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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

Hypnosis is much more common than we think. I was just posting on the science of serotonin tied to memory and time perception over 1 second. So also music increases the serotonin levels and causes time to slow down due to increased neuron processing. For emergency situations it's the opposite with first epinephrine from the adrenals causing an adrenaline spike in the brain that then causes the hippocampus to process long term memory much faster -- with the perception of time slowing down. O.K. those type of "blind rage" situations then cause PTSD that is repressed in the subconscious as emotional trauma, hard-wired into the brain as dopamine receptor damage.

Consider the Ngoma trance healing drum music of Africa to treat psychological illness -- obviously a type of hypnosis. But then even watching t.v. is a type of hypnosis as it increases the alpha brain waves, also increasing serotonin -- so that time disappears.

The jinn as the extraterrestials as spirit possession is really when the electromagnetic spirit is stuck in the lower body as a lower frequency energy (based on light frequency with color so higher frequency is stronger energy). So those are all the negative emotion energies from the succubi and incubus phenomenon as actually it's a deconversion of higher frequency spirit energy into lower frequency energy that is lost as actual reproductive fluid. So for real exorcism of the mind/body then the dreams also have to lucid -- and this requires synchronization of the hemispheres in the hippocampus -- through the slow eeg of the theta rhythm -- 4 to 7 beats a second.

When people "hit on" others that is a type of hypnosis that temporarily causes the person's electromagnetic focus to get sucked down to their lower body. Similarly when we dream at night our electromagnetic spirit moves from the heart (where it gets expressed during the day out of the eyes as light energy) -- it moves down to the liver. So in that sense people go into their subconscious realm and hypnosis will do that to someone while they are awake.

It's all based on the intentions of a person as activating the lower body neurohormone energy (dopamine and serotonin) can be used to raise the mind's frequency through the vagus nerve heart (oxytocin) connection creating stronger electromagnetic energy. But that is the healing exorcism of the left brain while most hypnosis is down with bad intentions as a sucking off of a person's sublimated brain energy -- taking away their will power of their kidney energy.

posted on Jun, 9 2012 @ 08:18 PM

Any mistake during playing music can change the universe -- Sun Ra

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
So it's not just a music scale but it's a philosophy about infinity. The harmonic series diverges so the undertones or subharmonics and the overtones or ultraharmonics -- they, empircally as the experimental, empirical truth, can never be contained as an irrational number.

So for you it's just a change of a music scale -- but actually my point is that this covers up the secret of sound transforming into other types of energy . . .

That makes me think of things I've heard Nassim Haramein say about physicists. He's said that they don't like infinity, especially what they call "nasty infinity." Also, Haramein has a quarrel with what physicists do to get rid of infinity: "renormalization." Haramein says that's a cop-out.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Yeah renormalization is criticized by a lot of the alternative physicists I've posted -- especially Don L. Hotson's article Dirac’s Equation and the Sea of Negative Energy which is similar to Tom Bearden and Milo Wolff -- the emphasis like I have is on how time is misconstrued as a spatial measurement in Western science.

The thing is though there will never be a unified field theory in physics. I know there is secret military technology using unknown propulsion as I saw a big black equilateral triangle with no fuselage fly slow and low over our trees -- starting from the horizon - it wasn't a blimp and those triangles have been documented to outmanuever jets easily.

Anyway nevertheless we are experiencing nuclear meltdown right now as I've documented in the various Fukushima threads -- the steam reactor core rods are breaking up in nuke plants around the world for various reasons. My dad was the assistant attorney general of Minnesota after he finished NYU law school and then my dad represented the local nuclear power company when the state of Minnesota wanted to regulate the radiation emissions to a stricter standard than the national level. The nuclear power company won the case to allow their higher level of radiation emissions because nuclear is really controlled by the military which really could care less about civilizations. haha.

So people are in love with science without realizing the U.S. is an empire with hundreds of bases as military occupation of other nations -- against their sovereignty. I recommend people read the four best books of Noam Chomsky -- 1) Year 501: The Conquest Continues and 2) World Orders: Old and New and 3) THE WASHINGTON CONNECTION AND THIRD WORLD FASCISM. The Political Economy of Human Rights, vol. 1, by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman and then Vol.2 4) At War with Asia.

That is a transformative experience as most people who like Chomsky just read his interview books, etc. I discussed this with Chomsky when I asked him if At War with Asia would get reissued. He's the most cited scholar but he said it's difficult as not many read his books. haha. But then a year later it did get reissued by AK Press in Canada.

Anyway 50% of physics is funded by the military and mathematics has never been pure despite such claims about Greek mathematics. The precise doubling of the cube was for catapult technology and the square root of two was for chariot technology - but both were developed through ritual sacrifice geometry by the Solar priests.

Mathematics is really mass ritual sacrifice through warfare and disease. The "symbolic revolution" here is really about how the letter A refers to the horns of a bull used to plow land but when there is concentrated animals then there is disease contamination from monocultural farming and so there has to be warfare to run away from the problem by conquering new territory, thereby spreading more disease. Alphabet is satanic

Civilization is much more like rats running from a sinking ship -- but in reality no one can escape the sinking ship.

And so it is about life on Earth -- in reality we are holographic light spirits which we learn when we die but the trance dance healing and meditation through music teaches this truth while we are still alive allowing contact with the consciousness as the process of energy creation -- free love energy with no need of technology.

Sun Ra definitely had tapped into this with his free jazz trance music played along with MC5 as wall of sound punk rock noise music. I played in bands doing both genres -- I used to play free improv jazz piano with a street flutist -- and we played for hours together in trance never ever talking about what we would play before hand. haha. We also recorded our sessions and made copies and mailed out audio cassettes that got reviewed in music zines back in the early 1990s and played on some radio a bit. So that would take into account Rachmaninoff and Debussy and Mozart and Bach and blues and minimalist music all combined together at the same time. haha. I could no longer play Western music "straight."

But now I will play Western music straight sometimes if I am requested to play piano -- I will sight read music "blind" so to speak with all the errors and slowness but it's the emotion that is the most important -- to get the feel of a piece and the sense of rhythmic flow.

So now it's proven that learning a musical instrument increases language skills as music uses and activates the same part of the right side of the brain used for spatial thinking but also music uses the timing needed for subtle phrasing in language.

So actually left brain dominance is literally autism from an ancient time

Sun Ra was vegetarian but it also takes herbs and yoga, etc.
edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong

The thing is though there will never be a unified field theory in physics.

I hope you're dead wrong about that!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

California has a 20-year supply of freshwater left; New Mexico has only a ten-year supply of freshwater left

20 Signs America Is Headed For Another Dust Bowl Michael Snyder|February 28, 2012

Funny how physicists never talk about ecology. Odum, the author of the ecology textbook, was funded by the Atomic Energy Commission.

How ironic. haha. Ecology didn't become a "real" science until DNA was discovered so ecology could become reductionist and look at the genetic engineering nightmare that has spawned.

Declining Male Fertility Linked To Water Pollution

In actuality physics is religion.

Mary you have just expressed your faith in physics -- there's a great book on this ...

The smash science book Was Einstein Right? describes how the theory of relativity is essential to the smart bombs using GPS guidance in the war on Iraq. Yet they all missed. The new film Why We Fight details how all these smart bombs missed their targets. Out of 50: 50 did NOT hit their target and 42 hit civilian targets. Was Einstein Right?: Putting General Relativity to the Test by Clifford M. Will (Paperback - April 1993) The question starts to build -- chapter five of Was Einstein Right? details experiments that indicate a fifth force due to local variances in gravity -- deep in mine shafts. These experiments were the first validation of new forces accompanying new supersymmetry particles of higher dimensions. In otherwords a local hill, a geographic anomaly -- or perhaps a person in full-lotus -- creates a fifth force that can be increased through natural resonance. Again Was Einstein Right? begins to become serious.

The editor of Discover magazine wrote a smash science book God in the Equation (2002) arguing that Einstein is literally the new Jesus of Sci/Religion. The term comes from psi as the unknown in quantum mechanics and the book ends with psi as the continuum of consciousness beyond spacetime. Just as I have repeatedly stated on GNN -- science is a religion. This book details how Einstein catered his theory of general relativity to fit the facts for the anomalies of the Mars orbit.

God in the Equation : How Einstein Became the Prophet of the New Religious Era by Corey Powell (Hardcover - Aug 21, 2002) Lambda -- the expansion of space-time as anti-gravity -- created by Einstein and continued by sci/religion - is the central pivot point of the actual infinite for sci/religion. Lambda is a huge fudge factor -- 2/3rds of the universe is a mysterious dark energy that is accelerating. The irony of Lambda is that Einstein's motivation was Spinoza's argument that God is Static. As I detailed in previous posts the actual infinite argues that mathematics literally enables God to be embodied in technology as a symbol transcends geometry and analysis through proof by contradiction. Neither this nor that points to a transcendent realm of pure thought. God's Secret Formula (1997) by Dr. Peter Picha is an amazing analysis of how the integar numbers of infinity define a 4th dimension of space that unifies the sci/religion through the prime number cross. Of course Picha is both praised as genius (3 Ph.D.s and numerous critical patents) and dismissed as crank in his 30 or so Amazon reviews but he represents just another example of how attempts at the unified field theory will continue to fail. The reason for failure, even though he attempts to unlock the secrets of Einstein, is that the foundation for the Prime Numbers is the diverging Harmonic Series -- the Law of Pythagoras.

The sci/religion is composed of three interlocking components. 1) Theory 2) Observation 3) technology Eversince Socrates Political Economy and Science have been interlinked, as detailed in professor Lummis' recent book on radical democracy. Radical Democracy by C. Douglas Lummis (Paperback - September 1997) Socrates, the first prophet of sci/religion, argued that every one can be a ruler -- become aristocracy -- by studying philosophy and geometry. Socrates also argued that a person should lie if it will stop another person considered mad from harming themselves. The example Socrates gives is that if you have a mad person's sword and that mad person asks for it back you should lie so that the mad person does not harm himself. This teaching -- lying for the better good of the general public -- is justified through the mathematics -- the geometry -- of iron technology (the sword) based in the ancient Solar Dynasty city-state empires. Iron became more valuable than silver as a currency in India because geometric mathematics, started in ritual sacrifice altar technology, enabled better iron technology for chariot warfare. Socrates and Plato are held up as the

edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

bastions of reason and the founders of western civilization when in fact Socrates and Plato both advocated Lying -- "the Straussian Means of Power”-- in deference to the Power of Geometry. This lying is what Einstein means when he refers to learning the Secrets of the Old Ones. Freemasonry. Einstein had to lie. The physicists lie and the technology they use transforms humans into cogs in the cycling of the elements. Axiomatic mathematics relies on phonetic-letter based symbols (magnitude units) as hidden constants to justify the actual infinite as transcendental truth. The question remains in math Whats the point? -- quite literally -- as the logical fallacies of geometry are exposed in Cantor, Dedekind, Kronecker, Russell, Godel, etc. As math becomes more and more esoteric the numbers rely more and more on symbolic logic that is utterly absurd. In otherwords math, as the foundation of Reason, is reverting back to a mythology of multi-varient non-phonetic language. The essential issue is that Time, defined by Number, is Asymmetrical but Logic does not use Time. This is the foundation of the Cretin's Liar Paradox: The Cretin said, all Cretins are Liars. The paradox of Logical Sets and the actual infinity is the reason that Cantor's arguments were dismissed by Russell and many others. The infinite set of no members is not a set. Quantum Chaos science, the military mad science basis for nanotechnology and neural networks, relies on Gregory Bateson's social system engineering analysis whereby people are cogs in the cycling of elements defined by analog feedback systems. In otherwords the question should not be what's the point but what's the wave? (the answer is the sine wave: Ohm/Tai Chi/Tetrad) As France's top mathematician, Alain Connes, argues in his recent book Triangle Thoughts, the basis for new quantum technology is literally using Music as the Formal Logic framework. Triangle of Thought by Alain Connes, Andre Lichnerowicz, Marcel Paul Schutzenberger, and Jennifer Gage (Hardcover “ Jan 1, 2001) But since quantum mechanics is based on statistics, using equal-tempered Number, instead of Assymetrical Number defined by Pythagoras -- the Imperial Framework of Science remains hidden. In fact the Lambda of Einstein and current cosmology (a run away spacetime) is merely a reflection of the accelerating destruction of left-hand directed carbon-based ecology. As satellite telescopes document supernovas indicating the accelerating expansion of space-time, the means to implement such measures (relativized satellites) is insuring the implosion of empire. Technology is Tantra. Science is Religion. drew hempel, M.A.

The Natural Resonance Revolution
edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Mary you have just expressed your faith in physics . . .

Physics, yes. Mainstream physics, no.

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Yeah the Unified Field Theory aka the God Particle is the CERN obsession that gets featured on CIA-cable. haha.

I once corresponded with the author of a physics textbook -- a professor -- about how the Higgs Field was absurd due to the renormalization contradictions.

Here's a good discussion on renormalization and the Higgs Field

If you mess up that's it. That's your problem. You have to hear that for the rest of your life. haha.

A nice description of Western science.

Ok, let’s stretch our imagination one bit further and now imagine a massless billiard ball, a ball with absolutely no mass. If we toss that massless billiard ball across the table, all its energy comes from its motion since it has no mass. Its effective speed is lower since it no longer travels on a straight line. A physicist would talk of the group velocity here, the speed at which the ball seems to progress in the right direction.

So, here is the million Swiss franc question: If it is slower, the energy share coming from its velocity is smaller, then how comes the ball still has the same energy? Simple: this ball has acquired mass through its interaction with the Higgs field. The contribution to the total energy from its mass is no longer zero and it adds up to the reduced contribution associated with movement to give the same total energy value.

Hmm. Slower time yet same energy as frequency -- it's just like the same pitch but slower time...

All on the Higgs for (nearly) everyone

Higgs bosons, if they exist, do not last long enough to show up directly in the subatomic debris of these collisions. Discovery relies on observing the particles into which Higgs bosons disintegrate, rather than detecting them directly. But the mass of the Higgs itself is unknown, leaving much uncertainty about the best place to look for decay particles. Both Atlas and CMS have found small excesses of potential decay particles which would be consistent with a Higgs boson having a mass about 130 times greater than a proton or neutron. “It is possible that each observation is simply a statistical fluke, a fluctuation in the background, mimicking a Higgs signal,” said Prof Bowcock. “But the fact that Atlas and CMS independently agree on the possible Higgs mass substantially increases the overall significance of the results.” “We still need many more collisions next year on the Higgs to answer the Shakespeare question: to be or not to be?” concluded Prof Heuer.

December 13, 2011 4:20 pm Cern ‘tantalises’ on ‘God particle’ discovery
edit on 10-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2012 @ 10:25 PM

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:39 PM

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:55 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:56 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 01:11 AM

edit on 16-6-2012 by Americanist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:01 PM

"The biological impact of cell phone radiation is not related to its power. It's not related to its power. It is in fact quite weak. It is related in fact to its erratical signal and its ability to disrupt resonance and interfere with DNA repair."

Dr. Devra Davis

Dr. Devra Davis emphasizes that it's the signal frequency and not the amplitude power of cell phones that make cell phones so dangerous. So the signal is erratic pulses which go against the natural resonance of the body-mind-spirit health.

I've never had a cell phone because I knew they were bad.

The Environmental Health Trust June 6, 2012 ii Journal of Craniofacial Surgery September 2009;20(5):1556-60 iii PLoS ONE 4(7): e6446 iv Epidemiology January 2011 - Volume 22 - Issue 1 - pp 130-131 v Mobile statistics 2012 vi, WHO/IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans vii International Agency for Research on Cancer, May 31, 2011, Press release # 208 viii Epidemiology. 2008 Jul;19(4):523-9 ix International Journal of Radiation Biology April 2011, Vol. 87, No. 4 , Pages 409-415 x, Non-Thermal Effects and Mechanisms of Interaction Between Electromagnetic Fields and Living Matter xi International Journal of Epidemiology June 2010;39(3):675-94 xii International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 2007: 13(1); 63-71

Sources from Dr. Mercola's latest expose on cell phone dangers

So this is a good example of "quantum biology" in action.

edit on 16-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Amazing 21 page pdf interview with qigong master Chunyi Lin!!

CHUNYI LIN: Right. There are thousands and thousands of different kinds of
Qigong in China.

Holy cow!

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Amazing 21 page pdf interview with qigong master Chunyi Lin!!

I like this quote:

Then, in the last century, in the early ‘30s, Qigong, this word, was adapted. The word ‘Qigong,’ ‘Qi’ means energy and ‘gong’ means the work of this energy. Once you get yourself attached to the universe, you’ve got endless energy to use, and you can discover how powerful you are.


posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Yeah Mary -- glad you're checking out this radical mind-blowing information.

Happy Solstice by the way -- the magnetic brain bliss kept me up for a couple hours in the middle of the night as like the Full Moon -- the energy is stronger three days before the event. then I had an amazing levitating flying full lotus dream. haha.

O.K. so the above vid is from what was a qigong hospital in China -- it got shut down during the Falun Gong crackdown -- but it was a whole hospital only using qigong healing and nothing else and the hospital claimed some 90 percent healing rate -- or better.

Here it is -- Chilel qigong medicineless hospital with 95% plus success rate

Here's another qigong master living in the U.K. doing amazing healing in Europe.

edit on 18-6-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Amazing 21 page pdf interview with qigong master Chunyi Lin!!

I like this visual, from page 11

JANET ATTWOOD: What does having a bigger heart have to do with being a better

CHUNYI LIN: First of all, you open yourself to the universe, you surrender yourself and let go of the ego. You don’t have to start very big. For instance, you love your parents, you love your grandparents, your grandma, you love your children, or you love your dog or cat. That’s the love, that’s the energy you want to have. Once you have that, once you feel that, then you can open yourself, you can actually open your heart to helping others.

Then you send out energy through the simple technique I call the Sword Fingers. You put the ring finger and the little finger together to touch the thumb. Then the index finger and the middle finger are put together pointing straight forward. You use that posture to help others, to send out energy through visualization . . .

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