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I Am Christ-The Almighty!

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:07 AM
Since Christians are meant to be and live like Christ, your thread is unintentionally Christian.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Since Christians are meant to be and live like Christ, your thread is unintentionally Christian.

I see what you are saying, but your emphasis just needs a little tweek! Christians should not aim to live like Christ, for such a thing is possibly impossible as he most probably is a myth, so to be like Christ is the same as being like Superman! Dont try it, trust me! You will fall! But seriously, the same philosophy can be applied to any religion, or any other belief system. Be that which you worship! I am not saying worship yourself, as this is a sickness all to prevelant in our societies, but instead, emancipate your thinking beyond belief, move from worshiping and following the hero without to the hero within! Dont ask for forgiveness, give it to yourself, dont ask for anything, enable yourself.

Although the context is Christian in this particular thread, it is merely a common symbol most in the West are familar with, so to use Christ as the symbol for this philosophy, is simply the result of my social location and the locaation of the audience. the symbol needs to be understood! Yes, this philosophy would lead to people living a life like the Christ in thier mind, but not the Christ from the scriptures who promoted killing people who did not believe in him, and disrespecting your parents etc.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:30 AM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

What a great post.

Christ is an energy that comes from the sun and enters the solar plexus. What we do with it from there can make us gods. Now why wouldn't the Vatican want us to know that?

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:46 AM

I see what you are saying, but your emphasis just needs a little tweek! Christians should not aim to live like Christ, for such a thing is possibly impossible as he most probably is a myth, so to be like Christ is the same as being like Superman! Dont try it, trust me! You will fall! But seriously, the same philosophy can be applied to any religion, or any other belief system. Be that which you worship! I am not saying worship yourself, as this is a sickness all to prevelant in our societies, but instead, emancipate your thinking beyond belief, move from worshiping and following the hero without to the hero within! Dont ask for forgiveness, give it to yourself, dont ask for anything, enable yourself.
reply to post by michaelsherlock
To bad you think that way ..I thought you might be taking a diffrent aproach to showing the mind of Christ but if you think he was a fiction then I would question your motive ..AH yes ,the book that we may purchase ..No thanks ,I have the original source material like you but unlike you I dont think it a myth ...peace

edit on 31-1-2012 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:48 AM
Your on the right path. Just try not to let what you want define what is. Life is beautiful an there is nothing you can give or take away from causality.

I really enjoyed joseph cambell hes on my list of people to ressurect. Im sure he wont mind.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
Your on the right path. Just try not to let what you want define what is. Life is beautiful an there is nothing you can give or take away from causality.

I really enjoyed joseph cambell hes on my list of people to ressurect. Im sure he wont mind.

I appreciate your advice and will take it! Yes, Joseph Campbell has to be one of the first to come back!

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

Oh how I love coming across posts of this magnitude of unorthodox philosophical questioning, I salute you, for your mind is the reason I still have faith in humanity.

I whole heartedly agree with the notion of a 'Christ complexion' for ultimate freedom from the current controlling and dehumanizing thinking patterns promoted by a wide variety of religious and political establishments. Its a very frustrating and sad reality that so many people with the potential to flourish as independent free thinking contributors to society are being held back by convictions of personal inferiority by these well organised 'ultimate truths'.

I feel the difference between people with the 'heard mentality' and people like ourselves is the notion of always questioning authority in all its facets by analysing both the bigger and smaller pictures of its true intentions and motives.

Just by realizing how complex the human psyche can be by self internal investigation, it is clear to me that we were never designed to be controlled by all the wretched fear inhibiting tactics being force fed by the controlling powers some of us so whole heartedly trust in.

It is the duty of every single human being to seek his/her own truth as perspectives always vary ,whether it is minimal variations of the same beliefs or completely different views on certain topics. I believe ultimately that every single human being has the capability to be an individualist irrespective of similar characteristics that label us into the category of being human.

Many would argue that if everybody has the ability to be individualists that it could be a detriment to our social development as a whole but I disagree with this notion as happiness within about your very existence is the key to get along with your fellow human, as long as you understand the principles of respect toward ulterior beliefs.

I have always suspected those who claim to be happy within the structures of an organised belief system are in fact insecure based on the urge to convert as many of their surrounding patrons to join their 'ultimate truth'.

With all the above mentioned I believe we are still faced with many complex questions about our ultimate purpose and this mentality as been enduring since the beginning of human conciousness, now though these thoughts seem to be more wide spread thanks to modern communication systems.

I would like to end of by mentioning a very interesting and enlightening social experiment. I had the privilege of watching a video of a group of adults proving that human compassion or our sense to help each other is in fact hereditary. By simply observing babies in a playroom showing concern toward an upset member of the group by touch and sharing different toys, and by dropping an object in front of a toddler to only have it handed back no questions asked, shows me the true potential for humans to thrive regardless of our differences.

The greatest thing about Jesus Christ is that he was not a Christian trying to spread religion but a humanitarian trying to spread brotherhood.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by michaelsherlock
It is about finding the source of the infection, which lies in the mind of the individual, who submits. the relationship of manipulation is just that! A relationship! So if we are willing to be slaves, then we deserve to be taken advantage of, but if we are not willing, then we need to find out how we can free ourselves from whatever kind of oppression, be it religious, political or social, may seek to enslave us now and in the future. Does that make sense?

for what its worth (not much lol), but i agree with this statement 100%, and believe in this statement. people are either leaders or followers. a long time ago, the leaders realized they were the minority, but that they still held great influence over the majority. with enough time, and enough generations past, the truth of knowledge and history can/was very easily manipulated out of popular knowledge, and kept in secrecy by those few leaders. with that seperation of truth, the few sealed their control over the many, and from that point on, all they had to do was modernize their systems of control, and further supress any information which merely comes close to the truth. but the truth is still there.

much like weath, in that it is never destroid but transfered, the same is true for knowledge. while it may seemingly vanish, it has only changed hands, in secrecy. we are all gods in ourselves, and can manifest the life we wish, but (this is my agreement in the OP) when the individual demotes his/her self to subservient, and believes they are not in complete control of their own lives, they stay as sheeple, followers. the world needs more leaders.

i think you make sense

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

What about this thread has upset you so much?
I am not upset about it. I don't believe in you, or any other god.

So if we are willing to be slaves, then we deserve to be taken advantage of, but if we are not willing, then we need to find out how we can free ourselves.......
Simple solution = Question everything. Search for evidence.
Never automatically believe something simply because you have been told that it is true.

Hey Broke! Can I call you Broke?
I'm not broke. I am broken.
I'd rather you didn't call me that, but I cannot stop you from doing so.
Aside from this one time, I just will not respond to it again.

I have not gone into all of the nuts and bolts, as I will leave some for those who [color=C9FFD1]buy my book, which is due to be released in Autumn/Fall this year, however your thoughts would be appreciated!
Apparently I was wrong about what that goal actually was, but it seems that I was correct about there being an ulterior motive.

edit on 1/31/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

Just before I gave up Christianity for good I took one last new age style stab at it. Rather than believe Christ was actually the Messiah as I had before I liked to think of much of the Gospels as metaphoric. Of particular interest to me was Communion where you eat and drink the flesh of Christ, in this way Christ becomes a part of you. In fact there's lots of talk of picking up your "Cross" to follow after Christ in the Bible.

The idea I had was that everyone was their own Savior through following Jesus' example. Jesus said he was the WAY, the truth and the life right, so following his example of love and humility was the WAY. It was sort of a humanistic metaphoric version of Christianity devoid of the supernatural and illogical bits.

Of course I'm an atheist now but I still quite like the idea that Jesus was teaching people how to save themselves, it's far more positive a message than most interpretations of the Bible.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:56 AM
People are always claiming to be christ. David Icke is an example. And it hasnt fixed any of the worlds problems. But i agree that we all have Christ Consciousness which is simply universal compassion, the golden rule.
edit on 31-1-2012 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
People are always claiming to be christ. David Icke is an example. And it hasnt fixed any of the worlds problems. But i agree that we all have Christ Consciousness which is simply universal compassion, the golden rule.
edit on 31-1-2012 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

To be clear, I am not claiming to be Christ, Buddha, Superman or anyone else. I am...well read above!

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by michaelsherlock

What about this thread has upset you so much?
I am not upset about it. I don't believe in you, or any other god.

So if we are willing to be slaves, then we deserve to be taken advantage of, but if we are not willing, then we need to find out how we can free ourselves.......
Simple solution = Question everything. Search for evidence.
Never automatically believe something simply because you have been told that it is true.

Hey Broke! Can I call you Broke?
I'm not broke. I am broken.
I'd rather you didn't call me that, but I cannot stop you from doing so.
Aside from this one time, I just will not respond to it again.

I have not gone into all of the nuts and bolts, as I will leave some for those who [color=C9FFD1]buy my book, which is due to be released in Autumn/Fall this year, however your thoughts would be appreciated!
Apparently I was wrong about what that goal actually was, but it seems that I was correct about there being an ulterior motive.

edit on 1/31/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

I shall not call you that then! I do not have an ulterior motive, other than getting a message across, one that forms the focus of a three volume series I have written. In my profile I say it. From the very beginning I have said it, so I am being honest and up front about my motivations. If you are only out to criticize and not have an honest back and forth, then I would have to accuse you of having an ulterior motive!!! So let us begin again shall we, Broken Circle. What are your thoughts on the contents of this thread? that is what interests me.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:57 AM
Belief can work both ways.. lets not forget.

For you may believe in the "i am Christ" philosophy as many others would believe in the "i am the son of Satan" philosophy..

Belief can be placed into any idea and thus power that idea.. that is why i would say for you to place your belief in your said idea is an extreme action.

You may think you know what you are talking about and you may put things very eloquently and articulately but to think you are Christ when you have not walked in his shoes for even a moment is in itself to many a religious folk, an act of blasphemy.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:45 AM
Dear michaelsherlock,

I am violating a rule by writing when I don't know what I'm going to say, yet I feel I have to.

There is no question that the worship of oneself is the way to the greatest happiness while you are alive. But religion should not be about happiness, but about truth.

I know that I am ignorant, I also know that I have character traits which are justly called sins (although the world doesn't use that word anymore).

I most certainly do not want to magnify myself, or my inner being, or my consciousness, or whatever, to the status of Godhood. I am not qualified for that task.

I have more than enough glory in the name "Child of God." And when Jesus said we would no longer be called servants but His friends, I had set for me the greatest possible goal.

I am content.

With respect,

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:14 PM
In the forest God met the Stag-beetle. "Hold! Wor-
ship me!" quoth God. "For I am All-Great, All-
Good, All Wise....The stars are but sparks from
the forges of My smiths...."
"Yea, verily and Amen," said the Stag-beetle, "all
this do I believe, and that devoutly."
"Then why do you not worship Me?"
"Because I am real and your are only imaginary."
But the leaves of the forest rustled with the laughter
of the wind.
Said Wind and Wood: "They neither of them know

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

Your title (I am Christ the Almighty)...and what you are saying...well...I have read your words...but yet I have very little understanding of them...(as yet) far what I have gotten is... that you are promoting want people to think about things and decide for themselves...rather than blindly believing what they are told by TPTB.

Are your belief's similar to Ayn Rand's?

edit on 31-1-2012 by caladonea because: correction

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:03 PM
Valentine Michael Smith, his name is my name too!

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by SimontheMagus
reply to post by michaelsherlock

What a great post.

Christ is an energy that comes from the sun and enters the solar plexus. What we do with it from there can make us gods. Now why wouldn't the Vatican want us to know that?

Cool another Soulbrother who can feel it? Of course the Vatican can't allow it. When you feel the light you see all that is wrong and become a threat against the powerpyramid and the establishment because you see thru the bulls**t. There is a reason that Jesus was a revolutionary.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by michaelsherlock

Cool post. From my point of view the virus name is fear and ego. Namaste

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