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The Devil's Chord: The conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness and mystery of the octave

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posted on Mar, 28 2012 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

It's easier just to practice the exercises -- The half hour version is half the price So that's the 12 notes of the music scale as the infinite spiral of fifths for mind body transformation. Practice every day! Or you can just sit in full lotus.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

A great example “form of the formless” in action from the Khoisan trance healing culture is when the cable t.v. travel host Andrew Zimmern visited a traditional Bushmen village of the Juntwazee (Zimmern's spelling) to join in their hunting/gathering cuisine. Zimmern got an experience, a rare moment shown on cable t.v., much more than he expected: Toward what I believed to be the end of the evening, Xaxe, a great hunter, healer, and shaman, laid hands on me....I felt the energy, his energy, surge through my body. He had his hands on me for about twenty-five or thirty seconds, but it felt like he had only touched me for a split second. Time stood still. I literally had a short out of body experience. I could see him touching me from just above my body, almost like I was floating six feet off the ground, watching myself. All of a sudden I was back in my body observing an image of him thumbing through the book that contained all the pictures and moments in my life. I saw images of my childhood I hadn't remembered in years, pictures of my mother and me walking on a beach and shelling, very strong images. At the time, both during his touch and immediately afterward, I described it as him flipping through the pages of my life....Later the next morning, I spoke with Xaxe about the trance dance. He told me he wanted access to me in a way that was not possible through a translator....Xaxe's curiosity was such a caring, loving gesture....When he detached from me it felt like someone was unplugging a lamp from a wall socket. As he let go of me and continued to dance around the fire, I spontaneously burst into uncontrollable tears....I had been stripped to my emotional core, completely stunned by what I had witnessed so up close and personal.151 151 Andrew Zimmern, The Bizarre Truth: how I walked out the door mouth first – and came back shaking my head (Random House, 2009), 234-5.

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 12:27 PM

Thought I would throw that in the mix, some of the patterns looks familiar and I wouldn't be surprised to see them painted on ancient walls somewhere. Great thread

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Starchild23

Not necessarily, i was merely providing a kindness by placing before the author "trigger" thoughts as i like to call them, each in themselves would cause the intellectual as lotus most clearly is, to deduce the meaning of their itteration. Forcing he who strips all concepts to their inception and not their end to see the truth in it all, like i said i find many areas in his that when stripped down does not reveal truth or "reality". but i was merely being a sloth and did not provide many train triggers, i could do so now, but typing on the ipad is annoying so i will continue no further and let my post be concluded a fallacy
edit on 30-3-2012 by Tritan because: Errors

posted on Mar, 30 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

By the way im a musician. If you have the time i would like to hear what you think of my music "malstrumx" is my channel on youtube

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Tritan

I'm sure we can advance this discussion further now...


posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Americanist

What is particularly interesting is what happens when at the moment when the amino-acid brought by its tRNA is being hooked onto the ribosome. Something happens that Joel Sternheimer discovered, namely that the amino-acid at that moment emits a signal. This signal is a wave of quantum nature which is precisely called a scaling wave. This means that it connects different scales together and more particularly the scale of each amino-acid to the scale of the processing protein. This signal has a certain frequency and a certain wavelength. It's wavelengtht is given by a very classical formula known as the Louis de Broglie equation, ( ( h((m(). The equation of motion of this wave is a scale wave equation which includes a scale parameter, because the wave also propagates in scale and therefore connects different scales together. The general solution of this wave is a sum of waves analogous to light waves, but with speeds that are different. There is a fastest one and another one twice as slow, and still another one three times as slow, and so on. Schematically we can observe in protein synthesis the processing protein chain on one side and the amino-acids on the other side. At a given moment a wave is emitted from an amino-acid, then a slower one will arrive after a time twice as long, and a third one will arrive after a time three times as long, and so on. One will get periodic superpositions of the vibrations of the amino-acids. If we look at the frequencies associated to each amino-acid and transpose them 76 octaves then we obtain audible frequencies. Those frequencies are musical, to each amino-acid corresponds a musical note. If we look at the succession of frequencies and musical notes corresponding to the succession of amino-acids in a protein and we enters it in a synthesiser then we obtain a melodie. Such a melodie is susceptible to stimulate the corresponding protein biosynthesis. Melodies in phase opposition will inhibit the protein biosynthesis. Proteins who share similar melodies will find themselves homologous, they will stimulate each other. It is also possible that proteins share melodies in phase and phase opposition so they tend to stimulate or inhibit each other. It is important to pay attention to those vibratory interactions between the synthesis of different proteins. For example with these technique it is sometimes possible to predict the function of proteins comparing there vibratory sequence to each other. It would also be possible to predict some possible side-effects of medication or certain vibratory sequences more quickly. These techniques could permit a significant breakthrough in molecular biology and give new ways for studying and understanding the properties and the functions of the proteins. The protein melodies or proteodies we can hear acoustically are transpositions 76 octaves down of the quantum melodies of proteins. When organisms, whatever plants or animals, listen to the melody of a protein transposed, a resonance phenomenon occurs, which is scale resonance and will stimulate or inhibit, in case of phase opposition, the corresponding protein synthesis.

Joel Sternheimer has protein DNA music based on de Broglie

This research is based on translating Western music into Western math and then back again into Western music -- so what we hear is what we see! haha.

What we believe is what we see!

More details from this google review of Music and soulmaking book on music healing therapy
edit on 31-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:05 PM

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by fulllotusqigong

So we've come full circle...

Now to translate:

Isoleucine = Right seeing
IS o LEUCINE to read as phonetic ‘Eyes looking’

Leusine = Right thought
LEUS ine to read as phonetic ‘Loose’ i.e. lacking a sense of restraint or responsibility : also licentious, unchaste, immoral

Lysine = Right speech
LYS ine to be read as phonetic ‘Lies’, false statements or pieces of information deliberately presented as being true.

Methionine = Right action.
To conceal phonetics ‘Me’, ‘Thee’ (Thi) and ‘Thine’ (Thion). Concern for all, regarding our actions.

Phenylalanine = Right livelihood.
To be read as phonetic ‘Penny’ (Pheny) a line (L an INE). A penny, in UK currency, was a coin originally silver, later copper, bronze from 1860, formerly worth 1/240 of £1, now equal to a hundredth part of £1. There is also the term ‘bread line’, meaning to be living at subsistence level, a modern day epithet to describe the original state of Buddhist living. People living in the UK will be reminded of the weekly ‘football pool coupon’, a mainstay of British national existence primarily before the advent of the National Lottery, whereby nominal stakes to attempt to win a fortune were staked at a ‘penny a line’.

Threonine = Right effort.
To be read as phonetic ‘Thrown in’ (THREON ine = Throne). To put quickly into use or place, the colloquialism to ‘throw in’ as in colloquialism ‘throw in the towel’, to accept personal defeat, to give in, to oppose selfish, incorrect effort.

Tryptophan = Right mindfulness.
Concealing phonetic ‘tripped’ (TRYPT), colloquialism to ‘trip up’, meaning a mistake, slip up or blunder, to go wrong.

Valine = Right contemplation.
From vulgar Latin ‘Valiente’ (VALIEN te), to be strong, to possess, act with or show valour.

posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Americanist

This Buddhist master relic tour was covered by Mayo Clinic doctor Nisha Manek who co-authored a qigong chapter for a Mayo Clinic medical textbook with qigong master Chunyi Lin who also promoted this Buddha relic tour

So the crystallized bones are considered the jing energy -- a combination of blood-semen-spirit light-collagen-bone.

In music therapy -- the book I just linked -- it goes into detail about the neuropeptides activated by the collagen which is piezoelectric and so ultrasound activates it.... and also ELF waves as the heart thymus brain REM theta and delta.... which converts the stress cortisol into the love oxytocin....

So the rainbow body is astral spirit but on a deeper level is the Yang Spirit as another physical body created....

I asked Chunyi Lin about this and he said others did see his yang spirit -- bilocation -- while he was in meditation in his house -- they saw him physically outside. They told him about it later. So Poonjaji describes the same thing where he didn't know he bilocated but was told afterwards -- he had been in deep meditation -- detailed in David Godman's biography -- Nothing Ever Happened.

This research is then extended to the Buddha relics. We show that simple electrical devices can be imprinted with the unconditional loving kindness essence of the relics by just being in the presence of the Buddha relics. The resulting relic-influenced energy host device demonstrates remarkable space conditioning properties that are experimentally measurable and the excess thermodynamic potential can thus be calculated. These data provide dramatic examples of what is achievable for a directed human consciousness and also a framework for understanding spiritual realities such as loving kindness. This information will be more and more important in all areas of future human life, but none may be more urgent than that involved in the alleviation of suffering in all its forms.

edit on 31-3-2012 by fulllotusqigong because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 01:33 PM
Hi Drew, can i borrow your mind for a minute?

Bob 'Dobbs' Dean's wife Carolyn has come out with the RNA-Drops patent

it's made from sprouts apparently ... it's in the line of Flanagan and Ormus i am sure but your focus on them kinds of things being sharper than mine i just wonder if you don't mind having a look:

ps: me mom will be immobile within half a year i expect. It's the prednison and her 87 years adding up i guess. How's yours?

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 09:32 PM

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 05:16 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
I have also wondered if they would ever use cell towers to broadcast a frequency that resonates in the human ear or brain that causes audio hallucinations or stimulations.

Just sayin...

Well probably you had some kind of 6th sense about this.
I will give the link for the interview with Stewart Swerdlow about using this technology to manipulate human brain waves for mind control purpose.

Here is the interview:

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Galactic

Is this gonna wash my brain? Cause I have had enough brainwashing already! lol

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by Mary Rose
Good; you're linking to Richard Merrick's work. I find him to be credible.

You linked to "The Grand Scientific Musical Theatre."

Do you agree with his 410 page .pdf "Interference: A Grand Scientific Musical Theory"?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

No - because he does not take into account the origin of musics from Archytas -- he already assumes a logarithmic definition of music even though nonwestern music is the origin for logarithmic math. So it's the same mathematical cover-up of the origins of math from nonwestern music.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
nonwestern music is the origin for logarithmic math

Please refresh my memory. What source(s) did you cite for this?

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

Chapter 2 of my book. I'm not going to repeat myself so many times in this thread -- sorry.

Why not just practice the nonwestern music and find out for yourself? haha. do you think all those testimonials are lies? haha.

Do people actually pretend to be so slow that I have to repeat myself a zillion times? haha.

Technofeminists are the reason the Earth is being destroyed -- left brain dominance and right hand technology is a feeble attempt by female primates to avoid rape. It does not address the root cause which is the vagus nerve internal orgasm that males are not able to do unless they train in nonwestern trance dance shamanic healing.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
I'm not going to repeat myself so many times in this thread -- sorry.

Please be assured I was expressly asking that you NOT do that!!

Originally posted by fulllotusqigong
Do people actually pretend to be so slow that I have to repeat myself a zillion times? haha.

It's very unbecoming to insult fellow members. Especially members who have patiently participated on your thread and given it time and effort. Haha.

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