posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 07:00 PM
I wouldn't mind being the Defense Attourney, as all I'd have to do is object that the "evidence" is unadmisible in a court of law, it being
opinions of a few people and not the Constitutions of Freemasonry.
This is why I consider you with no offense, second to manuer. You must learn man, that you're reading opinions found in books by men who were born
about 1000 years AFTER the creation of Freemasonry as it is today, and born about 200 years after Freemasonry's rules were officially written down
and adopted by the first Grand Lodge, the Grand Lodge of England.
And because of this, they are not even legitimate sources.
Why is it I tell you the Grand Master is the ONLY power in his Jurisdiction, and you don't listen...that's why you are a fool.
A master can't open his lodge if the lodge charter is not present, not if Morals and Dogma is not present or some other book by some individual.
When will you get it through your thick head, that Masonry has laws, and regulations that pertain to ALL Master Masons, and 33rds are not "above"
the Grand Master, or the Worshipful Master.
At any time the Worshipful Master can say, "Get out of my lodge" even if he were a Master Mason and belonged to no appendages.