posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:13 PM
These are fun questions but the answers are obvious. If attacked
we would lose. The aliens have space superiority. Applying
delta-v to a few asteroids for an intercept course with earth in
its' solar orbit would be a simple weapon. No alien need ever
fear direct attack. The incoming small planetoids would impact
the surface, and what life is not destroyed directly by explosions
of a magnitude causing extinction events in the past, would
succumb later to the "nuclear winter" resultant from the dust
blown into the atmosphere. Another simple weapon would be to
deploy a "sunscreen" stationed between the earth and sun,
perhaps a manufactured metal thin film. The shadow of the screen
would be made to cover the earth by keeping it in position.
Indeed the concept of "solar sail" has been discussed by Earth
scientists as a means for traveling between planets. The aliens'
larger version would make a simple weapon. It would use
the solar rays to hold its' position between the earth and sun.
Do you really think any of this would be difficult for a space faring
civilization? With the sunlight prevented from reaching the earth the
atmosphere would begin to cool, and within just a few weeks the
atmosphere of earth would begin to liquify and fall as liquid air.
All surface life would perish. When the sunscreen was removed
the air would become gaseous again and the aliens would have a
planet with an oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere, oceans, lands.
All free of the indigenous biological infestations. The aliens
could seed the Earth with their own life forms, plants and
animals, and have another place to call home. Another simple
weapon would be to simply release a projectile from an alien
starship traveling at a large percentage the speed of light so as to
impact the planet. Depending on its' mass and composition it
could either blow most of the planets atmosphere into space
from the impact, or if a larger mass literally destroy the earth
from the kinetic energy release as it traveled into the Earth's core.
Think exploding planet when trying to picture it. These are all
"low" technology weapons available to any space faring aliens.
Getting just a little more sophisticated assuming the aliens had
equivalent advanced development in other technologies besides
space travel, the weapon possibilities become too numerous
to mention.
Perhaps you say they might want to enslave Earth people, and
not exterminate them? What on Earth for? Organic life forms like
Earth primates are 95% water, some carbon compounds and
trace elements. Think dirty jello. Actually quite disgusting.
And probably relativily common in the universe. But even if the
aliens' refined sensibilities enabled them to think of Earth people
as a lower form of life, perhaps the way you might consider a..
vegetable.. for example a carrot, they would have their own
preference for more suitable servants than carrots that make
noises and #. Not even worth discussing the idea of enslaving.
Earth people would all die, easily and quickly.
[edit on 16-9-2004 by mockan]