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The Argument that Fukushima Was Sabotaged

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posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by pteridine

It is apparent that the author is completely clueless about what a mini-nuke would do, where it would be used, and how it could be concealed. If the earthquake was the result of a nuke, it would have been noticed. This is just a nonsense article written for those predisposed to believing the conclusions.

Considering the Jim Stone Hoax has been exposed, no wonder, yes?

posted on Apr, 5 2012 @ 03:02 PM
I am not here to necessarily agree with the OP ...... BUT

I have to say..... alot of posters on this thread are being ignorant of HAARP and other technologies that can induce earthquakes.

Go to the many other threads to delve into that subject.

This should all be sorted out sometime this year.

If an Earthquake of 9.0 or above hits 88 miles SSW of Portland and is followed by tsunami's that devastate the entire west coast of CA then all of us have no choice but to assume this was a MAN made earthquake.

Therefore giving credence to the OPs statement of ..."was fukushima sabotaged"

and IMO's pretty obvious fukushima was an "attack" of some sort

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM


posted on May, 15 2012 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by dplum517

only 88 mi?

I feel dumb. No, that seems kind of close for a huge tsunami.

While we read this thread, pay attention to Fuku cameras, theres been a lot of flashes, glowing, and spikes in the rad counters in SoCal for the last two weeks. Some are saying it looks like multiple plumes, some black-some white.

Not to be fearful-but y know. Protect yourself so we may live to throw the yoke off.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM

The Argument that Fukushima Was Sabotaged

Former NSA analyst, Jim Stone, argues that there was no mag 9.0 earthquake. The tsunami was caused by nuclear bombs in the sea and the Fukushima explosion and meltdown was caused by mini-nukes hidden in cameras installed by an Israeli security firm. The motive: punish Japan for offering to enrich Iranian uranium and straying from Illuminati diktat. This website reserves judgment but offers this introduction by James Farganne in the spirit of free discussion.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
edit on Sun Jan 29 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: BAN threads must use source title

edit on Mon Jan 30 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

It really would not surprise me if it was an inside job!

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 05:56 PM
Wow, this thread really brought the "Debunkers" out of the woodwork, didn't it?

And not a single argument between them... just a bunch of hyperbole, and ad homenim attacks.

Great job OP, spread the word, and get the truth about mossad out.

Starred and Flagged!

posted on Jun, 10 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
Wow, this thread really brought the "Debunkers" out of the woodwork, didn't it?

And not a single argument between them... just a bunch of hyperbole, and ad homenim attacks.

Great job OP, spread the word, and get the truth about mossad out.

Starred and Flagged!

No kidding. I just came across and read through the Jim Stone "report" which can be found here:

A lot of bashing going on here and not a lot of real discussion.

Is what Jim Stone 100% accurate? Probably not. Does that automatically make everything he said re: this matter a bunch of BS? Absolutely NOT.

* Jan 2010 Japan offered to enrich Uranium for Iran's Nuclear Program, (Israel's real happy about that right?)

* A few months later, a group of 12 Israeli's (Magna BSP security company) are hired to install "cameras" that have been pointed out look very similar to mini-nukes.

* A WEEK before the disaster, all 12 of them return to Israel. (hello? 9/11 anyone??)

* March 11, 2011. All hell breaks loose.

* report: June 2012. STUXNET confirmed to be joint US/Israeli venture. Did I mention that STUXNET infected the Natanz plant in Iran, around the same time Iran was talking to Japan about acquiring enriched uranium??

Anyone ever heard of HAARP??

* Ionosphere goes bonkers above epicenter days before quake.

So again, is Jim Stone the ultimate authority on what happened in Japan March 2011?

No. However there are enough bits of info here that have to make any objective person at least stop and think for a minute.
There are too many dots here for this to be some crazy theory or just random coincidence.

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