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A united Earth resistance... would it happen?

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posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Please Lucid Lunacy no one word or one line replies. Thanks.

Okay I can't resist, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but, uh, wasn't that a one line reply? Perhaps such things should be addressed in U2U's directly to users instead of adding more one line replies and 'clutter' to board posts.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 10:05 PM
It serves a purpose to remind the readers of this thread that one line responses are not acceptable. It�s simply a friendly reminder.

posted on Oct, 2 2004 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Please Lucid Lunacy no one word or one line replies. Thanks.

Or at least enough so that I can understand what is being said

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by RedBalloon

Originally posted by kinglizard
Please Lucid Lunacy no one word or one line replies. Thanks.

Okay I can't resist, and I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but, uh, wasn't that a one line reply? Perhaps such things should be addressed in U2U's directly to users instead of adding more one line replies and 'clutter' to board posts.

Kinglizard I received your U2U and the point was taken =)

Indigo Child, what I meant was I also hear a ring of truth in that scenario.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:24 AM
Even if we would win this war against the unearthly ones, we will probably been blown back into the stone age and if we are lucky the iron age.
Communication satellites, Gone.
The combined stored knowledge of the humankind and past generations (cloud storage, library's, Internet), Gone.
Most of earth's city's, infrastructure, power stations, communication towers, Gone.
We will all be isolated from one another, small pockets of humans with only the knowledge stored in there heads and saved in some books.
At first Survival will be key then in due time new customs new cultures shall arise and with that new intolerance new misunderstandings new disputes and new wars are born.
Only stories will be left in the heart's of humanity of magical mirrors small and large that could show you anything you wished for, who you could speak to and it would grant you your wish in shiny bright colors.

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 08:41 AM
Can Earth unite in the face of alien invasion? My reply is in two parts. In essence yes and no. I shall go on to explain.

1. We Have Already Been Invaded
The fact of the matter is that ET is already here and have been for thousands of years. There is plenty of historical evidence for this in writings and historical artefacts. Indeed there is current day suspicions of alien underground bases Dulce and Area 51 for example being two famous ones and I would say there are plenty more around the world underground and under the sea for example. It is possible that ET's have infiltrated governments either via consensus or deliberately without consent. Take CERN for example. How do we know that there is not an ET working there or monitoring things, it does not have to be a scientist. They can hide in plain sight, be the night time cleaner for all we know!

2. Middle East/Isis Violence/State Of The World
Putting aside all the politics for the moment, quite frankly all of the Middle East is in a mess. With groups like ISIS busy chopping people's heads off and so forth, it does not bode well. They are too deeply entrenched in religious dogma to bother about aliens. Although one must note the Holy Koran (Quoran) does indeed mention other worlds. But I have not read the Koran closely enough to know if this is accepted by Muslims as being acceptable or not. So that leaves really USA, Russia, Europe, Japan and Australia to lead the fight back. Canada and South America would I am sure contribute as well. China I think would although they play it cool like the Romulans. As to North Korea they would probably throw their dummy out of the pram and say it was an invasion against them by USA! As we all know Russia and the West are having issues at the moment. But even Putin is not insane enough to face an alien invasion on his own. It would be in his own personal vested interest to throw his lot in with any resistance movement. However I can see problems in arguments over who leads the resistance.

Can we win such an "open" invasion? I don't think so. We are too immature and insular (fighting amongst ourselves). Besides we are not even a type 2 civilisation yet. We are too unimportant a species to be honest to engage in warfare. Perhaps if we achieved warp drive and there are indications that we will do within oh the next hundred years then that will attract attention as we will have the ability to explore the stars. Peerhaps we are in quarantine because of our aggressive behaviour and that the development of such technology would be cause for concern. Put simply Earth is regarded as the North Korea of the cosmic community and they wont allow us to use such technology for fear of us humans wiping them out!

posted on Jun, 11 2015 @ 09:09 AM
Humans are aggressive beasts and pack together as much as possible to fight (safety in numbers)

Think about it for just a minute and take any city you know well as an example.

So i know areas where within one 'area' people from one street will fight another but both those groups would join forces to fight another area. This escalates up to suburb v suburb, town/city v town/city (just look at the bitter rivalries across the world (thinking mainly soccer here). Then the north will normally band together to mock/fight the south in most countries, then the whole country bands together to fight another country, continent v continent so i would think most of the world would fight together.

Extrapolating further if Martians came and said we are about to be invaded by the nearest solar system we would probably join them to defend our solar system, then galaxy v galaxy ......

posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 10:20 AM

In the admittedly rather unlikely eventuality that Earth should be invaded by a hostile extraterrestrial force, do you beleive that our species would have the capacity to set aside our petty internicine wars to defend against this common enemy?

Absolutely. Of course, afterwards (if we won), we'd go right back to it....but while facing the threat, yes, you'd see all major world powers unite forces and arms.

It's entirely likely that one nation or another might "sell out" in terms of military force, eschewing action against the enemy so that they themselves might be spared.

I'm looking at your Switzerland!

Others might even take advantage of the situation to launch an assault against another Earth nation.

Only in 2nd or 3rd world countries. And localized conflicts.

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