posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by stevcolx
It's a conspiracy until you can provide proof or facts to make it FACT!! All I hear on this site is malcontented people with massive chips on their
shoulders hearing an opinion they like and throwing it out as fact, because it's what they want to hear, on both sides, my opinion on Iran is
irrelavent as there is no 'good' or 'bad' guy in this scenario, all of the governments involved, UK, US, Israel and Iran are all run by aggressive
retards, who will drag us into a war none of us want. (Iran have only got themselves to blame?) In many ways they have, they are demonised by Irsrael
and her friends, but some of that demonising is founded, like Irans constant demonising of parts of Western culture. Acusing people of idiocy by
presuming they believe everything the media tells them is downright rude, and frankly very childish. I don't believe everything I'm told, I'm not
to going to explain myself to someone who clearly has an agenda, and would argue blue was green even if you showed them scientific evidence that it
wasn't. I've studied and worked in the media, for many years, (I don't now) I know exactly how it works, it's not as Evil as you all make out,
parts of it are yes, things are left out (by ALL media outlets, whatever Nation they have Allegiance to), usually to make a story 'Juicier', the
British media constantly criticises the UK and it's policies, you just don't want to hear it, because it doesn't fit with what you have already
decided is truth. All media outlets are flawed as they are based around the opinions of the journalists and the agenda of it's owners, you yourself
have to seek the truth and remain objective.