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CONFIRMED: Global Warming 'Ended 15 Years Ago'

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posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Animal
reply to post by fenceSitter

The 'climate change is a scam to get into our wallets' is a fairly successful attempt at 'framing'. That is to say turning the conversation / argument into something other than a review of research, evidence and fact.

This 'frame' shifts the conversation to another topic all together, which is corruption, control and powerlessness. It moves the focus from the quantitative to the qualitative - from science fact to emotional evaluation.

This 'frame' was created because through such a view you will never be able to prove anything but you will be able to make people FEEL.

I give credit to those who understand the tool of 'framing' and are able to use it well - it shows a high level of intelligence.

I also think these people are scum.

I am pretty loathe to post on or even read another ATS thread about global warming, because all it ever is - is a rehashing of the same useless comments and long-ago debunked memes.

It doesn't matter how many times these canards get refuted and trounced on here - just like the idea that global warming stopped in 1998 (noooo: it didn't) - any thread on this topic is just an open invitation for the disinformation zombies to once again resurrect and regurgitate them over and over and over again...

So I just wanna say how refreshing it was to read your comment.

Nail: You hit it on the head.

Anyone who does some real objective research on this subject (by reading both sides of the story, and comparing them quantitatively rather than qualitatively), can see for themselves just how overwhelming the true scientific evidence for man-made global warming is, and what a total dishonest farce the whole "skeptic" hoax actually is.

But nobody wants to make that effort. They are either too lazy or to scared or too ignorant or too ideologically motivated to even try.

It's really embarassing to see how many people on a deny-ignorance, conspiracy-themed website are so easily seduced by the real conspiracy here - the right-wing, fossil fuel backed, PROPAGANDA campaign to deny basic science - all because it "feels" so much easier to frame as a big conspiracy - rather than subjecting themselves to things like critical thinking or objective reasoning.

We are so f---ed.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by chrismir
How convenient to start of the debunking around record year 1998.

Besides that, 10-15 years just ain't enough claiming trend changes, at most it indicates a possible change. For now I would say, based on averages the trend is flattening. Come back in 10-15 years, maybe then you can prove your point.

This reply, is awesome

As was this one:

Originally posted by chrismicha77

This past summer was the hottest I've ever experienced in Mississippi. So I can't say I agree with global warming ending in 1997.

I started a thread, for myself, last summer that tracked how erratic and record setting the weather was, last summer, and specifically how uncharacterstically hot and dry it was in my own state (TX) since I've been living here for a quarter-century:

Climate Change-ocalypse! Just using 2010-2011 U.S. as sample

WHO are all the dumb-dumbs starring and flagging this thread?!

I thought the evidence was pretty clear that shows we are heading towards an ice-age, as well - BUT, it will be accelerated *to* and preceeded *by* a warming planet, first.

The only argument *I* see about global [s]warming[/s] er, Climate Change, is how much blame needs to be assigned to human interaction.
edit on 1/30/2012 by SquirrelNutz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by chrismicha77

Wow, I see Al Snore is not the only one trying to spoof us, cause you're doing a fine job as well.
From your OWN FRICKEN LINK!!!!

The temperature analysis produced at GISS is compiled from weather data from more than 1,000 meteorological stations around the world, satellite observations of sea surface temperature and Antarctic research station measurements.

I'll take 30,000 over 1,000 with outstretched carbon tax hands -

Any day of the week. Good day sir.

And oh, btw, you still need another 30,000. I am not flinching.

edit on Sun Jan 29th 2012 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

Yes, and wasn't there some sort of issue with a number of stations being on top of hot roofs and next to heat vents and such?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by malcr
Anyone who believes what they read in the Daily Mail is a fool. It is a very well known paper renouned for "distorting" the truth for the hidden agenda of its extreme right wing owners......I mean DUH come on!.

If anyone took the time to look into the source of the article the above statement becomes bleedin obvious.

You have choice people, believe the Daily Mail lies in order to prop up your Cognitive Dissonance or do what it says in the top left corner of this site.........

Says the person with a leftist agenda....

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
I already confirmed it independently

No doubt you will appear in the next revealing DailyMail article on Global Warming as an "expert" on the matter, possibly as someone with "Above Top Secret" security clearance explaining what the government is hiding.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
Link this with the leaked climategate mails and it all becomes clear..

I'm sorry mister Gore but i guess we won't be seeing you around anymore.

Nice find.
edit on 29-1-2012 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

Have to disagree on the "Nice find" comment. Virtually all anti-global-warming articles no matter how obscure or biased they are pop up on the forums. Similarly, if you use the forums for information, it could be above normal in temperature across the entire country, and you will only hear from the one exception with the prefix: Al Gore is full of crap...
edit on 30-1-2012 by stanats because: spelling

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Don't forget we are going into a peaking cycle of sunspot and solar flare activity. It's the sun!

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by SquirrelNutz

I started a thread, for myself, last summer that tracked how erratic and record setting the weather was, last summer, and specifically how uncharacterstically hot and dry it was in my own state (TX) since I've been living here or a quarter-century:

Fellow Texan here, born and raised here and in my 50+ years I've never seen a summer as brutally hot, dry and miserable as that of 2011. We broke the record for 100+ days in a year and shattered the average temp record. It seems surreal to suffer that here while watching the news of flooding in other parts of the US and crazy monsoons in other countries. I don't think this is about global warming trends so much as it is about increasingly extreme weather, it's like the earth is trying desperately to rebalance the climate.

Regarding global warming, personally I think all this talk about whether it's "real" or not is taking away from the real problem of diminishing natural resources and increasing pollution levels. If it can be proven that the planet is not getting warmer then it seems everyone is content to dismiss the whole issue and continue right on consuming massive quantities of fossil fuels and dumping the filthy byproducts into the air we breathe and the water we drink. Our biggest cities have a constant brown funk hanging over them thanks to our exhaust gases and if anyone thinks that's not a health problem and huge drain on our health care system then you're in denial. Now is the time to address these problems, because very soon it could be too late. Not for the planet, it'll survive regardless. We are the ones at risk.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:05 AM
I'm from New York and will say this has to be the warmest winter since '98. Last year at this time we had snow everywhere and average temp in Jan probably in 20's-30's. Everyday now it seems we're in the 50's or high 40's. Not exactly proof but its very mild this year.

Warming or cooling? Every year seems to be opposite of the one before it.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by SavedOne

Regarding global warming, personally I think all this talk about whether it's "real" or not is taking away from the real problem of diminishing natural resources and increasing pollution levels.

Indeed, if the issue was framed differently then I think you would be hard pushed to find ANYONE that would disagree that diminishing natural resources and increasing pollution levels are serious problems.

I do disagree with the theory that greenhouse gases are causing the global temperature to increase. According to the IPCC's own literature, observed global increases are around 0.05 C. A carbon economy is not the solution to the problem.

Reframe the issues.

Access to clean drinking water is a higher priority than the CO2 levels.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by kn0wh0w

Skeptics are so desperate in their attempts to pathetically disclaim GW that the only thing you have to cleave too is a guy who made a movie and some emails whose nature of which they don't even understand.

Emails where skeptics deliberately found a few key phrases, took them out of context and tried to make them look like there was anti -gw data, by only four people, who have never negated GW, out of thousands of emails.
edit on 30-1-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:08 AM
do you feel the planed warm? i recently saw that a lot of places are even colder and rainiers than before...

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by kn0wh0w
Link this with the leaked climategate mails and it all becomes clear..

I'm sorry mister Gore but i guess we won't be seeing you around anymore.

Nice find.
edit on 29-1-2012 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

Yeah, but it is he who has the last laugh. Dude has made literally hundreds of millions off this whole movement, while consuming far more energy than the average person, and flying around in a private jet!

How can people not realize that the planet normally goes through heating and cooling cycles. We do have Ice Ages every so many years, followed up by warmer tropical weather for a time.

This has truly been an odd winter to say the least though. Last year we had record lows, and tons of rain.

This year we have record highs and no rain, no snow in the mountain regions. Its supposed to be the dead of winter, and yesterday me and my lady were laying out on our property, basking in the sun as if it was summer time.

Then again, we do pay an arm and leg and had to sell our souls to live here.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Questioneer05

Anyone who claims local weather events as a source of information should not be participating in global warming debates.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:29 AM
the 11 year sun cycle should be interesting.
it is at the highest output..all downhill from here (meaning less and less output).

in 11 years from now, we will be at another peak. Now, during that time, for the next 6 or so years, winters will be quite cold, summers will not be as warm..I wonder where it goes from there though...

This year, even being at solar max, the winter was uncommonly mild. Granted, I am in Florida, but even in florida we get a couple months of pretty cold weather...talking 50s. Its been stuck around 70s here...even getting up to 80 at times.

Actually I expected the opposite..(winters supposed to be getting more violently cold, summers hotter, gigantic snowstorms, etc) due to the destablization.

I don't believe in just "global warming". I see GW as a symptom of the climate destabilization that will lead to a ice age. Like saying someone with the flu has the, thats a symptom of the whole..and when they don't cough doesn't mean they don't have the flu..

I am not sure to what degree man has contributed to the destablization. There is a lot of conjecture on this one...some suggest a tremendous amount, others suggest not significant enough to cause rapid changes.

I used to think it was a pointless question, but the truth is, until we know what its caused by, then we won't know how to negate and reverse it (if that is a desire).

I will listen to scientists from around the world before I listen to corporations and politicians on matters of science..but I do want their stuff peer reviewed.

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by Questioneer05

Anyone who claims local weather events as a source of information should not be participating in global warming debates.

Yes, that sword cuts both ways. All those who said it was sooooo hot last summer.....

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:32 AM
CO2 in the atmosphere reflects heat radiated by the Earth back to the Earth. Heat can get in, but the CO2 prevents some of it from getting out.

The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased massively in recent decades.

Please, OP, at least apply basic cause and effect and explain to me how it is possible for global warming to not happen.

Now, is it a coincidence that the temperature of the planet started to increase relatively quickly at the same time CO2 level increased?

And, as some other people said, the Daily Mail isn't exactly the most reliable source of information..

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Huh, then I guess this is just a pretty colored video huh?

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:33 AM
Its funny how we "humans" have just recently become intelligent, and already we are saying we have an affect on the climate. This global warming BS is just another... "The world revolves around me" complex that we have obviously portrayed over and over and over again in the past. Its a shame that people dont see how much the governments are getting by manipulating data from "scientists". The airline industry is suffering because of these idiots and make them pay millions of dollars for a non existent problem. Obama has wasted at least 1 billion on two companies that were supposed "green" companies. All of that money should be used for something good, but the governments continue to BS us to death.... literally. Sad most people believe them.

edit on 30-1-2012 by R3KR because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-1-2012 by R3KR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
reply to post by kn0wh0w

Skeptics are so desperate in their attempts to pathetically disclaim GW that the only thing you have to cleave too is a guy who made a movie and some emails whose nature of which they don't even understand.

Emails where skeptics deliberately found a few key phrases, took them out of context and tried to make them look like there was anti -gw data, by only four people, who have never negated GW, out of thousands of emails.
edit on 30-1-2012 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

I take issue with the term "skeptics" you use
Skeptics want to see qualified proof. The people your discussing are not skeptics (else they would be skeptical of what their -politicians- are telling them). They are drones maybe..or we can simply label them bats (blind to data..lead by sounds in the dark).
Point is, being a skeptic means you favor science and reason over the nonsense claims of people whom oppose facts and data. the nonsense claims in this case are the anti-climate destabilization crew.

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