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MY Experiences & Perspective From 50 Years of Studying the UFO Phenomena

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posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 04:21 AM
reply to post by ImaFungi

are we going to play this game?
what does it matter what I know and what I believe?

I would be the happiest if an ufo came, nut no evidence or proof exists.
And being such a big business now, even if 1 came, we may never be able to tell, because of all the delusional hacks.
Let me put it another way.
If I believed the Nephilim were UFOs, and whatever, and didn't read anything else, but books and sites eschewing this, and let go of my critical faculties, I too may view this as an explanation to all things.
However, no proof exists, so it is just conjecture and fantasy.
Now, concerning the Bible, and modern day END DAYS interpretations.
It is nothing more then symbolic. I mean the bibles description of end days.
Look hard enough, and you will be able to correlate everything with anything. This is pattern recognition, part of the cognitive skill set. Now if you let go of your critical skill set you are lost in the world of fantasy and perhaps hate and blame.
If god gave us free will, then how can he prognose what will happen?
This is so ridiculous, it does even merit a second look.
If god didn't give us free will, what is the point of speculation?

As for black op conspiracies, ridiculous on so many levels.
Firstly there is no such thing as evil. It is a matter or judgement.
There are people with agendas, but believing them to be agents of satan, is a fairy tale.
No proof.
Oh, btw, there is a type of conspiracy, in the fact that our food supply is contaminated, and most (not all) of modern medicine is on a wrong track. I can prove it, but it would take to long. If you want to know more, research it yourself. You wanted my opinion, so there it is.
Even this fact (food contamination, dead end research) is not the work of satan, it is the work of arrogance, sprouting from delusional and obsessive minds. In this case money obsessed, and fame obsessed minds mainly.

edit on 28-1-2012 by BBalazs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:17 AM
Great work, Bo

Been some massive pwnage in this thread, lmao

"Look a Christian!" -points-

Anyway, Have you considered that they actually were wiped out in the flood,

And now they have to make the little grey suits in order to interact with this plane of existence?

Also, can't help but remember something about "containers for souls"? Don't remember where I read that.

Just a thought,

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:25 AM
Thanks for all of your feedback Bo - I'll take it on board and see if it leads anywhere.
Keep strong in the attacks regarding faith.
One thing for your research in the future if you don't mind.
Are you familiar with Nihilism?
By most accounts, we're in the fourth stage now and teetering on it's ultimate goal in mankind.

4) Nihilism of Destruction, -  “a rage against creation and against civilization that will not be appeased until it has reduced them to absolute nothingness.” People kill the unborn, teenage suicide,  subversion, the rejection of absolute morals, the destruction of all existing political, social, and religious order is a prerequisite for any future improvement, that life has no intrinsic meaning or value, anarchy, the death and killing of God in the minds of western societies, nothingness, meaninglessness, despair, destruction of God's crop in exchange for genetically modified crops, artificial food creation, genetically modified animals, the destruction of old systems of banking, economies etc . It's RAGE ALL AROUND US.

The four stages of Nihilism is a process, a means to an end, which is used by Satan to blind the perishing whilst producing his desired outcome. Reducing mankind to such despair and nothingness is the final stage of Nihilism so that people become not only Godless, but they become broken, looking for something better....and then and only then is mankind psychologically ready to look to something offering hope and a promise - enter the promises of a "new Age", " a new society", " a Rise of the Phoenix", "Illumination" , "our real creators, the ETs" etc etc. They have killed God in the mind, and therefore have become the ultimate man against Christ.

As published in 1925 in a letter allegedly from Illuminati Albert Pike 
After a major war between Zionism and Islam...
"Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil."
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view."

We can see that many Atheists and Nihilists exist, the comments are scathing, evil and vehemently opposed to God in any sense. It's not a simple "Well, I don't believe in God but I'll consider the reading material". And I pray that those one's might stand a chance with Gods help to understand that society mind has been engineered to be Nihilistic, that they have been brainwashed to not seek God in the first place - that they'll be programmed to accept the kingdom proposed by Lucifer in it's many forms. Ancient Alien theology, to me, is just one of these possible ideologies because like all the others, it removes God completely from the picture. And removes salvation.

It's why I still lean towards aliens not being real but a " promise" of that better world. Nihilism goes through it's four stages to produce the desired outcome. And that desired outcome is Luciferism, the underlying belief in all of these promised better societies.

Your time and comments are appreciated. One of the things that I do take away, is that I know without a doubt, that if little critters do show up, I do know their origin and will keep my eyes on the Lord. He is the source of all. Truth.
Thanks Bo!


posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Stagea

I posted a poster of the different and evolving models of UFO's over the years the other day...

It totally backs up what you are saying.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by Prokofiev

Thanks for your kind reply.

I selected the links mostly on a couple of criteria . . . I felt they were interesting . . . i.e. had something beyond 100% fluff or disinformation to offer or even if there was a lot of disinformation--it was useful to know that's where the oligarchy was investing its disinformation.

And, I selected those I respected and thought had significant puzzle pieces to offer.

I left out

L. A. Marzulli

I believe he's well above average in his assessment of the topic.


Chuck Missler:

I believe he's one of the leading Christians on the topic.

As are Stan and Holly Deyo:

Stan also worked on UFO craft design in Australia for the USA.

Stan's book THE COSMIC CONSPIRACY Final Edition 2010

has a very interesting interpretation, 'decoding' of part of Daniel regarding the END TIMES and the nephilium/ watchers /ET's / Fallen angels.

I'll try and present a summary when I can get to it.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by MRuss

I saw that poster and artwork and appreciated it.

However, one thing I noticed at the time was that some of those designs were in medevil artwork. Some are in aboriginal rock art thousands of years old.

Certainly we don't have photos on high megapixal digital cameras from thousands of years ago. However, the SHAPES are virtually identical to some of them.

To dismiss that fact seems a bit . . . something.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Thanks for your kind reply.

I was not aware of the formal strategy of nihilsm as in your refs.

Interesting. I'd arrived at a lot of that conclusion just by watching & studying the satanic globalist oligarchy for 47 or so years.

I've certainly seen them use nihilsm as a club to beat unwise folks into numbed out and dumbed down self-destructive aimlessness and helpless, hopeless rage and futility.

The educational system is thoroughly shredded with it, by it.

I think that the UFO/ ET stuff will be swept in with great fanfare at the appointed time as a rescue, in part, from their nihilistic manipulations


as your refs stated

to usher in the one world religion to worship the fallen angels' boss--satan--as God.

Hideousness to the max.

There are ATSers who eagerly work towrad that as a grand and glorious thing.

They evidently do not realize that satan gives NOTHING--no pleasure, no power, no status, no rank, no thrill--NOTHING without exacting incalucable payment and suffering in exchange.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by rbnhd76

As I've noted above . . .

I believe that SOME of the fallen angels were wiped out during the flood.

They are now demons, without bodies.

AND I AGREE--evidently, as reported by some--

some of the demons do now inhabit--evidently some of the grey bio-engineered suits/robotic bodies.

That IS believable, to me.

It is inconceivable to me that ALL the 1/3 fallen angels lost their bodies in the flood.

1. Not ALL of them came down to earth pre-flood and took on 'permanent' body form to copulate with human women.

2. Some of them clearly did that after the flood--witness Goliath killed by King David as a youth.

3. Clearly a host of them will fight against God's Heavenly Host and the Lord Jesus and His Saints at Armageddon.

4. Some of the root word descriptions of some of the fallen angels do sound like 'reptilians,' and other 'monsters' a la Colton Burpo's description and others.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by BO XIAN
reply to post by MajorKarma

You're welcome,

I think. LOL.

Would you care to offer your perspective as to what you believe to be going on with the ETs/critters?
What do you guess/believe to be their agenda?
To what degree do you believe them to be cooperating with or in cahoots with or bossing the globalist elites?
What are your thoughts on the evil/good/benign/neutral
nature of the ET's/critters?
Thanks for your kind reply.

I may have some answers for you later but for now

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

hello bo xian

keep it up. although i myself am non-affiliated to any club/religious persuation, i have
studied enoch,bible,koran,eastern writings etc...

there is a woodcarving of a battle above germany, nuremburg in 1561 which depicts objects
of unusual shapes which imo doesn't seem to fit the theory at this time that the tech runs in
parallel with the technology of the time.

ezekiels description of the object he saw is also of interest here.

you pondered the question on the hybrid issue regarding interaction towards youngsters.
perhaps they are devoid of empathy/emotional connection and they are attempting to
re-pattern this into the kids. it is possible that this could be the case.

you said earlier in the thread 'something is going on' or words to that effect.
i concur with you on this, however, i'm of the opinion at the moment even the top
echelons of this planet are not privy to the actual agenda or intent of 'critters'
described. i may be wrong on this but the gut grumbles in that direction.

regards fakedirt

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by BBalazs
reply to post by ImaFungi

. . .

Now, concerning the Bible, and modern day END DAYS interpretations.
It is nothing more then symbolic. I mean the bibles description of end days.

Look hard enough, and you will be able to correlate everything with anything. This is pattern recognition, part of the cognitive skill set. Now if you let go of your critical skill set you are lost in the world of fantasy and perhaps hate and blame.

Not my reality.

Perhaps at a kind of foggy generalized imprecise clunky way and level, you'd have a point.

imho, such efforts break down immediately when one looks beneath the surface fluff.

1. Israel did not become a Nation after the A.D. 70 dispersioin until 1948.

That's a one time event. IT was predicted as a critical point of the Biblically prophesied END TIMES.

2. As predicted, the satanic global government has become much more overt and is on the brink of leaping full fledged brazenly on the world stage as the worst tyrannical government the globe has ever seen or ever will see again--as predicted in Scripture.

3. The specific Biblical puzzle pieces of the world's nations arrayed against Jerusalem are moving inexorably into place as I write.

4. The prophesied END TIMES wars depicted in Scripture are being currently set up.

5. The signs in the Heavens is a fuzzier prediction. However, I am unware of any time in recorded history when the

A) variety
B) dramatic type
C) unprecedented type, intensity
D) vividly mystifying nature


of the Heavenly/sky realm SIGNS OF THE TIMES have been so plentiful and increasingly, unrelentingly present.

. . . including everything from the Hubble Telescope; the space station; man on the moon; cosmic events; etc.

BTW, someone chided me for including Linda Moulton Howe in my list.

I'm aware of the 'probe' . . . I forget the terms used . . . caret . . . module craft and ATSers conclusions about them being hoaxed.

I'm still agnostic on it.

It is quite plausible to me that SOME WERE DELIBERATELY HOAXED

to hide those that were authentic in the resulting confusion.

Regardless, I have met and talked with Linda somewhat significantly and find her to be a sincere person who does more or less the best, most honest job with the highest integrity she knows how to operate with.

That she is a flawed human like the rest of us is no surprise.

If god gave us free will, then how can he prognose what will happen?

This is so ridiculous, it does even merit a second look.
If god didn't give us free will, what is the point of speculation?

What I find . . . less than wise . . . is such an assertion as those lines above.

Those assertions

PRESUME, VERY illogically,


Dr Walter Martin used to offer an illustration regarding the free-will/omniscient puzzle:

1. Imagine a computer as large as the multi-verse.
2. In the computer was programmed all the possible choices of all the organisms in all the possible contexts in existence.

3. At the level of each individual organism, there exists a very real quality of 'free-will' with real consequences accordingly.
4. However, the COMPUTER PROGRAMMER--ALMIGHTY GOD--also has a maximum, paragon quality of 'free-will' and can adjust the computer programming to achieve whatever outcome He desires.

5. Therefore, His knowledge is 100% accurate and complete while affording the individuals at the individual level an authentic and robust degree of 'free-will.'

6. There is NO 100% absolute robotic manipulation involved at the individual level.

7. NEITHER is there 100% absolute 'free-will.'

THAT picture matches the reality we observe.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by BBalazs
reply to post by ImaFungi

As for black op conspiracies, ridiculous on so many levels.
Firstly there is no such thing as evil. It is a matter or judgement.

Ahhhhhhhh . . . the construction on reality which seems to make an earnest effort at believing that

ALL is merely chaos then !POOF! time + chance produces a fine swiss watch . . . or a Lamborgini springs beautifully from the junk pile.

I love the joke . . . about making man out of dirt competition . . . with the punch line . . . God to satan: get your own dirt.

No evil. Wellllllllllll let's say you have a 4 year old little boy that the Illuminati oligarchy abduct for a satanic initiation ritual for adding a new member to their ranks.

They take the little boy into an underground room and proceed to mercilessly bugger him beginning with the initiate getting the first 'honors.'

Then they torturously murder him as a ritual sacrifice.

And you assert that you'd then STILL CLAIM THAT THERE WAS NO SUCH THING AS EVIL?

Please excuse me while I visit the toilet . . . I don't have a barf bag handy.


I'd call a father capable of such an assertion after such an act, evil himself, by definition.

All this Jean Paul Satre ilk of philosophical pontification about evil in the abstract is so much smoke and mirrors.

Bring it down to daily life and see how it flies. It doesn't.

There are people with agendas, but believing them to be agents of satan, is a fairy tale.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh according to YOUR ?omniscient? construction on reality?

Consider me underwhelmed.

No proof.

Which, I take it, being interpreted = 'no proof you'll tolerate.'

It was always interesting overseas . . . the demonic and satanic was more fully treated with reality and proper responses the further one was from a university.

The closer one was to a university, the more whitewashed, slick and slippery the evil and the demonized were.

In the bush and tribal areas . . . ET's, and the like were known to be of evil origin.

Near the universities, they were heralded as 'space brothers' come to save us from ourselves.

All without the least bit of CREDIBLE proof, of course.

The wisdom of the ages has long been aware of satan.

It's 'modern' man that presumes the capacity to !POOF! him out of existence . . . in their own minds . . . sort of . . . except when they aren't looking.

Oh, btw, there is a type of conspiracy, in the fact that our food supply is contaminated, and most (not all) of modern medicine is on a wrong track. I can prove it, but it would take to long. If you want to know more, research it yourself. You wanted my opinion, so there it is.

I certainly agree about the food. It is part of the satanic oligarchy's effort to depopulate the planet down to 200 million that the UFO/ET/ fallen angel critters demand as necessary to save us from ourselves and the planet from destruction.

Even this fact (food contamination, dead end research) is not the work of satan, it is the work of arrogance, sprouting from delusional and obsessive minds. In this case money obsessed, and fame obsessed minds mainly.

Again . . . EVIDENTLY given your wording . . . according to the presumed 100% comprehensive knowledge and 100% totally accurate and flawless ASSUMPTIONS and assessments of the one 100% totally perfect investigator in all Creation . . .

. . . if I understand the assertions remotely accurately.

I don't buy it.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by fakedirt
reply to post by BO XIAN

keep it up. although i myself am non-affiliated to any club/religious persuation, i have
studied enoch,bible,koran,eastern writings etc...

THANKS MUCH for your kind words and thoughtful contribution.

there is a woodcarving of a battle above germany, nuremburg in 1561 which depicts objects
of unusual shapes which imo doesn't seem to fit the theory at this time that the tech runs in
parallel with the technology of the time.

Agreed. I've seen photos of that.

Ezekiel's description of the object he saw is also of interest here.

Yes, I agree.

you pondered the question on the hybrid issue regarding interaction towards youngsters.
perhaps they are devoid of empathy/emotional connection and they are attempting to
re-pattern this into the kids. it is possible that this could be the case.

More than plausible. To what purpose--to more slickly interface with humans in a more effective !controlling! role?

Or are we to swallow the swill that it is all for our benefit . . . on our way to the dinner table where they are 'SERVING MAN.'

you said earlier in the thread 'something is going on' or words to that effect.
i concur with you on this, however, i'm of the opinion at the moment even the top
echelons of this planet are not privy to the actual agenda or intent of 'critters'
described. i may be wrong on this but the gut grumbles in that direction.
regards fakedirt

Oh, I think you are right. At least, what the elites have likely been told by the ET's/ Fallen angels is not likely to be comprehensively true.

And, the elites are toooooooo clueless to realize that they may end up early on the Bar-B-Q themselves.

I say such things regardless of whether humans are being treated like cattle, a food source, or not. It is a good metaphor whether that food source thing turns out to be true, or not.

Just as all dictators send their early supporters to the gas chambers first--the satanic elite know that their early supporters--useless idiots--are not to be trusted with anything substantial as things progress. Suicidal traitors just do not make good administrators of anything lasting. LOL.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by romanmel

I have found God to be less the spiritualized mumbo-jumbo that religion often feeds us, thus I am even more in awe of Him. The church is headed toward a time of Great Deception which will cause many millions of believers to accept a false Christ. The technologies available today are far beyond belief and can be used in the deception to come. It is my priority to warn as many as I can of these dangers that face Christians who are more focused on a rapture than on His mission.

Absolutely indeed.

Throw in the UFO critters as 'scientific' propagators and administrators

of the NEW WORLD RELIGION ultimately to worship satan . . . not all that differently perhaps than some of the scripts of STARGATE SG-1

and the genocidal manipulations of the planets' population escalates.

Personally, I think most Christian churches as part of ORGANIZAED EXTRINSIC RELIGIOSITY (a technical term meaning inauthentic RELIGION put on and taken off like a coat . . . for social, business or other extrinsic reasons)


than all the satanic covens on the planet.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by MajorKarma

Excellent video on the history and current state of the art re investigating UFO's photographically etc.

THANKS much.

I have sent it around on another forum.

I look forward to your perspective on the field and particularly on the critters and suspected agenda.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

a puzzle here is if they are indeed instilling empathy/emotional connections into the hybrid kids, the humans as food issue makes it pointless. perhaps their own survival is at stake here through no fault of their own or they are attempting to eventually blend in to become visually/socially acceptable according to human standard.

my understanding of the processor is we are all connected. to lean on one side or the other with regards to the purpose or intent of a hybrid agenda could possibly lead to a rude awakening. better to consider all possibilities on this.

with regards to the fallen ones, enoch was persuaded to petition the processor on their behalf for clemency i understand. this statement itself reveals concience. obviously according to the translations, the processor was having none of it and set aside decision till the final reveal what will transpire. the flood occuring pre-petition i am led to understand so it is possibly the remnants of the fallen ones under consideration.
perhaps if clemency is attained during the final reveal, it is for all to accept regardless of mindset.

interesting stuff and brownie point for you having the nuts.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by fakedirt

a puzzle here is if they are indeed instilling empathy/emotional connections into the hybrid kids, the humans as food issue makes it pointless. perhaps their own survival is at stake here through no fault of their own or they are attempting to eventually blend in to become visually/socially acceptable according to human standard.

I could believe the blending in part. I'm still skeptical about the 'survival of distant planet ET's using our DNA to survive.'

my understanding of the processor is we are all connected. to lean on one side or the other with regards to the purpose or intent of a hybrid agenda could possibly lead to a rude awakening. better to consider all possibilities on this.

Not crystal clear on your meaning there . . . I do think there are plenty of rude awakenings to go around.

with regards to the fallen ones, enoch was persuaded to petition the processor on their behalf for clemency i understand. this statement itself reveals concience. obviously according to the translations, the processor was having none of it and set aside decision till the final reveal what will transpire. the flood occuring pre-petition i am led to understand so it is possibly the remnants of the fallen ones under consideration.
perhaps if clemency is attained during the final reveal, it is for all to accept regardless of mindset.

My reading of Enoch was that God was NOT going to give such fallen angels clemancy at all, ever. If you have a passage indicating otherwise, I'd like to re-read it.

Certainly God's will

will reign supreme.

Thanks for your kind reply.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

hello bo xian.

the final statement is my interpretation of the petition from enoch and subsequent response from the processor. i may very well be misguided on this, however, i feel one must consider leniency in some shape or form to those who are/were innocent of the initial mutiny namely, offspring generations later. who knows? we all may have a remnant of unusual dna within ourselves that could align us to the fallen ones. now that would be as rude an awakening as hitler scrambling to supress information regarding jewish family connections. it would be such a shame to have a rigid mindset that all lineage of the fallen must be destroyed only to find out at the reveal that one is in the club as well!
i say this decision is set aside until the reveal due to the merit factor. if those destined to be destroyed, through genuine benevolence and assistance to the less fortunate may very well avoid such an outcome. not my shout in the end but i'll go with the executive decision. rude surprises could be in the offing for all of us.
regards fakedirt.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by fakedirt

There's certainly a LOT

we do NOT


imho, the fallen angels as fallen angels in their supernatural bodies . . . did not have offspring.

Are there humans with fallen angel DNA whom God will be gracious towards?

I suspect so.

God Himself declares that





And, I certainly bow to His judgment in all cases as I have found Him altogether Good--whether I thought so, at the time, or not.

Regardless, HE IS GOD

and I am NOT!

Infinitely Thankfully!

You foster another thought along the following lines.

Could the current crop of fallen angel/human hybrids be their effort to rear a totally controlled army of quasi, semi-supernaturally powerful beings to fight with God?

Or, at least, to seduce and trash God's favorites--humans--into satan's genocidal schemes and plans MORE effectively or MORE massively than they could otherwise?

I certainly do not believe the original fallen angels have much of a chance. Their blood pact with satan was depicted in Enoch was rather emphatic.

I have started reading Charlesworth's translation of Enoch. I need to finish it. My memory is fuzzy on the details from reading the other translation.

Then there's the contention on the part of some of the ruling globalist elites as well as some of the UFO/ET whistleblowers, contactees . . .

that . . . satan plans to CONQUER ALMIGHTY GOD AT ARMAGEDDON and rule the multiverse.

Certainly satan knows he cannot succeed at that.

However, he may well have persuaded the human ruling elites and the fallen angels that together they CAN achieve that.

The 'benefit' of that charade to his schemes, it seems to me, is greater bloodshed and MORE humans kept out of heaven to sadistically be forced into hell with him for falling for his schemes vs trusting God and His Word.

There are certainly a lot of humans in their anger and rebellions against GOD ALMIGHTY who would earnestly join satan in such a scheme and goal.

There's seemingly a shocking number of them on ATS.

Of course, from satan's standpoint, he's succeeded in signing them up for far more punishment than they'd have earned otherwise. He loves that stuff.

I wonder what our readership thinks of my conjectures on such scores.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I stongly suspect that they've all now found their respective "Gate" and are fast making their way home, some perhaps to very awkward and difficult homecomings, or so they assume(d).

Although I suppose one wrong "tweet" (like a dropped nuke or something horrific like that) could very well bring them all back in a heartbeat, en mass!

Of course my sincere prayer, is that it will be hats (or their equivalent) in the air, and ticker tape (or equivalent) "parades" all around!


Best Regards,

Luke Skywalker
"May The Force be with you, always."

P.S. "What is bound on earth is bound in heaven also." and..

"Home is where the heart (or equivalent) is, and where your heart is, there, will your treasure be also."

PLAN B (in the event there's nothing to return TO):
"Love God (hallowed be thy name ie: goes by many names) above all, and your neighbor, as yourself."

"And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."
~ John 10:16

Hey, ya never know? Given enough time, and space, anything's possible..

edit on 28-1-2012 by NewAgeMan because: typo fixed

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