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How did the freemasons start

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posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 02:49 PM
Whats their official version of events and what is the truth? Any ideas?

posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 02:56 PM
Probably in yor local library:
Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry
by John J. Robinson

posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 03:16 PM
Here's the most accepted version, endorsed by Freemasons -- and many of their detractors -- (and you don't even have to buy a book!)


The honest answers to the questions when, where and why Freemasonry originated are that we simply do not know. Early evidence for Freemasonry is very meager and not enough has yet been discovered - to prove any theory. The general agreement amongst serious Masonic historians and researchers is that Freemasonry has arisen, either directly or indirectly, from the medieval stonemasons (or operative masons) who built great cathedrals and castles.

Those who favor the direct descent from operative masonry say there were three stages to the evolution of Freemasonry. The stonemasons gathered in huts (lodges) to rest and eat. These lodges gradually became not the hut but the grouping together of stonemasons to regulate their craft. In time, and in common with other trades, they developed initiation ceremonies for new apprentices.

We know that in the early 1600s these operative lodges began to admit men who had no connection with the trade - accepted or 'gentlemen' masons. Why this was done and what form of ceremony was used is not known. As the 1600s drew to a close more and more gentlemen began to join the lodges, gradually taking them over and turning them into lodges of free and accepted or speculative masons, no longer having any connection with the stonemasons' craft.

This theory is based on evidence from Scotland. There is ample evidence of Scottish operative lodges, geographically defined units with the backing of statute law to control what was termed 'the mason trade'. There is also plenty of evidence that these lodges began to admit gentlemen and former "Knights Templars" as accepted masons. Medieval building records have references to mason's lodges in 1400s.

Yet it is in England that the first evidence of a lodge completely made up of non-operative masons is found. Elias Ashmole, the Antiquary and Founder of the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, records in his diary for 1646 that he was made a Free Mason in a lodge held for that purpose at his father-in-law's house in Warrington. He records who was present, all of whom have been researched and have been found to have no connection with operative masonry. English evidence through the 1600s points to Freemasonry existing apart from any actual or supposed organization of operative stonemasons.

This total lack of evidence for the existence of operative Lodges but evidence of 'accepted' masons has led to the theory of an indirect link between operative stonemasonry and Freemasonry. Those who support the indirect link argue that Freemasonry was brought into being by a group of men in the late 1500s or early 1600s. This was a period of great religious and political turmoil and intolerance. Men were unable to meet together without differences of political and religious opinion leading to arguments. Families were split by opposing views and the English civil war of 1642-6 was the ultimate outcome. Those who support the indirect link believe that the originators of Freemasonry were men who wished to promote tolerance and build a better world in which men of differing opinions could peacefully co-exist and work together for the betterment of mankind. In the custom of their times they used allegory and symbolism to pass on their ideas.

As their central idea was one of building a better society they borrowed their forms and symbols from the operative builders' craft and took their central allegory from the Bible, the common source book known to all, in which the only building described in any detail is King Solomon's Temple. Stonemasons' tools also provided them with a multiplicity of emblems to illustrate the principles they were putting forward.

A newer theory places the origin of Freemasonry within a charitable framework. In the 1600s there was no welfare state, anyone falling ill or becoming disabled had to rely on friends and the Poor Law for support. In the 1600s many trades had what have become known as box clubs. These grew out of the convivial gatherings of members of a particular trade during meetings of which all present would put money into a communal box, knowing that if they fell on hard times they could apply for relief from the box. From surviving evidence these box clubs are known to have begun to admit members not of their trade and to have had many of the characteristics of early Masonic lodges. They met in taverns, had simple initiation ceremonies and pass-words and practiced charity on a local scale. Perhaps Freemasonry had its origins in just such a box club for operative masons.

Although it is not yet possible to say when, why or where Freemasonry originated it is known where and when "organized" Freemasonry began. On 24 June 1717 four London lodges came together at the Goose and Gridiron Ale House in St Paul's Churchyard, formed themselves into a Grand Lodge and elected a Grand Master (Anthony Sayer) and Grand Wardens.

For the first few years the Grand Lodge was simply an annual feast at which the Grand Master and Wardens were elected, but in 1721 other meetings began to be held and the Grand Lodge began to be a regulatory body. By 1730 it had more than one hundred lodges under its control (including one in Spain and one in India), had published a Book of Constitutions, began to operate a central charity fund, and had attracted a wide spectrum of society into its lodges.

In 1751 a rival Grand Lodge appeared, made up of Freemasons of mainly Irish extraction who had been unable to join lodges in London. Its founders claimed that the original Grand Lodge had departed from the established customs of the Craft and that they intended practicing Freemasonry 'according to the Old Institutions'. Confusingly they called themselves the Grand Lodge of Ancients and dubbed their senior rival 'Moderns'. The two rivals existed side by side, both at home and abroad, for 63 years, neither regarding the other as regular or each other's members as regularly made Freemasons. Attempts at a union of the two rivals began in the late 1790s but it was not until 1809 that negotiating committees were set up. They moved slowly and it was not until His Royal Highness Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex became Grand Master of the Premier Grand Lodge and his brother, His Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, became Grand Master of the Ancients Grand Lodge, both in 1813, that serious steps were taken.

In little more than six weeks the two brothers had formulated and gained agreement to the Articles of Union between the two Grand Lodges and arranged the great ceremony by which the United Grand Lodge of England came into being on 27 December 1813.

The formation of the premier Grand Lodge in 1717 had been followed, around 1725, by the Grand Lodge of Ireland and, in 1736, the Grand Lodge of Scotland. These three Grand Lodges, together with Antients Grand Lodge, did much to spread Freemasonry throughout the world, to the extent that all regular Grand Lodges throughout the world, whatever the immediate means of their formation, ultimately trace their origins back to one, or a combination, of the Grand Lodges within the British Isles.


posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 05:18 PM
Here is a long file that contains the version told to 33d degree Freemasons. From Old Cahier of the 33d Degree, by Albert Pike, first Sovereign Grand Commander of The Supreme Council Of The 33d Degree.

Read the part at the end about the entry of a 33d Degree into a lodge. Those boys need to have a long talk with the coach. IMHO

Old Cahier
Pages 14-15 The Knights Templar
Explanation of the Degree
Hear, my dear Brother the object of Masonry, its establishment, and on what it is based.
1st.- The Degree Or Apprentice the first in Masonry represents to us the establishment of those
Illustrious Knights who reigned over the earth before and after the coming of Jesus Christ, under
the distinctive title, at first of Sage of Israel; and afterwards of Canon of the Holy Sepulchre. The
mode in which we were prepared, when for the first time introduced into a Lodge, represents to
us those Knights, who were long withhout coats, that they might he distinguished from others.
The heart and left arm naked, signify that they were ever ready to sacrifice themselves for the
faith of Jesus Christ. The knee uncovered denoted their submissiveness to the Grand Master, and
to the laws of the Order. The left foot slippered signifies that they abandoned everything, to war
against the enemies of our Holy religion. The eyes bandaged denotes that they closed their eyes
to every thing that could corrupt them/ That they were deprived of all metals indicates that they
regarded riches as the symbol of vice; or, that their Order was not founded by gold or silver, but
by valour and virtue; wherefore they had neither land nor income. The Temple of Solomon,
represented us as one of the most magnificent buildings of any age, is a symbol of the Beauty and
Splendour of the Order. The signs, words and grips denote the scrupulous care which they took,
not to receive among them unworthy men, not to he confounded with worthless, impious and
barbarous persons; and to recognize one another during the wars they had to wage against the
enemies of their faith. They vowed never to change their religion, to which the oath aludes,
which you were caused to take during your reception. No one was admitted into this Respectable
Order, unless he were noble and a gentleman, nor until after careful investigation as to his life
and morals, and the result thereof declared by three several ballots. When one was thus
determined to be admissible he was a Novice during three years, in the second order five Years;
and at the end of seven years he was received and acknowledged Grand Knight of the Order, and
invested with its dignities. That is shadowed forth by the three journeys, the tests, and he
numbers 3..,5..,7.. You entered the degree of Fellow-Craft clothed except the neck, and slippered
which signifies that our brethren have always been so, while multiplying under Emanuel
Philibert, they twice changed their name-first taking that of 'Knights of St. John', and afterwards
that of 'Hospitallers'. That Prince directed that they should wear the red Cross; which is
represented by the change of dress in the Apprentice's degree. That of Fellow-Craft also refers to
the evidences of friendship which they received from the Patriarch of Jerusalem.
The seven steps that we ascend show that the Knights trod under face the seven capital sins, to
gain admission into this Respecyable Order.
The Blazing Star, wherein is the initial of the name of Deity, in Hebrew (yod), signifies that
they never lost sight of the Divine light which lighted them; and that every Mason should do as
duty did.
It was impossible that our Order so excellent should not experience trouble. At the time when
the Archbishop of Tye gave them the name of Knights Templars, they were already very
numerous, and had received from Princes and the Patriarchs considerable donations to furnish
them a support. While they were warring for religion, a Monster was found among them, whom
the Grand Master sentenced to perpetual imprisonment on account of his evil courses. This
person, regarded an the first assassin of Hiram had a fellow prisoner, a Florentine named
Noffodei. He is represented by the "Unknown," the second Elu. This monster of a Knight
divulged to Noffodei the secrets of the Templars, and maliciously accused them of all sorts of
abominable practices. They agreed together to denounce them to the King hoping by that means
to obtain their freedom and even great rewards. And in effect, the King, advised thereof caused
them to be interrogated and thought it proper that the calumnies and falsehoods of these wretches
should be inquired into. He wrote to the Pope upon the subject, and investigations made, and
caused a great number of Knights to be arrested and imprisoned. The most cruel tortures were
used, to compel them to confess the crimes with which they were charged. Firm in their
innocence they bore with courage these tortures, but their firmness could not relieve them of the
hatrd and greed of the King who caused all the possessions of the Order to he confiscated for his
benefit. The Pope even consented thereto. Soon after followed the sentence of death of the Grand
Master, condemned by the Council appointed by the King and Pope. He was burned alive,
protesting his innocence in the midst of the flames, in the presence of a very great number of the
Knights. His death was the annihilation of the Order. Behold, my Brother, the true explanation of
the Master's Degree.
The Respectable Master Hiram, assassinated in the Temple, is the Grand Master of the
Templars, who perished when at the head of the most brilliant of Orders. The three assassins are
the King, the Pope, and the imprisoned Knight. Our order represents the sorrow that we ought to
feel for the loss of so great a man, whose tomb you here see. The cypher is formed of the two
initials of his real name. This blazing urn upon it represents the sacrifice of his body, offered up
by the Grand Master, and the fire represents the purity of his inoccence. All the accessories that
you see around the tomb, are symbols of the virtues of an order too unworthily destroyed. The
Angel, holding in one hand a crown and in the other a palm-branch. represents to us the glory and
immortality of the Grand Master whose ashes were reverentially gathered up by some most
worthy Brethren. The Sun and Moon which you see obscured are the image of entire nature
suffering from the destruction of so excellent an Order. After these events, my Bro.., many
Knights of the Temple were dispersed in all parts of the world. and established themselves as
Knights Kadosh.
The sign is given by gripping the heart with the right hand; which means that our hearts should
always be incorruptible, then by gripping the right knee, to show that we should submit to
everything that is required of us for the good of the Order.
The word is ADONAI the first word of the cry of the Grand Master in the midst of the flames;
when he summoned the King and Pope to appear before the Tribunal of God, before the
expiration of the year,to do him justice.
The password is MANEHEM meaning "Vengeance."
You are now about to hear the true history of Masonry and the prosecutor of those unfortunate
Five kinds of religious persons pguarded the Holy Land professing aims for the defense of
religion, and to facilitate the devotion of the Pilgrims, whom they maintained while journeying
therein. The first of these were called Knights of the First Sepulcher. They were the first who
wore the red Cross over the breast. Their head was James the Just, brother of the first patriarch of
Jerusalem. The Prince Philibert-Emanuel of Savoy was appointed their first Grand Master. He
assumed the double red Cross; and having selected a great number of Nobles and Valiant
Knights, he gave them the simple Cross as a mark of Knighthood. the colour of this ornament
was selected in order an perpetuate the memory of the blood shed by our Saviour, and to
announce that all the Knights were ready to shed theirs, and to sacrifice themselves for the faith
and the Catholic Religion. These Knights afterwards took the name of Canons, then that of
Knights of St. John, and finally that of Hospitallers. The latter were the predecessors of the
Templars who received that name from the Archbishop of Tye. Between the hands of that Prelate
they vowed to live wise and chaste as regular Canons, without coveting the wealth of others, and
to fight for the Holy Religion- First among them were Hugues de Paganis and Godefroi de St.
Omer. They had neither Church nor House. King Baldwin II gave them, for a time, a house near
the Temple, at the South gat:e and granted them unconditionally a place near the Palace. wherein
to hold their Lodge and perform their duties. As they had no property, the King, the Patriarch,
Bishops, Princes and All the powerful Lords assigned them large revenues for their support.
For the remission of their sins the Patriarch and Bishops gave it them in charge to guard the
entrance into the Holy Land, for the safety of the Pilgrims, and to drive away the robbers, that the
Pilgrims might not he pillaged. For a long time they had no other then a secular habit. An
Assembly was held, in which presided the Patriarch the Archbishop of Sens, that of Rheims, and
their Suffragans, the Abbe of Coteau and Clerveaux. Than it was ordered that they should
observe a rule, and wear a regulur habit. Pope Honorius II and Stephen, Patriarch of Jerusalem,
fixed upon a dress of white, and when the Holy See was established at Rome, Pope Eugenius
directed them to place a red Cross on their mantle.
The Knights had inferior Brethren, who were called 'Servants'. The Order increased
prodigiously. They had immense estates as well in Syria as in Europe.
All the Christian Princes enriched them with a portion of their domains. so that they came to
rival the greatest Monarchs in power and wealth. The name of 'Templar' was given them from
their first dwelling near the Temple. The Order recognizing the Patriarch at its head, had sworn
to him fidelity and submission, awd punctually paid him tribute.
It is alleged that pride and wealth soon caused the Knights to forget the duty and submission
which duty owed their benefactor; that they refused to pay tithes, and became so powerful as to
claim that it was enough for them to recognise the Pope and the King of Jerusalem as their
Princes; and that they afterwards took advantage of the too great authority granted them, to abuse
the goodness of the King and other Sovereigns. It is alleged that they became haughty, refusing to
submit to any one, full of avarice and pride, and addicted to carnal pleasures; that they leagued
with the enemies of the Faith, made known to them their secrets, and sold them Christians, when
St Lois was in Egypt, which is said to have been proven by lettes sent by them to the Infidels, and
intercepted; whereby were ocassioned long and extremely bloody wars. It is send that they went
so far in vice as to set at nought their vow, and they carried their cruelty so far that the crimes
committed by them we unequalled; that after their outrageous conduct was discovered, they were
expelled from Syria, by means of proceedings taken against them by the Sultan Capergue; that
upon leaving that coontry, they carried with them inestimable wealth, and sent to Sicily under
Roger their Grand Master. Afterwards they want in Thrace, where it is alleged they also
committed all sorts of cruelties and crimes. They were accused of having pillaged the City of
Thessalonica, the Morea, the Hellespont; of having also taken the City of Athens, then under the
government of Robert of Bremes, a relative of the deceased King of Jerusalem, whom, not
respecting his blood, rank, or authority they put in death, and put in his place one of themselves.
a Florentine, named Bergier. It is also said that they continued their outrages everywhere,
ravaging Macedonia, and committing frightful crimes wherever they passed; that they demanded
immense ransoms and afterwards repaired. each by himself, to their Commanderies, there to
deposit their booty and me wealth which they had acquired.
But envy went still greater lengths against this respectable Order, causing its destruction and the
spoliation of all the wealth which it possessed.
In the year 1310, under the Ponfificate of Pope Clement V, who before had been Archbishop of
Bordeaux, and under the reign, in France, of Philip le Bel, they were falsely accused of every
thing that we have just repeated; and you are now to learn the result.
A Prior of Montfaucon of Toulouse, named Squire de Florian, whose bad conduct bad caused
him to be confined by the Grand Master to perpetual imprisonment at Paris, having a
fellow-prisoner a Florentine named Noffodei, one of to worst men in the world, plotted with him,
for the purpose of obtaining freedom and a large reward, to denounce those religious Knights to
the King, as stained with every crime;declaring that if the King would institute proceedings
against them, great sums of money could the had. The officers to whom they made these
declarations reported them to the King, who ordered that they should bc interrogated. They
deposed to what they had agreed upon; and the King, desirous of the destruction of the Tempiars,
enraged at such a tale of horror, forced the Pope to coincide in his views for the destructim of the
Order, alleging that the Knights were banded together for the purpose of committing all
imaginable crimes, and that some of them had so confessed. The pope allowed himself to be
gained over, and ordered that an investigation should be had, as to their lives and morals, and that
they should he imprisoned, add their property sequestered. and placed in the hand of the King.
They began by arresting the Grand Master, whom the Pope had, by certain pretexts, inveigled
into France; and afterwards the Chief Princes or Dignitaries of the Order, and sixty Knights.
Informations were exhibited against them, and they were accused as follows:

1st-That when they received a Knight. he was placed in solitude in a dark Chamber, where he
was made to deny God, to trample on the Cross to break it, and to spit on the Christ or the

2nd-That they adored a hideous idol, having for eyes two glittering precious stones.

3rd-That they took a child newly born, offspring of a young girl and a Knight of the Temple, had
it roasted. and with the fat that ran from it anointed their idol.

4th-Tbat they had caused the death of Christians, and betrayed them in battle.

5th-Thrat they had sold and laid waste a large part of the Holy Land.

6th-That they bad contributed to the capture of Saint Louis in Egypt

7th-Tbat they had sold Christians to the foes of our religion; with whom they had an
understanding, and signs and secrets in common.

8th-That they had supplied our enemies with moneys.

9th-Tbat they had committed the crime of sodomy.

10th-That when one of the Brethren died, they caused him to be burned, and collected the ashes,
which they put in wine, and made the novices drink it, to make their oaths more binding upon

1th- That they were forbidden to officiate at the baptism of any child, as they were to go near a
woman in child-birth.

The heads of accusation being heard, they were put to torture, but not the slightest admission of
anything whereof they were accused could be wrung from them. Calling on God, the Virgin Mary
and the Saints to attest their innocence, they prefered to die rather them confess themselves
guilty; always calling on the Almighty to witness that they were unjustly put to death.

The Grand Master was taken from Poitiers to Paris, and put in prison. Many promises were made
him and the other Knights~ assuring them that their lives should be spared, if they would confess
to the crimes with which they were charged. The Grand Master rejected all these offers, and
swore that neither he nor his Knights were guilty, that they had never followed any other religion
than the Catholic faith, and that they would die patiently, seeing that their deaths were esolved on
by the King and Pope; and that they would pray God to have mercy on their souls.

The Council having assembled, 400 Prelates being present, it pronounced sentence of death on
the Grand Master, condemning him to be burned alive.

When the sentence was executed, Jacques de Molai protested his innocence anew, before the
assembled people, protested before God the wrong done to his Order, and summoned Pope
Clement V to appear before God's Tribunal within forty days, and King Philip within a year. The
Pope in fact died exactly forty days after the execution, at little Roquemende on the Rhone, near
Avignon, in the Diocese of Nismes; and the King survived him only about eight months; one
dying on the 20th of April, and the other on the 29th of November; as if both had obeyed the
summons of the Grand Master; which seemed to prove that those noble Knights died innocent.

In 1311 a Council was assembled at Vienne, whither there repaired three hundred Cardinals,
Archbishops, Bishops, Prelates, Abbes and Doctors. The King of France attended in person, with
his son and brother. The King Of Arragon sent two Ambassadors. It was in this Council, in 1312,
that the Order was abated, and the question was discussed, what should be done with the great
number of cities and Commanderies of which it was possessed.

Knights were executed in Germany and other places; but the execution of the Grand Master
Jacques De Molai took place on the 18th of March 1314, in a little town on the Seine, where was
afterwards placed the Equestrian Statue of Henri IV.

Thus it was, my Dear Brethren, that all these brave Knights met their end. Some escaped, and
made choice of many noble Knights, worthy to be associated with them, with whom they
lamented the loss of their brethren, and agreed to do all in their power to re-enter into possession
of the property taken from them, a great portion whereof had been given to the Knights of St.
John of Jerusalem, who afterwards became Knights of Rhodes, and are now Knights of Malta.
Following the example of our Founders, let us beware of admitting into our Order brethren
evidently of that favour.
Pages 16-17

Though this degree may seem to be a Knight Elect of the Temple, the sequel will show that it is
absolutely the last of all, since it is called "The Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33d
Degree." Beginning with it, and going downwards, first comes the Royal Secret, 32d Degree;
after that the Grand Inquisitor, 31st Degree; and Knight Kadosh, which is the 30th; and so on
down to the first. All the degrees which we here name, four in number, are the avant-couriers one
of the other. that is to say, from the 30th to the 33d, which is the last of all, and is styled THE
KNIGHT OF THE TEMPLE. This degree enables us to know the true point of Masonry, as well
by means of its Regulations as by its Secret Constitutions, which no Inspector General can
communicate, except to another Inspector General, like himself, according to the engagement
which he has contracted, and which is to be found in his Register, signed by his own hand. A
Commander or Lieutenant Commander alone has the right to take cognizance of the Secret
Constitutions for the purpose of supervising the measures taken in the different Lodges,
Chapters, Councils, Consistories or Senate, to the end of making report thereof to the Consistory
of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, who are the founders thereof.

The Lieutenant Commander, or the Deputy of the Grand Inspector General is to make report of
all quarterly meetings of the Princes of the Royal Secret.

According to the Grand General Regulations of the Order, a Sovereign Deputy Grand Inspector
General has complete power over Masonry; for he holds this power from none other than the
Sov.-. Princes of the Royal Secret, and from the Sovereign Commander, through a deliberative
assembly. Besides, this degree is the last of all, and the only absolute one; whence comes the tide
of its assemblies, which are called "Senates of the Sovereign Inspectors General;" and everything
which he does is sanctioned by all the Princes Masons of the Royal Secret, by the Lieutenant and
the Grand Commander. This degree of Deputy Grand Inspector General is known to but few
Masons, because it must be possessed in order for its sublimity to be appreciated; and because
whoever is in possession of it, is bound to take such precautions as that it shall never be known
by Masons of the Inferior Degrees, any more than the Secret Constitutions which he has in his
Powers of a 3d Degree Mason
A Sovereign Grand Inspector General has the power of making and creating, on land or at sea.
Masons, Lodges, Colleges, Councils, Chapters, Sovereign Grand Councils, Consistory and
Senate, as he shall deem fit and proper, conformably to the Secret Constitutions which prescribe
the limits of his powers. He may also make Masons, up to and including the last degree but one;
but of his own degree he can make but one in each year, and but one Lieutenant Commander in
every six months. To make a Grand Commander, he must be in a place three thousand leagues
from a Consistory or Senate, and there must be no Masons there of his own degree; if there be
one such, they will jointly commission the Grand Commander, and the commission will be valid:
for the office of lieutenant Commander and that of Commander are but pure and simple charges,
to watch over what passes in the absence of the Knight of the Temple, or of the Deputy Grand
Inspector General, 33d degree, as being himself alone the Supreme Chief of Masonry.

A Grand Inspector, whether he presents himself in a Lodge, College, Council, etc., etc., etc., etc.,
enters wearing his hat, his sword in his right hand, his left hand on his hip; advances with a slow
step to the altar-, there salutes the Brethren or Princes, as the case may be. The Master offers him
his mallet, whispering in his car CEDIT; to which he replies MANETO. Then he gives one rap,
and directs that the work proceed. The Master places him on his right; and thereafter the Grand
Inspector General is not required to join in any ceremony; but remains seated and covered, if he
thinks proper, and if he be desirous to confer any degrees on any of the Brethren, he does so in
the Lodge, without the consent of any one; and, if it suits him to do so, he requests the Master
and the Bros.-. Senior and Junior Wardens to retire. They must do so, and if they object, he will
show them his powers to convince them.

posted on Apr, 16 2003 @ 05:20 PM
Another long cut and paste, from a book alleged to contain the ritual of the 33d Degree.


The Very Sovereign Grand Commander in Chief, Sovereign of Sovereigns, Prince of the Royal Secret was our Illustrious Brother Frederick II, King of Prussia. He established this degree in council with the Very Illustrious Brother, His Royal Highness, Louis of Bourbon, Prince of the French blood and other illustrious characters who had the degree of Knight Kadosh and Prince of the Royal Secret.

The Degree of Knight Kadosh is the most awesome and important. In this degree you solemnly bound yourselves without restriction to destroy an order of men for crimes committed several centuries ago, without regard for the common principles of humanity and the laws of your country. In spite of the great precautions taken in selecting candidates some unworthy persons may have been received and others, by mistaken zeal or religious enthusiasm may have committed acts which were unallowable. In consequence, the King created and established on May 4, 5786 the 33d degree to settle the remaining obligations of the Kadosh.

The King was aware that according to the course of human events he could not expect to live many years longer and conceived and executed the glorious design of delegating Masonic authority of the Order of Prince of the Royal Secret in a Council of Grand Inspectors general, in order that he might be able, after his death to regulate agreeable to the Constitutions and Statutes which he established, the government of Masonry in all degrees from the 17th or Knight of the East and West inclusive, allowing the supervision of Symbolic Lodges and the Grand Ineffable and Sublime Lodges of Perfection or Knight of the East or Sword, to the Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem which he deemed justly charged with that power. The new Degree was denominated "Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Supreme Council of the 33d Degree. "

The Princes of the Royal Secret were deputies of the Grand Inspectors General. They act by virtue of the special powers granted them for that purpose but their power is granted to this degree. The Council, when formed, may consider all circumstances involving Masonry from the 17th degree on up and hear all appeals from Councils or persons above the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem as explained in the Constitutions accompanying this degree. No Inspector possesses individual authority in a country where a Grand Council of Inspectors General exists, as a majority vote of the members is required to give legality to a decision the Grand Inspector may assume. In consequence of the powers with which the Inspectors of the degree are invested it is necessary to limit their number.

Therefore a Council consists of not more than nine members, five of whom must profess the Christian religion. No business can be transacted unless there are three brethren present, excepting the the establishment of a Council as provided by the Constitutions. There can be but one Council of this degree in each kingdom or nation of Europe and two in the United States of America as far apart from each other as possible, one in the English Islands in America and one in the French Islands. No Inspector may possess the manuscript ritual of this degree except those who first form the Council. When an Inspector goes to another country to establish the degree the manuscript is given to him with the obligation never to it except to the one chosen to act as his second in the establishment. The signs and words are given to all Inspectors.

Vengeance for the unjust cruelties insults and injuries inflicted upon the Knights Templar without provocation and in which the Knights of the Holy St. John of Jerusalem and of Malta assisted resulted in the formation of the degree of Kadosh in a manner clearly evident in this degree.

According to the tale of the Knights of Malta by Abbe Vertot, the Knights Templar organized an order of Masonic Knighthood instituted under Pope Gelasimus II about the year of Masonry 5117; they were thus called because they lived on part of the Temple at Jerusalem, not far from the sepulcher of Jesus Christ. They received and gave charitable assistance to strangers and Christian pilgrims. Clothed in armor they escorted them into the Holy Land to see the Sacred Monuments of Christianity without fear of infidels.

(Note: The Templar historian is here inaccurate, like all connected with this system. Pope Gelasimus II did nor succeed Pascal II until 1118, he didn't have time or authority to create a "Masonic Knighthood." Twice banished from Rome by the consul Franzpair he agreed with King Henry V and had Maurice Bourdin elected in his place, under the name of Gregory VIII, Edasimus died in battle in the Abbey of Clary on January 29, 1119. We add that in this period there was no such thing as a "Masonic year." -Jean-Baptiste Ragon.)

This Order increased in numbers, power and wealth and about the year 1200 spread over die whole of Europe. Most of their Commanderies were situated along the Mediterranean and their influence and possessions seemed to increase daily. Philippe the Fair, King of France, grew jealous of them, which jealousy turned to hatred because they embraced the cause of Boniface VIII in disputes he had with the King. Philippe never forgave the Templars for their conduct in these matters.

On the 13th of October 1309 he arrested all the Knights Template in his Kingdom and inflicted upon them the most cruel tortures. In 1312 the Order was suppressed by Pope Clement V at the demand of the king of France. The Kings of England, Castile, Aragon and Sicily, the Counts of Provence and all Sovereigns of Europe had the Knights arrested and seized their possessions and placed guards in their commanderies.

On October 1, 1312 the Council of Vienna banished the Order in agreement with the Pope and gave the greater part of their possessions to the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Rhodes, now called "Knights of Malta" which were established about 1120, when Honoris was Pope.

The Knight Kadosh were called 'Knights Templar" but after the massacre by Philippe the few who escaped changed their name and appearance, to avoid persecution from their enemies until their numbers increased and they could take arms for for their just and lawful rights. They ceased wearing the black cordon and red cross, and substituted a large blood-colored cordon, worn over the left shoulder to the right hip, to which was attached a black double-headed eagle with spread wings and holding a naked sword in its talons.

About the Masonic year 5767 investigations were made in Paris to prove that Masons with the title Knights Kadosh were Templars. If the discovery succeeded the Order would have been destroyed. In consequence it was determined in Grand Council by communication with Berlin and Paris that in the future they should assume the title "Knights of the Black and White Eagle."

In order that the Knights of Malta could keep the possessions they illegally obtained they were obliged to exterminate the Order of the Temple, whose knights are actually those who received the degree of Knights Kadosh. or White and Black Eagle. The Knights Kadosh pledged each other, and in the name and presence of the Great and Eternal God to preserve the hatred and enmity towards the Knights of Malta and destroy them when in their power.

Although we has assumed the duty to exterminate that Order which seeks our destruction, it is yet necessary that the extent of our enmity toward the order be well defined; this obligation does not require one of us, if on going to the Mediterranean on business should meet by accident a member of this Order we would be bound to cut his throat; that would be murder condemned by the laws of every country, punished by death. But if a sovereign power declared war, we are bound by the solemn obligation we has taken, and if our business permits, we are bound to join the army of their enemies and use our talents, both in cabinet and field to exterminate the Order, that we may again possess the rich and strong places belonging to Templars by right.

As the different Masonic bodies are obliged to obey their superiors when they are sufficiently numerous and powerful they will be led against the enemy by the Sovereigns of the 33d Degree, and if victorious, the Knights Kadosh will declare themselves and take possession of the country of which they are illegally deprived and remain under the banner and protection of this rank from which they will receive systems of government founded on their rights and of the Knights and their zeal. Their service and virtuous sufferings during so many centuries. When we shall enter the field of our foes our forces will be directed according to the orders given in the degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, but as the Very Illustrious Sovereign of Sovereigns determined to invest this degree with supreme executive power, the command of the troops after his death devolved upon us. Therefore His Majesty King Frederick ordered that the first and second Commanders should order the troops, districts, nations and kingdoms over which they have Masonic jurisdiction.

On the arrival of the land forces at Jerusalem where appointed, a Supreme Council of all who have received the 33d Degree shall convene immediately, where each Inspector General shall produce election papers to the degree and the holder of the oldest title shall be declared and proclaimed to the stories as generalissimo and take the title of Very Puissant Grand Commander. All other military ranks shall be given in succession according to the various dates of their certificates of election. Titles of the same date shall be settled by ballot.

In the future, all ranks, honors, dignities, titles and possessions, etc., shall be hereditary. The government of the Order shall remain in the family of the Sovereign Grand Commander.

On the suppression of the Knights of Malta the Sovereign Grand Commander will immediately convene a Supreme Council of the 33d Degree in which them shall be founded a constitution and system of government of the Order which shall always be a military one. The Order will then take its true title.

The uniform of the Order, in the field, is blue, lapels and hems of white, white buttons on which is the jewel of the 33d Degree, on the small buttons only the number 33.

As we have powerful enemies to contend with, it is fitting that to protect ourselves against the snares of the wicked; we are always on guard and discreet. let us feed our hearts the seed of virtue and in our conduct an language give offense to no one. Let us respect the human race and even our enemies. Let us fight openly and honorably, and if victorious, let us not stain our laurels by insulting conquered foes. Let us prove to them by magnanimous conduct that justice does not demand the assistance of the assassins hand, but virtue is the reward of labors. Let us conquer the villainy of their conduct by the righteousness of our own and their injustice by our mercy.

In every country in which capricious fortunes may be thrown be faithful and obedient to the laws and its government. For a Knight Mason who is not faithful to the country in which he lives would not hesitate to sacrifice the secrets of his Order.

Venerate the beings that gave you birth. Be tender to those near your bosom and an affectionate father to your offspring: let Your obligation be crowned with peace of soul, let it be free from reproach. Bear your son in the Masonic Order, be true to your friends and Brothers; patiently endure their faults, making allowance for human frailty. Be a living example of virtue and charity to all around you; aid the poor and afflicted, give them such assistance as needed, according to your resources, and above all offer unceasing prayers to the Great Architect as the Ever-Living God for the signal proofs of goodness and mercy you have received from Him and constrain yourself with ardor to main the heavenly eternal bliss that only he can give. Amen! Amen! Amen!


Q.-Are you a Sovereign Grand Inspector General?

A.-Very Puissant Sovereign, my virtue, courage and zeal have procured this distinguished rank.

Q.-How can I know you to be a Sovereign Grand Inspector General?

A.-By my giving you the Pass Word.


A.-Jacques de Molay.

Q.-Hirann Abif.

A.-Frederick of Prussia.

Q.- What are the meanings of the skeletons skulls, bones and torches in our Council?

A.- They serve to remind of the massacre of our ancestors by Philippe the Fair who delivered them to the most cruel tortures.

Q.- Why do you appear in mourning armed with a sword?

A.- To mourn their loss and be ready to avenge them.

Q.- Who established this degree?

A.- Our Illustrious Brother of Brunswick. Frederick, King of Prussia.

Q.- For what propose?

A.- To regulate our hatred and our campaigns against against the the Knights of Malta, to guide our zeal and our efforts in proper channels and direct our undertakings,

Q.- What is the cause of the hatred and enmity that you have sworn against the Knight of Malta?

A.-After the destruction of the majority of Knights Templar by Philippe the Fair, in cooperation with Pope Clement V, their rich possessions were assigned to the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, now Knights of Malta, of Island of Malta, which is one of our possessions, in addition to several other places in the Mediterranean which they have refused to make restitution of that which was wrested from us by injustice and cruelty. In consequence we determined to regain them by force, when our Order has sufficient numerical strength to undertake the enterprise or nobly perish in the attempt.

Q.-Is this the only reason for which the king of Prussia established this degree?

A.-There is another. The King foreseeing that his death was not too far distant determined to establish a Supreme Council of Grand Inspectors General to which he could commit the supreme power over the Masonic Order with which it has been reinvested, which after his death might govern the Grand Body, agreeable to certain statutes he established for the purpose and to lead it to battle should it become strong enough. Each nation is independent, one over the other, in civil government he believed they should possess a high Masonic court from which there could be no appeal. This political set being agreeable to each government, no jealously could exist in the Order. This Grand Body should increase rapidly and the great aim of the Order accomplished.

Q.-What else did you see on entering the Council?

A.-I saw in the east a five branched candlestick, in the West one of three branches, in the North one of one branch, and in the South one of two branches.

Q.-What does it mean?

A.--In arranging this number of lights, the make up 5312, the Masonic year in which the order was destroyed. The opening and closing of the Council also refer to the circumstance, as well as the reception, by the number of raps at the door.

Q.-What is the meaning of the cordon that you wear?

A. --The white is emblematical of the purity and innocence of those who were delivered to torture, the red of the blood of those victims of Philippe the Fair and Clement V. As the sun gives light and life to all regions of the earth, likewise the sun on our breasts indicates that the sublime and Illustrious Order we possess given light and life to the Grand Masonic Body of the Universe.

Q.---Why does the skeleton hold in its hand the banner of the Order?

A.-To indicate that all those who shall betray the Order and prove false to their obligation which they assumed will be punished by death. It recalls also that they should conquer or perish nobly in the glorious undertaking.

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 02:06 AM
in europe, at the cathedrales constructions times. Sculptors, architect, masons... had secret societies to a initiate their young apprenctice (Called Compainions).

It become a freemasonnery while the french revolution of 1789, when the french people separate state from religion (christianism), political responsible (Robespierre, danton etc...) decide to create a new religion (laic) for exalt the republicans sentiments in the people : They called it the religion of "Supreme mind" (L'etre supreme). They also changed the calendar to a revolutionnar calendar (!) (It never really work) inspired of latin calendar...

[Edited on 17-4-2003 by Nans DESMICHELS]

posted on Apr, 17 2003 @ 10:23 PM
it is said that the patriarchs of ancient
babylon, are the original roots of masonry...


posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 01:52 PM
I've read several theories and accounts about the beginnings of Freemasonry. Here's a short bit of information and there's a good link below:

The Wood manuscript, written, in 1610 traces the history of the Order from two pillars that were found after Noah's Flood, none made of a marble that would not burn with fire, the other made of a substance known in Masonic legends as Laterus, which would not dissolve, sink or drown in any water. One of these pillars was found and upon it were inscribed the secrets of the sciences from which the Sumerians developed a moral code that passed to the Egyptians through the Sumerian Abraham and his wife Sarah. The script goes on to describe Euclid teaching geometry to the Egyptians, from whom the Israelites took it to Jerusalem, which resulted in the building of King Solomon's Temple.

Information Link

posted on Apr, 18 2003 @ 02:09 PM
The Masons are from what I am lead to believe from those I have encountered a old order founded by the very men who are the ancient engineers. These men trace their origins to the time of piramids, they are the ones who designed oversaw the construction. Others have said they are even the ones who built King Solomons temple. I dont associate with the masons really. I'm not one for ritual or fluff.

posted on Apr, 19 2003 @ 03:46 PM
The Jesuit Elite slowly gained more and more power over the Catholic Church... Once they had enough money through the Rothschilds banking empire Adam Weishaupt established the order of the Illuminati in 1776

posted on Apr, 21 2003 @ 10:01 PM
My word about the origin of masonry is this, and it goes back to Researcher's suggestion of the Book "Born in Blood" *excellent book*.

Which is that Masonry teaches that its origin goes back to the building of King Solomon's Temple.

In Born in Blood Robinson makes the correlation that there is only one other group on earth that ever centered their "rituals" around King Solomon's Temple.

The Knights Templar.

And due to now found hard evidence in Scotland, there's really no doubt that Freemasonry was greatly influenced by the Templars, but by how much is left unknown.

Another book is "The Temple and the Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh" however they usually in my opinion tried to debunk Masonry, though I can't say I'm really experienced in them.

But like Robinson, when searching for Masonry's origin, they only found out that the "legends" are indeed true. Hard proof in the graves.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 07:27 AM
I'm reading a book entitled, "The Templar Revelation" by Pickett & Prince. They claim Freemasonry roots go back to the ancient mystery schools of Isis, Diana & Minerva.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 08:29 AM
There are two answers to this question. We need to clarify the question.

Freemasonry is a cover for an ancient religion.

The ancient religion goes back at least as far as the Egypt of the pharoahs. Freemasonry claims it goes back to Atlantis and Lemuria.

Freemasonry was invented by the descendants of the Templars to shield the truth about the ancient religion from the Inquisition.

The Templars discovered this ancient religion in Palestine. Pretended to be Catholic, while actually practicing the ancient religion.

So, the answer to your question depends on which question you want answered: The origin of the Ancient Mystery religion, or the origin of the cover story for the practice of this religion.

No clear and precise answer is available in either case.

Masonry is definitely older than its official beginnings in 1717. As noted above, there are Templar graves in Scotland of Knight who escaped the suppression of the Templars, witk Masonic symbols.

Regarding the Ancient Mysteries: At least as old as the Egypt of the Pharoahs. Beyond that, information gets murky.

[Edited on 22-4-2003 by Researcher]

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 01:00 PM
I am in comlete agreement with this. And I would go back even farther.

I suspect that the Mason organization goes back to the dawn of man, or shortly after. But dont misunderstand, there is nothing honorable in this.

I suspect the true Masonic mission is to hide our origins, in service to a King, or shall I say, the prince of this planet.

But dont expect to be privy to this secret by joining this secret society. You will only be a puppet charged with spewing disinformation.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 01:37 PM
All Seeing Eye: Exactly. The King of this world, AKA Sanat Kumara, AKA The Eternal Youth Of Sixteen Summers.

[Edited on 22-4-2003 by Researcher]

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 02:48 PM
Sorry but Freemasonry isn't a religion, nor a front for some "secret" religion.

All the Templars learned is that Europe was the laughable 3rd world of the Mideival ages. Because of their ability to go anywhere, and their usual attraction of nobles who could read, they not only learned of other cultures, but doccumented them.

The Templars extended their knowledge of the old Pagan Europe, which we know now, but take for granted, at that time, a Pagan was non-existant, and no one knew what they really were, even though they had existed just a few hundred years before.

By the 1300s the Templars wrote and taught its members about who the Muslims were really, not the "heathens of the holy land", who the Jews were, what King Solomon's Temple was and where, who the Celts were, what the Romans believed before Christ. The Greeks.

They taught that the world was round, and they probably taught how large it was based on Greek mathematics, which were inaccurate but only because they thought the world was much smaller.

They also probably taught about the Egyptians, and the Pyramids.

Basically they taught all the things Catholicism had tried to stamp out by making the public illiterate. They kept this a secret however, because the Church's reaction would be too swift for anything to be taught to the public, and then in the end they were pursecuted anyways.

But knowledge prevails, and outlasts all other things. Today many think that much of humanity's history is hidden, or unknown, but to some, the history of man back to the beginnings of civilization, is as clear as day. And it's all because of what the Templars found, in their 200 years of being beyond the Church, having access to all the lands surrounding Europe.

This is why Eastern history is more or less non-existant in Masonry, since the Templars didn't really dwell in the lands of Buddha.

posted on Apr, 22 2003 @ 03:58 PM
HKot: Wrong-ola! As always, each and every quote here is from a 33d degree Freemason:

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 29:
Masonry the first world religion, the world universal religion.
Masonry is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion which long antedates the prime date of creation as given in our Bible. Masonry and its allegorical rituals, and its symbols and numbers, is all that remains to us of the first world religion which flourished in an antiquity so old that it is impossible to affix a date. It was the first unified world religion. ....
Today we are working again towards a world universal religion.

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 109: Masonry Universal Religion
Is it not possible from a contemplation of this side of Masonic teaching that it may provide all that is necessary for the formulation of a universal religion? May it not be true, as has been said, that if all religions and Scriptures were blotted out and only Masonry were left in the world we could still recover the great plan of salvation?

A revitalised Masonry, made up of Masons true to their obligations and realising the Mystic Tie that binds them all ether in one true brotherhood, would also provide a platform so universal that it would meet the need of thinkers of all kinds and of every school of thought. It would thus not only meet a religious need by providing a universal religion...

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 46: Masonry the universal religion
at the heart of every great religion, lie the same eternal truths. Forms and observances only differ.
.... Masonry is not only a universal science, but a world-wide religion, and owes allegiance to no one creed, and can adopt no sectarian dogma...without ceasing thereby to be Masonic.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 47:
...Masonry is the Universal Religion only because, and only so long, as it embraces all religions.
For this reason, and this alone, it is universal and eternal.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 50:
Secret Doctrine was the real foundation of every great Religion known to man
There is no fact in history more easily and completely demonstrable than the existence of the Secret Doctrine in all ages among all people, and of Adepts or Masters who were familiar with its teachings, and were more or less capable of expounding its principles.
It is equally demonstrable that this Secret Doctrine was the real foundation of every great Religion known to man; that only the initiated Priest or Hierophant knew the real doctrines in any case, and only these, as a rule, in the earliest history of each religion.
Furthermore, the Sacred Books of all religions, including those of the Jews and the Christians, were and are no more than parables and allegories of the real Secret Doctrine, transcribed for the ignorant and superstitious masses.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 66: Great Universal Wisdom-Religion
Masonry does not preach a new religion, it but reiterates the New Commandment announced by Jesus, which was also announced by every great reformer of religion since history began. Drop the theological barnacles from the Religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry.

posted on Apr, 24 2003 @ 03:06 AM
LoL, all of these quotes belong to two men's opinions. Out of the 6 million Freemasons today, 2 men sometime ago believed that Freemasonry was a "Universal Religion."

Why don't you find something in MASONIC RITUAL that says "Freemasonry is the new religion" and maybe I'll change my opinion. And probably give you a couple million dollars as well.

posted on Apr, 24 2003 @ 12:08 PM
HKot, I sometimes wonder if they teach the art of the puerile argument in the Lodge. Freemason, Hammerite, 5POF,and now, you.

It's time for a reality check. As usual, every quote below is from a 33d degree Freemason. The first three quotes show the nature and power of the 33d degree Freemason.

( Editorial comments in parentheses )

( The first three posts are from Old Cahier of the 33d degree. By Albert pike, 32 years Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the 33d Degree: )


Though this degree may seem to be a Knight Elect of the Temple, the sequel will show that it is absolutely the last of all, since it is called "The Sovereign Grand Inspector...A Commander or Lieutenant Commander alone has the right to take cognizance of the Secret Constitutions for the purpose of supervising the measures taken in the different Lodges, Chapters, Councils, Consistories or Senate, to the end of making report thereof to the Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret, who are the founders thereof.
...According to the Grand General Regulations of the Order, a Sovereign Deputy Grand Inspector General has complete power over Masonry; for he holds this power from none other than the Sov.-. Princes of the Royal Secret, and from the Sovereign Commander, through a deliberative assembly. Besides, this degree is the last of all, and the only absolute one; whence comes the tide of its assemblies, which are called "Senates of the Sovereign Inspectors General;" and everything which he does is sanctioned by all the Princes Masons of the Royal Secret, by the Lieutenant and the Grand Commander. This degree of Deputy Grand Inspector General is known to but few Masons, because it must be possessed in order for its sublimity to be appreciated; and because whoever is in possession of it, is bound to take such precautions as that it shall never be known by Masons of the Inferior Degrees, any more than the Secret Constitutions which he has in his Register.

Powers of a 33d Degree Mason

A Sovereign Grand Inspector General has the power of making and creating, on land or at sea. Masons, Lodges, Colleges, Councils, Chapters, Sovereign Grand Councils, Consistory and Senate, as he shall deem fit and proper, conformably to the Secret Constitutions which prescribe the limits of his powers. He may also make Masons, up to and including the last degree but one; but of his own degree he can make but one in each year, and but one Lieutenant Commander in every six months. To make a Grand Commander, he must be in a place three thousand leagues from a Consistory or Senate, and there must be no Masons there of his own degree; if there be one such, they will jointly commission the Grand Commander, and the commission will be valid: for the office of lieutenant Commander and that of Commander are but pure and simple charges, to watch over what passes in the absence of the Knight of the Temple, or of the Deputy Grand Inspector General, 33d degree, as being himself alone the Supreme Chief of Masonry.

A Grand Inspector, whether he presents himself in a Lodge, College, Council, etc., etc., etc., etc., enters wearing his hat, his sword in his right hand, his left hand on his hip; advances with a slow step to the altar, there salutes the Brethren or Princes, as the case may be. The Master offers him his mallet, whispering in his ear CEDIT; to which he replies MANETO. Then he gives one rap, and directs that the work proceed. The Master places him on his right; and thereafter the Grand Inspector General is not required to join in any ceremony; but remains seated and covered, if he thinks proper, and if he be desirous to confer any degrees on any of the Brethren, he does so in the Lodge, without the consent of any one; and, if it suits him to do so, he requests the Master and the Bros. Senior and Junior Wardens to retire. They must do so, and if they object, he will show them his powers to convince them.

( Is there any doubt in any readers mind that 33d degree Freemasons are in control of Freemasonry? If you ran this show,would you grant the 33d degree to a Freemason who was not thoroughly versed in all aspects of Freemasonry? The rest of these posts are from books written by 33d degree Freemasons. Some are repeats from above. Every 33d degree Freemason author in my collection has written that Freemasonry is a religion. Albert Pikes quotes in this matter are not available to me at this time. C.W. "Lend a hand" Leadbeaters more bizarre quotes are not available to me at this time. A statement from ONE 33d degree Freemason would be definitive proof, given the description above.)

( Point: Masonry is a religion; Masonry is Ancient Wisdom. )

C.W. Leadbeater; Freemasonry: Its Ancient and Mystic Rites; Page 10:
The ritual of each degree is intended to call down spiritual power:
The performance of the ritual of each degree is intended to call down spiritual power, first to assist the Bro. upon whom the degree is conferred to awaken within himself that aspect of consciousness which corresponds to the symbolism of the degree, as far as it can be awakened; secondly to aid in the evolution of the members present; and thirdly and most important of all, to pour out a flood of spiritual power intended to uplift, strengthen and encourage all members of the Craft.

( If the purpose of a ritual is to call down spiritual power, it's a religious ritual. I have doubts about C.W.L.s sense of direction. )

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 141: Masonry Ancient Wisdom:
The ancient mystery schools of all ages, which were secret, all taught the same spiritual truths that are veiled and hidden in our rituals, working tools, lodge furnishings and the proper function of Masonic Lodge officials and their stations in the Lodge.

Manly P. Hall; What the Ancient Wisdom expects of its Disciples; Page 14:
Ancient Wisdom was and will be ruler of this planet:
There is no greater honor than to be called to the service of this eternal Wisdom which was before the beginning and which will ultimately become the visible exoteric ruling body of the planet.

( Point: One World Religion; Masonry is all religions; Masonry will be one world religion )

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 29:
Masonry the first world religion, the world universal religion:
Masonry is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion which long antedates the prime date of creation as given in our Bible. Masonry and its allegorical rituals, and its symbols and numbers, is all that remains to us of the first world religion which flourished in an antiquity so old that it is impossible to affix a date. It was the first unified world religion. .... Today we are working again towards a world universal religion.

Foster Bailey; The Spirit of Masonry; Page 109: Masonry Universal Religion:
Is it not possible from a contemplation of this side of Masonic teaching that it may provide all that is necessary for the formulation of a universal religion? May it not be true, as has been said, that if all religions and Scriptures were blotted out and only Masonry were left in the world we could still recover the great plan of salvation?

A revitalised Masonry, made up of Masons true to their obligations and realising the Mystic Tie that binds them all ether in one true brotherhood, would also provide a platform so universal that it would meet the need of thinkers of all kinds and of every school of thought. It would thus not only meet a religious need by providing a universal religion...

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Page 117 Christianity:
As to universality: competition between religions is recognised as folly. The churchmen of Christianity have imprisoned the Christ in their own separative religious organisations to such an extent that one might almost think that God loved only Christians. Such a man-made concept of God is silly and unattractive. The word Christ is a name in the Hierarchy for the holder of an all embracing world-wide divine leadership and as so used, transcends orthodox limitations. Christ to the modern mind is an active, intelligent world executive, and a living man today. His vision and his action are for all men. He is not at all limited to Christianity.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 46: Masonry the universal religion: the heart of every great religion, lie the same eternal truths. Forms and observances only differ.
.... Masonry is not only a universal science, but a world-wide religion, and owes allegiance to no one creed, and can adopt no sectarian dogma...without ceasing thereby to be Masonic.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 47:
Great Republic, Masonry is the Universal Religion:
Is Jesus any the less Christos, because Christna was called "the Good Shepherd?" or because the Mexican Christ was crucified between two thieves? or because Hiram was three days in a grave before he was resurrected? Are we not as selfish in our religion as in our other possessions? Then why is man, while cherishing as his most sacred possession, the religion of his fathers, eternally seeking to degrade and destroy that of his Brother?
...Masonry is the Universal Religion only because, and only so long, as it embraces all religions. For this reason, and this alone, it is universal and eternal.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 50:
Secret Doctrine was the real foundation of every great Religion known to man:
There is no fact in history more easily and completely demonstrable than the existence of the Secret Doctrine in all ages among all people, and of Adepts or Masters who were familiar with its teachings, and were more or less capable of expounding its principles.
It is equally demonstrable that this Secret Doctrine was the real foundation of every great Religion known to man; that only the initiated Priest or Hierophant knew the real doctrines in any case, and only these, as a rule, in the earliest history of each religion.
Furthermore, the Sacred Books of all religions, including those of the Jews and the Christians, were and are no more than parables and allegories of the real Secret Doctrine, transcribed for the ignorant and superstitious masses.

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 52:
Secret Doctrine was the universally diffused religion of the ancient world:
"To recapitulate; the Secret Doctrine was the universally diffused religion of the ancient and prehistoric world. Proof of its diffusion, authentic records of its history, a complete chain of documents, showing its character and presence in every land, together with the teaching of all its great Adepts, exist to this day in the secret crypts of libraries belonging to the Occult Fraternity."

J.D. Buck; Symbolism of Freemasonry; Page 66: Great Universal Wisdom-Religion:
Masonry does not preach a new religion, it but reiterates the New Commandment announced by Jesus, which was also announced by every great reformer of religion since history began. Drop the theological barnacles from the Religion of Jesus, as taught by Him, and by the Essenes and Gnostics of the first centuries, and it becomes Masonry.

Foster Bailey; Things To Come; Page 119:
Reappearance of Christ, Great Invocation; Masters of the Wisdom are preparing to undertake work in physical bodies:
By far the most important event for humanity in the imminent future is the reappearance of the Christ.
... Definite preparation for that reappearance was immediately put in hand by the entire Hierarchy of Masters and reorganisation of the Hierarchy itself begun. This preparation for the coming is the main focus in the Hierarchy today.... Masters of the Wisdom are preparing to undertake work in physical bodies and some have already done so.

( Researcher awaiting puerile argument )

[Edited on 24-4-2003 by Researcher]

posted on Apr, 25 2003 @ 01:37 PM
What power of the 33rd? God you really are thick headed. Please change your name, you are a poor researcher.

The 33rd Degree has no "powers" over masonry, the Worshipful Master is the Master of his lodge, answering only to the Grand Master. That's how it is. There is no OTHER way.

The 33rd is an honorary title, and all the degrees in the Scottish rite just teach you some point in history, giving you some position in the scottish rite.

But it doesn't matter if you are top dawg in the Scottish Rite either, because if the Grand Master *who can be a Master mason and nothing else* says you've been unmasonic, and therefore should no longer be a mason, and it is agreed.

Then you are just that, nothing, it wouldn't matter if you were a 33rd or what, you no longer can go to any meetings of even the 1st degree.

This is why people who know what they are talking about bug you insistantly.

Remember, Albert Pike was saying "This is but the outer court portio..." You are not even sitting on the ground floor man.

You see someone say "Masonry is a Temple" and you think that must mean Masonry is a "religion".

We laugh at you.

PS look up the definition of "Temple".

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