdf link
edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

Beginning in 2001, experiments began to show coherent excitations from living cells in the low megahertz range, with microtubule vibrations the most likely source [40,42]. A recent study shows specific resonant frequencies in single microtubules from 12 kHz to 30MHz[43], precisely in the range for ultrasound (8MHzused in our study is one particular microtubule resonant frequency).

edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

So Dr. Mae-Wan Ho gives more details on ultrasound and collagen proton conductance as the chi energy

The hydrogen-bonded water network of the connective tissues is actually linked to ordered water dipoles in the ion-channels of the cell membrane that allow inorganic ions to pass in and out of the cell (Williams, 1993). There is thus a direct electrical link between distant signals and the intracellular matrix, leading to physiological changes inside the cells, including neurons and glial cells. This electrical channel of intercommunication is in addition to, and coupled with, the mechanical tensegrity interactions of the connective tissue-intracellular matrix continuum mentioned above. Any mechanical deformations of the protein-bound water network will automatically result in electrical disturbances and conversely, electrical disturbances will result in mechanical effects. The new imaging technique that Han and Balaban are developing (see above) depends specifically on detecting ultrasound emissions from mechanoelastic vibrations caused by electrical pulses applied to the tissues. Proton jump-conduction is a form of semi-conduction in condensed matter, and is much faster than conduction of electrical signals by the nerves. Thus the 'ground substance' of the entire body may provide a much better intercom-munication system than the nervous system. Indeed, it is possible that one of the functions of the nervous system is to slow down intercommunication through the ground substance. Lower animals which do not have a nervous system are nonetheless sensitive. At the other end of the evolutionary scale, note the alarming speed with which a hypersensitive response occurs in human beings. There is no doubt that a body consciousness exists prior to the "brain" consciousness associated with the nervous system. This body consciousness also has a memory, as argued in the Section following.

edit on 7-4-2013 by likelyzombie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2013 @ 07:26 PM
Actually this is an article I just discovered that is a very conversational reading style but covers this topic with the latest research....

The Secret Science of Spiritual Healing

The focus is on what this thread is all about - the "frequency" of consciousness, qigong and quantum biology and quantum consciousness.

lots of links, vids, etc. Enjoy.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by ginglekringle
Actually this is an article I just discovered that is a very conversational reading style but covers this topic with the latest research....

The Secret Science of Spiritual Healing

The focus is on what this thread is all about - the "frequency" of consciousness, qigong and quantum biology and quantum consciousness.

lots of links, vids, etc. Enjoy.

Your post seems amazingly similar to ones by the banned member "fulllotusqigong". Just my personal observation.

Also, consciousness does not have frequency. What you posted is rubbish.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Your post seems amazingly similar to ones by the banned member "fulllotusqigong". Just my personal observation.

Also, consciousness does not have frequency. What you posted is rubbish.

Perhaps it doesn't have a frequency, but that doesn't mean it isn't closely related to frequency. According to Tesla, the secrets of the universe are closely tied to those buzzwords you disdain so much.

posted on May, 1 2013 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
Perhaps it doesn't have a frequency, but that doesn't mean it isn't closely related to frequency.

That statement is content-free. Since many phenomena feature periodicity, oscillatory or wave behavior, A LOT of stuff is somehow related to frequency. It doesn't mean jack.

According to Tesla, the secrets of the universe are closely tied to those buzzwords you disdain so much.

Absent any explanation of why and how, these remain just that, buzzwords with no meaning in the context being discussed.

I don't disdain the word "frequency", it's a very important word, albeit with a simple meaning. Same goes for the word "green" or "round". It's when idiots set about producing pseudo-scientific crap using legit words, that I start expressing my disdain.

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