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A united Earth resistance... would it happen?

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posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 09:58 AM
In the admittedly rather unlikely eventuality that Earth should be invaded by a hostile extraterrestrial force, do you beleive that our species would have the capacity to set aside our petty internicine wars to defend against this common enemy?

It's entirely likely that one nation or another might "sell out" in terms of military force, eschewing action against the enemy so that they themselves might be spared. Others might even take advantage of the situation to launch an assault against another Earth nation.

However, we humans are a tenacious bunch... even though our technology is probably a good bit behind that possessed by anyone capable of traveling interstellar distances to reach our world, I'm sure that if they bleed, we'd kill some of them, at least.

So how would we, as a planet and as individuals, react to an overt, hostile (e.g. Hollywood-style) invasion that could, theoretically, be deterred?

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:44 AM
If we won a war of the type u mentioned it would be a great thing for earth in general as we would develop a kind of comradery between all nations which could spawn an age of co-operation and exponential technological advances.
We would have a very important reason to become a true space fairing world and the amount of funding for space exploration and assosiated military applications would become almost unlimited, just imagine every nation of the world contributing to a central fund for such projects.

Unfortunately we would almost surely lose the war, any race that can get to earth is obviously more advanced than us which would be reflected in the effictiveness of their weapons and tactics etc.

[edit on 15-9-2004 by ufo3]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:48 AM
Of course.... It's done in the movies all the time

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:49 AM
I think it was Gorbechov(sp?) who publicly stated that:

He did not believe there was an extraterrestrial threat, but if there was, USA and Russia would put aside their differences and become allies in the fight.

If you want I could try and find a link, I read it in magazines and books.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 06:39 PM
Yes, i'm sure earth countries would give up their wars and kill some aliens, but about 20 years after that, it'll probably back to same old war(if we survive)
I think we could win, alien's tactics may be different, like the american revolution where americans used guerilla warfare and the British stood in formations in plain sight. Besides, humans change their tactics during specific wars. Fighting was quite different between WW2 and Vietnam. Also, wars lately, the US uses airpower a lot more than most other countries. I'm sure we could do it. A human with a gun is a very powerful being. The problem is the way we're going with disarmament. At least i won't go to disarmament.
Maybe the antigun groups are with the aliens! lol

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 06:53 PM
A thought If we were invaded and we got toghter to defeet them (wich we WOULD be able to do. Then we may just never have another war between our selfs again alest for a few 100 years .After all our thought would be well we won but what if they have more ships and try again .
Ps we would win because of ONE simple fact no matter how good there tek is sooner or later they would have to get out of there ships for the mop up and they would find out very quickly what gorllia war fare is all about.
after all look at the wars we have here with each other .US versies irak . wile our tek is very far ahead of theres we still havent won a year later and farther more the harder we push the more of them seem to join in the fight we cant win because even though we kill 1000ens they have us out numbered and just keep sending in more .

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Having an outside enemy thats common to all men would be a good way to get humans to stop killing each other for money, ideals and dirt. But in a way I think we have a better chance of surviving longer fighting each other than fighting an alien force that would most likely have technology and knowledge of us to the extent that any conlfict would be heavily weighted in their favor.

But then again i could be wrong.. you never really know.

But regardless, if its against aliens or ourselves I dont think conflict can be avoided either way, unfortunatley its the way of life.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 10:32 PM
If an alien race has the capibility to travel to another solar system, or if even in fact, their race has setup civilization on a planet in our solar system that still leaves us left to one huge problem. This race has the attack capability to invade an entire planet via airstrike tactics. Now...ruling out the fact that it could be their first time at it
(sarcasm). They probably have it down to a science. When was the last time Earth was invaded? They would come, we would be slapped around. Sure we do have a few ATA missles laying around, but how can a planet keep an entire race from invasion?

Even if we do come together to fight them. We know nothing about them, they have the technology to basically make themselves impervious to bullets/missles/radiation/poison gas. Their bodies could or could not be based on elements unknown to us.

Technology > all

Sorry, I kind of forgot to post about the topic

yes, it show that our race isn't all the benjamin's and greed. If we did unite it would give a sense of...well wtf have we been doing to eachother this entire time, look at how selfish and stupid we all have been. I think if we did reign supreme after an alien invasion it would prove that we are suppose to exist for some reason (whatever that may be

[edit on 15-9-2004 by Aether]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 10:48 PM
Well a United Earth Resistance would sound cool and all...but really...if we get attacked by an alien race, how do you think we all could come together before we get wiped out. I mean, the UN takes forever to decide where to place a tree stump. With our sloppy way of negotiations, it is highly unlikely that anything like that would and could happen. Also, with the ignorance that some countries have today (cough, France) who don't worry about major problems unless they have to directly face it, they'll just say "to hell with you" and leave you to rot. If we were attacked by aliens tomorrow...there would be no UER. But if global situations become better in the future, then it is a possibility.

But getting back to the real world, if we were attacked by an alien race, we would stand no chance. One of our strongest weapons is a nuclear bomb...and the only way we could stand a chance of winning is by making the planet into a nuclear wasteland. So a UER wouldn't matter, since we would get beat around without effort.

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:13 PM
These are fun questions but the answers are obvious. If attacked
we would lose. The aliens have space superiority. Applying
delta-v to a few asteroids for an intercept course with earth in
its' solar orbit would be a simple weapon. No alien need ever
fear direct attack. The incoming small planetoids would impact
the surface, and what life is not destroyed directly by explosions
of a magnitude causing extinction events in the past, would
succumb later to the "nuclear winter" resultant from the dust
blown into the atmosphere. Another simple weapon would be to
deploy a "sunscreen" stationed between the earth and sun,
perhaps a manufactured metal thin film. The shadow of the screen
would be made to cover the earth by keeping it in position.
Indeed the concept of "solar sail" has been discussed by Earth
scientists as a means for traveling between planets. The aliens'
larger version would make a simple weapon. It would use
the solar rays to hold its' position between the earth and sun.
Do you really think any of this would be difficult for a space faring
civilization? With the sunlight prevented from reaching the earth the
atmosphere would begin to cool, and within just a few weeks the
atmosphere of earth would begin to liquify and fall as liquid air.
All surface life would perish. When the sunscreen was removed
the air would become gaseous again and the aliens would have a
planet with an oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere, oceans, lands.
All free of the indigenous biological infestations. The aliens
could seed the Earth with their own life forms, plants and
animals, and have another place to call home. Another simple
weapon would be to simply release a projectile from an alien
starship traveling at a large percentage the speed of light so as to
impact the planet. Depending on its' mass and composition it
could either blow most of the planets atmosphere into space
from the impact, or if a larger mass literally destroy the earth
from the kinetic energy release as it traveled into the Earth's core.
Think exploding planet when trying to picture it. These are all
"low" technology weapons available to any space faring aliens.
Getting just a little more sophisticated assuming the aliens had
equivalent advanced development in other technologies besides
space travel, the weapon possibilities become too numerous
to mention.
Perhaps you say they might want to enslave Earth people, and
not exterminate them? What on Earth for? Organic life forms like
Earth primates are 95% water, some carbon compounds and
trace elements. Think dirty jello. Actually quite disgusting.
And probably relativily common in the universe. But even if the
aliens' refined sensibilities enabled them to think of Earth people
as a lower form of life, perhaps the way you might consider a..
vegetable.. for example a carrot, they would have their own
preference for more suitable servants than carrots that make
noises and #. Not even worth discussing the idea of enslaving.

Earth people would all die, easily and quickly.

[edit on 16-9-2004 by mockan]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:15 PM
let me think of it a lil.
ok, first, and it is important, WHY would they attack us? is it to enslave us? is it to exterminate us ? is it to test new weapons and laugh at us a lil ? this is important. Because if let say they attack to simply eradicate the planet, we would stand no chance at all. BUT if they are here to enslave us, eventually a resistance would build up, it could take centuries but eventually...

in a second thought, if they come here to attack us, surely they have enemies, and surely they would contact us to offer technologies to fight them...yep...

but all in all, i don't think it would unite the inhabitants of earth. This have to be done peacefully...our mentalities have to change, the way we perceive the planet, the plants and other words, the way we CARE about other human beings and animals have to drastically change ..

anyways...this was my humble opinion, cheers!

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:29 PM
It would depend on how long the attack would go on for.

I think up to six months, 1 year max, we would all remain united, fighting the common 'enemy', but it wouldn't take long for previous differences to arise again, through issues like who's in charge, what tactics to use, etc.

If the invasion was to take longer than a year, we'd all be bickering amongst ourselves, aliens will invade, do as they please and whatever.

Oh and while this all happens, I'm sure there'll be at least one (human) group against the war, one welcoming committee and one group defending the rights of the aliens...

And if for some reason we did defeat the aliens or they got bored of our pathetic weapons, for a short while we'll party then it'll be the same old, same old again with the added public holidays commemorating the defeat!

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:36 PM
Aye, let the enemy metally get you out of your strategies and determination, then thee will perish, or be slaves without a fight. I would like to think that there will a resistance, but one problem, are all the humans tagged of micro chips so they know where you are at? It would be hard to hid with these things implanted somewhere on your person.

Aye, rest for the night before the next watch.

[edit on 15-9-2004 by ancientsailor]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:37 PM
They have rights to attack us anyhow, we're the idiots setting of mini-black holes... Nuclear Bombs are just dumb, we don't even know what we're doing, thats why they do tests ....

We don't even know what we're doing to the universe.. its not natural... its why the aliens told us to disarm, but we thought they wanted to make us vulnrable... we're truly ignorant.. (or should I say the people in power who control such knowledge)

[edit on 15/9/04 by dnero6911]

posted on Sep, 15 2004 @ 11:40 PM
If you want to read some good books about that exact kind of stuff Harry turtledove has a nice worldwar series set during wwII Incase you are looking for a book like that

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Either way. Aliens invade us or we just keep killing each other. We're screwed either way at out current pace.

If Aliens are as smart as they would have to be then they know all they really have to do is wait a few years and their won't be enough of us left to worry about. They could just land and make themselves at home at that point.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 01:50 AM
hmmmm, would we all get to gether to "fight" the alien menace? I think so! Since the nwo plan is for a one world government i'm pretty sure that any sort of "alien threat" would result in some sort of one world government (dictatorship).

Would the people all their countries to hand over military (and who knows what else) control of their respective countries to a one world government like the UN to combat a newly arrived alien threat? I'm pretty sure it will or is at least more likely than it would have been say 50years ago since hollywood has beamed is image of a world united driving off an evil alien presence. Im not saying hollywood has changed the mindset of everyone in the world but i'm sure that if some sort of referendum was called in the democratic countries to hand over control of the country to the UN etc to create solidarity against the aliens, the films etc over the years must have convinced a few people at least that this is the way foreward.

maybe im wrong, who knows. Maybe we do need a one world government to defeat aliens, or maybe the alien threat could be a hoax to give powerful people more control?

Anyone see dark skies? In that, the hive did have more advanced tech, but in terms or weaponry, for some reason, we had the upperhand in that in roswell they managed to shoot down the flying saucer using tanks etc from the 40's

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 01:54 AM
Their wouldn't be a civilization to fight back the aliens. If an aliens were so smart all they would have to do is drop a couple of neutron bombs and kill all organics instantly, Right?

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 01:58 AM
Well if our World can't even come together to combat Global Destruction by Global Warming, I don't see why they'd do so for anything else.

You'd probably have one side of the world wanting to Nuke the aliens (wink wink Bush) and the other side wanting to come to some kind of agreement with the Extra Terrestrial sods.

I can't really see Islamic extremists joining the West for anything, no even Aliens. And not just Islamic extremists either...........I can't see most of the world agreeing with the White House about anything any more. Even alien invasion .

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 08:14 AM
yeah but even in countries themselves, say usa, u might have bush wanting to nuke them as u suggest though i dont see him doing much without his "advisors" telling him what to do.. but i also reckon that that the smarter people in the military would want to collaborate with the aliens just so they could try to get their hands on some of the aliens' technology.

I'm saure the good old military industrial complex would have some nice murderous weapons they been developing in secret for a long time to make the aliens bleed a hell of a lot. Forget us been helpless till the end like in independence day.

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