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CONFIRMED: Global Warming 'Ended 15 Years Ago'

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Funny how global-warming advocates point to weather as an indicator of global warming. I lol.

"We've had an unusually hot summer here in [insert American hick-town], Which is infallible proof that there is a prolonged man-made global warming trend. Wether for the past 2 years has been... weather, & therefore man-made carbon emmissions are causing us all to roast like chesnuts on an open fire...........

....even though current climate data, when displayed in a long-term climate data chart, gets completely buried and appears absolutely normal when compared to previous warming/cooling trends.

But, then again, it is a little hotter then usual in Texas

edit on 30-1-2012 by ClydeFrog42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:36 AM
for the love of god. having a warm winter does not stand as evidence for global warming! please try to understand that!! you would think the united states was the only country on the planet with the way some of you talk.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

yah you forgot those last two cold snaps where it got down to the 30's and people were covering their bushes to protect from frost. Oh yes my neighbors did that. I did lose two plants to the cold but my jasmine seems hardy enough.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by R3KR
Its funny how we "humans" have just recently become intelligent,

Some moreso than others.

and already we are saying we have an affect on the climate. This global warming BS is just another... "The world revolves around me" complex

I know...right.
I once owned a fish tank. I was at all these fish. To think that they all died because I poured a cup of bleach in way man..they all died because of nature, not the bleach. Totally egotistical of myself to think I can somehow effect a biosphere.
I pump synthetic and damaging toxins into the biosystem..but because I am human, I simply cannot effect it negatively. This is clearly the truth.

Its a shame that people dont see how much the governments are getting by manipulating data from "scientists".

Indeed...government being manipulated by science -shakes fist at a consensus of scientists-
I prefer the normal ways..with government being manipulated by corporations.

The airline industry is suffering because of these idiots and make them pay millions of dollars for a non existent problem.

Yes...bam...stupid science making corporations try to clean up...this is a non issue, because the people having to clean up said so in order to stop having to clean up.
Why would they lie? (well, I mean, except for the trying to save a billion bucks for shareholders...but people wouldn't do that, cause nobody on earth is greedy)
Corporations whom have to pay extra said science is wrong so they don't have to pay. Clearly its obvious who is right here...erm..corporations in case it wasn't clear.
Don't believe that? then just listen to a politician stick up for them (just don't look at said politicians stock holdings..might get confused)

Obama has wasted at least 1 billion on two companies that were supposed "green" companies.

HA! Take that Obama
Trying to look at other avenues of energy! What an idiot..hahaha..I can't believe you want to get off oil!!! Wow, what a fool you are. Everyone knows that oil is the coolest most bestest energy source ever. Green you will be wanting to invest in cold fusion tech or something. bwahahaha.
Serves you right also. You lost a bet. Everyone except for you whomever invests in something -always- makes a super duper profit with no risk. I can't believe it didn't work out perfetly.
Silly Obama.

All of that money should be used for something good, government cars being swapped out for monster trucks, or maybe everyone in america gets a free 6 pack of tacos from taco bell!

No..instead you want to do some nonsense about preservation of the future. Don't you know Nibiru will be killing us in december!!! I say tacos for everyone...sweet oily tacos

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by SaturnFX

yah you forgot those last two cold snaps where it got down to the 30's and people were covering their bushes to protect from frost. Oh yes my neighbors did that. I did lose two plants to the cold but my jasmine seems hardy enough.

cold snaps = cold nights
and yes, so far, I counted 2 nights (actually, one double night). I lost a pepper plant (no big loss, things are ugly).

Not saying we didn't have a single cold night yet...just comparatively..but this is local weather. doesn't matter if its snowing in my town, the overall temperature is showing this winter to be exceptionally mild

Just found it interesting and a bit annoying. I like the little winter we got here..lets me wear my winter clothes.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
It seems to me most deny global warming because of the carbon tax conspiracy, but what if it is true and they are just taking advantage of it?

What if it is true, and people sincerely believe a carbon tax (should really be greenhouse tax, as CO2 is NOT the only driver of human-induced climate change) is the least-bad way to save our civilization from some potentially titanic problems?

And isn't the pattern, global warming followed by cooling, followed by an ice age? Could it be the loss of ice is already starting to cool the oceans thus allowing the temps to seem to have not gone up?

The pattern, prior to human influence, has been warming and cooling on timescales of 20,000 to 200,000 years. There are small variations in the pattern of solar flux due to astronomical changes, which are then amplified by greenhouse effects and CO2 cycles in the biosphere, causing the Ice Ages and interglaciations.

During that whole time, there was a huge amount of carbon locked in the Earth which had not been climactically active for a huge number of ice age cycles, as it was deposited 50 to 150 million years ago and was not subject to bacterial digestion.

Thanks to human activities, that carbon (and methane and newly manufactured CFCs) which was formerly inert is now in the atmosphere. This will change the pattern of what happens now virtually permanently compared to what has happened in the "recent" past, say up to the time when early homo branched from other apes.

Could it be that the ice has gone so far that it is going to continue to melt even though temps are not rising anymore?

No, that doesn't make much of a difference at all. Less sea ice (which is white and reflects sunlight) results in more heating as formerly white ice is replaced by dark ocean.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:52 AM
40 people have died of the extreme cold in eastern Europe this weekend alone.
Global warming, please!
edit on 30-1-2012 by conar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:53 AM
Look folks - first two posts on this page, specifically - I under stand that weather (not whether) and climate are different. 1 severe/strange season of weather does not necessarily have a direct correlation to climate trending in a vacuum - that is why I mentioned that I have been in Texas for 25 years. And, in my other thread, you will see that, although I make note of LAST summer being the worst, it is still the *direction* we've been heading (the overall trend of our annual temps),in a particular direction - and, last summer was a HUGE wake up call to this fact:

edit on 1/30/2012 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

WOW ! everybody...seriously..

The earth can warm up and not have it be a man made thing.

It's called cycles....

They happened for millions of years before Earth even existed and we are acting like we know everything about everything.

Stop acting smart and admit it. None of you know what is going on but it sure as hell isn't global warming.

When something is constantly forced on you or pushed on your by others ....that is a red flag that much of that is probably false or deceptive in some way.

Learn something. get smart.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

So what! you made it sound like the temperature never even dropped. Hockey stick my friend?

Even Huffpo ran a story on it

LAKELAND, Fla. -- It's a tense time at Imperial Tropicals, one of central Florida's largest ornamental fish farms.
It will be days, if not weeks, before farmer Fran Drawdy discovers how the recent cold snap will affect her fish.
Her millions of platies, mollies and guppies in outdoor ponds could die quickly from the drastic temperature change – it went from 80 degrees on Christmas to 20 degrees two weeks later – or they could fall sick and linger from stress or a fungus

We have tremendous challenges with the cold," said Drawdy, who has owned the central Florida farm with her family for 40 years. "Our prayer was that we wouldn't face that this year. We were just really starting to recover."
Drawdy is referring to 2010, when many Florida ornamental fish farmers lost between 80 and 100 percent of their stock. That year, temperatures stayed below 50 for 11 days straight in January and then another cold snap in December struck the area.
"The last three winters in a row it seems like we have been just clobbered," said David Boozer, executive director of the Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association, a group that counts 231 farmers as members.

We seem to be getting the better oranges from California lately.
edit on 30-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Thank you for making the distinction between weather and climate. I don't admit to having a science background however, I am aware of this difference. They are not synonyms, as many posters would believe.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by SavedOne

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

I started a thread, for myself, last summer that tracked how erratic and record setting the weather was, last summer, and specifically how uncharacterstically hot and dry it was in my own state (TX) since I've been living here or a quarter-century:

Fellow Texan here, born and raised here and in my 50+ years I've never seen a summer as brutally hot, dry and miserable as that of 2011. We broke the record for 100+ days in a year and shattered the average temp record. It seems surreal to suffer that here while watching the news of flooding in other parts of the US and crazy monsoons in other countries. I don't think this is about global warming trends so much as it is about increasingly extreme weather, it's like the earth is trying desperately to rebalance the climate.

Well, increasingly extreme weather is just what you expect when there is more energy in the atmosphere. You have more energy when it is warmer, as warm air can absorb more water (and hence transfer more heat through vaporization/precipitation)

One regional record is not evidence by itself for global warming of course. What you can look at though is whether regional records are being broken more often on the hot side vs on the cool side. And sure enough, new record highs are more recent than new record lows all over the world.

The real problem with climate change is that it has just started to begin (we've gotten only a trivial amount of what's coming), and the speed of it will make adaptation so difficult because just as you've gotten used to what you think is 'new normal' (by spending huge amounts of money on dams, moving people, agricultural reorientation), climate will keep on changing in locally weird and unpredictable ways. And you, and your crops, don't live in the average, but in one particular place.

Regarding global warming, personally I think all this talk about whether it's "real" or not is taking away from the real problem of diminishing natural resources and increasing pollution levels. If it can be proven that the planet is not getting warmer then it seems everyone is content to dismiss the whole issue and continue right on consuming massive quantities of fossil fuels and dumping the filthy byproducts into the air we breathe and the water we drink. Our biggest cities have a constant brown funk hanging over them thanks to our exhaust gases and if anyone thinks that's not a health problem and huge drain on our health care system then you're in denial.

I grew up in Los Angeles. When I go back, the air there is much cleaner than when I was young, even though the number of cars is ridiculously higher and traffic is insane.

What's the difference? Just a wee bit of a different attitude towards environmental regulation in California vs Texas. My cities don't have a constant brown funk hanging over them any more.

I'm surprised that the usual-suspects haven't started to claim that even smog in Houston is just a liberal conspiracy and had nothing to do with leaking refineries.

Problem with greenhouse gas is that it is mixing and global and so regressive Texan attitudes (and similar burn-baby-burn-that-coal attitude in China) will damage the climate for more responsible people but leave the responsible ones with the cost.

Now is the time to address these problems, because very soon it could be too late. Not for the planet, it'll survive regardless. We are the ones at risk.

Over 250 years, global warming could be catastrophic to technological human civilization.
edit on 30-1-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

No duh? Earths "climate" is something that is inherently subject to change. The climate is not some stagnant weather condition with any steady normalcy. The climate is always changing... always has been... always will be.

I dont think this is news to anybody? At least, anybody with an ounce of common sense.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:00 AM

WOW ! everybody...seriously.. The earth can warm up and not have it be a man made thing. It's called cycles.... They happened for millions of years before Earth even existed and we are acting like we know everything about everything. Stop acting smart and admit it. None of you know what is going on but it sure as hell isn't global warming. When something is constantly forced on you or pushed on your by others ....that is a red flag that much of that is probably false or deceptive in some way. Learn something. get smart.

So, are you saying that it's normal for the Earth's temperature to rapidly increase by a large amount over a short period of time? Climate cycles are real, nobody denied that, but they aren't as ridiculously significant as you're trying to claim that they are.

How about you take a look at my previous post and explain to me how it is possible for CO2 emissions to not have an effect?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by LucidDreamer85
Stop acting smart and admit it. None of you know what is going on but it sure as hell isn't global warming.

Just re-posting this sentence for ironic purposes.

We don't know what is going on...therefore we know what is going on.

You have won todays most ironic post and are awarded 3 headpalms

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:02 AM
It is funny how MSM is the devil until they post something people here agree with.

Where is the source for this info?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by LucidDreamer85

Hey, genius. Try reading a little yourself before spouting off.

We are all aware that there are multiple factors to be considered here.

1) Regardless of human intervention, the Earth heats and cools, just as it has for thousands/millions of years. To even insinuate that anyone in THIS discussion is not aware of this fact is insulting to you, not us.

2) Adding humans to the equation, it is not up for debate, whether anything we do effects our climate is a forgone conclusion - the only argument there is a) how much? and b) are people using this reality as a means to control people (carbon taxes, etc)

The debates then become what combination of factors 1 or 2 are really at work here and, more importantly, how to DEAL with it (if we even can).

The climate DOES change, period. Should our efforts & money be spent on dealing with the Natural changes (moving people away from coastal cities, etc) or should we deal more with controlling Humanity's effect on it (rules, laws, taxes, etc) - well, either way both are here to stay, I'm afraid.
edit on 1/30/2012 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

Well, increasingly extreme weather is just what you expect

Oh yes of course, it's so logical, as the hockey stick graph keeps going way way up, all the weather goes drastically up and down.

In fact, it's more likely to be the moon that has affected our climate in such a dramatic way, as it pulls away from the earth a bit every year, and scientists know that the moon helps stabilize earth.
edit on 30-1-2012 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)


posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:05 AM
God I hate this GW threads, but here I go...

Our planet suffers from glacial periods for thousands of years FACT.
Nobody knows for sure what triggers them but 2 culprits seem to be the suns activity and the small fluctuations on earth´s orbit...
Prior to these glaciations there have been really hot climate worldwide.

So people who say that Texas and such places have been dry as a bone and hotter, should check that some civilizations in Mexico disappeared and migrated due to extreme drought (FACT). these droughts overlap with very COLD weather in other parts of europe, so we have seen this picture before.

2 week from now I am going to ski in California, where the winter in the mountains is quite cold but there is no precipitation, then there is no snow to ski !!! and some say "there is no snow so there is global warming", lack of snow means lack of humidity + cold + precipitation. You could be in some place at minus 10 with no snow on the floor. Most of the humidity of the sierra nevada has gone up due to a unusual strong jet stream and what happens? we have seattle with snow, Canada with snow and Alaska with records od snow storms.... the whole weather pattern is changing, some places will be dry and milder, and other will have strong winds/snow/cold.

Heck today and yesterday we have had rain in Mexico city and a 7 degree temps!!!, the cold is understandable but rain in January its totally crazy !!!

BTW we have had record drought in mexico for 11 months now....

Buy some big clothing, cause is going to be cold...

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by ClydeFrog42
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

No duh? Earths "climate" is something that is inherently subject to change. The climate is not some stagnant weather condition with any steady normalcy. The climate is always changing... always has been... always will be.

I dont think this is news to anybody? At least, anybody with an ounce of common sense.

Common sense is trumped by scientific data.

Over the last 10,000 years, global climate has been reasonably stable. This happens to be the period when human civilization arose.

There is of course always some fluctuation, but not in this time any large-scale global driver of change until humans started digging and burning coal.
edit on 30-1-2012 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

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