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The secrets hidden in the pyramids. A real eye opener!

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posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by tigereye

We see a society that was as advanced as sophisticated as modern day, but never discovered electricity.

That's really all there is.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

yup, things made of heavy stone

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Chiquetet

No offense, but what you say implies you are the one assuming, and without education, and therefore ignorant.

Healing and killing are two very different things.

it takes 4.5 billion years of evolution to make a man. It takes 5 seconds to kill him with a rock.

Likewise, there isn't some magical- and yes magical is the right word- simple thing that can heal a man.

Simple things kill. Complex things create. This is a rule in many cases and I cannot at this moment think of many exceptions.

Crystals bend light. Ergo, a properly designed one can hold light and shoot it. There is nothing about this that implies any sort of health benefit, and the only potential use of it is war and power. Nothing else.

Healing requires intelligence, complexity, thought, procedure, etc etc.

The universe does not have these things but for the sake of destruction. All things naturally derived are a result of war.

Killing doesn't require these things. It only benefits from them.

Simply put: Science: you're doing it wrong. There is nothing simple that heals. Crystals are simple, and quite frankly, applicable to war.
edit on 8-2-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

Ya know, you're right healing and killing are 2 completely different things. So we're just going to get past crystals and healing. I feel as it's a waste of time at this point. I choose the path with more thought and positive energy (the complex one) not resorting to killing and using something as a weapon. The fact that you're one of millions that believe many things are supposed to be used for war; killing does not take long at all, so go ahead and believe in that route as you might have more time in your day to think about other war strategies. Therefore you now have more time to think of other ways to betray the evolution process here on Earth. "All things naturally are derived from war"...?????........................................................... yep nothing here. Have you heard about the Pet therapy dogs in hospitals??? There are volunteers that go room to room in pediatrics and adult units for the mere chance of them petting a dog, feeling the love from the dog and are happier. Not to change subject from pyramids to crystals to now dogs. I'm trying to show you there are many "simple" things that aren't exactly medically derived that do heal people and thru happiness. Thinking of war and travesties just spreads the word to other susceptible individuals, them now resulting to a war thought if nothing else. Move away from thoughts of war and killing and actually try to assist Earth in her supposed "evolution" process.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

That's true, but electricity has always existed it's a source of energy, just how it's utilized now is just one method. Not one method should monopolize electricity. That's just being closed minded. IF they did harness it in another manner that wasnt built to last how would we know...
edit on 8-2-2012 by tigereye because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by grobi77

Thank you grobi for one of the most realistic explanation of the pyramids. The video you shared makes perfect sense compared to the crap that many people are letting their imaginations run away with. Its a shame many people over looked the information you provided so they can continue to play in their fantasies.

It is almost repulsive that many people of science discredit the level of intelligence of ancient civilizations to take away their hard work and skillsets and give it to some mythical "higher intelligence" such as aliens or whatever wacky theories floating around.

Sometimes the truth is too bland and boring to accept, I get it.
edit on 8-2-2012 by Enve718 because: shared video

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by Enve718
It is almost repulsive that many people of science discredit the level of intelligence of ancient civilizations to take away their hard work and skillsets and give it to some mythical "higher intelligence" such as aliens or whatever wacky theories floating around.

I don't think they are trying to discredit them. Many are claiming they were more advanced than we thought. It wasn't that they didn't have skillsets or weren't hard workers, it was that they had technology to make the job easier. Homo sapiens as we know them have been around for a lot longer than our written history. It takes advanced incredibly precise geometry to construct something like that.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Chiquetet

Pets were fabricated by us. That's not what evolution creates.

Evolution is an un-willed random chance mistake.

Pets are a chosen, indeed forced, evolutionary path.

And at he end of the day, it was done to help us kill animals and stay protected...war.

I also don't see why thoughts of war and destruction are impossible to bring about happiness. I think of a war against corporations and being part of it and I literally feel joyful.

War and love alone are not enough to judge as good or evil. Context is needed. Loving a child sexually is wrong, War against evil is right, just for example.
edit on 8-2-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by tigereye

There really isn't any way to do that. If you use electricity, you will leave behind obvious proof you used it. There is none for that.

Reason you would leave proof is because electricity is essential to doing more complex activities, as it is literally a free source of work for doing things.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

There really isn't any way to do that. If you use electricity, you will leave behind obvious proof you used it. There is none for that.

Reason you would leave proof is because electricity is essential to doing more complex activities, as it is literally a free source of work for doing things.

Very true! As many of us are learning that everything is made up of energy in some form. We need energy in some form to exist. Even thoughts are a form of energy.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by unknown32

Well that's sort of a wrong view.

Energy is the building blocks of everything.

If memory serves me right, and don't trust me on it, the string is the physical manifestation of energy on the micro micro micro scale.

Energy is put into two forms. Force and matter. In theory, you can take energy out of space. You are not creating energy. You are taking out energy from space itself, for space, being something, has energy.

It is right to say energy IS the universe at a small enough scale.

All energy is, is action. And nothing we see has no motion to it, therefore nothing has no energy.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by omegacorps

The true reason for pyramids being built: to communicate with others beyond light speed. The 3 pyramids covered with gold , each having inside a central chamber (queens chamber for main) a device that vortexes energy through the more massive particles of both magnetic poles making free energy. This or any free energy device will cause a positive ion charge to build in and around itself, or in other words, slow down time. The act of slowing time cyclically from inside would form a surface tension on the gold which expels an extremely high potential wave.
A directional wave is made (steer the wave) by variable output among the 3 pyramids, ie; they would triangulate a point to transmit to. Transmission could only last a few moments, due to earth rotation and all. The triangulation could only go so far to correct the sum of 3 paths of emission, nevertheless, remains an extremely capable form of hyperspace communication.

I've worked out the physics of so much on this subject you have no idea. My youtube videos were erased recently but reposting what I can. channel is mikefromspace. I've lately been explaining the Ed Leedskalnin coral castle device.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 12:12 AM
A dedication to the subject is all it takes. A book written on the Giza powerplant is a start. Understanding how stones are levitated to build the pyramids is another major part, since the tech was also used in Ed Leedskalnin's Coral Castle, and tells so much about the physics. Now a friend of mine proposed a theory that the use of 3 pyramids was critical for creating a 'beam' of energy that moved past light speed, so that the pyramids each made a beam, and variable output on each would allow triangulation of transmission and reception points many light years away.
I've removed most of my videos but making new ones on my youtube, mikefromspace, to explain a few things.

Originally posted by unknown32
I searched ATS and could not find a post like myn but if some one finds one like myn, I feel its always nice to revisit this for the new members and older members as well. I will include a few videos as they can explain the best with visuals to get a better under standing. I strongly believe the Egyptians had some help from a more advanced civilization than us today and if you watch the videos, you will see why. The videos may be a bit long but well worth your time if your willing to learn with a open mind.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:06 AM
The architect of the Great Pyramid knew the exact length of the solar year, even to the tenth part of the second. This is shown in at least sixplaces, and by means of four units of length.

There is a second period known as the stellar year, or sidereal, year, about 20 minutes longer than the solar year. Thirdly there is another length called the orbital or anomalistic, year, which is in turn a few seconds longer still. And these two latter year lengths are also enshrined in the Great Pyramid.

The "Precesssion of the Equinoxes", a period of 25,827.5 years, the time required for our solar system as a unit to make one revolution around its vastly greater sun, the Pleiades, is shown exactly in the pyramid in four places.

Other scientific truths enshrined in the pyramid:

1. The mean distance from the earth to the sun.
2. The weight of the earth.
3. The mean density of the earth.
4. The fact of the sphericity of the earth.
5. The polar diameter of the earth, or the exact length of earth's polar axis of rotation.
6. The earth's mean orbit and maximum variation.
7. The variation of the earth's ecliptic.
8. The earth's mean temperature (the average temperature of the air in the Kings chamber).
9. The exact inch, foot, yard, furlong and mile, including the true length of the Standard Geographical Mile, a measure of 2917.467+ Pyramid Cubits.
10. The exact grain, ounce, pound, stone, (English weight of 14 pounds) and ton.
11. The standard British (and American) measures of the pint, quart, gallon, bushel and "quarter."
12. The art of squaring the circle in theory and in practice.
13. The art of doubling the cube, likewise in practice as well as in theory.
14. The art of that extremely difficult mathematical feat of offering a practical solution to the baffling problem, the quadrature of the circle.
15. The direction of True North.
16. The Pi Proportion, Pi being the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference, 3.14159+
17. The total land-area of the earth, the pyramid located in such a manner as to divide said land-area into four equal quarters, and in so doing to thus define both the earth's "master-meridian" of longitude, and "master-parallel" of latitude. In other words, the meridian passing over the Great Pyramid from north to south traverses more miles of land, and less of sea, than any other that can be drawn around the earth at any place, and that same distinction holds true of a parallel passing over the Pyramid's apex from east to west, or vice versa.

What about the Bible?

1. The cubic capacity of the Coffer in the King's Chamber is exactly the same as that of the famous Ark of the Covenant.
2. The Coffer's cubic capacity is also identical with that of the Jewish laver, and with that of the lavers, or baths, in the world-famous King Solomon's Temple, dedicated 1000 bc.
3. The "Golden Sea" of King Solomon's Temple had a capacity exactly equal to the cubic contents of the Coffer times 50.
4. Noah's Ark had a capacity identical with the cubic contents of the Coffer multiplied by 100,000.

The book of Job makes repeated mention of it. See 9:9, 19:24, 26:7 and 13, 28:7-9, 37:15-18, 38:4-36.

[Compiled from the book "Miracle of the Ages" by Worth Smith]


Great Pyramid Facts

*Compared to the Great Pyramid, the Chicago Twin Towers are 4 ' 10" high without the space between floors.

*All the masonry to build a highway from San Fransisco to New York 8' wide and 6" thick - fits inside the Great Pyramid.

*Only a few places on earth could hold the weight of the Great Pyramid.

*The height of the Great Pyramid is equal to the average height of land on earth.

*The Great Pyramid sits in the center of the longest land paralell and meridian, equally dividing all four quadrants of earth's land masses long before Columbus.

*The Great Pyramid was covered with mirror smooth casing stones, 20 tons each, with a smoothness "equal or better to that of your reading glasses."

*There were 144,000 of them.

*It is the only structure that can be seen from space.

*The space between the stones is smaller than a human hair, or piece of tin foil, exact to the thousandth of an inch. Today's technology can move stones 10 to 20 tons each to within 1 or 2 inches of each other.

*The most accurate macro manipulator (precision movement of large objects) from NASA can move items only 1 and a half tons to within 50,000th of an inch, not 1 or 2 thousands as in the pyramid.

*In aiming toward True North, the Pyramid is off by 3 minutes of arc. The best modern science can achieve is 6 minutes off.

*Since the Pyramid was built, there has been a movement of the North Pole. At the time of its erection the Great Pyramid was only .001 off True North.

*The greatest scientist of all time, Sir Isaac Newton, broke the code of the Great Pyramid by discovering what he called "the Sacred Jewish Inch."

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 06:42 AM
I can’t remember exactly what I was watching something with tony Robinson in it, but they found Egyptian hieroglyphs not far from a shore where English convicts were being dropped off in Australia
It was interesting but I had to shoot out!
Mentioned a brother and sister also, brother got bitten by a snake and died, and the other when and lived with aborigines.
I missed answer to questions like what were the Egyptians doing gin Australia 1000+ years ago
Not relevant to the OP but would be good if someone knew what I was on about and could shed some light.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by Ericthedoubter
Has anyone ever considered that they may just be big stacks of stone?

They had nothing to do when the Nile flooded,so Pharaoh said"Howay boys,let's tidy up a bit,eh?"

Do they need to have a purpose?

- Hilarious.
Lots of people are going to poo bricks if this is the case.
Maybe Imhotep or whoever designed the thing was bored and poking around like a scientist in the lab/ petri dish. Afterall, there's nothing much to do in a desert except count sand grains?

Its like that Mayan calendar - they probably just ran out of space on the rock to carry on with the carving.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

proof to us would be in a form that we only are familar with, therefore its possible for us to not find any physical "proof"....... IMHO the egyptians did NOT build the pyramids, i believe they were the ones that discovered them but thats just IMO. Another thing to think about, lets say in the next 100 years is time travel or space travel possible? ok how about 200 300 1k 2k 5k years etc... There maybe other planets more advanced in that scale even millions of years then us not only can they have altered there own planets past and future with time travel but also ours with space travel ... and IF the universe never had a start or ending meaning it always was (infinite) then there are possiblties that our minds ( which also has infinite powers imo that we can't access all of )
cant even comprehend. But again this is all in my opinions not yours mines lol

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by tigereye
reply to post by Gorman91

proof to us would be in a form that we only are familar with, therefore its possible for us to not find any physical "proof"....... IMHO the egyptians did NOT build the pyramids, i believe they were the ones that discovered them but thats just IMO.

Also time erases all evidence (and even quicker during glacial period transitions). I'm not sure if you all have seen it, but if not you should watch the documentary called "Life after people". After just 10,000 years without humans on earth, our metallic structures such as skyscrapers, cars, cities, plastic, and non stone structures would all be overgrown with nature and would have virtually no evidence left other than what might get fossilized if lucky. That's just 10,000 years out of the 200,000 or so that humans have been labeled homo sapiens. In 100,000 years there would be nothing man made left on earth besides mount rushmore, the pyramids and maybe hoover dam. Many civilizations could have risen and fallen in the past 200K+ years, and its arrogant to think that we couldn't have had a technologically advanced society in the past. It only took a few centuries to go from horse & buggy plus candle light to global communications networks, electricity, air and space travel. It could have happened in the past maybe in a different way.

It's true that for the pyramids to have been built in 50 years, they'd have to be measuring, cutting, transporting, then setting the cement and block for 5 of those 15-80 ton blocks PER HOUR. Do you really think manual human labor could accomplish this without advanced tools and machinery? That's about 1 block every 20 minutes for 50 years, assuming that they work 24/7 (which I highly doubt). In 100 years, it would be 1 block every 40 minutes working 24/7. Those time scales are astronomical and quite frankly do not seem realistic at all. The average life expectancy was 30-40 back then, so a project like that would take 3 lifetimes and it's pretty much proven that no mummy has ever been found in a pyramid. They claim a pharaoh ordered them to build it, but why? If it takes 3 lifetimes, it can't possibly be for a tomb, unless they planning way in advance for future pharaohs. It doesn't really add up.

The first video was cool, but it wasn't from a trustworthy source. I'm not sure who that guy is, but he kept bringing up evolution when it has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Egyptologists are not evolutionary scientists, why are they being compared? Why is he saying nonsense like "Evolutionists would have you believe that Egypt was a primitive society, blah blah blah". No. That's EGYPTOLOGISTS, who think that, but they can't date the pyramids with any good known dating methods, so it begs the question as to whether the pyramids were already there before the Egyptians took over. There are no hieroglyphics anywhere that describe the pyramids being built. You'd think a society that spent at least 100 years building them would hold the accomplishment in high regard, but they didn't. I think its pretty obvious the pyramids are remnants of a former civilization. I'm not trying to invoke aliens or claim they couldn't have done it, but it's far more logical to think technology was involved.

edit on 9-2-2012 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Barcs

Originally posted by tigereye
reply to post by Gorman91

proof to us would be in a form that we only are familar with, therefore its possible for us to not find any physical "proof"....... IMHO the egyptians did NOT build the pyramids, i believe they were the ones that discovered them but thats just IMO.

Also time erases all evidence (and even quicker during glacial period transitions). I'm not sure if you all have seen it, but if not you should watch the documentary called "Life after people".

edit on 9-2-2012 by Barcs because: (no reason given)

Check the last page I just brought that show up. But apparently someone just told me its a bit exaggerated. But yea everything you say i agree with as well. Honestly I dont even think TPTB even know some answers BUT they HAVE TO have a explaination and if later on there are holes in there story of the past then god forbid they have to rewrite history... That would show a sign of weakness, which would in essence lose a bit of control. Which is there main concern over all. There technolgy might be so simple that it would just look alien to us. Furthermore lets say the structures are even older then we think there might be possiblties of "materials" they used as "tools" back then that dont even exsist today for whatever reasons, who knows. For example the air and atmosphere was completely different which is a fact long ago. Who knows what else envirmentally was different. Just a thought!

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by tigereye

Well if you don't think they built them you'll have to explain the dozen other pyramids that were less advanced, all built within 200 years of each other.

Thing is, you are looking at the pyramids as the highest form of engineering they ever did. But this is simply not the case. The pyramids were kindergarten work compared to their later works.

Pyramid construction wasn't a long term thing. It was a style that came, and then left. And never really returned.

Now in this viewpoint, perhaps you are somewhat correct. Because the Egyptians of the old kingdom were not the same as the Egyptians in the middle kingdom. Not long after the pyramid era, the Egyptian civilization collapsed, and the pharaoh no longer held absolute power. During this time period, the Pyramids were abandoned because they were vulnerable to grave robbers and hard to defend. They shifted to cave funerals instead, and eventually large scale temples, shifting to the Valley of the kings.

The point is. I as an educated person cannot fathom why you look at the pyramids as the high point of Egypt when it was merely a short brief period of innovation that ended just as fast as it began.

Egyptian society lasted for 4000+ years. The most well known pyramids were built for 200 of them. That's 5% of their history.

You are ignoring 95% of their architectural discoveries and creative power.

Sorry. I do find that ignorant and disgusting.

As for the universe, it is not infinite. It is expanding and will some day probably contract.

And as for aliens, you're making a huge assumption that they would be anything like us. A species less intelligent than us with a billion years of time would exceed past our level.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

Well if you don't think they built them you'll have to explain the dozen other pyramids that were less advanced, all built within 200 years of each other.

My point is that the GREAT PYRAMID was discovered by the egyptians, therefore they tryed to copy what they saw.

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

Thing is, you are looking at the pyramids as the highest form of engineering they ever did. But this is simply not the case. The pyramids were kindergarten work compared to their later works.

Never said that, you are now making an assumption yourself. Again its irrelavent what the egyptians accomplished since i said i do not believe they built the great pyramid. Yes they had alot of accomplishments but even a child has accomplishments.

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

Pyramid construction wasn't a long term thing. It was a style that came, and then left. And never really returned.

Sounds like a small little fad. that comment is laughable sorry. lol

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

Now in this viewpoint, perhaps you are somewhat correct. Because the Egyptians of the old kingdom were not the same as the Egyptians in the middle kingdom. Not long after the pyramid era, the Egyptian civilization collapsed, and the pharaoh no longer held absolute power. During this time period, the Pyramids were abandoned because they were vulnerable to grave robbers and hard to defend. They shifted to cave funerals instead, and eventually large scale temples, shifting to the Valley of the kings.

How do you know they abandoned the Pyramids because of grave robbers?

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

The point is. I as an educated person cannot fathom why you look at the pyramids as the high point of Egypt when it was merely a short brief period of innovation that ended just as fast as it began.

Egyptian society lasted for 4000+ years. The most well known pyramids were built for 200 of them. That's 5% of their history.

You are ignoring 95% of their architectural discoveries and creative power.

Sorry. I do find that ignorant and disgusting.

I never said that they were a high point, as an educated person i dont know why you cant see that.
I was'nt speaking in regard to what the eygptians did.. i was referring to what they did NOT built. I find that assuming or not really understanding what i said very ignorant and the fact that your basing your assumptions off my assumptions is disgusting.

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by tigereye

As for the universe, it is not infinite. It is expanding and will some day probably contract.

And as for aliens, you're making a huge assumption that they would be anything like us. A species less intelligent than us with a billion years of time would exceed past our level.

The universe being infinite or not, well YOU or I do not know that for a FACT. I said "IF the Universe is infinite.." Again for an educated person you should have seen that. Your assuming it will contract that is very ignorant and disgusting.
When did i say alien are like us? They can or cant be anything like us either way, I think i read somewhere about something saying "let us make man in our image" or something like that.... i dont know

So if even they would exceed our level why would they not travel space and time.

Sorry i dont like when people take cheap shots using words like "disgusting" "ignorant" .

edit on 9-2-2012 by tigereye because: (no reason given)

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