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At a certain distance from Earth in space no living being can not survive ,even in a spaceship.

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by diamondsmith
While there may be some substance to your comment that eludes to this being "Prison Planet", your overall comments don't warrant more than a few lines of response. Go do your own homework and then waste our time.

edit on 31-1-2012 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 02:28 PM
We do have the Van Allen radiation belts around earth. However, the moon astronauts followed a path around the edge of the belts which exposed them to very little radiation. The only thing that I would find suspect is that the moon rocks brought back from the moon were found to be identical to earth rocks when studied by independent groups. Even that can be explained by the current theory of how the moon formed as a result of a collision between earth and another large body though.
As for something binding us to earth and resulting in our inability to venture too far. Such a belief sounds like a superstition or supernatural thing. Being a believer in reason, rationality and evidence I find it hard to accept this. As with all theory, it has to be backed up with evidence in order to be validated. At the moment the evidence points in the other direction.
We have sent probes to several different bodies within our solar system. Human beings are made up of matter, just as each of these probes were/are. Matter which originated from the formation of our solar system. Matter which was probably born in a supernova prior to the birth of our sun. The randomness of the placement of this matter across the entire solar system would mean that we are in some way related to every planet, every moon and the sun it's self. I highly doubt that each atom grouped it's self together with other "earth" atoms, other "Mars" atoms and so on.. deliberately. If we are bound to the earth then so should the probes we have sent to other planets be. If it were to be said that "Probes are different as they are not living" then we are further breaking down the atomic placement across the solar system not only into "Earth Atoms" but also "Human Being Atoms" that deliberately joined the earth atoms, knowing that earth would become habitable.
The theory that we are bound here sounds increasingly superstitious or supernatural. Sounding more like a theory that would require the use of the word "Soul" rather than science.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

I think that is the distance of realization between the generations after the moon landing and the generation before, as with many other things.

To me personally, the moon landing could have been facted, but that is easy talking. I am a generation after the moon landing thus I never experienced it.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by diamondsmith
hi,im from finland and read like 10 ears ago that this is a prisonplanet and we cant leave.sorry that i dont remember who said it but it was some well known specialist.i must start digging for more info.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by covermaker

Yes, there is deadly radiation in the Van Allen belts, but the nature of that radiation was known to the Apollo engineers and they were able to make suitable preparations. The principle danger of the Van Allen belts is high-energy protons, which are not that difficult to shield against. And the Apollo navigators plotted a course through the thinnest parts of the belts and arranged for the spacecraft to pass through them quickly, limiting the exposure.

The Van Allen belts span only about forty degrees of earth's latitude -- twenty degrees above and below the magnetic equator. The diagrams of Apollo's translunar trajectory printed in various press releases are not entirely accurate. They tend to show only a two-dimensional version of the actual trajectory. The actual trajectory was three-dimensional. The highly technical reports of Apollo, accessible to but not generally understood by the public, give the three-dimensional details of the translunar trajectory.

Each mission flew a slightly different trajectory in order to access its landing site, but the orbital inclination of the translunar coast trajectory was always in the neighborhood of 30°. Stated another way, the geometric plane containing the translunar trajectory was inclined to the earth's equator by about 30°. A spacecraft following that trajectory would bypass all but the edges of the Van Allen belts.

This is not to dispute that passage through the Van Allen belts would be dangerous. But NASA conducted a series of experiments designed to investigate the nature of the Van Allen belts, culminating in the repeated traversal of the Southern Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly (an intense, low-hanging patch of Van Allen belt) by the Gemini 10 astronauts.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:49 PM
Before scientists can explain anything they must acknowledge it exists. I have a hunch that they have yet to do this, mainly because what you say isn't true. You should have imagined the kind of response you were going to get by posting this thread when you do not include something, even a shred of something credible, to at least prop-up your claims.

You also say that this cannot be proven to be false, or something along those lines, and that claim too is false. What is this "distance" supposed to be? You must realize that when you claim that it is impossible to reach the moon, not because of the Van Allen belt, space monsters, radiation in general, etc, but because of some biological life-force, that there are many holes that present themselves as a consequence.

So basically your propositions infer many things that you failed to address, and these are just as extreme and implausible as the propositions themselves, therefore I do not expect any scientifically-minded person, much less a genuine scientist, to accept or agree with those propositions given the current evidence available.

I am sorry, and I do not mean to come across brutally, but that is just the way things are. If you would actually like us to take this seriously, come back with some data or information that can be verified, that backs up your claim, and that ideally provides a mechanism of action for the non-existant, err, I mean proposed phenomena.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by diamondsmith

Originally posted by DROKKR

Care to elaborate on what brought you to this conclusion?
First we never" go back" to the Moon,second all the manned space missions take place at a certain distance from Earth and never exceeded that distance,and third no other manned mission in space to other planet is certain to take place very soon(or ever),Why?....

OMG it all makes sense, You proved it!!!! Well not really, it doesn't really make sense with anything I've ever heard of in my entire life. But hey if you can get a couple billion people to believe a white guy can walk on water, and change it into wine, then hey you can get people to believe anything.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:54 PM


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by diamondsmith

Originally posted by mikellmikell
But we did go to the moon so whats your point! We have more proof we went than the loons against.
And what is that proof!I see more against it.

If you see more proof that we did not go then that we did then you are obviously just seeing what you want to see and no further. Open your eyes for real and then have another look. Honestly.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by MajorKarma

If this is a prison planet then I want to see my lawyer because I think I have been unjustly incarcerated and I dont remember a trial or anything. I am innocent I say, Innocent.....

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by diamondsmith
That's what I believe.That is the reason we have never been on the Moon.

At a certain distance from Earth no living being cannot survive.It is something,a bond that keep us alive as long as we are around the Earth and on Earth.

That is why all the manned space mission took place at a limit of space, outside Earth's atmosphere.
After that limit is exceeded every living being will die because all biological and energy ties are broken.

But no one can explain this.There is no proof otherwise.They say that a manned mission to Mars will take place at a moment in time,but all that time delay,though the technology exist for years.

It's something that they cannot explain,why we can not travel in space only up to a certain distance.

I think it's a well kept secret.

I can assure you that you are wrong. I'm currently sitting on a secret Moon colony replying to your thread via a VPN connection through earth. I don't have a camera (not allowed) and I have very limited minutes left on my connection, either wise I would send you a picture.

There is no proof otherwise that I'm not.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:15 PM
You know you're right,with the current speed we would probably died of old age, and the food supply wouldn't last the journey, I recommend a pitstop on Pluto...

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
You know you're right,with the current speed we would probably died of old age, and the food supply wouldn't last the journey, I recommend a pitstop on Pluto...

No this doesn't have anything to do with lack of food or water. Apparently you reach a certain distance from earth, you just die. Which to me doesn't make any sense at all. Its like saying when your cell phone reaches a certain distance from the charger it dies. WTF?????????

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:20 PM


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:37 PM


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by diamondsmith

We are already ON the moon. We are already ON Mars. We have 600,000 troops on bases on Mars. There ARE stargates or jumpgates that can take us to our moon and to mars in seconds.

We are mining our moon, we are mining Saturn, and other planets for metals not found on earth.

We have a secret space navy, and can now take E.T. home.

Please go on google and go to google images and type in "planetary anomalies" - there are ancient buildings, statues, pyramids, on many of our planets and their moons within our own solar system. Don't take my word for it, see them for yourself!

Also, please do some research before you make such sweeping, uneducated statements.

Okay, all you nay-sayers and pooh-poohers can attack me now for telling the truth. But people ARE waking up and seeing the truth. SO you jerks that are paid by the government can now begin to "SPIN" your nasty web of lies here...

President John F. Kennedy was killed for wanting to reveal the truth that we are NOT alone in this universe, and not even in our own galaxy.

edit on 31-1-2012 by maceov because: Left something out

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:05 PM

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by Droidinvoid

But what about the soil samples Russia returned from the moon?

Samples which were almost identical to those collected by Apollo 12...

sent by mail

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:24 PM


posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 07:45 PM


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