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Is this the WHY we have not yet made contact?

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posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 07:30 AM

What "overpopulation?" That is a myth.
reply to post by Amaterasu

It doesn't matter about coulds or shoulds, this planet is overpopulated. Both lack of birth control and greed are the culprits.

posted on Jan, 26 2012 @ 10:27 PM
I have a few theories....

1. They simply don't care. We would seem primitive and inconsequential to a species advanced enough for interstellar travel. Why would they waste their time?

2. Perhaps they are already here, but they don't want to make contact just yet. Would coming down and artificially advancing our society be helpful, or incredibly destructive? Think the prime directive from Star Trek. Maybe they want us to grow up. This is the one im leaning to most.

I think the main threat we have to worry about is potential diseases. Something similar to what happened with European settlers in the Americas could happen on a global scale.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by heineken

We have made contact, repeatedly. If you care to read Hindu myths, there's a good example. The Chinese claim to be descendants of aliens, as do many peoples. Hieroglyphs from Egypt and other ancient places have interesting entrees. Witnesses have told of saucers landing and of helicopters flying in and meeting them. There's an interesting string on here about a person sending out a radio wave message and getting an answer in crop circle glyphs that could be decoded.

The problem is that the world governments keep everything under wraps and there's never a really authoritative confirmation so that our doubts continually push the evidence away.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
.... because we haven't figured out a way to slough off our useless sentimentality and cull out the weaklings and losers.

wow...pretty ruthless. Actually that does happen every that might be the reason why they are staying away in the first place.

Compassion and love is the only true way...

Since your propose getting rid of useless sentimentality and do away with those who are weaker and "losers"...I guess those aliens should prepare for war than. I bet they are missing a few warmongering ruthless species out there...

edit on 27-1-2012 by MarioOnTheFly because: bb

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by nineix
With our growing problem with overpopulation running faster and faster out of control, I suspect aliens might fear that WE will eat THEM, as opposed to the other way around in classic sci fi.

mmmm. Tastes like chicken!

On a serious note, we really really do need to get a handle on the overpopulation issue.
More people = everything gets more expensive.
More people = greater competition for limited resources.
More people = more social friction

If we stop making more people, we might just have a chance to get off this rock to work out more elbow room.
If not, the growing populations will devour every resource that could be used to get off this rock until we couldn't get off this rock even if we wanted to.

It is speculated that the reason why they had to kill the scientist who found the cure against cancer several decades ago is that the overpopulation would go too fast. This Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Secret Societies, Part 6 of 6 shows they do their best to try to stop the growing overpopulation by injecting "poison" stuff into the food. "Demonic possessed reptilian rulers" , Reptilian manipulation by David Icke, Part 1 , Part 2 , David Icke "tears apart" 9/11, World War I and II, Part 1 , Part 2. According to "Andromedan contactee" Alex Collier the Draconian Reptilians came into this Universe through a Black Hole, settled down in Draco starsystem, some of them reportedly travelled to Earth about 800000 years ago, and reportedly control the leaders and famous people of the Earth, and according to others like for example Pleiadian contactee Colleen Thomas the Reptilians enjoy eating human flesh, and according to Peggy Kane after people die for example of old age, the Reptilians come and take many of these people at "the other side", and transport them to Mars and the constellation of Orion, and there they eat human flesh while they are still alive, and rape and torture their children in front of their parents. But, according to Peggy Kane the Reptilians should be defeated by now, and also according to another Andromedan contactee 'Tolec' who works in the computer industry, he also confirm that the alliance of evil Greys / Reptilians and the "hypnotised" military people have been defeated by the alliance of Pleiadians and other friendly human looking extraterrestrials who reportedly represent the Andromedan Council.

Tastes like chicken?
Good question. Who knows, maybe some alien species taste like chicken.
From about 1:40:00 into this interview the Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa explain that they ate a Grey alien being and he said that the meat of the Grey alien was tough and dry, required much chewing, and it tasted like "Copper coin", he said. But, i doubt Credo Mutwa will recommend anyone else to eat that kind of flesh, because he was told by his friend that you can die, Credo Mutwa also told that he himself, his friend and his friend's wife became very ill a couple of days after they ate the Grey alien.

You mentioned "everything gets more expensive" because of overpopulation. In the "Princess Diana and the Reptiles" thread made in 2004, on Page 1, an ATS member said that "America will soon crumble economically and politically", "This is all planned to occur some time within the next 15 or so years--perhaps sooner. All depends upon what the Illuminati see as the appropriate times to initiate such events".
Statements like these were made in the year 2004. And what is happening now? Economic crisis situation
edit on 27-1-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by nineix

With our growing problem with overpopulation running faster and faster out of control, I suspect aliens might fear that WE will eat THEM, as opposed to the other way around in classic sci fi.

I am now imagining a small alien being made of crispy bacon and cheese hair wearing bread clothes.

they would have no chance...they should hide in fear!

"Greetings earthlings, we come in pea...OUCH! He bit me!!...RUN!!!! Back to the spaceship made completely of maple syrup!"

If they landed at burning man they wouldn't get out alive!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 08:01 AM
People should maybe take a listen to what they are saying on here, flesh eating lizards and such is insane scifi scaremongering and a lot of people that say this stuff about demonic shape shifters move the conversation on to that other work of fiction, the bible.

I have no doubt that we are being visited by other life forms, trying to convince people that UFOs are real isn't helped by people such as David Icke ,who had a very severe mental breakdown btw, who claims that planet earth is ruled by shape shifting lizards from outer space??????

It's bad enough accepting that the illuminate and other dodgy groups run things, all of the lizard conspiraloonary is just plain nuts and only serves to discredit the validity of the UFO phenomena and relegate that reality to the archives of folklore and wishful thinking.

Edit to add, economic adjustments happen in cycles, what we are seeing now is the very real side affect that the system of capitalism does not work because it is a falsehood designed to control the many while serving the few.

We need to move into a fairer system that doesnt just serve the rich and powerful. Smash the system is what I say. I'll leave it there as I don't want to derail this thread and go off on a tangent.

edit on 27-1-2012 by captaincosmic because: See Edit.

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by captaincosmic
I have no doubt that we are being visited by other life forms, trying to convince people that UFOs are real isn't helped by people such as David Icke ,who had a very severe mental breakdown btw, who claims that planet earth is ruled by shape shifting lizards from outer space??????

David Icke is not the only one who mention Reptilians, there are lots of others who mention the Reptilians like i just previously presented, like Alex Collier, 'Tolec', Michael Prince, Credo Mutwa and others. The native indians of North and South America call them "Snake Brothers". I want to add Arizona Wilder who also witnessed Reptilians, and she confirm they came to Earth several thousands of years ago , and also Cathy O'Brien reportedly witnessed George Bush Sr. shapeshiftet into a Reptilian being saying to her that he is from another planet. Ancient Egypt made images of these Reptilian shapeshifters on the walls. In ancient times the virgins were reportedly given to Draco for the sacrifice, were the virgins were reportedly raped to death by Draconian Reptilian, were Aztec Pyramids were reportedly used for human sacrificing, as sacrificing to the 'Gods' was part of the Aztec religion in ancient times, were these Reptilians reportedly taught them how to build their magnificent pyramids and even instructed them to arrange them in patterns reflecting the constellations. Then there also is the Orion correlation theory of the Pyramids of Egypt.
During the Orion wars, Rigel (second largest star in the constellation of Orion) was reportedly taken over by the forces of the Draconian and Orion Empires, and even became one of their main bases. The world's most ancient monuments line up with the star systems: Orion, Leo and DRACO ! >>BOO!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 11:08 AM
I can understand there being a ET race of reptiles. Thta isn't too far fecthed for me in this day and age. However it is beyond far fetched to say that they are shape shifters and control us and run the planet. David Icke is a loony in my book. This guy has absoulutly no proof to any of his claims, other then "witness" testimony, which is probally lies, fabricated to make people like Icke believe them and put them into his next book.

I am sure there are reptillians in the Draco system and there maybe even some on Earth now, but I'm betting they are not running our gov't or planets. Why would they need to shapeshift anyway? If they are the supreame leaders why would they hide themselves, doesn't make any sense whatso ever.

Just my opinion.

edit on 27-1-2012 by SloAnPainful because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
I can understand there being a ET race of reptiles. Thta isn't too far fecthed for me in this day and age.

Thanks for ADMITTING that YOU BELIEVE in ET race of REPTILES!

However it is beyond far fetched to say that they are shape shifters and control us and run the planet.

You just admitted YOU BELIEVE in ET race of REPTILE BEINGS! So no, it's not beyond far fetched for you that there are shapeshifters as well. You love these cases, and you believe it so much, that's why you are here, otherwise you wouldn't be wasting your time here!

David Icke is a loony in my book.

Wrong, you don't think that Icke is a "loony in your book". Do you know why you don't think he is a loony at all? That's because he describe the ET race of REPTILE BEINGS! And you admitted YOU BELIEVE in ET race of REPTILE BEINGS! Gotcha...

This guy has absoulutly no proof to any of his claims, other then "witness" testimony, which is probally lies, fabricated to make people like Icke believe them and put them into his next book.

You're wrong again 'SloAnPainful', he did present proof, which you also can see for yourself in the videos i previously presented.
And no, you don't think it's lies. And do you know why you don't think it's lies? It's because you believe it, otherwise you would not be wasting your time here. Why don't you just stop acting naive, ridiculous and foolish, huh? Don't you really see how bad actor you are, huh? Let me suggest you to go home to Kindergarten, 'SloAnPainful'.

David Icke is a serious conspiracy theorist, he interview witnesses, he have interviewed for example Credo Mutwa and Arizona Wilder who have also witnessed Reptilians. You should try check out the "Princess Diana and the Reptiles" thread too. And like i said, David Icke is not the only one who mention Reptilians, there are lots of others who mention the Reptilians like i just previously presented, like Alex Collier, 'Tolec', Michael Prince, Credo Mutwa and others. The native indians of North and South America call them "Snake Brothers". I want to add Arizona Wilder who also witnessed Reptilians, and she confirm they came to Earth several thousands of years ago , and also Cathy O'Brien reportedly witnessed George Bush Sr. shapeshiftet into a Reptilian being saying to her that he is from another planet. Ancient Egypt made images of these Reptilian shapeshifters on the walls. In ancient times the virgins were reportedly given to Draco for the sacrifice, were the virgins were reportedly raped to death by Draconian Reptilian, were Aztec Pyramids were reportedly used for human sacrificing, as sacrificing to the 'Gods' was part of the Aztec religion in ancient times, were these Reptilians reportedly taught them how to build their magnificent pyramids and even instructed them to arrange them in patterns reflecting the constellations. Then there also is the Orion correlation theory of the Pyramids of Egypt.
During the Orion wars, Rigel (second largest star in the constellation of Orion) was reportedly taken over by the forces of the Draconian and Orion Empires, and even became one of their main bases. The world's most ancient monuments line up with the star systems: Orion, Leo and DRACO ! >>BOO!

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Anunaki10

Lol don't get me wrong A10 I mean this in the most respectable way. But do you believe everything you read and what everyone tells you? Just because David Icke talked to a few people who CLAIM they saw repitilans doesn't mean anything for me. I will believe him when he can provide one shred of tangible evidence.

Also i know of Alex Collier and the other "contactees" claiming reptillians are real. Which in my opinion they prolly are real, but I refuse to believe they control my life because I am the one who controls me, not some reptile from the Draco star system...

I'm not here to debate this with you either so if your trying to convice me otherwise, you might as well give up now because it wont happen, nor will I waste my time arugeing. Good luck!


posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
Lol don't get me wrong A10 I mean this in the most respectable way. But do you believe everything you read and what everyone tells you? Just because David Icke talked to a few people who CLAIM they saw repitilans doesn't mean anything for me. I will believe him when he can provide one shred of tangible evidence.

'SloAnPainful' i suggest you to stop polluting this thread with you "believe everything you read"-bullsh!t, so you should know that it's not everything that is presented here. What you see is not everything at all. All what is presented on this forum is limited stuff, it's not everything.

And once again, your naive ridiculous and foolish attempts to discredit these cases doesn't work, no matter how hard you try, 'SloAnPainful'.

And you're wrong again 'SloAnPainful', David Icke did present proof, which you also can see for yourself in the videos i previously presented.

Also i know of Alex Collier and the other "contactees" claiming reptillians are real.

And once again, thanks for ADMITTING it's REAL!

Which in my opinion they prolly are real, but I refuse to believe they control my life because I am the one who controls me, not some reptile from the Draco star system...

You don't know for sure if the Greys inserted an alien implant inside you. Did you know that some Grey aliens reportedly worked as slaves to serve the Draconian Reptilians! And don't forget that YOU ADMITTET the existence of ET race of REPTILE BEINGS! And to your info, alien implants have been tested and concluded to be of Extraterrestrial origin by some of the best experts on this planet. Whistleblower Michael Prince: WWIII, a war between hostile ETs and humanity, has started

Michael Prince, an active duty whistleblower trained to be a cyborg super soldier assassin in SS and MI-6 U.K. intelligence networks, has stated that World War III, a war between hostile extraterrestrial civilizations and the human civilization has started. Armed hostilities between human forces and hostile extraterrestrial forces are now taking place frequently, Mr. Prince states.

An ET false flag operation is also planned

Humans allied with the Grey/Reptilian Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC] are concurrently preparing a false flag ET invasion, Mr. Prince stated. The negative extraterrestrial-human alliance intent on Earth take-over is referred to as the Military Industrial Extraterrestrial Complex [MIEC].

Superior survival dynamics of homo sapiens

Because of the superior survival dynamics of the human species, Mr. Prince states, human society will defeat the hostile extraterrestrial civilizations that consist mainly of a Grey and Draco Reptilian faction. “It is a dangerous situation,” Mr. Prince states at the end of the interview. “However, all is under control and people should not panic.”

A war in space, and alien implants

Andromeda Council representative 'Tolec' states, “a war in space, in many cases happening just outside of 'Earth space’ over the course of approximately nine (9) years of Earth time, is as of this third quarter of 2011 in the final cleanup phase. This war is finally over. Done. Finished. As Tolec for the Andromeda Council, I can tell you my colleagues had a long, hard, difficult war. I will add, this war is being won by ‘the good guys’… by the combined forces of the member star systems & planets of the Andromeda Council, those with Earth and Earth humans best interests in their hearts, minds & souls.

"This proxy war to free Earth, from thousands of years of negative energy bombardment, manipulation and control, was fought on behalf of Earth - by star system & planetary council member races of the: Andromeda Council. Those members that bore the brunt of the burden did the greatest amount of fighting included: Arcturus, Tau Ceti, and Procyon. The contributions of the Procyon people were especially valuable because they learned the weaknesses of these malevolent menaces - they learned how to 'sniff ' them out & beat them. The people of Procyon just recently liberated themselves within the past 12 years of Earth time.

“The very first meeting the Andromedan council had was to decide whether or not to directly intervene with what was going on here. According to Morenae, there were only 78 systems that met this first time. Of those 78, just short of half decided that they wanted nothing to do with us at all, regardless of the problems. I think it is really important that you know why they wanted nothing to do with us.

“We are talking about star systems that are hundreds of millions of light years away from us. Even some who have never met us. They just knew the vibration of the planet reflected those on it. The reasons why they wanted nothing to do with us is that from their perspective, Earth humans don’t respect themselves, each other or the planet. What possibly can be the value of Earth humans? Fortunately, the majority of the council gave the opinion that because Earth has been manipulated for over 5,700 years, that we deserved an opportunity to prove ourselves – to at least have a shot at proving the other part of the council wrong.

Tolec states, "It is known by the Chief Medical Officer, and staff, of the medical team of the Andromeda Council that a large percentage of Earth's population was unknowingly implanted and negatively affected by Grey etheric & physical implant technology... meant to keep Earth humans in a state of anxiety, fear, manipulation and control.

"Though some physical implants have been found and removed by Earth physicians, at Earth’s current stage of evolution & technology it does not yet have the means to detect, measure or eliminate the Greys' use of etheric implants.

"Now, in the final cleanup phase of this war, and beyond, for Earth's freedom, the Andromeda Council medical team is working tirelessly, and will continue to do so, to clean up the mess, the implants, the resulting spiritual, psychological & emotional impact & damage, and multiple problems the Greys have created as they have unlawfully sought to enslave an unaware human population on this planet.

These are statements about the "alliance of evil Greys and evil Reptilians defeated by the good guys" is made by "Andromedan contactee" called 'Tolec'. Another person, Peggy Kane confirm that the evil Reptilians are defeated by now.

The reason why you could not see if you was a "prisoner" of the Reptilians is that planet Earth was trapped in a "shield of Matrix" by the Reptilians (which Peggy Kane and David Icke also mentioned), that's why you could not see it. But now the alliance of Pleiadians and other friendly human looking extraterrestrials (that reportedly represent the Galactic Federation and Andromedan Council) reportedly have defeated these evil Reptilians and Greys (slaves of Reptilians) and reportedly sent them through a "Stargate" from the Moon to the far end of the Universe.
edit on 27-1-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Anunaki10

I understand that you like the idea of reptoids and wish to expose the conspiracy Icke and other claim to be happening but it's 1980's science fiction. Icke even mentions the film They Live which depicts aliens in cahoots with the global elite. Icke accuses the Queen of being a shape shifting reptilian child sacrificer and any number of influential figures from almost every walk of industry and politics of being shape shifters and paedophiles?? This stuff is disgraceful and quite evil but he gets away with it because of his mental illness. I pity the man tbh but I like to listen to his work on the secret societies, bilderberg group meets and the moon base stuff, its all pretty interesting but this lizard thing sounds like fairy tails from an acid casualty from Porton Down.

Don't get me wrong I like conspiracies as much as the next fellow but Boxcar Willie a Satanist Paedophile???????

Here's Dave's list of baddies, a who's who from one of the craziest people in the history of the world.

It's a tragedy for his family but I don't suppose they care too much as long as the money keeps rolling in on the back of their fathers illness.
edit on 27-1-2012 by captaincosmic because: Spelling

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by captaincosmic
I understand that you like the idea of reptoids and wish to expose the conspiracy Icke and other claim to be happening but it's 1980's science fiction. Icke even mentions the film They Live which depicts aliens in cahoots with the global elite.

Wrong 'captaincosmic', what David Icke present is not science fiction. He did show some references from that movie, yes, but the real stuff he is talking about including the interviews of witnesses have NOTHING to do with science fiction movie at all. So no, interviews with witnesses and his conferences is not science fiction. Beside, he did show proof of "Lizard eyes" of an old dude from an old photo, and "Lizard eyes" from George Bush Sr. and Jr..
And Cathy O'Brien reportedly witnessed George Bush Sr. shapeshift into a reptilian being in front of her, telling her he is from another planet.
George Bush Jr. even admitted he is a member of Skull and Bones

'Captaincosmic' you're doing a bad job here.
What a downer for you...

edit on 27-1-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Anunaki10
David Icke is a serious conspiracy theorist

An excerpt from the Wikipedia page on David Icke:

"The headlines attracted an invitation from the BBC's prime-time Terry Wogan show on April 29, 1991. [David Icke] implied during the interview, amid laughter from the studio audience, that he was "the son of God," and said Britain would be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes"

And an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on Paranoia:

"the belief does not have to be persecutory to be classified as paranoid, so any number of delusional beliefs can be classified as paranoia. For example, a person who has the sole delusional belief that he is an important religious figure would be classified by Kraepelin as having 'pure paranoia'"

And finally a quote from Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope:

"Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Anunaki10

'Captaincosmic' you're doing a bad job here.
What a downer for you...

If anyone should be accused of mind control it's Icke, I don't mean to be rude but look at the affect he's had on you

posted on Jan, 27 2012 @ 08:43 PM
Hmmm, I have a question that could pertain to this, but I'm saving it for a thread of its own. But, I'm pretty sure that we've been contacted. Splitting an atom and visiting your moon does not go unnoticed. They're probably just waiting for us to successfully become a type 1(planetary) civilization without blowing ourselves up. It's definitely a loud party down here, and we have their attention.
As for the Immortality thing. I'm not sure where I stand on it anymore. At one point of my life, I figured natural selection wasn't fast enough, and we had intelligent minds for a reason(to further our own evolution). I was convinced Longevity and Complete Regeneration was attainable through stem cells and genetic engineering. And so I started my college education in Microbiology and Genetics. After I had a couple of epiphanies and sometime studying humans and their history, I figured that this would probably just lead to another thing that divides us or destroys us. (For instance, The Enhanced and the Pure-bloods would hate each other, or we accidentally[or intentionally] make the entire population sterile)
Either way, I didn't want to contribute to that at all, especially since this technology would be coveted by the Elites, keeping it for themselves to further their control over us and to ensure that they prosper.
edit on 27-1-2012 by SomethingAboveUs because: spelling and grammar

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by wemadetheworld
"The headlines attracted an invitation from the BBC's prime-time Terry Wogan show on April 29, 1991. [David Icke] implied during the interview, amid laughter from the studio audience, that he was "the son of God," and said Britain would be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes"

So you're also trying to pollute these cases. You didn't take the rest of the text, shame on you 'wemadetheworld'.

David Vaughan Icke (pronounced /aɪk/, eyek;[1][2] born 29 April 1952) is an English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Describing himself as the most controversial speaker in the world, he has written 18 books explaining his position. His 533-page The Biggest Secret (1999) has been called the conspiracy theorist's Rosetta Stone.[3]

Icke was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, when in 1990 he had an encounter with a psychic who told him he was a healer placed on Earth for a purpose. In April 1991 he said on the BBC's Terry Wogan show that he was a son of the godhead—THOUGH HE SAID LATER HE HAD BEEN MISINTERPRETED—and predicted that the world would soon be devastated by tidal waves and earthquakes. He said the show changed his life, turning him from a respected household name into someone who was laughed at whenever he appeared in public.[4]

He continued nevertheless to develop his ideas, and in four books published over seven years—The Robots' Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001)—set out a moral and political worldview that combined New-Age spiritualism with a passionate denunciation of totalitarian trends in the modern world. At the heart of his theories lies the idea that the world is becoming a global fascist state, that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George H. W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[5]

Beside, he did show proof of "Lizard eyes" of an old dude from an old photo, and "Lizard eyes" from George Bush Sr. and Jr. which you can watch for yourself from these videos Reptilian manipulation - by David Icke, Part 1, Part 2
And Cathy O'Brien reportedly witnessed George Bush Sr. shapeshift into a reptilian being in front of her, telling her he is from another planet, so this corroborates with what David Icke says about George W. Bush Jr. and Sr.
George Bush Jr. even admitted he is a member of Skull and Bones.
The Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa said that the Reptilians "hypnotized" the African politicians and took over their bodies, and it's speculated the same thing happened to the American politicians as well, and many of them are member of Bohemian Grove, yeah you're damn right, member of f...... Bohemian Grove.
And not only that. David Icke tears apart WWI, WWII and 9/11, Part 1, Part 2 where Daivd Icke also mentioned that it was the Bush family who financed Hitler's war campaign, which is corroborated by this Bush family funded Adolf Hitler , How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power. It is speculated that all these wars among Earth-humans through thousands of years history is that it's the Reptilians who manipulated the Earth-humans to do so, and David Icke also mentioned that it was the Reptilians who created the different kind of religions that are in conflict with each other, to provoke the Earth humans to make war against each other.

Now, i'm gonna repeat it to you what David Icke said about "the Son of Godhead" on BBC's Terry Wogan show, THOUGH HE SAID LATER HE HAD BEEN MISINTERPRETED. And please don't say it would be necessary to repeat it to you, AGAIN, huh? 'Wemadetheworld' i suggest you to back off, instead of polluting these debates...

And an excerpt from the Wikipedia page on Paranoia:

"the belief does not have to be persecutory to be classified as paranoid, so any number of delusional beliefs can be classified as paranoia. For example, a person who has the sole delusional belief that he is an important religious figure would be classified by Kraepelin as having 'pure paranoia'"

This have nothing to do with David Icke, and once again, i suggest you to back off, instead of polluting these debates...
edit on 28-1-2012 by Anunaki10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 02:55 AM
It could also be that they haven't made contact because 'they' don't exist. This old argument that 'there must be life because the universe is so large' doesn't necessarily follow. We may indeed be a glitch. Conversely those who are religious might say were are unique and 'made to order'.
And of course they may be already here!
For me there is no definitive proof either way.
I guess it would take a personal encounter to do it.

posted on Jan, 28 2012 @ 06:50 AM
We are already immortal.

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