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The Argument that Fukushima Was Sabotaged

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by SurrealisticPillow
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Stone was not the first to publicize this information.
Educate Yourself

Reading the responses to this thread, I have to wonder if this is a conspiracy site or a social club. The attacks upon the OP were baseless, often Ad Hominem attacks and below the standard of an intelligent rebuttal.
My guess is there are not a half dozen on ATS that can intelligently debunk the material brought to this thread, thus the attacks on character and motive of the OP.

I believe this is ENTIRELY within the realm of possibility. As for "credible sources", U.S. federal government agencies and many international ones no longer qualify in my opinion. On ATS alone, there are countless threads that address this very issue, so stop bringing "official" stories as if they are the only credible ones.

This qualifies as a credible conspiracy theory with supporting documentation, and is worthy of a higher level of debate.

Well put, i was just waiting for the mods to start moderating this thread so we could get a proper discussion going. I am currently researching the source material and i doubt many of the "debunkers" in this thread have even gone through it all. There seem to be quite a few incriminating abnormalities... Although by no mean solid evidence. But as someone else said recently, in a police investigation one coincidence is just a coincidence, two coincidences is a clue, three coincidences is proof.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:35 PM
Yeah , its almost certainly not the case . Its more a case of were they dumb lazy and corrupt enough to let this happen , and the answer is yes they were and are still too.

What most people dont realise is the is more than one plant as in more than four of those reactor housings have the tops blown off , try 7 , because at Kitahara plant , some kms down the coast from Dai-achi , three of its four are blown in pieces too. These were nuclear explosions caused this and the fission fires we didnt see.

So when we hear accounts of any sort we question . They were stupid enough to allow it . Theres conspiracy but certainly not how the op has it. Keep the smell of paranoia in check

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by SurrealisticPillow
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Stone was not the first to publicize this information.
Educate Yourself

Reading the responses to this thread, I have to wonder if this is a conspiracy site or a social club. The attacks upon the OP were baseless, often Ad Hominem attacks and below the standard of an intelligent rebuttal.

The problem with the analysis is that you were viewing the highly Edited version of the original contents of this thread after a Mod went through and deleted all the Non-Topic related rambling by the OP. Had the OP IMO kept to the "Conspiracy" angle then all would have been cool.

My guess is there are not a half dozen on ATS that can intelligently debunk the material brought to this thread, thus the attacks on character and motive of the OP.

The OP lost credibility after they had posted their ramblings instead of sticking to the original story. [Which now, this thread is a highly edited version and shell of it's former self] The original story is worth the time to read. I do not believe it's a valid "Conspiracy Theory" myself.. The information provided can and should be independently reviewed.

This qualifies as a credible conspiracy theory with supporting documentation, and is worthy of a higher level of debate.

Which is the way it should have been presented by the OP without all the esoteric lip flapping in the first place.

IMHO of course....
edit on 30-1-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:18 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM

Originally posted by Iamschist
I am not sure but I do not think your source counts as legitimate.

According to the USGS the depth of that quake was 30km or (18.6miles) set by location program

Can we trust the USGS ? They might be part of the conspiracy ? Indeed who can we trust anymore ? As every day goes by we are learning the hard way that we can nolonger trust in our governments ? who can we trust? How about those who were there and witnessed this


which lasted an extended amount of time and not some explosions. Someone like:

Originally posted by vox2442

Speaking as someone who experienced not only the main quake but a couple of hundred aftershocks and still has nightmares involving the tsunami sirens that absolutely DID go off on March 11th, I second that motion wholeheartedly.

It's a shame there's nothing lower than "Hoax" to drop something like this into.

Link to Vox's actual post

I know this is a conspiracy website, but this is stretching it even for the fringe conspiracy sites. Much less legitimate ones like ATS. Japan has had earthquakes for thousands of years. Well documented quakes. This type has occurred before as I have already posted and it will occur again. The quakes have existed for way longer than Mossad. And Nuclear weapons. They have had extensive warning systems to deal with tsunami's since most of the 20th century. Or even earlier. What part of earthquake is it that is so hard to understand?

edit on 30-1-2012 by webpirate because: added link

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

I am glad that someone opened topic on this issue. I also came to the same conclusion. I was not sure about the details how exactly they sabotaged Fukushima, but tsunami by nuke fits very well. It came just in time, hen the USA/Israel are trying to make some geopolitical changes and to save USD.
Russians had great success with creating tsunami waves using nukes. Some say it is the reason why we enjoyed peace on the planet during cold war period. USA and Israel are vulnerable to it.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:43 PM

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ICanThink
reply to post by CAELENIUM

but tsunami by nuke fits very well..

It really doesn't, though...

The person who wrote the article is completely ignorant of the science involved.

You seem like someone who wants to learn, so I'd encourage you to read up on a few things such as the following:

A 9.0 Earthquake (which is what took place in Japan) releases the equivalent energy of 480 Megatons of TNT.

The most powerful nuke EVER set off (Tsar Bomba, by the Soviets) released the equivalent energy of 50 Megatons of TNT.

Tsar Bomba weighed 59,000 pounds!

Find me the "mini nuke" that has a yield necessary to cause a 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by nihilus

Nobody says mini-nukes caused the tsunami.
How many energy is required to start tsunami?
I knew PTB had to discredit nuclear energy and create some pressure on Japan, so when it happened, it fitted my expectations.
Also I know that it is possible to create tsunamis with nukes.
I cannot know all the details for sure. I find that an assumption that it just happened by chance right when and how they wanted highly unlikely.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by ICanThink

Then why not just infiltrate the workforce there...especially since apparently Mossad installed the security cameras there anyways according to the OP and his followers? Make it appear like an accident at the plant. Overheat the core. Drop the water level. Why go through this elaborate plan of causing a massive massive earthquake 20-30 miles underground offshore, and then HOPE it caused a tidal wave enough to flood enough of the plant so the camera bombs could go off and make it look like it was all from the quake and tsunami?

Then...get the entire USGS to play along. Plus the Japanese geological people as well. Not to mention all of the people who had to have been involved in getting this accomplished. This theory has more holes than a target dummy at the end of the day or shooting practice who is holding a block of Swiss cheese. Dare I say it? But religion almost makes more sense than this theory of nuclear weapons, explosive cameras, Mossad, the USGS, the Japanese, US and Israeli governments all keeping quite and everyone in Japan not feeling a quake?

Wait...that last part has already been debunked. BTW...remember me already mentioning the fact that Honshu was 8 feet farther East than it had been before this, the sea bed rising significantly in places along this subduction zone, and the force required to have accomplished this alone was 9,320 gigatons of TNT, or approximately 600 million times the energy of the Hiroshima bomb.

Why are we even still discussing this? I can think too.....There is not ONE single piece of credible evidence to back up the OP's claims, and a very large amount of current, and historical evidence that backs this type of subduction zone undersea thrust faulting earthquakes accompanied by large tsunamis.

edit on 30-1-2012 by webpirate because: spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by webpirate

How may I know exactly how it went?
I just know who needs what. And I know tsunami by nuke is possible.
They needed to look it natural. They need to keep Japan under control. There were talks among big countries Japan included about new reserve currency, so the bankers had to strike.
A lot of events are going on this days. It looks like they are running of time.
It is not a problem with USPG, look at 9/11 coverup.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by ICanThink

There are still much easier ways to make it look natural than moving that city 8 feet east and shifting the EARTH's axis by between 4 and 10 inches. That's just a little bit of overkill wouldn't you say?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 08:04 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 08:42 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:37 PM
The following is from one of the many technical reports I've read of the earthquake and subsequent 'nuclear emergency.' I've since forgotten which one it is, but I can go dig through them later if anyone is interested.


To generate the tsunami which resulted from The Great Tohoku Earthquake of 2011 you would had to have been able to displace approximately 125 cubic kilometers of water within a few seconds.

Building and Infrastructure Losses

As of September 30 th , 2011, over 900000 buildings had been damaged by the tsunami and earthquake. When dividing these into coastal and non-coastal municipalities the following distribution results. It should be noted that coastal municipalities generally go much inland, and a much greater percentage was not impacted by the tsunami, than was.


As of September 30 th , 2011, 3559 roads have been reported to be damaged, 77 bridges, 45 dikes and 29 railway locations. In addition around 200 landslides have been reported. The data seems to be incomplete however from many locations, as Chiba has reported 2343 damaged roads, with other prefectures where much shaking occurred reporting much less damage.

You want to talk about some real, human damage done in this scenario, let's look at this section from the above linked page:

When looking at the total impact in Fukushima with the forced evacuations due to the nuclear plant, once all people were found and those who evacuated were counted, the total of the population who went to shelters and other prefectures was around 134000 people of which around 90000-110000 were evacuees of the Fukushima plant disaster and between 24000 and 44000 were probably earthquake and tsunami impacted. Other influences may have included the gas, water and power outages, landslides and torrential rain that were also present.

As of 30 th September 2011, around 56,000 people are living outside the prefecture from Fukushima, and around 50,000 internally (of which at least 42,000 are from the nuclear affected towns).

These are real people who have their lives turned upside down by a combination of natural disaster, and the incredible short-sightedness of Tepco.

A little more interesting information is the ionospheric distrubance recorded 3 days prior to the quake:

Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data and an anomaly developed near the epicenter. The GPS/TEC data indicate an increase and variation in electron density reaching a maximum value on March 8. Starting on this day in the lower ionospheric there was also confirmed an abnormal TEC variation over the epicenter. From March 3-11 a large increase in electron concentration was recorded at all four Japanese ground based ionosondes, which return to normal after the main earthquake. We found a positive correlation between the atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies and the Tohoku earthquake. This study may lead to a better understanding of the response of the atmosphere /ionosphere to the Great Tohoku earthquake.

Atmosphere-Ionosphere Response to the M9 Tohoku Earthquake Revealed by Joined Satellite and Ground Observations. Preliminary results

You want a conspiracy angle to pursue? Go research how many seismic precursors can be found surrounding the quake and start asking yourself, " what did they know and when did they know it?"

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by webpirate
reply to post by ICanThink

There are still much easier ways to make it look natural than moving that city 8 feet east and shifting the EARTH's axis by between 4 and 10 inches. That's just a little bit of overkill wouldn't you say?

It is not true about EARTH's axis. I've read about it in several russian articles, plus this

The Chile Earthquake of February 27th, 2010 of magnitude 8.8 has caused no DETECTABLE effect on the rotation pole and rotation rate. Independently of Earthquake, rotation pole moves of some mm up to several cm per day because of continuous atmospheric, oceanic and hydrologic mass transport. Till now the effect of Earthquake remains a theoretical matter.

I know that they have to try to stop nuclear energy development. I also suspect that Chernobyl was sabotaged too. The mission was accomplished.

They may have been just lucky, but unlikely. They just take what they need and when they need and go away with this.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 04:03 AM

This Thread is not "Highly Speculative"

Dear Mods, please move this piece of Disinformation where it belongs,


or Skunk Works!

Please investigate a little, look where this Domain comes from, etc.!

I am ashamed that ATS dedicated some space for this obscure LIE

edit on 31-1-2012 by Human0815 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by Human0815

Why you are not ashamed of the fact that the great country Japan has to obey to the USA and Israel, and participate in "bash Iran" game against its economical interests?
Suppressing "free energy" is a normal conspiracy. Here we just connecting some dots. Nuclear energy is very real, as opposed to "free energy", has many technological branches and is obviously suppressed, so it is even better conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by ICanThink

u should invest a little bit of time to " investigate"
the Japan- Iran talks before u try to discuss about this topic,
also i am not a Japanese and i am not ashamed of
Nuclear Plants, i am ashamed about me that i am
unable to stop the building Process of nuclear Plants!

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 01:04 AM
Wired has a nice Article about J. Stone

im Stone, a self-professed former National Security Agency analyst with an “engineering background,” has a different explanation:

The whole thing was a deliberate and dastardly act of nuclear war. Time to recalibrate your seismographs, because this is Tinfoil Tuesday, our weekly look at the planet’s most insane conspiracy theories. Like Stone’s. He is pretty damn confident — 9,000 words kinda confident — that the earthquake in Japan was no earthquake at all. It was a nuclear explosion, detonated by the Israeli government to stop Japan from enriching uranium for Iran. First off, Stone writes, Japan and Iran were in cahoots to develop nuclear weapons. That camaraderie didn’t sit well with Israel.

Their government sprang into action once word leaked that “Japan [had] offered to enrich uranium for Israel’s GREAT SATAN, Iran.” Israeli officials wasted no time getting all Rube Goldberg about a retaliation plot. They started by putting a nuclear weapon in the depths of the ocean, just off Japan’s coast. Then, they concealed several nukes inside giant security cameras.

A mere four months later, a collective of Israeli engineers pretending to work for a security company — the Dimona Dozen is what Stone calls them — knocked on Japan’s door to install some spiffy new, bizarrely enormous security cams inside the Fukushima nuclear reactors.

Read the rest!

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