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Remote-viewing 'asset' speaks out

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posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 08:20 PM

I'm not a clairvoyance expert. I was just offering my opinion on them in response to your question. My opinion is that any paranormal ability displayed by one person can be learned and duplicated by another who has the motivation to learn, and that professional clairvoyants are mostly using paranormal abilities to seperate people from their money. When they're doing that over the matter of a deceased loved one, it's absolutely disgraceful.

I once was in agreement with your opinion, after I heard the other side of the coin from the clairvoyants, mediums etc. There are some mediums who work for free or charge peanuts. There are some mediums who do not.

You said, rather disparaging, that mediums are mostly using paranormal abilities to seperate people from their money, and it is disgraceful over the matter of the bereaved.

How do you expect a meduim to earn a living? When they do it to bring some happiness and hope back into the lives of the grieving, what value is money then?
You said parnormal abilities can be learnt by all. Many things can be learnt by all. They still charge for it. Learning involves an investment, an investment of time, energy, motivation and money. Mediums and psychic have to do the same, so why are they not entitled to charge for their services?

Another point, in this capitalist society, everything is seen for it's value and worth. An internationally renowned medium that charges $500 per sitting compared to some joe-nobody medium, who does freebies at the fairground, has more value in this captialist society. If they do not charge, they risk devaluing themselves and rendering themselves insignificant.

I do not agree with capitalism, and nor do I espouse materialm, power and money. However, if one is to survive in this socio-political system, they have to live according to it. So do not blame mediums, and if you are going to, you can blame society as a whole to save yourself from being labelled as a hypocrite.

Earlier I stated there's tons of written literature about AP. Well, on another post, TheBandit795 showed the website I think that's the best collection of info I've seen about AP and I had no idea there was so much great info on the 'net about AP, and all free as well.

That was an excellent site. Thank you.
I have had sleep paralysis on several occasions, it is a scary experience. I once left me body too, out of lack of sleep, I had the worst experience of my life. I felt as if I had gone to hell.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

When performing under the Scientific Method, their 'quick and clear' results are not as keen as they advertise. I'd love to see that guy on TV who communicates with the deceased loved ones of audience members work in an enclosed setting.

Is that not because psychic phenomena is a free-response phenomena, and the scientific approach introduces many limitations and impedes on their creativity and creates subconscious expecations, thus impairing their performance.

By: Anonymous

I'm not a clairvoyance expert. I was just offering my opinion on them in response to your question. My opinion is that any paranormal ability displayed by one person can be learned and duplicated by another who has the motivation to learn, and that professional clairvoyants are mostly using paranormal abilities to seperate people from their money. When they're doing that over the matter of a deceased loved one, it's absolutely disgraceful.

Earlier I stated there's tons of written literature about AP. Well, on another post, TheBandit795 showed the website I think that's the best collection of info I've seen about AP and I had no idea there was so much great info on the 'net about AP, and all free as well.

I appreciate meeting you here, taibunsuu...its a relief to finally hear of someone declaring that the New Fangled "technical RemoteViewing'' has Its basis in AP (astral projection) which has been practised from antiquity.

its important to include the modifier "Technical" RV...because that is the selling point to the techo-scientifics attached to Intel & Govt Black-Ops and/or the University R&D which work in conjunction with Mil & Intel.

A word to the Wise to those which aspire working as a RV technition...
(as opposed to someone accomplished in AP) study up Hindu & Eastern Esortica for the 'ball park ground rules'......Then You Will Be Aware Of The Difference Between The Two Practices
That which was freely given you...give out freely, for the benefit of others... SEE YA 'ROUND...

posted on Oct, 3 2004 @ 05:20 AM
Do military organisations take on civilian RVers?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 07:35 AM
Anonymous Answers

To: Indigo_Child:

Everyone has the right to their own opinion, as well as the right to
have differing beliefs. I'm happy for anyone who finds the spiritual
guidance and strength that fulfills them, even if it comes from

To Nairod: Do military organisations take on civilian RVers?

I was still in the military when I was recruited to join civilians,
albeit civilians who work for the government. The only knowledge I
have about government employment of RV is from my own experiences in
California. I don't know if any branches of the US Armed Forces
(military) are using RV'ers, and don't know if any foreign militaries
use them.

A Few Weird Tales, and Adios
By: Anonymous


The initials for Director, Asset Derived Intelligence (DADI) could
hardly be a mistake. Director had run the entire operation since its
inception, which at my time had been 20 years. Director was fatherly,
intelligent, and held doctorates degrees in psychology, mathematics,
and physics from two Ivy League schools. He was also a veteran of
World War Two and Korea. Even though he was in his 60s at the time I
was there, he ran and exercised daily. In many ways he was spiritual
guide to his employees. He had an open-door policy. If there was
ever a man I met who embodied the phrase 'been there, done that,' it
was him. His advice was always dead-on and he could guide you through
probably anything. Everyone I knew trusted him completely. In short,
he was a leader. Always a skeptic, always able to defend his theorums
with logic, and always available for criticism, he was a great DADI
for the program without whom the program would probably have been a
government-funded cow farting session.

He was also a disciplinarian and a stickler for details. In training,
male employees had to wear ties. During operations, at least polo
shirt and chinos. Use of alcohol and drugs was prohibited, and
smoking was highly discouraged.

As I mentioned, fraternization was not allowed between employees.
Toward the end of my time there, I met a woman from GC outside of
work. We had gotten along at work so well, and there was such an
attraction between us, that we started dating. Love can make you
really stupid by making you too smart for your own good. Despite
'hiding' the relationship, we both reported to work the day after we
spent our first night together, and ended up in Director's office.

"Why do you two think you're above my rules?"


He just looked at us. "Do you want me to invite (truthsayer from IA)
to this little chat, or do you want me to explain why your auras arc
together today, and not yesterday?"

Caught, red-handed and red-faced. We each had to sign paperwork
re-affirming our commitment to obeying the fraternization rules.

Voluntary Research Projects


Assets were never treated like guinea pigs, though we partook in
research on a volunteer basis, especially part-timers like myself. Most of my bonuses came from volunteering.

One device I helped test was a device that mimicked
brainwaves to help induce different mental states. My operators knew
the different patterns of my brain and programmed the machine to match
me. The component that the user attached was like a thick headband.

After a lot of testing, the results were inconclusive. It didn't seem to help me drop or rise through different brain wave frequencies.

When we tried it in conjunction with AP, though, we, or rather I, ran
into a nasty side effect. I ended up stuck outside of my body. My
brain dropped down to delta, and the device mimicked my brain's
patterns. I had good clarity and rolled out of my sleeping body. It
turned out to be an extremely vivid AP, but no more so than many of my
others. The silver cord was present, though very faint.

When I thought of returning, I merely found myself in darkness, lying inside
my body but not one with it. This is always performed simply by will,
but not this time. However, we'd been trained about this. By
matching my etheral form with the physical, I could then induce lower
and lower vibrations by will alone. Eventually I merged with my body.
It was a slow process that had a stinging, burning sensation unlike anything I'd experienced previously. I had to pause several times to allow it to dissipate. Finally, I felt merged, but I was severely paralyzed. It took about twenty minutes before I could start moving my extremities. I
reported this and spent another month experimenting with what we later termed 'the band.'

Different models were produced as a means of extending the duration and clarity of APs, with self-timers or supervision. About a year after this test, I used a band in the wildest trip I ever took.

The wildest projection I ever undertook was only 30 meters from my
body as the culmination of a three-month project. A married
female employee from GC was involved. She was two weeks into the
second trimester of pregnancy when I merged physically and mentally
with the male fetus she carried. For about five minutes I literally was her child. During this time:

My brainwave pattern was between 0.3 and 0.6.
Pulse at 28 bpm
Six breaths per minute

To confirm success, I was able to correctly identify the music being played through headphones on the mother's stomach, and the mother correctly identified the number of 'kicks' I performed, which were three sets of two full-body 'nudges' that were nearly impossible to perform. The time the mother percieved my visit also corresponded to the time at which my body's brainwaves and body functions were lowest.

Perception before I attempted to bond with the fetus was the most clear I ever had out of a SDT. My etheral form was very distinct to me, and the operators observed the 'light dance' that is associated with an etheral form, and that they see almost daily. I traveled to the room where the mother was. She was doing office work at the time and was unaware of what time to expect my visitation over an eight hour period, five days a week. I shrank my body to the size of a 14-week fetus, and aligned myself with its head, and willed myself 'home.' Unlike previous visits, when a synchronization did not occur, this time it did. The drain of memory, persona, and purpose was immediate and shocking. I recognized that I had fully merged with the child's body and couldn't spend much time there unless I wanted a new life and a forgotten past. I pulled back out, felt myself recompose, and merged back in. Again, the same effect.

After a few tries, I finally found an equilibrium whereby I was merged with the fetus enough to experience it physically, but not enough to bond permanently. It was at this time that my actual body was barely alive with brain function just above brain death.

It took five minutes to force the fetal body to give the appropriate signal. It was extremely exhausting, like running a marathon, and after each set of two stretches I had to wait about 90 seconds, nodding slowly to the mother's heartbeat, before performing another set.

The mother didn't work in GC for no reason, she was very sensitive. This was her third child and she was allegedly capable of recognizing when a spirit merged with one of her babies. A spirit merges with the unborn child nearly as soon as the new body can accept it. Thus the window of opportunity for an experiment like this is very small. Less than 24 hours after I achieved synchronicity, the mother reported that a soul had found her child for good.

Soon after, I found out that this was the fourth or fifth such succesful experiment of its kind, and that I had helped further establish proof of concept. Unfortunately, the intentions of this experiment were for developing more types of paranormal espionage. The ethics involved in this are obviously ambiguous.

This event for me was pretty much the end of the road. The experiences I had over the years working as an RV asset had formulated a worldview that was inconsistent with the use of intelligence I was assisting in gathering.

Effective employees have personal ethics that are consistent with the work they perform. Recognizing this, Director hid nothing from his employees as far as the goals and intentions of the program, so we could be educated as to what our jobs were and how they affected the nation and the world.

My girlfriend and I decided that not only did we want to continue our relationship, but that our personal ethics were no longer in line with our work. Instead of working under false pretenses, and perhaps growing resentful of what had been a great job and an incredible experience, we sought opportunity elsewhere.

Thanks for listening, and God bless. If anyone has any questions, they can post them, and I will answer to the best of my ability.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:20 AM

When I thought of returning, I merely found myself in darkness, lying inside
my body but not one with it. This is always performed simply by will,
but not this time. However, we'd been trained about this. By
matching my etheral form with the physical, I could then induce lower
and lower vibrations by will alone. Eventually I merged with my body.
It was a slow process that had a stinging, burning sensation unlike anything I'd experienced previously. I had to pause several times to allow it to dissipate. Finally, I felt merged, but I was severely paralyzed. It took about twenty minutes before I could start moving my extremities.

All I can say is WOW...
I had this problem the first time I AP'd.... I don't think I was ever as scared in my life... This was also when I KNEW, not just suspected, that we have a "soul" for lack of a better word.

With this in mind, the above brings up an interesting question...

When Anonymous was actually "possessing" the fetus...was there any indication as to what happened to the fetus' consciousness? Was there even a detectable consciousness? If not, what ramifications does this present? Could it mean that our "soul" doesn't occupy the physical body until birth or a point close to it? Or was the other "soul" simply repressed during the occupation?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:31 PM
Was that brainwave pattern noticeably low for what you were doing at that time, or was that low pretty average?

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 01:58 PM
I'd like you to go more into Global Consciousness and what they do.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 07:52 PM
By: Anonymous

To: Gazork

When Anonymous was actually "possessing" the fetus...was there any indication as to what happened to the fetus' consciousness? Was there even a detectable consciousness? If not, what ramifications does this present? Could it mean that our "soul" doesn't occupy the physical body until birth or a point close to it? Or was the other "soul" simply repressed during the occupation?

My understanding was that I was occupying the fetal body during the window in which the body is developed enough to accomodate a soul, but has not yet done so. As I mentioned, the mother felt my arrival and departure. Within 24 hours of this, she felt another arrival, this one was the actual soul of her child. Basically the theory on which we were operating was that the soul of a child merges with the fetus sometime after the first trimester, when the child's brain is developed enough to accomodate a soul. There's a very short window of opportunity in which the fetal body and mind is ready to host a soul, but has not yet done so. It's in this time that an etheral form can merge with the child. The fetus' soul was not harmed, displaced, or affected, because it was not present during the experiment.

The mother had a normal birth and the child is bright and healthy.

As to the fear that comes from paralysis during AP or an OBE, it's certainly initially scary. The first time it happened to me was not in the incident described above, but when I was getting used to using SDTs. I don't know how comfortable you've become with paralysis, but my advice to anyone who experiences it is to not be afraid, because there's no chance that you're going to die. Just realize that you are in a safe but annoying state, and if you want an OBE you may as well try it then, because you are disco'd from the physical.

To: Nairod

Was that brainwave pattern noticeably low for what you were doing at that time, or was that low pretty average?

Different states of consciousness are identifiable by electrical activity emanating from the brain. 0.3 and 0.6 cycles per second is about as low into delta as you can possibly attain and not be a corpse.

To: SethJaneRob

I'd like you to go more into Global Consciousness and what they do.

It wasn't an area in which I directly worked, so unfortunately I have nothing to offer on that department.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
By: Anonymous
To: SethJaneRob

I'd like you to go more into Global Consciousness and what they do.

It wasn't an area in which I directly worked, so unfortunately I have nothing to offer on that department.

Didn't you say you married your wife whom you met when she was working in GC? YOu have never discussed it with her?

[edit on 5-10-2004 by AZLS1]

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by AZLS1

Didn't you say you married your wife whom you met when she was working in GC? YOu have never discussed it with her?

[edit on 5-10-2004 by AZLS1]

By: Anonymous

Yes, I met her when she was working in GC. And yes, we've discussed GC in some small detail. I don't understand the department, and really have nothing to offer that I haven't already mentioned. I haven't solicited information from my wife about GC, and have no plans to do so.

Also, at this stage of the discussion thread, I don't have anything new to offer, and am only replying to questions.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 01:33 AM

.....capable of monitoring the psychic soundboard of the world, and could alert the administrators to specific events

what is the psychic soundboard that they are monitoring? what type of events?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by SethJaneRob

.....capable of monitoring the psychic soundboard of the world, and could alert the administrators to specific events

what is the psychic soundboard that they are monitoring? what type of events?

By: Anonymous

That's nearly verbatim the way GC was officially explained to me in training. I don't know the nature of these events. I don't know if any of my observations were in response to any of these events.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu

By: Anonymous

The drain of memory, persona, and purpose was immediate and shocking. I recognized that I had fully merged with the child's body and couldn't spend much time there unless I wanted a new life and a forgotten past. I pulled back out, felt myself recompose, and merged back in. Again, the same effect.

After a few tries, I finally found an equilibrium whereby I was merged with the fetus enough to experience it physically, but not enough to bond permanently. It was at this time that my actual body was barely alive with brain function just above brain death.

It took five minutes to force the fetal body to give the appropriate signal. It was extremely exhausting, like running a marathon, and after each set of two stretches I had to wait about 90 seconds, nodding slowly to the mother's heartbeat, before performing another set.


I'm not questioning the validity or credibility of this experience but I do have a few questions (fueled by genuine interest) concering your fusion with the fetus.

The drain of memory, persona, and purpose was immediate and shocking.

by immediate do you mean you lost all your memory right away. or that it immediately starting draining?

I recognized that I had fully merged with the child's body and couldn't spend much time there unless I wanted a new life and a forgotten past.

at this time how much of your memory and persona had you retained? did it seem as though you were gaining a new persona? what indicated to you that you would permanetly start anew with this baby?

I finally found an equilibrium whereby I was merged with the fetus enough to experience it physically, but not enough to bond permanently.
It was at this time that my actual body was barely alive with brain function just above brain death.

this is the part that confuses me, hopefully you can clarify this. when your ethereal form reached a level of equilibrium with the fetus ,which allowed you to merge with it completely, you mentioned your cognitive function was barely above brain death. you also mentioned that you were continuously being drained of your own memory, persona and purpose. my question then is this: how were you able to force the fetal body to give the appropriate signal when what little memory you had left was only working at a cognitive function barely above brain death?

I'm also curious if this experiment was ever attempted on an adult person? If not, do you believe this to be possible? near impossible?

Thanks for your time. Great contribution!

[edit on 6-10-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 04:59 AM
By: Anonymous

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

The drain of memory, persona, and purpose was immediate and shocking.

by immediate do you mean you lost all your memory right away. or that it immediately starting draining?

It immediately started draining. I had been prepared for this in training for the experiment, and it had been theorized before it was first encountered by other volunteers in the project.

I recognized that I had fully merged with the child's body and couldn't spend much time there unless I wanted a new life and a forgotten past.

(3) at this time how much of your memory and persona had you retained? (2) did it seem as though you were gaining a new persona? (1)what indicated to you that you would permanetly start anew with this baby?

I numbered your questions to help provide better overall answers:

(1) The original thesis that outlined this experiment, and the recorded experiences of previous volunteers, indicated that there is a possibility that an etheral body projected from a living host can permanently merge with the host form of a fetus that is physically capable of hosting such a body, but has not yet done so. The original theory suggested that this phenomena would mimick the experience of reincarnation, with its accordant loss of memory and identity, and the volunteers in previous experiments experienced this. If the theory was true, it held the danger that the volunteer could accidentally leave his or her original body permanently and relocate to the fetal form. The drain I felt when I willed myself to merge with the new host indicated to me that I was experiencing this.

(2) I didn't feel as though I was gaining a new persona.

(3) This was my twentieth consecutive attempt to merge with the fetus so I was less cautious about merging than I should have been. My first realization that my conscious had changed was when I realized that I was embodied in the fetal form and the thought came into mind 'Who am I?' I could barely remember who I was, my purpose for being there, or what I had just been doing, and the more I thought about it, the quicker the answers disappeared. This caused a fear that somehow conjured up the warnings about fully synchronizing with the fetal form, which had made a primal impression on me, since they were the only danger of the experiment. I instinctively backed out. Upon backing out, my persona, purpose, and memories were restored.

So in answer to your question, at the lowest level I only retained the knowledge that I was in jeopardy. At the highest level, where I was physically located but not merged with the body, I had normal retention.

I finally found an equilibrium whereby I was merged with the fetus enough to experience it physically, but not enough to bond permanently.
It was at this time that my actual body was barely alive with brain function just above brain death.

when your ethereal form reached a level of equilibrium with the fetus ,which allowed you to merge with it completely, you mentioned your cognitive function was barely above brain death. you also mentioned that you were continuously being drained of your own memory, persona and purpose. (1) my question then is this: how were you able to force the fetal body to give the appropriate signal when what little memory you had left was only working at a cognitive function barely above brain death?

(2)I'm also curious if this experiment was ever attempted on an adult person who had a soul intact? If not, do you believe this to be possible? near impossible?


At this point, I was adept at AP to the point that, during normal sessions, I had limited physical control over my physical body while disassociated. With practice, I could contract my physical arms and legs. To do this, one enters a form of duality, in which the etheral and physical are seperate, but not entirely. The fetal form is contracted by default, so pushing out is analogous to contracting as an adult.

I merged with the fetal body to a level at which I was still retained persona, memory, and purpose, but also had sufficient physical incorporation with the body to control it and utilize its senses.


Experiments with adults were conducted, and helped lay the groundwork for experiments with fetal bodies, which as far as I know were far more succesful than experiments with adults.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by taibunsuu]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 05:44 AM

I have read online and elsewhere that there is a difference between AP and OOBE. Do you agree and if so how would you define that difference? I know that in order to correctly RV, one must follow strict protocol, and mediator is vital; it almost seems easier for an individual to work towards OOBE than RV. Can an experienced OOBE-er substitute for an AP-er? thanks. -lost

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 05:55 AM
By: Anonymous

Originally posted by lost

I have read online and elsewhere that there is a difference between AP and OOBE. Do you agree and if so how would you define that difference?

Astral Projection is the art of voluntarily experiencing an Out of Body Experience.

Can an experienced OOBE-er substitute for an AP-er? thanks. -lost

I think we have a misunderstanding of terms, but will try to explain: If someone can induce an OOBE, then they can be defined as someone who can perform Astral Projection (AP). Does that answer your question?

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 06:16 AM
yes, thanks for the clarification. if you dont mind, another question:

When one induces an Out of Body Experience or in other words Astrally Projects are they on the 'Astral Plane,' -or is that something else?

I realize this is a very elementary question, and I appreciate the time.

also, ever while APing have you encountered 'entities,' demonic or otherwise? I have heard of this happening. A father of one of my friends used to OOBE when he was younger and said upon returning to his body one day he had to 'wrestle' with multiple 'demons' for control of his body. Aparently they were trying to possess him or something....?

thanks again.

[edit on 6-10-2004 by lost]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:10 AM
By: Anonymous

Originally posted by lost

When one induces an Out of Body Experience or in other words Astrally Projects are they on the 'Astral Plane,' -or is that something else?

I realize this is a very elementary question, and I appreciate the time.

It does seem like an elementary question, but for the phenomena to be elementary, it has to be perfectly understood and capable of withstanding objective proof of existence. This point has not yet been reached. It's actually a question that is essential to OBEs.

Easy answer: The Astral Plane is a concept from the early days of Westerner attempts at formulating a comprehensive theory about the phenomena of OBEs and AP. According to this concept, when you have an OBE, you are in the Astral Plane.

My answer: The 'Astral Plane' is one of many layers that compose our reality, along with physical reality. In my view, when you are in etheral form, you have seperated your conscious from the sensory input that anchors you in physical reality, and entered a quasi-subjective, quasi-objective state.

also, ever while APing have you encountered 'entities,' demonic or otherwise?

[edit on 6-10-2004 by lost]

Yes. I described a few entities in earlier posts, which were the etheral forms of other living, breathing humans, and one was projecting in search of other people doing the same thing.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 07:34 AM
to anonymous:
Do you know of anybody that didn't manage to 'return'?
What would happen - a coma, death?
And was your job assumed to have any risks?
One more (sorry if these are stupid, I dont know a lot about this) but if you're projecting your soul, and you could have permanently bonded into the fetus, could you trade bodies with another AP'er, also projecting? Any experiments into this?
Thanks for your time, and your interesting thread.

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 11:33 AM
to anonymous:

This questin kind of goes along with MrDead's questions. Slightly different. Possibly slightly stupid as well. I am new to this kind of stuff.
Can two people say you & your wife share an OBE together? I know you said you can meet people but do you actually share the experience? Can two people change bodies, ie. say you and your wife for a short time with or without any adverse effects.

I also wanted to ask about some exoeriences I have had in the past. Like I said I am new to all this, so up until now I have not looked at it from this perspective.
When I was a kid I constantly had a reacurring dream(atleast what I thought was a dream). I would rise out of my body then start to literally fly with my hands pointed out in front of me like superman. I would fly out of my room and down the stairs. When going down the stairs I get this feeling in my stomach like the kind you get when driving over a small hill at a fast speed or when you are flying in an airplane and you hit some turbulance, you drop or rise a few feet fast.
At this point it starts to get hazy about what I did. Sometimes I would not remember anything, or I would fly back to my room and even sometimes I flew out of my house. And now that I am thinking about it, I would have that feeling in my stomach the entire time. It would just be more prominant(sp) when I would go up or down. Could this be some kind of OBE?
I mostly had this as a child into my teens. I am 29 currentlly and had maybe 2 experiences as an adult. I am only mentally aware of one though.

Another thing that happens to me, quit often actually(even as an adult). I am sleeping, usually at night after a few days of little sleep or early in the morning. Something would wake me up but not completely. I guess I was aware of my surroundings more than anything else. I would get this feeling in my body, a very heavy feeling like I was actually a part of the bed. I always attributed this to being very comfortable. But I would get this dizzy feeling and could almost hear the dizzyness in my ears. And at that point I could not move anyhting, even if I wanted to. After a few minutes everything would go dark and I would fall back to sleep again. Is this the paralasys you mentioned?

Thank you very much for your input and would like to say you are making a good contribution.

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