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This is why the occupy movement MUST BE STOPPED!!!

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by popsmayhem

Get a paper bag, open it up, put it to your lips.
Now breathe slowly into the bag for a couple minutes.

There there,

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:07 PM
I spent many hours a few months back watching the occupy wall street movement in N.Y.C. and those protestors were totally putting out a positive vibe...

When I was watching last night the only feeling I got was these people are not the same, they were looking to break into a " vacant " building to " occupy " for a " community " space.

That just sounds like wanting to commit breaking and entering.....

Then I saw people running all over Oakland chanting "F" the police....

Then I saw them burn the national flag and that was enough.....

I can understand being upset about the current conditions but to disgrace the flag that GENERATIONS of Americans have fought for and lost their lives for you to express your displeasure is very sickening.

I can understand flying the flag upside down to show that the country is in distress but to burn it is WAY past the line.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:09 PM
Historically things do not change without violent revolt. After months and months of the people seeing these cops over step their bounds I think they have a right to be a little pissed. Like another poster said if this is what it takes to get the ball rolling than so be it.

They should gather together and start doing citizens arrests though.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Zaanny
I spent many hours a few months back watching the occupy wall street movement in N.Y.C. and those protestors were totally putting out a positive vibe...

When I was watching last night the only feeling I got was these people are not the same, they were looking to break into a " vacant " building to " occupy " for a " community " space.

That just sounds like wanting to commit breaking and entering.....

Then I saw people running all over Oakland chanting "F" the police....

Then I saw them burn the national flag and that was enough.....

I can understand being upset about the current conditions but to disgrace the flag that GENERATIONS of Americans have fought for and lost their lives for you to express your displeasure is very sickening.

I can understand flying the flag upside down to show that the country is in distress but to burn it is WAY past the line.

Every time
you burn a flag
a puppy dies.

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by PhantomLimb
Every time
you burn a flag
a puppy dies.


Exactly man....

A flag is a flag, calm down folks.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by NeverSleepingEyes
reply to post by popsmayhem

the bankers will be grateful for your support
divide et impere... works every time
instead of allowing others to manipulate you
start reading some history books?

The only manipulating going on is these occupy
movements who are being used like tools
and marks for SOROS own agenda.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by NeverSleepingEyes
reply to post by popsmayhem

the bankers will be grateful for your support
divide et impere... works every time
instead of allowing others to manipulate you
start reading some history books?

The only manipulating going on is these occupy
movements who are being used like tools
and marks for SOROS own agenda.

Are you prepared to provide corroborating evidence to support your claim or are you one of those who follow what others think?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

The Y was invaded for fun.
They wanted to go play some basketball
and stay in there and use it
for fun because they had so many people
they thought who can stop them.
ATTACKING THE YMCA these people are

Your not helping by spreading lies

it was already stated why they went in to the YMCA
it was NOT fo fun
it was not to play basketball

+15 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by popsmayhem
The only manipulating going on is these occupy
movements who are being used like tools
and marks for SOROS own agenda.

Bankers are destroying this country, fighting wars for profit, and your ok with that.

They burn a flag and that got you Pissed ?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:19 PM
I fear we will start to look like every other country now.

Guess it's time for the rail car, gilliotines and fema camps.

Damnit america.. What happen to civility??? Oh yeah... The government!

+2 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:19 PM
Get the 12 gauge and kill people, for uprising? Owkaay then......

These guys are doing more than 90% of users on this site, arm chair atavists.

We sit at home and go through thousands of threads, gaining untold knowledge of how our elite are keeping us down through debt - modern day slavery, and the most people do to bring awareness to this major problem, is star and flag a thread on boards where most people are aware.

What are you doing to stop this cycle? Ask your self that question.

Like every movement, it attracts anarchist who have no emotional feeling to the cause - they just want to cause mayhem. This is not a reason to stop the protest which is making people, who dont visit these kind of boards, aware to the cycle our world is in.

Im sick to the teeth of people posting these threads. We had riots in London over the price of universities going up, the people who were rioting we anarchist, and the young kids just got roped in to it - Did the English police start shooting? No, they picked out the bad ones from the crowed, arrested them and the riots stopped. What do your police do? Paint them all with the same brush and treat them like terrorist, sparking a effect which makes the normal people, want to revolt more - Hence why your posting this sht now.

When ones pushed into a corner, it doesn't take long to bite

The protest should not be stopped, the bad people should be dealt with accordingly, with tough charges to flush out the crime.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:23 PM
divide and conquer.

works everytime.

+18 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:25 PM
It never fails to astonish those of us who live outside the United States that some Americans seem to believe that the most unimaginably distressing thing that can happen in the world is for an American flag to be burnt...

Launch illegal wars; threaten sovereign states; kill hundreds of thousand of civilians and blithely write it off as collateral damage; mess up the future health and prospects of thousands more by using depleted uranium in your weapons systems.... we can live with that but don't burn our flag!!!!

We all have flags and we've all had our countrymen fight wars but they weren't fighting for a flag - they were (in most cases) fighting to preserve or win freedoms for their kith and kin. One of those freedoms was free speech and freedom of expression - which includes.........burning flags!

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
OWS failed because they were doing it all wrong.
"Hey guys, let's sit on our asses for months and yell and chant until the corruption ends..." Really, what a good idea.

The whole thing was hijacked from the get go, taken in the direction TPTB wanted it to go, and of course, nothing was solved.... except for a $5 BOA fee that fell through.

How about getting a group together and performing citizen's arrests on Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the whole cast & crew of the last 10 years fiasco of illegal wars, crimes against humanity, and murder? No? Ok, then maybe protesting with signs and burning flags will eventually work even though it's done nothing for the last 60 years.

edit on 29-1-2012 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

Ouch your hitting pretty close to the bone there. I couldn't agree with you more. Wow Jibby you said just what I was thinking.Good comment.

Occupy was such a stupid unfocused waste of time.
edit on 1/29/2012 by lonegurkha because: Edit to add

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:35 PM
These protesters are not doing enough. They should take control of large tv-station, you know "control the media, control the mind". Nothing is more useful than controlling the media. Protesters should spread their word via TV and radio. And they should go to government buildings, and financial centers. Going other places is useless, specially if they just sit there. And I believe there is no change without violence, it has never happened before.

Occupy movement is too small, they need more people. US is not only country with those protests. There is widespread protests in Spain, where people are protesting too.


+1 more 
posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:39 PM
If 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000 etc. people get together to protest, and intend to protest peacefully, they will.
If you add police in riot gear, and push against the protesters, they will push back.
Who incited the violence? The protesters, or the police in riot gear.

Have the police tried to appear in basic uniform, and speak civilly with the protesters? Find out their intentions and discuss what is and what is not acceptable to both parties? Was any amicable agreement sought by either side?

The way I see it (FWIW), the police in riot gear are not 'responding' to any behaviors, but rather creating the behavior. Whether they have been issued orders to do so is another matter.

It's very possible that Occupy would have created no violence without police presence.
It is impossible that 'kettling' and pushing of crowds by police in riot gear will not create violence.

Policing (and I believe that most law enforcement professionals are good) is not about control. It's about ensuring the safety of all. Rushing at protesters with riot shields and batons, tear gas and flash-bangs, creates an unsafe environment.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by YeshuaPiso


Much worse than this happens every damn year on the same #ing day here in Berlin and no one would lose any sleep over it, let alone jump at each others throats in such unforgivable hatred.

Only the "evil bloodthirsty Americans" lose their # over some smoke and noise and a burning flag...

It's ridiculous but kind of funny at the same time.

edit on 29-1-2012 by ColCurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:43 PM
talk about hitting the wrong place, i thought ymca was there to help people and kids, which i thought was a good thing. you are right they should just hit city hall, occupy has no clue what they are doing, or what they are about.

i clicked the post headline thinking, "i thought occupy was dead..." lol to find out that they are worse than before.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Badgered1
Policing (and I believe that most law enforcement professionals are good) is not about control. It's about ensuring the safety of all. Rushing at protesters with riot shields and batons, tear gas and flash-bangs, creates an unsafe environment.

Excuse me .
What the Heck do you think you are doing?
Common sense, Rational thinking have no place in a OWS thread.
Only thing accepted are what the Media tells us to think.

Nerve of this guy.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by Badgered1
Policing (and I believe that most law enforcement professionals are good) is not about control. It's about ensuring the safety of all. Rushing at protesters with riot shields and batons, tear gas and flash-bangs, creates an unsafe environment.

Excuse me .
What the Heck do you think you are doing?
Common sense, Rational thinking have no place in a OWS thread.
Only thing accepted are what the Media tells us to think.

Nerve of this guy.

I needed that. Thanks!

Common sense should be taught in kindergarten all the way up to retirement. Mandatory.

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