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Is this the WHY we have not yet made contact?

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
Humans have had 2000-3000 years to implement the equal society where it is service to all and humans are still playing around with power pyramids and systems of ego.

Who said that was the ultimate goal of humanity, to be of equal service to everyone? I sure didn't vote on that, and I can give you some pretty good reasons why some peoples' needs should NOT be met, and why they should just go to hell. Maybe the aliens have been ignoring us because we haven't figured out a way to slough off our useless sentimentality and cull out the weaklings and losers.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:45 PM

I would say it would be far more likely Humans are on some galactic TSA NO fly list of some kind.
reply to post by benrl

The greatest line ever!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:24 PM

- We are not that interesting to them

I don't agree with this one. There are people on this planet studying the most mundane, insignificant of subjects. Any race that has advanced technologically must surely also have a thirst for knowledge, and would wish to learn about us as soon as we are discovered.

- We have to be happy not being visited yet because it might bring Apocalypse on us.

No one can say for sure, but I am personally not worried about extra-terrestrial threats. We still have wars today, but I believe that we have generally become way more peaceful as the human race continued to evolve. I think this will be a common thing for more evolved minds... they may have a far greater capacity for empathy than we can imagine.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 09:33 PM
Personally, I believe that something's out there that is watching us. (it helps when I have personally seen a spherical UFO of the kind depicted in's "Project Sphere" report).

None of us know exactly who/what they are because they choose not to reveal themselves. Hey, you gotta think that any race of beings smart enough to travel the stars to visit Earth is smart enough to cover their tracks...any way necessary.

We will get disclosure when they are ready to come out into the open.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 10:59 PM
There are just too many possibilities and different groups may have different intentions. Some groups may know we exist but conclude we aren't important enough in their perspective to make contact with. You also have to consider that the logic of an extraterrestrial being may be completely different than what were familiar with. A civilization that is advanced enough to traverse the stars for millions of years has probably had a plethora of encounters with other alien civilizations. And there is absolutely no telling what the results were of such first encounters. And with that being said, perhaps it may be in their best interest to stay reclusive. There is no telling what horrifying danger may lie beyond the stars. It may be extremely immature for any civilization to announce their existence. Doing so may actually jeopardize their very existence and leave them vulnerable to hostile groups. And perhaps the "there is always a bigger fish in the sea" analogy applies to the universe. Just when a civilization thinks it has reached it's "peak" it is quickly dwarfed when encountering another civilization.

We humans also like to define intelligence based on how different we are from other creatures who dwell upon this planet. Couldn't it be that other groups may have their own definition of intelligence? Perhaps in their perspective we are no more intelligent than the creatures we share this planet with. They may have no reason to make contact with us because we may be just that insignificant.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:52 PM
Quite simply: physics.

The galaxy is a big place, intergalactic space even bigger. Since intelligent life on this planet became noticable (about 100 years ago) only a few hundred stars are close enough for our sun's light to reach them. Most planets in the Milky Way still see our star as it appeared hundreds or thousands of years ago. And even the close ones need habitable planets with advanced life forms and technology at least as good as we have now - not even thirty years ago - etc etc, and so on and so forth, to even notice us.

Even if you believe they have physics-breaking interstellar craft (unlikely) the energy cost of travelling must be prohibitive, and if there is a way of sending messages faster than light, then we don't know how to read those messages.


posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:54 PM
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that they haven't contacted certain people in the human race already, ya know.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 11:54 PM

I think we are property.

I think that this answers it best.

This a quote from Charles Fort and he has some very interesting things to say on the subject.

For those that are interested you can start with his book "The Book of the Damned". it is available free online in several places.

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:45 AM
sorry I was away from the thread but be sure I read all the posts.

I still strongly believe Immortality is an issue.

Considering the fact that there might be nothing for us after this life, that we return to dust and thats all. Immortality is the holy grail.

its not the only issue though as many pointed out

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
Humans have had 2000-3000 years to implement the equal society where it is service to all and humans are still playing around with power pyramids and systems of ego.

Who said that was the ultimate goal of humanity, to be of equal service to everyone? I sure didn't vote on that, and I can give you some pretty good reasons why some peoples' needs should NOT be met, and why they should just go to hell. Maybe the aliens have been ignoring us because we haven't figured out a way to slough off our useless sentimentality and cull out the weaklings and losers.

I sometimes play around with me ego too and I have a lot of fun with it. It is a nice toy. But if I would have been in a total equal society where also everybody had to take responsability then I would be more harmonious and fit in with my fellow man. As it is now I do not feel very harmonious towards all my fellow man and I think some people are screwing up this planet and are in the way for the rest. The quesion is am I part of the problem or the solution. Im not sure but it will be interesting to find out. Namaste
edit on 24-1-2012 by apushforenlightment because: spellchecking

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by heineken
sorry I was away from the thread but be sure I read all the posts.

I still strongly believe Immortality is an issue.

Considering the fact that there might be nothing for us after this life, that we return to dust and thats all. Immortality is the holy grail.

its not the only issue though as many pointed out

When I was young I wanted imortality but that is such a curse from my point of view now. To have to live with the same mind forever with it's experiance that makes it hard to really change in a big way. Amnesia with a soul that is shining thru is a perfect idea from my point of view. Why stay in a boring human body if you can have something better that is not so limitting. Why not test out a life as a affactionate cat that plays around all day. Being human in the current system forever seems kinda boring for me. Immortality is for me a fear of the unknown or of change. I do not fear the unknow. It is the known in the form of crazy halfevolved monkies we call humans that are the danger on this planet. Namaste

posted on Jan, 24 2012 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
We are an immature species just barely out of the jungle.

Our "leaders" abuse and misuse the advanced technology they withhold from us, and we kill one another without just cause and have little value for life.

Would you want to stop by here and give us a hand?

That didn't stop the Europeans from making contact with the primitives on various continents. That's not likely why ETs won't contact us openly either. I say "ET" but increasingly feel that maybe some of this isn't visitors from another planet but maybe something a lot more complex and out of reach to us. The ET angle is just too simple and doesn't explain a lot of things. No, I don't believe for a second that they're "demons". That's simply another fear-induced conclusion about something we just know absolutely nothing about despite the many decades of study by thousands. My best guess is that some are ETs, and some are from other dimensions/universes, etc. None are contacting us because they are ALL in agreement about something or, some of them agree to stay at arms length from us and others are forced to stay away. Just what that something is we have no clue. There DOES seem to be a common duty to all "ETs" to not openly contact us. The reason for that is anyone's guess, and that would be only a guess because we lack reliable information.

Their limited contacts with us are usually to give us false predictions, false support for our religious beliefs (knowing that some group created those paradigms thousands of years ago), creating incidents that "prove" religious beliefs, medical experiments that may actually NOT be any medical procedure at all but simply an act created for us to think that they are experimenting -- in short, their interactions with us has been predominantly a forum for them to act out a part as if in a play -- to create a belief system in us that will perhaps throw us off of the track of finding out who/what they all are.

The very first rule of thumb we should use when thinking or dealing with this is not to believe anything they do or tell us. QUESTION EVERYTHING. That includes the probing, poking, viewing of holocaust scenes, witnessing other abductees, the feel of their skin or suit, etc. We tend to trust what is put in front of us without question, much like children. We need to grow up and start thinking critically about all of this.

I no longer believe that we aren't being contacted because we are immature as a species. That's what they've told contactees and I think it's a royal crock of you-know-what. Perhaps the reverse is true. Maybe there's something about us that they don't want us to find out about.

To sum it up, I think all the human-based logic in trying to figure out why we haven't been contacted openly can't apply to the visitors/invaders/watchers. Something else rules their roost and it isn't the same as what motivates humans. We can only speculate about this and that might be one thing they want to watch us do.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:20 AM
We are probably surrounded by alien life all the time, we just dont realize it. Just because we look like this dosnt mean other forms of life do. They could be pure energy, invisible, inter dimensional, microscopic or they could look like anything they wanted to - us, a tree, a cloud... lots of possibilities exist. But from their perspective, why would you want to come here ? Its like people that study and obsess over ants... there arnt many of them but they do exist!

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 01:28 AM
We all have eternal life. Yes we die and we get born forever, and that´s the deal, we are eternal, we will never die really

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 02:34 AM
Them interfering with our own development would do no favors for our survival in the future and our development as intelligent beings.

But I have my own sneaking suspicion based off some meditation and a couple of my experiences.

We haven't made contact because THEY are US.

Consider the possibility that all life shares one consciousness and that all entities (such as humans or anything for that matter) are something like cameras that allows "the viewer" (what one would call god) to experience life in all it's facets. We are here on planet earth for a reason. We are here to experience everything. Love. Joy. Pure Ecstasy. Pain. Suffering. Despair. Even creation is an experience in an of itself. We can move past this phase of human existence, but it's complicated and daunting process. Unfortunately, due to the current power structure of the planet, not everyone is able to experience a decent life where they can grow as intelligent beings, but it is up to us to change that. Nature favors courage after all.

We will make contact when humanity makes the decision to.
edit on 25-1-2012 by icecap because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by MrAndy

I used to feel the same way, it makes sense that we get more compassionate and develop stronger empathy as we evolve.

The problem is that by thinking that way we presume that evolution of intelligence will be the same way for all across the universe.

Also, about the OP's point; I think that we are somewhat delusional in thinking we are "important" and that aliens should come and help us and yadadada etc..

If there is plenty of intelligent life in the universe then our intelligence might be less evolved than your nearby ant colony to their eyes. We humans tend to view ourselves as on the "pinnacle" of intelligence yet well all know how dumb our specie can be.

The other thing that bothers me is the spiritual side of it, I've had some serious spiritual events in my life that changed my whole perception of who we are and what we're here for. I believe that "bad things" are as useful as "good things" and that we have simply not reached the position that would allow us to have that point of view.

If intelligent life has evolved millions or billions of years ahead of us, they will for sure have grown spiritually and/or even learned things about life and existance that we haven't find out yet. And that means they could have a totally different point of view on our current "situation", therefore they do not intervene.

The whole point is that we have to stop presuming we are the pinnacle and start working on becoming just that, I find it funny when people think that a star travelling civilization would find humans "menacing" because we fight each others and we are starting to visit space. Theres more chance that they totally understand what's happening and are most likely not afraid of us at all as they could wipe us out whenever they wish.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by lampsalot
I wouldn't be so quick to assume that they haven't contacted certain people in the human race already, ya know.

I agree, what the OP I think means by 'made contact' is total, worldwide open contact to everyone on the planet. I don't think it will happen like that. Some people have been contacted, are totally convinced of ET/interdimensional existence and as a result know of the immortality of the human soul. It's something every one has but may not be aware of.

The Op mentioned that some people keep a lottery win secret. Personally I feel like the subject of contact is like that. You keep it secret because of all the negative things (ridicule, suspicion, accusations of attention seeking and mental illness) that come from telling people about it.

Eventually enough people will have been contacted and the subject itself will be less contentious in society through these people discussing their experiences, then I think we will have moved toward contact as a planet.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Visiting ESB

They probably do not intefere in "the Plan" that have been made. They probably understand that you cannot teach a student until it is ready. And if they have evolved passed the armageddon stage then they know the thruth that you cannot be truly happy in an unequal society since the people at the bottom will rebel and cause chaos as it the right thing to do. Parasites with big egos deserves it. The question is will humanity make it or not past the armageddon stage.

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Alkolyk

The other thing that bothers me is the spiritual side of it, I've had some serious spiritual events in my life that changed my whole perception of who we are and what we're here for. I believe that "bad things" are as useful as "good things" and that we have simply not reached the position that would allow us to have that point of view.

Yes this planet can be a good place to experiance ego and weightlift your will to stand against it(ego) even when it is painfull because it is the right thing to do. And you can learn a lot of evolution and what you should not do on this planet. But the experiance is not something nice and I could have spent more time with lesser resistance and still get the same result. Probably my own fault for choosing the crash course. I will probably not do that again but my soul/higher ideals can be a slavedriver for my mind sometimes. As if I am in control. Namaste

posted on Jan, 25 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by apushforenlightment's my thought if these intelligent forms of life exsist.....then they are intelligent enough to keep to themselves.....the only reason we know about dinosaurs is because we went digging around....then scientists claimed we evolved from monkeys....but if that is so why the heck are they still on this planet???? they are not evolving if we do find aliens or "intelligent beings" we are only going to reek havoc for these poor creatures....scientists are going to lock em up n poke n prod to see what they can find....then they will try n tell us something along the lines of.....we came from aliens....ha!!!! id just let em rest where the are and leave em alone...they obviousely don't want to partake in any of our activities they are probably smarter than us...and you can only find someone that WANTS to be found !!!

edit on 25-1-2012 by 23andseetheLIGhT because: fixed a typo

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