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Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by theubermensch
Why does it have to be about me? Do you need hardship to develop a social conscience? Everyone seems to think so.
Well you seem to have no social conscience so I'd wager you are/were a very pampered kid.
You have 'slave morality' thats for certain.
And you know this because you ??? Ow you don't know anything, I see. Keep living in la-la land and blaming those who want to change the globe for the better.
Just because I am against corporatist cheerleading hippies does not mean I want to destroy the world and kill all the animals. There are more sensible solutions than what the corporatists are selling you.
Reading comprehension and some history classes would be nice for you. You know, instead of bringing South-Park wisdom as an Eric-Cartman character. It's really stupid.
And I can tell you have 'slave morality; from what you said so I pointed it out since you are talking nietzsche.
Master morality weighs actions on a scale of good or bad consequences unlike slave morality which weighs actions on a scale of good or evil intentions.
I dont see any wisdom coming from you friend.
Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by theubermensch
And I can tell you have 'slave morality; from what you said so I pointed it out since you are talking nietzsche.
Master morality weighs actions on a scale of good or bad consequences unlike slave morality which weighs actions on a scale of good or evil intentions.
Your assumption is hilarious since I've not looked at things as evil/good since for decades.
I dont see any wisdom coming from you friend.
Because you are not reading.
TextUnlike master morality which is sentiment, slave morality is literally re-sentiment--revaluing that which the master values. This strays from the valuation of actions based on consequences to the valuation of actions based on "intention
TextSlave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well.
Originally posted by NoHierarchy
What's ARROGANT is the belief that we're somehow NOT destroying species at an unprecedented rate, that we're somehow magically NOT causing massive collapses/destruction of ecosystems, habitats, and global climate. Stop playing the victim card when you're the victimizer. Environmentalists are arrogant TOWARDS THE ARROGANT, that's like bullying the bully, which I'm absolutely a supporter of.
Same thing your carbon taxes will do for you when all the trees die out for lack of breathable CO2.
As for carbon taxes, why don't you ACTUALLY RESEARCH THEM...
they've been implemented in other countries with some limited success and WITHOUT magically enslaving everyone and taxing "the air they breathe".
We're emitting too much CO2,
it has created a very rapid imbalance which has triggered many effects- one being global warming, which changes CLIMATES (climate change), and so on.
Are you being sarcastic or are you really that oblivious?? MOST OF THE WORLD'S FRESH WATER IS LOCKED INTO GLACIERS/ICE-CAPS. If they melt into the ocean... the water becomes SALINE.
We CANNOT DRINK salt water.
If the rest of the water is POLLUTED, that also makes it far less desirable to drink. The solution is NOT desalination and water filtration as bandaids, the solution is to STOP UNNECESSARY POLLUTION/GLACIAL MELT.
Ideology is what shapes our world and our actions, whether its overt or barely noticeable. Ideas can change the world much faster than money can. And hopefully ideas will render money near the bottom of importance to humans. Hopefully we will someday be rid of the slavery, oppression, and destruction that has been born of money, property, and governments.
Originally posted by theubermensch
'The Story Of Stuff' illustrates your point alot better. And yes I do think I can consume all I want to. There are sensible solutions to the problems of waste that dont equal me paying ridiculous amounts of money for energy. I honestly think you hippies are insane sometimes. You are the corporatists best customers ever.
Originally posted by theubermensch
Has anyone noticed that the worlds biggest problem is hysterical do-nothing do-gooder hippies?
Environmentalists are the worst. These morally superior people want us to go backwards. Sometimes I wonder wether they are more interested in reducing our standard of living than mantaining the environment.
And what motivates someone to protest something like the Keystone Pipeline?
Text The total area that has been affected by surface mining represents only 0.1% of Canada's boreal forest. The oil sands account for about 0.1% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. Electricity plants powered by coal in the U.S. generate almost 40 times more greenhouse-gas emissions than Canada's oil sands (the coal-fired electricity plants in the State of Wisconsin alone produce the equivalent of the entire GHG emissions of the oil sands). California bitumen is more GHG-intensive than the oil sands. Oliver criticized opponents of the pipeline, stating that all of the above facts are ignored by "celebrity protestors."
I like how Oliver gives it to 'celebrity protesters'. Would anybody care if it wasnt en vougue to stomp around like an environazi? The US economy is a mess and these hippies have nothing better to do than stop something that will create jobs? Yet Im sure the people that protested the pipeline have no problem with Obamas crony capitalism grants to failed 'clean energy' projects like solyndra.
Hippies dont want us to be able to afford electricity or fuel or even water. They want us to pay 'carbon tax' and feel bad about our 'carbon footprint'. They want to use taxpayer money to fund their unfounded crusade against the human race.
If these hippies want conservation they should stop being fooled by the likes Obama and vote for a conservative.
The Democrats make fools of all you hippies. They are laughing at you.
Take a quick look at these images.,+waste&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=653&tbm=isch&tbnid=DqgVnUnhRq8VeM:&imgrefurl=http://knowledge.alli ste_beach_child_pollution_q_15814.jpg&w=654&h=420&ei=1IcqT5G3K4eDhQe-mYXICg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=577&vpy=189&dur=347&hovh=155&hovw=235&tx=160&ty=61&sig= 100352829556434529218&page=2&tbnh=141&tbnw=210&start=13&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:13,+waste&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=653&tbm=isch&tbnid=6I1cav5meOwzbM:&imgrefurl= o-olf.html&docid=6Nn0lVuqTnQIkM&imgurl= vpy=132&dur=2689&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=155&ty=102&sig=100352829556434529218&page=4&tbnh=116&tbnw=176&start=50&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:50,+waste&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1024&bih=653&tbm=isch&tbnid=z3avVFuY9L3OBM:&imgrefurl= /rwehbi/Culminating-Activity_2/&docid=tfTDME3t32zlRM&imgurl= ei=1IcqT5G3K4eDhQe-mYXICg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=109&vpy=98&dur=11170&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=118&ty=86&sig=100352829556434529218&page=6&tbnh=147&tbnw=196&st art=90&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:90
Hopefully you have taken the time to view these pics and I gather if you have any cognitive thinking abilities that you can realise by slandering ''hippies'' that you are a living example of what fuels this global crises we as humans are facing.
You may constitute "hippies" as being useless and dirty but the blatant irony of your post is the fact that your capitalist buddies are spreading filth at such an alarming rate that the human race is inevitably facing global extinction due to a small group of profit enraged warmongering fascists.
Originally posted by theubermensch
reply to post by dadgad
Pretty provocative sensational and obnoxious. I agree
Originally posted by k1k1to
reply to post by theubermensch
yet they all have ipad2's and the latest gadgets that caused more tree killing and pollution than anything else