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posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by yekway

I know that alot of you guys are Americans and into the freemasonary thing, but I wonder if u lot actually know that the headquarters of this group of people are based where I am, England.

Crap. Each Grand Lodge is the "Headquarters" for its region. England no more controls my lodge than they do my government...

America. Hmmm, I love the people I love the country (I havent been there but will do one day).

Dont quite like the adminerstation and Im not talking about just Bush I mean more higher up than that.

I think at the moment especially with the way things are it would be more appropiate to say Amerikkka.

Now it's obvious you haven't been here. Racial bias is nowhere what the media would have you believe. Even among families it not as it was in the 50s and earlier. My cousin, for example, has a black wife and mixed race daughter. She's accepted as much my Uncle's wife, a nordic blond was accepted by my Italian heritage family...

Also the kkk was established in scotland. But now kurupts your lands which is the beatiful lands of america. Shame.

Anway laters.

No, No, No,... the kkk was started on planet lekdjsdljf, by the green-skined people of the third continent. They imported it here aboard their star-cruiser to disrupt our racial harmony...

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 08:35 PM
Jase p hello.

First of all what I say is not crap. Otherwise I would not write what I write, even so please feel free to say what u want but the truth is what it is, no more no less.

As far as the media is concerned, Im a bit more stronger than that.

The media Hmmm... I could write something about them but then the kkk control that department and scince what I say is not going to reach the masses who cares, I would not want to waste my time also there are other people working on our behalf for the greater good to enlightin us as a people about the truth of what England and Amerikkka has done to us as people.

Oh and for that racial crap. Jase Im mixed (no not mixed up!) and this is the way i think UNIVERSAL. So please dont bring that racial nonsense round here.

Anway To all that do read this Albert Pike.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 09:56 PM

Also the kkk was established in scotland.

as I recall The KKK( Kuklos Clan, something about the sound a particular rifle bolt made ? ) was established by Gen. Nathan Forrest just after the War between the States and deactivated a couple years later. It was then started
again a year or so later in pretty much its present form.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 10:34 PM
From what I have been reading of the comments of the members of the Masonic Order, you seem like a well rounded bunch. It is sad to see you be blamed for the greed of corporate America; where all evil, I believe, originates. And to sillinous, though this be late, congratulations.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 05:28 AM
I thought the KKK was extinct, when I was about six they burned a huge cross made of telephone poles about a half a mile from my house at an old abbandoned school. All I remember is mom telling me it was the KKK and seeing those flames go high into the air. I haven't seen hyde nor hair of them since. That had to be around 72 0r 73.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 09:36 AM
like the bad penny they still pop up now and then. last i saw they were associating with some neonazi group or the other. last i heard the FBI
had hit them pretty hard.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by yekway

I know that alot of you guys are Americans and into the freemasonary thing, but I wonder if u lot actually know that the headquarters of this group of people are based where I am, England.

Interesting. So the headquarters of global freemasonry is in England, huh?

Originally posted by yekway
First of all what I say is not crap. Otherwise I would not write what I write, even so please feel free to say what u want but the truth is what it is, no more no less.

Ah. So the headquarters of global freemasonry is in England that's not crap and the truth is what is is.

You seem quite sure about this. Perhaps you'd like to share a little more? Like - where in England? Have you seen it? Who told you this little nugget of info?

Now's your big chance yekway. Between us we can crack this sinister global organisation.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 03:38 PM
The UGLE is not the headquarters of "global freemasonry", lol, It is not in a secret location, either. Visit its website to learn more.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 03:50 PM
Hello all.

I really wish I could give the knowledge over just like that, Im not a walking encylopedia.

So for me to give all and sundry the info I would need to have at first hand with me, also there are other guys on this website that have a certain type of knowledge that I have as well, so be on the lookout they are there.

Now for my info Hmmm.. Where do I start I have read from David Icke to somebody who David Icke stole info from and tried to make his own.

I have dealt with many a wolf in sheeps clothing and visa versa, I have to take the precaution that who I personally give info to, will not use agasint humankind; I know some stuff that will blow u away and I have seen and dealt with frist hand that is quite creepy.

Any body reading this that has certain knowledge of a number of aspects will know what Im on about. To these enlightend people what would you have me do. Come out in the open and tell everything over the world wide web, dont be so riduclous!

Life is one long journey and we learn everyday, I do know it is annoying when someone or a number of people have info and dont want to pass over knowledge. Knowlegde is power but absolute power kurrupts.
Please remeber this people.

You want it come and get it, if you lot are really about what you say you are we should meet up and discuss, or get to try talk to the right people.

Rome wasnt built in a day right,
It still hasnt finished buliding.

Take Care people.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Anyway . . . .

The Grand Lodge of Canada DOES answer to the Grand Lodge of England. For instance, any lodges worldwide that are not recognized by the Grand Lodge of England are not recognized by us, either, etc.

I'm not sure what the case is for American Masonry.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 06:12 PM
As a mason that has been there on many occasions, Freemasons hall is in Great Queens Street , London.

Is is the Governing body of English Freemasoney, it can claim the description of being the Mother Lodge of Modern Freemasonry.

However it is not the Universal governing Body of Freemasonry.

Scotland and Ireland have their own Grand Lodges and the United States have Different Grand Lodges in most States.

Each Grand Lodge stands on its own and is not subserviant to any other Grand Lodge.

There is a system of Recognition throughout the world. This means you are not supposed to visit another Lodge under a Grand Lodge that is not recognised by your own Governing body.

There is no central World Grand Lodge.

posted on Nov, 8 2004 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by billmcelligott
Scotland and Ireland have their own Grand Lodges and the United States have Different Grand Lodges in most States.

Each Grand Lodge stands on its own and is not subserviant to any other Grand Lodge.

There is a system of Recognition throughout the world. This means you are not supposed to visit another Lodge under a Grand Lodge that is not recognised by your own Governing body.

There is no central World Grand Lodge.

Exactly correct.

I belong to the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Grand Lodge of Scotland is recognized by the Grand Lodge of England, thus we can visit and Lodge that is a member of the Grand Lodge of England. Also, the other way around as well. This is how the Lodges ensure that they do things the same. If a Grand Lodge moves too far away from the customs, traditions, or values, then another Grand Lodge will simply not recognize them. These are really the only internal controls over other lodges that exist.

Now, the Grand Lodge of Englad is considered the First Grand Lodge. It is the oldest Grand Lodge as well. Then, I think the Grand Lodge of Scotland is the next oldest. Now, there are Lodges that are older than the Grand Lodges, and the oldest known lodge is Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0. Yes, look at the number, it is #0. The reason is that it is older than the Grand Lodge of Scotland. It dates back to the year 1140, while the Grand Lodge of England was founded in 1717 and the Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by yekway
Hello all.

I really wish I could give the knowledge over just like that, Im not a walking encylopedia.

Well you certainly semed quite certain about your information. Are you saying that you can't remember where you got it from?

So for me to give all and sundry the info I would need to have at first hand with me, also there are other guys on this website that have a certain type of knowledge that I have as well, so be on the lookout they are there.

OK, so you can't actually back up what you said but you are sure someone else will come and help you out. Let's see.

Now for my info

Ah-ha - now we're getting somewhere.

Hmmm.. Where do I start I have read from David Icke to somebody who David Icke stole info from and tried to make his own.

David Icke??!!?? Is that the best you can do? I think we've found the level.

I have dealt with many a wolf in sheeps clothing and visa versa, I have to take the precaution that who I personally give info to, will not use agasint humankind; I know some stuff that will blow u away and I have seen and dealt with frist hand that is quite creepy.

Sounds amazing. What kind of stuff do you know? I'm intrigued.

Any body reading this that has certain knowledge of a number of aspects will know what Im on about. To these enlightend people what would you have me do. Come out in the open and tell everything over the world wide web, dont be so riduclous!

Oh dear. BIG disappointment. So all this really important stuff is going to remain a secret and I will have to remain in Ignorance. Downer

Life is one long journey and we learn everyday, I do know it is annoying when someone or a number of people have info and dont want to pass over knowledge. Knowlegde is power but absolute power kurrupts.
Please remeber this people.

So you're worried i'm going to be kurrupted, huh? But presumably you haven't been kurrupted by all this top secret info that you can't share with anyone.

You want it come and get it, if you lot are really about what you say you are we should meet up and discuss, or get to try talk to the right people.

Yes yes yes... but who are the right people. David Icke? You?

yekway - you present fantastic and ridiculous assertions about things and then refuse point blank to back them up. You waffle and blather and end up saying precisely nothing.

I put it to you that you don't know what you are talking about. Period. You have nothing to add to the discussion except hot air and regurgitated lies. Please stop talking nonsense.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 07:44 AM
lol, I love these people who sign on to ATS and then spend about 10 minutes telling all of us how they have secret, clandestine information, thanks to their unique "experiences" . . . but of course they can't give it out becuse we would a.) never understand, or b.) he/she would be punished by *gasp* "them" (aka "illuminati.)

And then, the big name-dropping . . . **drum roll**

David Icke.

Thanks for nothing.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by LTD602
Anyway . . . .

The Grand Lodge of Canada DOES answer to the Grand Lodge of England. For instance, any lodges worldwide that are not recognized by the Grand Lodge of England are not recognized by us, either, etc.

I'm not sure what the case is for American Masonry.

Sorry to be a stcikler for technicalities here, but there is no single Grand Lodge of Canada. Each Province has its own Grand Lodge, just as every state in the US.

The Grand Lodges in Canada do not "answer" to the United Grand Lodge of England; they simply recognize each other. The United Grand Lodge of England has no authority over the Canadian Grand Lodges, as each Canadian Grand Lodge is completely sovereign and independent (which is what makes them Grand Lodges).

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 02:15 PM
ML . . mea culpa. It seems I have messed up my post, hehe.


The Grand Lodge of Ontario (there is not Grand Lodge of Caada), DOES answer to the UGLE, but it does so indirectly - that is, The Grand lodge of England agrees with the way we run the ritual and lodges and we follow their example. It's more of a mutual relationship than one that is dictated by actual procedure.

Here's the Grand Lodge of Ontario site. It gives some of the history behind all this:

Thanks for pointing out my error, ML. It inspired me to do a bit of learning on the subject.

[edit on 9-11-2004 by LTD602]

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by LTD602
ML . . mea culpa. It seems I have messed up my post, hehe.


The Grand Lodge of Ontario (there is not Grand Lodge of Caada), DOES answer to the UGLE, but it does so indirectly - that is, The Grand lodge of England agrees with the way we run the ritual and lodges and we follow their example. It's more of a mutual relationship than one that is dictated by actual procedure.

I understand what you're saying, but let me elaborate for the sake of our readers who may not be Masons, and are confused by the subject.
The Grand Lodge of Ontario, like all regular Grand Lodges, does not answer to anyone else per other words, the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England does not outrank the Grand Lodge of Ontario, nor vice versa. It is true that if the Grand Lodge of Ontario strayed from the Ancient Landmarks, the United Grand Lodge of England could withdraw its recognition from it; however, the Grand Lodge of Ontario could withdraw its recognition from England in the same manner.

At present, all US Grand Lodges are in complete fraternal recognition with the Canadian Grand Lodges, UGLE, Grand Lodge of Scotland, and Grand Lodge of Ireland. Each of these 60+ Grand Lodges are completely autonomous and govern their own jurisdictions. The UGLE has no authority outside of the geographic boundaries of England, nor does the Grand Lodge of New York exercise any authority in Montana or British Columbia. Each of the Grand Lodges are equal, and England may not dictate policy, any more than California may.

Fiat Lvx.

posted on Nov, 9 2004 @ 03:56 PM

It is true that if the Grand Lodge of Ontario strayed from the Ancient Landmarks, the United Grand Lodge of England could withdraw its recognition from it; however, the Grand Lodge of Ontario could withdraw its recognition from England in the same manner.

Summed up perfectly.

None has jurisdiction over the other, although up here there is a "preference" to be on good terms with the Grand Lodge of England, although it is NOT a requirement.

We DO give a toast in the name of the Queen, during dinner functions, and when certain office-holding Masons come to visit.

posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 12:38 PM
I know I shouldn't take the bait, but I'll respond to this one:

Mr Necros said:

"It occurs to me that there there is now be a "Symbolic" 32nd degree which is bestowed by Blue Lodges on the most witless members of the Scottish Rite in the form of a "Crowning of the Fool" ceramony. "

Well, all I can say is, better to stay silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.

Some of this has been addressed before by other members. Blue lodges do not confer any degrees beyond the 3rd.

Why would Walter Webber (The Sovereign Grand Commander, Northern Jurisdiction) want to come all the way from Maine to Ohio for a Scottish Rite reunion in one small valley? Besides, his deputy for Ohio, an active member of the supreme council, was there. Very nice guy, too.

and this part about:

...then you may want to sit down and have a bit of a slow think about what went on in your ritual...

I have seen the allegory of the 32nd degree at least 5 times - probably more. I think I'm pretty familiar with what it's about. That isn't to say that I don't gain a new insight to it every time I see it.

For the benefit of you newly initiated brethren: Don't listen to the scare tactics and babblings of those on the outside. Form your own opinions, talk to other masons, decide for yourself. Some of the degrees of the A.A. Scottish Rite are quite beautiful....and some are a little boring... but you really don't get a full appreciation for some of them without participating in them. Talk to the officers in your local Scottish Rite lines and ask if they have room in a degree for you. There is almost always someplace they need someone for a speaking or non-speaking part. That is really how to enjoy the Scottish Rite.

posted on Nov, 19 2004 @ 01:33 AM
I must say after reading all of this and finding it quite interesting as someone who is looking at possibly joining the masons because I agree with their policies on respect for the individual and community involvement I am nore more confused than ever. If someone could U2U me I am looking for clarity here (Insert Clarica enlightenment joke here) and if someone could be straightforward with me even in meeting masons personally I have found they were defensive when I noticed rings and pointed it out then became extatic and over excited when I mentioned I had been thinking about joining but was unsure of actual purpose/ritual.


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