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Lies! - Reactor 4 FULL Of Fuel - Pacific Ocean May Be Lost

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posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Matt93
The MSM plays into the notion that people's attention spans are quite short and they want to see sensational news.

Whatever boosts the ratings I guess
edit on 2-2-2012 by Matt93 because: grammar and spelling

Main-Stream Media? What about ATS posters? I quote, "Pacific Ocean May Be Lost!"
That would fit the definition of sensationalism nicely, no?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by SoulVisions

Originally posted by Matt93
The MSM plays into the notion that people's attention spans are quite short and they want to see sensational news.

Whatever boosts the ratings I guess
edit on 2-2-2012 by Matt93 because: grammar and spelling

Main-Stream Media? What about ATS posters? I quote, "Pacific Ocean May Be Lost!"
That would fit the definition of sensationalism nicely, no?

Good point. There are a lot of threads with sensational titles like that. Better to just stick to the facts.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Flavian

They won't ever release the results to the press, to do so would be TPTB admitting just how bad it really is. As for the dead seals? You can bet they'll be wisked off for "more testing".

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by Chance321

You may well be right but the point i was making was that basically we shouldn't rush to judgement yet. There could be other factors involved rather than Fukushima.

Fukushima itself is a total tragedy and the damage caused is heart breaking.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 08:52 AM

edit on 2-2-2012 by Chance321 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:00 AM
I'm just giving this a bump.

If the MSM isn't reporting on it, the majority of people are not going to think about it. Such a shame. Everyone would rather concern themselves with who's getting a rose on The Bachelor or where the next party is going to be and what alcoholic beverage they're going to bring.

Let's keep in mind that the presidential election is taking up most of the airwaves and keeping people distracted, too. I do hear sometimes about new neclear power plants being built. Is anyone asking the candidates how they feel about this and what safe guards are being put in place? No.

Sometimes I wish that electricity was never harnessed.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:01 AM
Fukishima is like a nagging toothache here on the west coast.Its a dark unknown cloud hanging over the future of perhaps all Mankind.....
Surely Japan and its people.
The lack of cconrete information is deliberate, so deception by Tepco should not be tolerated by the whole world.
There is more than enough evidence to prove that they, and possibly the Govt of japan, have willingly, and deliberately sentenced many thousands of people to a protractedly painful death, in the name of their profits and faces.
I ask you, why is there no UNILATERAL united nations effort being offered or insisted upon?
This disaster is ongoing, and has NEVER stopped irradiating the surrounding ocean and land!
By definition, there is contamination daily emitted through various ways , be it cooling water pumped back into the sea(which anyone can see they have to do to maintain the status quo even.....)
To radio active isotopes of many thousands of years half life, spewing into the air twnty fout/seven since it started that fateful first explosion.....
Worst of all, the containers have been breached in at least two reactors....
Nuclear fuel rods and waste nuclear materials mixed into a stew at the bottom of the container building and burning into the ground beneath.....with only feet to fo before hitting the water table....(the plant is sitting next to ocean level......
Why this is so underplayed in the news is something that may indicate just how serious and deadly the consequences of the accident are going to become.
I am furious at the rest of the world goverments lack of support and matterial assistance.
WH.O. needs to declare this a WORLD HEALTH PROBLEM!

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by YouAreLiedTo
It's actually worse than your worker friend is making it out to be.

300 tons of nuclear waste were dumped into the pacific the first week of the disaster. Just imagine how much has been introduced to the ocean by this point.

Here, a thread about the water currents and what it means for the planet.

Btw, seals in Alaska already have radioactive poisoning.

Just wait, you haven't heard anything yet...

Sounds like a good time to start investing in Geiger Counters so you can scan your king crab or shrimp entrees at your favorite seafood restaurants. Then again if youre detecting radiation on your food then youre already exposed and already screwed.

Makes me wonder if those dolphins turning up dead on cape cod have radiation poisoning?

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by stirling

I actually believe the reason is simple enough - they have absolutely no idea. For example, one of the first Japanese ladies interviewed in the area immediately after the quake was not in the slightest worried about radiation having lived through Hiroshima / Nagasaki (can't remember which). She was actually in the city at the time the bomb was dropped and therefore (probably stupidly) had absolutely no fear of any radiation due to Fukushima. Conversely, some people/objects/animals have been massively affected already.

To me, this demonstrates that however much we may claim to know the answers to questions on nuclear and radiation, the simple truth is we are winging it and making it up as we go along. New discoveries are often made. And obviously, this is never acknowledged or talked about as that would create protest and panic.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:32 AM
One thing we do have control over as ATSers, is everyone who reads this thread, Flag it. Force it to the front page, and keep it there. U2U your friends here, provide a link to this thread, ask them politely to Please Flag it to help keep vital information in plain view for those who have not seen it. Yes, that is something we can do, the MSM won't do for us.

Out of sight...out of mind. Sadly this is the nature of people these days...An attitude that will probably end up killing us all at some point....


posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:34 AM
I thought I read a book somewhere that said something about a third of the seas being poisioned and a third of the living creatures dying...I dunno...cant remember where I read it..

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:51 AM
This definitely needs to be a hot topic. This affects all of us, the world over.

Thanks for posting, and thanks for the follow-up posters who've added information!

It's very sad and frustrating, though, that for these types of occurrences, "ignorance is bliss" is the only response.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:53 AM
Don't eat any seafood from the pacific ocean, and try to avoid products from the west coast of the usa. Buy local and wash those leafy greens very good.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by havok

Our society isn't "progressing," corporate giants hold us back because their right to make a profit outweighs our right to life. Don't agree? Try telling that to our miserable excuse of a government.

If we were truly progressing we wouldn't be relying on fossil fuels, let alone nuclear energy, but there is no money in cheap energy.

At some point the people need to say enough is enough and dismember these pigs, limb from limb. To qualify for public office a person should be required to have taken courses in political & social philosophy and ethics.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
reply to post by havok

Our society isn't "progressing," corporate giants hold us back because their right to make a profit outweighs our right to life. Don't agree? Try telling that to our miserable excuse of a government.

If we were truly progressing we wouldn't be relying on fossil fuels, let alone nuclear energy, but there is no money in cheap energy.

You're right about this. I think everyone's coming to the same conclusion. Sucks that it won't be changing soon (not in the U.S. at least) now that the focus on metered natural gas is to take the place of a lot of energy applications that oil addresses now. We'll never be 100% off the use of crude oil though. Everything from lubrication to hair products, and even certain building materials require it.
edit on 2-2-2012 by SoulVisions because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Observor
Frankly if it is as bad this implies or worse, what would the knowledge itself do to help other than create panic? How is the public becoming aware of the radiation poisoning help them avoid it? Those who are seriously interested in it have the resources to find out what is possibly happening. The rest are no better off for knowing about it. If they are actively suppressing the information, that is bad. But not actively spreading the information through constant media updates about it is not bad in itself.

There are other things where the knowledge may help people change things and they tend to concentrate on them.

The knowledge would do a lot. For example when milk here started showing up contaminated I quit buying it and bought a 2 year supply of powdered milk, and then they quit releasing test results I assume to prevent serious damage to the dairy industry. Dairy products concentrate the radiation, unfortunately most people don't have a clue about it or other risks because the information was not spoon fed to them by MSM so they bee bop along as if nothing ever happened. How does being aware help someone avoid it? Seriously? Don't stand in the rain, don't let your kids play in the rain & snow. Missing some playtime in the rain & snow now is a small price to pay even if they don't realize it now.

This is really nothing new though. My wife lived about 250 miles from Chernobyl and they were not told to avoid dairy or breast feeding and that was 25 years ago. Naturally, she got cancer as have many of her friends. We were able to afford the best treatment available but it still took a very heavy toll. Many are not so fortunate. The Chernobyl disaster happened in 1986, many people don't even know the other 3 reactors kept producing electricity and that the last reactor at Chernobyl went offline in 2000, 14 years later. All 4 at Fukushima were in varying degrees of trouble immediately, 4 times the bad plus 30-40 years of spent fuel stored on site. Chernobyl on the other hand was new, no spent fuel involved. I'm no scientist, and I and everyone else will acknowledge Chernobyl was very bad. But how do they compare?

Chernobyl: 1 reactor meltdown, 3 still functional, no spent fuel.
Fukushima: 4 reactor meltdowns, 0 still functional, 30-40 years of spent fuel.

Just looking at those few oversimplified facts it is pretty obvious how serious Fukushima is. Look at your map, there are still places in the UK they are not allowed to farm, wild boars too radioactive to eat in Germany, I could go on but the point is obvious. As bad as Chernobyl was Fukushima is almost incomprehensible, how would the general public react if they understood the extent of this disaster?

By the way, if you look at pictures of the reactor buildings at Fukushima 1-3 look like they blew up, explosion damage. 4 looks different, no explosion damage. The huge steel beams curl downward like they got hot enough to bend down under their own weight and that takes some serious heat to do.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:40 AM
Just out from TEPCO, "Much work remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress."

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Sounds like a good time to start investing in Geiger Counters so you can scan your king crab or shrimp entrees at your favorite seafood restaurants. Then again if youre detecting radiation on your food then youre already exposed and already screwed.

Not necessarily, in fact far from it. If you did detect radiation on your food, don't eat it and walk away. Chances are you would be fine. Most radiation (alpha especially) cannot penetrate clothing or skin (in the case of Aplha, they can barely penetrate more than a few cm's of air). Alpha particles are also the most dangerous, but only if ingested.

So, in short, there are various forms of radiation with various effects and penetrating power. Merely saying something is radioactive and is therefore dangerous is misleading. We are radioactive, we live in a naturally radioactive environment and our bodies are designed to be somewhat resistant to it.

That's not to say that Fukishima should be ignored, but lets not get dramatic about radiation. For the vast majority of people and wildlife, this will pass as unnnoticed. Just look at Chenobyl, the animals there are getting on fine (flourishing in fact as all the humans moved out!) and, for the most part, so are the humans caught up in it aside from a small increase in birth defects (among a large population) and those who worked directly on sealing the reactor in 1986.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by superman2012
WAIT JUST A MINUTE!!! My TV box hasn't said anything about Japan in months....isn't that over?

When are they going to tell the truth about the actual accident, then maybe they could start thinking of solutions.

If its true were going to be hit (well, feel the effects) of this large planet, burned out sun, what ever it is, and most of humanity will be wiped out, what to the PAB care? They are hunkering down for the aftermath.

posted on Feb, 2 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by KaiserSoze
Look at your map, there are still places in the UK they are not allowed to farm, wild boars too radioactive to eat in Germany, .

Really? Where in the UK?

As for the Wild boar thing, that isn't true. You can consume boar meat in Germany, but the hunter must first have it tested to make sure it is fit for human consumption. The same if you were to slaughter and kill any animal, radioactive or not, I hasten to add.

In 2008/09, there were over 650K wild boar shot to supply the huge deman for boar meat in Germany.

The above is the exact kind of over-reaction coupled with false info that fans the flames of panic...And people wonder why "TPTB" don't tell us. Because most of us are pillocks, that's why.

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