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Big Name Neuroscientist Announces Telepathy as Proven Fact!

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posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by doomedtoday
I am a psychology major, we are told not to believe in pseudoscience and whatnot. However, that doesn't stop me from being very interested in the subject. While I do remain skeptical about many things, I will still approach it with an open mind.

I find the bolded line (emphasis mine) very amusing. Your professors need a slap. But well done for keeping an open mind, never close it


This is a very interesting thread OP, I'll be bookmarking for later reading.

I have two stories that relate to this thread somewhat, i would like to share quickly.

When i was a young teenager, my friend told me she woke up with incredible pain in her right side and a deep forboding feeling that something serious had happened to her Father (who had been seperated from her mother for a long time). Apparantly that night, he had been having severe pains in his right side with a high fever, his then wife who was away told him on the phone to call an ambulance, but he jumped in his car to go to A&E and crashed on his way. He had appendicitis and his appendix ruptured whilst he was on his way to A&E in his car. He died before the ambulance got him to hospital.

Also, a few years ago. I had a real vivid dream that a friend i had known sincie i was knee high had been in a car accident, i awoke before i could find out in the dream what had happened to him. That afternoon i emailed him asking him if he was ok and told him about my dream. He did indeed crash his car, luckilly only getting away with a few minor scratches and bruises and a very sore but not busted leg.

edit on 15-2-2012 by skitzspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 07:14 AM
Thanks for this. I loved that last question lol.

This also confirmed a lot of things for me and also learned of new things.

The entire time I had my thread in mind and the Emerald Tablets along with some Spirit Science.. man.. lots of things add up so much more than they did now.

Michael Persinger is a great speaker too. His lips move like jagger

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by robbyraw
reply to post by Vandettas

whoa, gotta stop ya there buddy, religion is a broad variety of different beliefs and most claim they are the ones who are right, that has nothing to do with believing in GOD or anything/one else. religion is mostly a control machine, an escape for some, sheeps clothing for others, sometimes a place to get in 'tune' with GOD and other, and the basis for the war machine.

If someone doesn't believe in ANYTHING. There are people like that. Like me.
So what happens then?

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Vandettas

my guess is chaos. no dought if certain people didn't have 'the fear of GOD' in them they could do some nasty things, maybe on a wider scale at least. then again, people have done some nasty things in the name of GOD as well, i guess there's no happy medium for this world or as a whole haven't evolved enough to find it.

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 12:30 PM
I just realized what they're doing and why they brought him out with this info.

He is under their thumb, a materialist, which is actually the most illogical opinion for a scientist to embrace, based on tons of data, and also quantum physics. So they want to CONTROL this information, and put it into their box.

Why come out with it even? Hmmmmm... CME's are waking people up and they know alot more are coming, and they've been doing this work for a long long time now, in secret, and they know natural telepathy, without a device, is possible and they also know Spirit is real. But they don't want you to know this.

But those CME's are coming. So a controlled, distorted presentation is being brought out to try and shape our awakening.

Now the magnetic filed is not the Library. It may store data here, but its not WHO YOU ARE.

You are not your AI body suit.

Now, my memories all relate to off planet experiences and I have no direct memories of earth. Except in the capacity of having done some kind of caretaking of nature in a Spirit Form. ie during a forest fire tried to leap out of my body to protect nature, and remembered that we used song, and sound frequency/harmonics.

I will repeat, the ones they're studying, such as Ingo Swan will tell you, you are a multi dimensional being, and he in his data base, relates information that science already knows and has proven about numerous PSI toggle spots found throughout the body, even in our heart and stomach, and that we have hundreds of psi toggle dna mechanisms, that have atrophied.

So don't buy into any more programming, but start to ask yourself in quiet moments. Another good image to see is this. Picture yourself as this tiny thimble of consiousness/soul. And really this is the dim part of us, we're the consciousness without memories in a lower frequency place. But this is only one clip in the infinite film of our lives, so, we are infinite light beings.

So instead picture a huge vase, and see more of yourself pouring out of a spring of living waters, into your huge huge cup/vase, filling yourself up with more of yourself, more than a golf ball size orb, see more and more of yourself. And start to seek and ask yourself some questions.

Also, picture all the toggle spots, just see them as light switches everywhere, and the ones by your ears, just in front, and turn them on.

Once again this link:

Highly recommend wading through Ingo Swans essays.
edit on 15-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

He is under their thumb, a materialist, which is actually the most illogical opinion for a scientist to embrace, based on tons of data, and also quantum physics.

What? You mean Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla were all illogical?

Sure scientists sometimes express some kind of 'Cartesian anxiety' but this is a failure on their part to see past the false dichotomy that is the idea you either fall in on the side of a fundamental separation of 'mind' and 'body', or adopt the relativist model beloved by poststructuralists. The answer to conundrum is to understand the process of the dialectic (thesis / antithesis => thesis ad infinitum), which defines the material world and our own place in it.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 09:12 PM
Check out the links. The Shakti lectures are interesting. They claim that under the influence of "the God Helmet" even avowed atheists have seen personages of God. It doesn't matter what you believe, only what your personal image of God is inside your mind. That is what you see.

It has also created feelings of doom and intense fear, depending on which side of the amygdala is stimulated...

Very interesting.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Tallone

Nikola Tesla was not materialist at all, he lived for his science and so did Einstein.

Tesla was one of the greatest minds the world has ever known, the things he discovered not even today the science understands, such as the "hutchinson effect", he would make incredibly creative and complicated plans in his mind and stack toughts, a capability only seen in movies, he never used a blueprint. He died alone, ill nourished and poor.

A bit different from the comfortable system-accomodating intellectual, who will think and say anything to keep his payroll healthy.

Calling Tesla materialist is an oxymoron.
edit on 16-2-2012 by Marco0Aurelio because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Rocketman7

You're not talking about the Source of Consciousness, but instead something else, the Hijacked Matrix, which many know has happened.
edit on 10-2-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

Unity, I'm interested in hearing more about this, do you know the story?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Marco0Aurelio
reply to post by Tallone

Nikola Tesla was not materialist at all, he lived for his science and so did Einstein.

Tesla was one of the greatest minds the world has ever known, the things he discovered not even today the science understands, such as the "hutchinson effect", he would make incredibly creative and complicated plans in his mind and stack toughts, a capability only seen in movies, he never used a blueprint. He died alone, ill nourished and poor.

A bit different from the comfortable system-accomodating intellectual, who will think and say anything to keep his payroll healthy.

Calling Tesla materialist is an oxymoron.
edit on 16-2-2012 by Marco0Aurelio because: (no reason given)

well telsa called albert a metaphysicalist so it'd be safe to call telsa materialist

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Marco0Aurelio

Research what materialism means - in the PHILOSOPHIC sense. Not as used in the popular usage.

Science focuses on energy, matter and processes. These are precisely the concern of every scientist. Can you find Wiki?

edit on 17-2-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Tallone
reply to post by Marco0Aurelio

Research what materialism means - in the PHILOSOPHIC sense. Not as used in the popular usage.

Science focuses on energy, matter and processes. These are precisely the concern of every scientist. Can you find Wiki?

edit on 17-2-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

Well, the whole phillosophycal concept of materialism is quite shaky right now to start with, don't you think?

"So it is tempting to use ‘physicalism’ to distance oneself from what seems the historically important but no longer scientifically relevant thesis of materialism."

(from Wikipedia article "Materialism")

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Marco0Aurelio

Nope not shaky at all.

One more time. Materialism in the philosophic sense. No, lets make it clearer, not in the sense Madonna is meaning in 'Material Girl'.

Or maybe these definitions and explanations.

edit on 18-2-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 03:39 AM
Try this out Space Weather, on the right there is an archives option. Go through major dates of the Arab Spring and Occupy Protests, the death of Osama, 9/11, etc.

Put it to the test of what Persinger was saying about proton and electron content and geomagnetic conditions affecting how we think, and how far we bother to go with our thoughts. I would like to map the peak of each war to that of the sun cycles, to see what matches up.

CME impact, high proton/electron content = Static, can't feel or think as clear. Prone to more drastic decisions, dramatic actions that negatively affect others, etc.

Quiet conditions, low proton/electron content = More clear and concise thoughts, connections.

First Day of Arab Spring, December 18th, 2011 Sun

QUIET SUN: Solar activity is very low. WIth no sunspots producing strong flares, the sun's x-ray output has flatlined. Significant flares are unlikely this weekend.

SPIRAL COMET TAIL: As Comet Lovejoy recedes intact from its Dec. 16th close encounter with the sun, researchers are pondering a mystery: What made the comet's tail wiggle so wildly in transit through the sun's atmosphere? The effect is clear in this sequence of extreme UV images recorded by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft: Comet

First Day of Occupy Wall Street, September 17th, 2011

"GEOMAGNETIC STORM: As predicted by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at ~03:30 UT on Sept 17th.

"The auroras were spectacular at times, with a lot of rayed bands, coronas and arcs," he says. "This is the first time I have ever seen auroras around me 360 degrees." Sun, Auroras

OWS: Sept 24

"At least 80 arrests are made by the NYPD, after protesters begin marching uptown, forcing the closure of several streets. Soon after the arrests, videos begin to appear around the web. In particular, public concern is raised by a video released later in the day showing young women being maced by a police officer."

SATURDAY X-FLARE: Behemoth sunspot 1302 unleashed another strong flare on Saturday morning--an X1.9-category blast at 0940 UT. Sun, Flare

Date of Osama's 'Death'

SOUTHERN LIGHTS: The solar wind impact sparked auroras over both ends of the planet. "After a slow start to the aurora observing season, we are finally getting some beautiful Aurora Australis here at the geographic South Pole (90 degrees S. latitude)," reports J. Dana Hrubes, science leader at the Amundsen-Scott Station. He took this picture at the peak of the geomagnetic storm on May 1st. Aurora

September 11, 2001

SUNSPOT WATCH: An impressive sunspot complex, sprawling 30 Earth diameters from end to end, is crossing the Sun's central meridian today.Magnetograms of the region reveal a twisted delta-class magnetic field that could harbor energy for powerful X-class solar flares. Sun .gif

Sun 2 .gif

It's interesting to see what the oh mighty one was doing on these dates of importance.
edit on 18/2/12 by murkraz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Yeah the now can potentially become hellish but my point is there are tools, you can beat the game, you (if you have radiant soul, which makes you a target) are strong, you have nothing to fear, you only need to come to terms with yourself, with your purpouse, your way, seek in and out for answers and tools and be present and conscious and strive for a directed balance (not an entropic kind of balance but a life focused negentropic one)
reply to post by Marco0Aurelio

Just wanted to say thank you because you provided a perspective for me to deal with suffering, and this is invaluable in these times, at least for me personally. Thanks again.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Vandettas
If someone doesn't believe in ANYTHING. There are people like that. Like me.
So what happens then?

If you didn't believe in anything, you'd be a brain dead vegetable incapable of functioning. Belief doesn't only apply to religious, paranormal or conspiracies. Every aspect of our lives requires belief. You go to work because you believe your boss will pay you, but that's not always the case, lots of people get screwed over. You vote for politicians because you believe they are the best person for the job, yet that belief is more often than not misplaced. Beliefs are not something you choose, they are instilled through experience.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 02:21 PM
Of course Telepathy is real.... why wouldn't it be?

It just doesn't work the way that it's portrayed and it mostly doesn't work "On tap" either.

Much like Claircognizance too.

posted on Feb, 18 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by The Cusp

Every aspect of our lives requires belief…
Beliefs are not something you choose, they are instilled through experience.

You are so very right. Good post! Add to those beliefs you noted the belief in the money we hold in our hand. Experience teaches us most people share our belief the coin or note has value, and not just that but precisely how much value.

Belief is indeed instilled by experience good and bad.

Just wanted to add here the way we act because of our beliefs, the result of experience, is an example of material cause and effect - the dialectic. Cause results in effect results in cause ad infinitum.
edit on 18-2-2012 by Tallone because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by tetra50

You're welcome

posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by Tallone

I think you aren't paying attention to this: "no longer scientifically relevant thesis of materialism."

The thesis is no longer relevant, because physics theory is not classical physics anymore if you know what I mean, Einstein speaks of the spacetime being curved (not material), light is considered both particle and wave (not the material def used in materialism), energy is considered to be created and destroyed at the quantum level, the observer is a very important part in physics, if you still don't understand why materialism in the way to try to use it is obsolete, I'm sorry I'm not going to explain it any further.

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