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Big Name Neuroscientist Announces Telepathy as Proven Fact!

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posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I think the GREYS Saved Me From the Damn Lizard Beings When I was Taken Sept-2006..They are already here on Earth..
Amy in NC

posted on Feb, 11 2012 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Send the Doctor a Message..Come on down to NC..Gaston County, Cleveland County ETC..surrounding areas..and when you can hear my TELEPATHIC will know this is REAL..Past US CUSTOMS and BORDER PATROL ID 194485 Class 626A Piegan, Montana Sept-2006

Amy in NC..waiting for the ET'S ships to land

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by WWu777

telepathy has been proven with '___' in the past from what i've heard. i saw his original story and i suppose that perception, or what u believe is reality. could it be only part of the brain or did he find the part that connects the two? just like the saying go's, "magic is only science that hasn't been proven yet" (someth'n like that) i have an amazing telekinetic occurance that only my kids believe because it sounds so rediculous to anyone else, but it's true! but more to the story, tell me that you don't feel when something or someone is 'wrong'.maybe it's our knowledge and experience kicking in, maybe our intuition, maybe our phycic abilities that sometimes may not be what you think because we obviously haven't fine tuned these abilities, but we all have them to a certain extent. just remember, there's usually more to the pic than we can see so don't be too much of a cinic.
edit on 12-2-2012 by robbyraw because: wanted to add and clarify

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Wonders

It is 12:12 pm right now. Have you gone home or no?

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Just because someone has the word "Dr" attached to their name doesn't mean they are exempt from being a quack. Look at Dr Steven Greer - megaquack! Interesting take he has, but I don't buy it. Just because people have some trippy experience when their brains are in an altered state doesn't prove crap. Everything else is just reading into it and finding the answer that you want.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by jaketyson85
Just because someone has the word "Dr" attached to their name doesn't mean they are exempt from being a quack. Look at Dr Steven Greer - megaquack! Interesting take he has, but I don't buy it. Just because people have some trippy experience when their brains are in an altered state doesn't prove crap. Everything else is just reading into it and finding the answer that you want.

you're acting like all he did was state a theory or hypothesis. he has evidence. atleast when i read this thread 3 days ago i thought he did. i'll take another check

yeh you should really watch that hour long video if u get the chance. he presents a lot of studies which i haven't followed up on yet but will when video is over
edit on 12-2-2012 by biggmoneyme because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by stringman
Great find.

Just he states that telepathy can be learned. I believe it can be forgotten. I'm sure we can all remember when we were young, how easily we could tap into this force. But as we grow older we become conditioned by society to deny and learn to foget the natural process that links us telepathicaly to the natural world.

i think you're right. I used to be able to predict when my mom was about to pull up 100% on the money everytime. i'd go outside and walk to the end of the driveway and she'd be there. as i got older i began to think it wasn't anything more than coincidence and then i eventually couldn't do it anymore

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 04:06 PM
Dr. Persinger should focus his research to the corpus callosum as being the primary transceiver for telepathy. Every "thought" is a series of electrical signals. Every electrical signal (current) produces a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of that current flow. The callosum is the "bridge" whereby those signals pass between both hemispheres linearly. Therefore those thoughts produce magnetic fields, which is part of the M.O. of his hypothesis. There's more to it but that's where it starts. I'm not convinced quantum entanglement has anything to do with the phenomenon, but who knows!

Emotive transmission and induction is more of what he is working on though. True telepathy is the transmission and reception of complex thoughts, which will ultimately include all other sensory input as a kind of shared interactive virtual reality between two or more people.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Miraj


It's only pseudoscience because of how it is viewed. If it becomes explainable and measurable then it will become valid science.
I think this tapped area he is dealing with is the same area that say a ouija board works on. Whats funny is that if you want to patent something, you have to also be able to explain exactly how it works. I want to know how in the hell parker brothers patented that toy.

What we have come to know as our subconscious, is looking more like a disabled ability in our brain. I stated earlier that there have never been any confirmed tests done to prove that our brains are in fact working up to par. As a matter of fact every wiki on the subject makes it quite clear that we know very little about the brain. Even on debunking the 10% bring myth, they say they are sure its a myth based on nothing of fact, and at the same time make it clear that we know very little about the brain. So which is it?

The pineal gland we have always heard about is the missing link. It's dormant and has been labled with several fitting descriptions that I'm sure will change again in the near future. The fact is, just like the 10% myth, they don't know. The pineal gland is responsible for something along the lines of a hyper link between the cerebal cortex and cerrebellum. As it stands right now, our brain is basically asleep. They can record a few neuro flashes in the brain here and there, but if it were working correctly it would be lit up like a light bulb.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by WWu777

hmm well he must not be that much of a big name because I did a search at Science Daily and his name did not come up for anything.

Your sources are skeptic and dailygrail?

sounds like a half wit quack to me.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by tetra50

While Persinger’s experiments could prove groundbreaking, he remains doubtful about his controversial findings reaching his colleagues, “I think the critical thing about science is to be open-minded. It’s really important to realize that the true subject matter of science is the pursuit of the unknown. Sadly scientists have become extraordinarily group-oriented. Our most typical critics are not are mystic believer types. They are scientists who have a narrow vision of what the world is like.”
reply to post by WWu777

I find all of this fascinating, but this quote of his above, is of particular interest to me. I have been debating this point on more than one thread, and on a thread that doesn't necessarily deal with the same topic as this one, but a topic closely linked. The member who created that thread, even though I agreed with his information, insisted that any other information regarding what he had posted was scientifically disinformative, while asserting only one science based viewpoint was possible. The way it relates is someone brought up telepathy in his thread and was treated as an idiot--face palms, etc. In fact, that thread was also about AI computer interfaces to human brain, but using ELF, electric low frequency. He asserted that electromagnetic fields were solely about voice to skull, but could not induce emotional states. Very happy to run across your research and thread. I knew this was out there, but could not remember this particular scientist's name despite racking my brain the last two days and looking for the research, so thank you.
But also, it becomes frustrating to debate science with people so close minded to what science really is intended to be, as stated in the quote above. However, I am not very happy about where I believe this research has brought us, and what must of it is arising out of and how it has been used for nefarious purposes for a very long time.

Remember in the olden days, when we used to have antennas on our TVs? And sometimes, when the reception was lousy, we'd go over and adjust them to get better reception. But, we almost never got it right away. We had to fiddle with it a bit, and narrow down which directions would get us the best reception. Why did we have to do that? Why not just grab the thing and move it to whatever position was best, in one try?

Ah! I got it! Because when we touched the antenna, the reception immediately got much better, even though we had not moved it yet. Why did it do that? Because our bodies ARE antennas. We have thousands of miles of neural pathways, elegantly laid out inside ourselves, and not dependent on any special wavelength measurements. We have all of them.

Personally, I believe our brains are not the seat of consciousness, but the receivers of it. And as we grow up, we are taught by others, which signals are important and which are "imaginary". And we dutifully learn to filter out and/or ignore the ones that we are taught to.....sometimes quite forcefully.

It is interesting to me, that just as many many astronomically aware mystical systems and legends tell us that 2012 is an important time of change for the entire planet and all us humans, we just happen to be entering a section of our galaxy that scientists refer to as the photon belt...which is of a greater energy than the space we usually proceed through. I wonder if WGOD or WUFO have upped their signal......

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by WWu777

Thank you for sharing.

Saving this for later when I can really start digging through this.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by itsthetooth
reply to post by Miraj


It's only pseudoscience because of how it is viewed. If it becomes explainable and measurable then it will become valid science.
I think this tapped area he is dealing with is the same area that say a ouija board works on. Whats funny is that if you want to patent something, you have to also be able to explain exactly how it works. I want to know how in the hell parker brothers patented that toy.

What we have come to know as our subconscious, is looking more like a disabled ability in our brain. I stated earlier that there have never been any confirmed tests done to prove that our brains are in fact working up to par. As a matter of fact every wiki on the subject makes it quite clear that we know very little about the brain. Even on debunking the 10% bring myth, they say they are sure its a myth based on nothing of fact, and at the same time make it clear that we know very little about the brain. So which is it?

The pineal gland we have always heard about is the missing link. It's dormant and has been labled with several fitting descriptions that I'm sure will change again in the near future. The fact is, just like the 10% myth, they don't know. The pineal gland is responsible for something along the lines of a hyper link between the cerebal cortex and cerrebellum. As it stands right now, our brain is basically asleep. They can record a few neuro flashes in the brain here and there, but if it were working correctly it would be lit up like a light bulb.

And why do Kings and Pharaohs and Popes and Sorcerers, all seem to wear those funny antenna shaped hats? Hmmmmm....maybe the tinfoil hat folks aren't trying to keep something out with their head gear...but, maybe pull something in? I know my wireless connection works better with half an aluminum can behind it....

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 12:06 AM
So the God Helmet guy has a protogee named Todd Murphy. He has a series of 6 lectures available on youtube pretty much covering more of the same from the OP vid, only in greater detail. He explains what is happening in the brain during various states such as NDE and enlightenment. Each lecture runs about 90 minutes, so the are fairly beefy in length, but worth it if you are interested in the subject matter.

This is only a link to the 4th video in the series, which covers psychic skills.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
Very cool find WWu777 – S&F. It just goes to show in an age when so many people think we've nearly got all the answers we've actually only just discovered the very tip of the iceberg.

Shame you didn't post this in the 'Science and Technology' Forum, this would have definitely ruffled a few feathers there.....

Well free free to share this thread in that section.

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 11:40 AM
best post i have seen in awhile really got me thinking

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Wonders

For the record, I am alive!
Thinking it was possible for me to die on the 12th gave me a lot to think about. I've learned and grown through this experience, the main point being that it's better to be alive and unloved, than to be dead without having loved. An observant person hardly needs telepathy as people generally imagine telepathy to be, because imo you can look at people's facial expressions and body language inconsideration in addition to their words and get the gist of the whole message. I don't doubt telepathy at all.

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Thurisaz

Wow, you did a search at one site and didn't find anything? Must be bullplonk.

I don't suppose you happened to check his publication listing on the Laurentian University site?

edit on 14-2-2012 by TheStev because: Typo

posted on Feb, 14 2012 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder

Originally posted by Vandettas
"a device that stimulates temporal lobes with a weak magnetic field in order to produce religious states."

Religious states? A helmet can make someone who uses it religious?
I remember reading something about it a while ago. Apparently he was able to prove that there is a part in our brain designated to religious states of mind (as the poster above explains), it's this part of our brain that makes us sometimes believe that there is a higher power. If I remember correctly, he claimed that some people make use of this part of their brain much more than others. This part of the brain is basically our 'spiritual' center, and it's not just related to religious states of mind, but basically most spiritual frames of mind, so I'm not surprised to see that this has led to this discovery. PS -I am not religious but I'm a fairly spiritual type of person. I guess some people use this part of their brain in different ways.

Someone definitely needs to check out if this is true. I find this very hard to believe, on account that we have atheists in the house. If you don't have or believe in religion what does this make this statement? Untrue right?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Vandettas

whoa, gotta stop ya there buddy, religion is a broad variety of different beliefs and most claim they are the ones who are right, that has nothing to do with believing in GOD or anything/one else. religion is mostly a control machine, an escape for some, sheeps clothing for others, sometimes a place to get in 'tune' with GOD and other, and the basis for the war machine.

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