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Final Decision: Court sanctions lawyers behind September 11 conspiracy case

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posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
Wait, so the same government that staged 9/11 wont let anyone sue them in open court? No, surely this is a mistake. I would have expected the guilty party to be falling over themslves in an attempt to announce their guilt.

Laughing faces right back at you.

Funny how a US government years down the road with a different President and different officials at all levels is " the same government that staged 9/11 " .

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Thanks for the input, Alph. Dave needs all the support he can get these days, what with his whole world collapsing around him. Turd polishing is often pointless effort, and in the end you still end up with a piece of s**t.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:00 PM
Alex jones can pump out a 15,000 dollar money bomb in an hour, and the frivolous ruling is itself frivolous, because it just shows the courts contempt to view 911 with an open mind and thus impossible to be nonbiased. Also I remember a previous ruling for gallop the judge was related to the bush family. This will just spark future lawsuits and eventually a court will rule in favor of the truth.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
Alex jones can pump out a 15,000 dollar money bomb in an hour, and the frivolous ruling is itself frivolous, because it just shows the courts contempt to view 911 with an open mind and thus impossible to be nonbiased. Also I remember a previous ruling for gallop the judge was related to the bush family. This will just spark future lawsuits and eventually a court will rule in favor of the truth.

You don't have a clue how April Gallop's litigation has gone do you ? Lets have your critique from the start when she sued American Airlines for injuries and distress of herself and child at the Pentagon as a result of impact of their Boeing 757.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by dillweed
To compare Clinton to George Washington is disgraceful, but wait, everything you say is disgraceful, so I guess my original assumption was correct. Keep it. It just helps others realise who you represent.

If everything I say is disgraceful then why are you the one with negative 5000 ATS points? Your posts are so consistantly devoid of merit that you've gone into debt here.

Do you actually have anything meaningful to add to the conversation? Do you even know what the heck the April Gallop lawsuit was even about?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by ICanThink

damn, you are the man.

I could not have put it better. You made the "kapow" post. I really liked it. Good mind.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:01 PM
what should have been done is to sue the FBI CIA NSA DoJ and the State Dep for lack of communication and failure to share information on known and suspected terrorist. lets see how fast fake or important info gets lost misplaced and or shredded:
Was the ID found in tact real? was the known terrorist(s) from said county(s)? did they have enough flight time to fly said aircraft, if they were under surveillance why not arrest them with attempted or premeditated acts of terror, these have never been asked nor answered is it time they did?
edit on 3-2-2012 by bekod because: editting

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, what in the world do 'points' have to do with the fact that you are doing everything in your limited power to confuse the issue regarding 9/11. You post walls of text saying nothing, and yet you question why I'm here? People like you must always be prepared for people like me, it's the age old battle of good versus evil. I refuse to go quietly, while my country is stolen. You defend the very people whom I believe were responsible for the crime, so take it like a man when your actions are called into question. It's somewhat interesting watching you try to put the toothpaste back in the tube, unsucessfully.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
Alex jones can pump out a 15,000 dollar money bomb in an hour, and the frivolous ruling is itself frivolous, because it just shows the courts contempt to view 911 with an open mind and thus impossible to be nonbiased. Also I remember a previous ruling for gallop the judge was related to the bush family. This will just spark future lawsuits and eventually a court will rule in favor of the truth.

...and that's the entire reason why the truthers can't get their conspiracy movement out of thir exclusive little internet cliques. The court system isn't there to "view 911 with an open mind". The court system is there to resolve grievances. Party A brings a grievance against party B to court and submits evidence that a grievance exists, and party B is given a chance to explain themselves...but that ISN'T what Gallop and her bunch did. All they did is throw out a lot of accusations exactly as the truthers are doing here and then demanded Cheney, Et Al to prove they're wrong WITHOUT submitting evidence to show that a grievance (in their case, no plane hit the Pentagon) exists. Did they show how all the wreckage strewn all over the place was planted or how all the eyewitnesses that saw a plane hitting the Pentagon were lying? No, they simply insisted the wreckage was planted and all the eyewitnesses were lying, and proceeded upon the basis that everyone must accept it as fact without analysis. Sorry, but the rule of "the burden of proof is on the accuser" applies to the truthers exactly as much as it applies to everyone else.

I can understand the possible rationale for the lawyers to pursue this mind numbingly ridiculous "no plane hit the Pentagon" claim, as lawyers are essentially mercenaries who'd file a lawsuit against the sun for giving their client skin cancer, if money was to be had. What I don't understand is their insistance on continuing pursuing the claim even after they were specifically warned by the court to stop wasting the court's time. It's as if some idiot opened a door that was clearly marked "Don't open this door or a lion will come out and eat you". Does anyone know if Gallop's lawyers have successful practices or whether they're simply a bunch of green lawyers straight out of law school?

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:26 PM
Dave you are a good old boy. A golden boy. Do you really think you can understand people you have dismissed away so very long ago? Your very actions to dissuade them only encourage them. Whoever prepared you should have told you this golden rule. Dont feed your enemy, in this case the truth movement.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by casenately
Dave you are a good old boy. A golden boy. Do you really think you can understand people you have dismissed away so very long ago? Your very actions to dissuade them only encourage them. Whoever prepared you should have told you this golden rule. Dont feed your enemy, in this case the truth movement.

Lets give Dave all his true credit.

In my debates with Dave, He presents his case very well, to counter his points, I had to do more research,

dig deeper, and in doing so, deepen my resolve that I am on the right side.

I am able now, when talking to other people , to convey my position more clearly and accurately.

I have awakened many people to the Lies of 911, and I owe it all to Dave.

posted on Feb, 3 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

You mean, the lies of the 9/11 truther world, yes?

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by dillweed
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Dave, what in the world do 'points' have to do with the fact that you are doing everything in your limited power to confuse the issue regarding 9/11. You post walls of text saying nothing, and yet you question why I'm here? People like you must always be prepared for people like me, it's the age old battle of good versus evil. I refuse to go quietly, while my country is stolen. You defend the very people whom I believe were responsible for the crime, so take it like a man when your actions are called into question. It's somewhat interesting watching you try to put the toothpaste back in the tube, unsucessfully.

Dill, it appears your post was riddled with typos. Bold font are the corrections. - You're welcome

Dave, what in the world do 'points' have to do with the fact that you are doing everything in your limited power to explain the issue regarding 9/11. You post walls of text stating facts, and yet you question why I'm here? People like you must always be prepared for paranoid people like me, it's the age old battle of mentally ill versus normal. I refuse to listen to facts, while my country is trying to recover. You defend the very people whom I believe without any proof whatsoever, were responsible for the crime, so take it like a man when your fact laden posts are ignored. It's somewhat interesting trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, unsuccessfully.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

What about the molten steel and iron?

What about the micro-spheres found by usgs and the rjlee group?

What about the free fall speed of wtc7?

Yea if you can explain, maybe we will give your posts some thought.

However, we all know youre unable to so dont bother

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma
The tone of your 'reply' is indicative of your whole group. Nasty. You're losing here, and it's showing. Keep playing the same, lame hand you guys have been dealt. You're not the least bit interested in the truth, and it's painfully obvious to the world. Take all the shots at me that you want, because we know who's right and, who's treading water.

edit on 4-2-2012 by dillweed because: spelling

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by dillweed

The tone of your 'reply' is indicative of your whole group. Nasty. You're losing here, and it's showing. Keep playing the same, lame hand you guys have been dealt. You're not the least bit interested in the truth, and it's painfully obvious to the world. Take all the shots at me that you want, because we know who's right and, who's treading water.

Not nasty at all. We are into the 11th year post 9/11. You and your truther ilk have failed. This recent 15K fine imposed on these two dolts that April Gallop hired are further proof of this. Speaking of proof, when does the truther movement plan on using any of it?

The hand we play is based on one thing: facts! Try them sometime, perhaps you will see beyond your conspiratorial, paranoid, and delusional mind.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 02:01 PM
These lawyers will gain support for a courageous attempt. And the ruling is merely an appeal to authority, we are the judges, we set the law, we dictate reality, we say aviation fuel melts steel but not passports. Haha.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by filosophia
These lawyers will gain support for a courageous attempt. And the ruling is merely an appeal to authority, we are the judges, we set the law, we dictate reality, we say aviation fuel melts steel but not passports. Haha.

We can also make 767 disappear into 16 ft holes.
Fear us.

posted on Feb, 4 2012 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

What about the molten steel and iron?

What about the micro-spheres found by usgs and the rjlee group?

What about the free fall speed of wtc7?

Yea if you can explain, maybe we will give your posts some thought.

However, we all know youre unable to so dont bother

We are talking about the Pentagon

You do know the difference between the Pentagon and WTC ?

Apparently not based on the incredible ignorance demonstrated....

posted on Feb, 5 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
These lawyers will gain support for a courageous attempt. And the ruling is merely an appeal to authority, we are the judges, we set the law, we dictate reality, we say aviation fuel melts steel but not passports. Haha.

Suppprt? Really? Are you pitching in to help pay the fine? The gong show leader Richard Gage withdrew his support for the no planers. It was far from courageous, it was ignorant. Now, they have to pay for it

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