This is in response to mamabeth's RANT about men -->
HERE and is meant in a tongue in
cheek manner. So, relax and have fun.
We guys are
told we are going out for dinner. Why nothing is cooked when we get home from work is never really explained.
[Some of us
suspect it has something to do with Oprah & TV] So, we acquiesce
[We normally don't get a choice in the matter anyway] So we are
Told what time to be ready. We drag our tired sorry butts into the shower [Whether it's Tuesday or not] and
use soap then have to drag a
razor across our face [even though we just shaved last week.]
We slap on some clean clothes
[That were scheduled to be worn for the next work week] many of us suspect it's a ploy to get us out of this
weeks dirty work clothes but so far that is an unconfirmed rumor. To only add to the confusion, we are not sure and or
told what you gals are
in the mood to eat for dinner.
[Usually not a nice Burger and Fries and or a Pizza] which is what we really want.
So, we hurry up and wait. We stand there not wanting to touch anything in fear that we'll dirty next weeks work clothes.
Never really hearing the
end of it Finally, we guys get the go ahead to leave.
[Usually expressed by the females anger and frustration about how late it is getting]
as they rush past us on their way to the car, only to be told after a few minutes of being on the road that we had forgotten something at the house
and must turn around...
Now, we are late and lost looking for some damn place nobody has ever heard of except the checkout clerk at the drug store.
We wont stop for directions.
Because we are losing consciousness from lack of food and getting delirious from the Fresh scent on our clean clothes and are afraid we might get
sick on the person we ask....
edit on 20-1-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)