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Proof of Morgellons Disease Manufactured Nano Technology

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posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Uncinus
In continuing my investigation it does seem like EVERYONE may have it ,but only those with the specific gene trisonomy show signs of far.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by abe froman

I'm going to disagree with trisonomy completely. The people experiencing Morgellons may actually be the healthier and more sane of our species. Their bodies seem to be able to eject this stuff. And that has to be a good thing in light of the picture you put up in your OP showing a chip of some kind. Which would you rather have: a chip that blends with your system and makes you, in effect, programmable, or a chip which erupts through your skin and is categorically rejected?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

IF everyone has it, in the vast majority of us it is blending in perfectly,and could be a kind of forced transhumanism.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by abe froman
reply to post by luxordelphi

IF everyone has it, in the vast majority of us it is blending in perfectly,and could be a kind of forced transhumanism.

Yes, absolutely. My questions though are: who is the architect? and who is holding the blueprints? and how have previous designs by this architect turned out? If there is immunity among a certain segment of the population, then it's not a given. Out of idle curiosity, is there some glamor that you find in this sort of forced transhumanism or lateral humanism or even degraded humanism? Does it, for you, have an upside?

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Hellhound604

Okay, granted you have found several inconsistencies related to some evidence regarding morgellans, but what you point out can not automatically make the whole thing a hoax..

You should and probably know there would be a very sophisticated counter intelligence program related to it, which there definitely is. I'm at work right now or I would gladly give links showing more evidence.. Some is related to a US Senator being told to back off and forget about it when he looked into this disease.

I also know someone who is an old family friend who has it, and has shown me some of the fibers... He is definitely infected with it, and no one can figure it out, but he does have a good doctor that is not an idiot like so many others who make a mad dash to claim it is a mental issue only..

This issue is truly worthy of far more investigation and culprits behind it are enemies of "we the people" and they should be killed for doing this.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

If that theory were true I would Imagine the architect would be the US government in co-operation with microsoft or apple or intel.Or all of the above. Dr.Kerzweil said that within 20 years you will have to have some kind of implants to interact with technology and he is pretty much always right. Maybe they are quietly forcing this on a population that would never submit to it otherwise, Of course there could be some great benefits to this, depending on your gene trisonomy.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by abe froman

Very interesting points you make. Here is what I would question about this: I don't think that it is in the interests of our leaders to re-create us as tech augmented super heros. Programmable robots or drones would be a more realistic picture, given history and current events.

Japan would be my choice for the technology.

The workability of this kind of programming would almost have to pre-suppose that the mind, as an electromagnetic field, is all there is and that spirit is somehow the mind. This is the thinking of the spiritually bereft.

It's almost like another temptation: super powers in exchange for free-will.

In the end it sounds like a back-door theory to get people to think that, yeah, chemtrails are ok because they'll make us super heros and the people who get Morgellons, well, they're just not ready to evolve into bio-machines yet.

Nano particles and metals create serious situations in human beings. Looking at the ability to eject them immediately as a fail and a lunacy is kind of pathetic in light of asbestos, for instance, and how the disease from that may not show up for 20 years. It's been 10 to 15 years now of chemtrailing and so implosion should be just around the corner...

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi
Look at how the implants Dr. Roger Leir pulls out of people are shielded and connected. Nerves that aren't even supposed to be in those parts of the body (proprioreceptors) are connected to implants shielded in some kind of bio material that prevebts rejection. Back engineering of alien technology?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by abe froman

I'm reading carbon nanotubes in some of those implants and that's not alien technology - it's military and private sector contractors. Coating nano is also not alien technology unless the nano, itself, is an alien, which, I guess, is possible, in a dimensional kind of way. Honestly, spontaneous growth of nerves connecting to carbon nanotube implants - it's kind of scary - had no idea. Still...a lot of things can be grown in a petri dish these days and that's not alien either. But I do see what you mean in that the creation of a transhuman seems to be an ongoing experiment without consent forms. And it also seems to be a pretty much trial and error without a control group and without informed consent which is also not alien but strictly unethical human.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:23 AM
Granted. How many times has our government been caught experimenting on the populace without permission? Radiation in Cincinnati, syphillis in Tuskegee Miss.,sterilization of the mentally handicapped, '___' given unknowingly to mental patients at Ravencrag, and these are just the ones we know about.

posted on May, 2 2012 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by alienreality

those links would be great! any chance you could get the morgellons patient you know to post here and possibly share photos, experiences, etc.?


posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by abe froman

Saving to check back for this later. Thanks for posting. Yes I saw the program on TV this evening and no, I'd never heard of this before except casually. Doesn't surprise me since I've always thought aids and the flu is or might be engineered. And no! It's NLM - No laughing matter.

edit on 28-10-2012 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:00 PM
sine this thread was started i've noticed 2 advancements in genetics labs that are strikingly similar to morgellons symptoms.
1. bio-luminesence: scientists have created pigs that glow under uv lighting. the same bio-luminesence that is seen in morgellons" threads".
2. genetically implanted "threads": scientists have mixed spider genes with goat genes so that the goats produce super strong spider silk in their milk.
weird and scary.

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:23 AM
after seeing some (not all) pictures on this site, i clearly remembered seeing pictures from strange wires inside (mcdonalds?) food, i think it was chicken nuggets having blackish wires inside them, they looked like some sort of nano antenna's to me back then was my guess but isnt there also sort of like a special army darth gun shooting gps trackers? i think ive seen something on ATS
about this "new" type of gps gun to track enemy's ,the word "new" meaning: from the moment the mainstream people found out about it. Anyway these darts where supposedly fired inside a unknowing human which then could be tracked. (might have been A futuristic weApon?, but time is relative, the company or facility that made it, must have known years before others, futuristic weapon is often synonimous to top secret in your country). scary stuff, to bad the mcdonalds wire picture seems missing, and ive searched

found it phew,

have a look, even the coloured flakes seem in there maybe, but the wire with the 2 endings beeing rounded seem
like "something" which might have a function to me. at 2:44 is a strange looking thing aswell seemingly looking like the pictures claimed to be made of magellons disease.
edit on 4-4-2015 by dennisarends because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
reply to post by kimish
in a since deleted cdc page there's some relation to having 3 chromosones on a specific gene I think. looks like this thread is just going to disappear but I really wish I could get people to at least look at these photos, especially the numerals embossed on the fibers. and then do some more research on this for themselves. Not only is this a created disease iit's a MANUFACTURED disease there has even been barium and aluminum ejected from morgellons lesions. There is a secret technology at work here. Secret and very advanced.

Problem is - is that the majority of people who contract it are Northern European types. Yes, it's a genetically-targeted, designed disease. Semites are immune. I know this based on personal observation. Some blacks can get it.... if they have enough white in them.

People immune are semites and most (all?) darker-skinned people. Makes it a big problem when going to the doctors. No matter how genuine or well-intentioned the doctors are, if they have absolutely no sensation after the visit, while the patient/victim is clawing at themselves and popping insect-zits,only one erronous conclusion can be reached.

So far, it's been a smashing success.... infecting white people covertly all over.
edit on 4/4/2015 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: MarkJS
Morgellon's is a genetically engineered 'white sickle cell anemia'?

Going waaaay out on a limb here could it be specifically targeted toward a specific group due to gene similarity with an 'outside' race?

Also, Trisonomy in a specific gene is what causes symptoms to appear, it is easy to imagine it lays undetected in the rest of us.

posted on Apr, 5 2015 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: dennisarends
after seeing some (not all) pictures on this site, i clearly remembered seeing pictures from strange wires inside (mcdonalds?) food, i think it was chicken nuggets having blackish wires inside them, they looked like some sort of nano antenna's to me back then was my guess but isnt there also sort of like a special army darth gun shooting gps trackers?

Wouldn't encourage anyone to eat from any of the fast food joints but Chickens naturally have lots of blackish wires in their flesh- they are capillaries with blood still in them...think of them as mini black puddings!
In any meat you'll see tendons and veins as well that all look different depending how they were cooked and at what temp.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

ok good to know but have you seen the video? there was a wire like thingy with two antenna like looking thingys I don't know but you could be right, just very strange and seemingly on topic.

posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 04:05 AM
I dont think people on this thread realise how insulting they are being to people who suffer from mental illnesses.
They are still valid, real ilness but have an origin within the mind rather than the body.
They are not some second rate sufferers who 's sickness doesnt deserve the same respect as those who have a physical origin.

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