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Warmonger Thread

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by seabag

The soviet union didn't imploded.

True statement.
The Russians didn't have the economy to match the US spending. US out spent the Russians. It worked.

Only problem, Russia stopped spending, the US didn't.

You looked at the Debt Clock lately, "He who laughs last , laughs loudest"

Ya, the debt clock is a little spooky right now!

But when we stuck it to the Russians we had a booming economy, under Reagan. Thanks to Bush and OBAMA (who raised it more than all previous presidents COMBINED) we are not in a good place economically.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by seabag

NO I do, I see where you are coming from, but the problem must be dealt with for the sake of solving the root cause of it, as well as the effect or result of its reality.

I get it, but there is a head to this. It's not all crazy conspiracy mind indigestion.

It's a pattern we need to notice and weed out. I get it though. I just argue the value of other issues in terms of relevance to threats of real peace and prosperity.

edit on 18-1-2012 by casenately because: fix

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by hmdphantom

There is no proof of who killed the Iranian scientist. It could be a black OP from any country.

Thats been my sentiment all along.

Theres that old saying.............

When you point your finger,there is always three pointing back at you.

Ok , then read this thread and ask me what you may think is neccessary :

Documents , Who killed Iranian scientist ?

or look at this :

Translation :

By killing Iranian scientists it is possible to stop Iran from transforming into a regional power.

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs website removed a post only minutes after being published which initially quoted a statement by the Israeli Armey General Staff about the necessity of assaulting the Iranian elites as the only way to prevent Iran from becoming a regional power. This statement was later changed to declare that "Iranian officials are becoming resistant in the face of pressures”. The reason for this change by comparing the two statements is that the former would convey that Israel has taken up the responsibility for recent attacks against the nuclear scientists.

The latest assassination is about Majid Shahriari, a well-known Iranian nuclear scientist, on January 11, 2010 by a terrorist bomb attack which also targeted, Fereydoon Abbassi Davani, a then university professor, who has survived the attack and is now the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization. Moreover, on Jan. 12, 2010, Tehran University professor Masoud Ali Mohammadi, a senior physics professor was killed when a bomb-rigged motorcycle exploded near his car as he was about to leave his house.

On Wednesday a motorcycle attached a magnetic bomb to a car near one of the faculties of Allameh Tabatabaei University and also a few minutes before, some shots have been heard.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:42 PM
I personally think that -as Americans - we should do whatever we need to do (within reason) to stop a radical Islamic country where "death to America day" is a national holiday from having the power to wipe nations off the face of the earth with the push of a button. It's simple self-preservation.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by casenately

I am sorry to have to say this but you do not have an accurate veiw on World Monetary Economics. U.S. Currency...whether it is down in value or the prefered Monetary system of the world. Why do you think that China, Russia and just about every bank or country worldwide Trades the dollar and buys and sells it more so than any other form of currency?

Why do you think that despite the U.S. and China political disagreements...China still chooses to lend money to the U.S. moreso than any other is because it is a safe bet.

Reguardless of the current deficit...a quick turnaround in the U.S. economy means a boom everywhere else on earth. Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:47 PM
1. You can't build nukes from 20% enrichment. That works only for plants. Weapons need 90% enrichment.
2. A few years ago a pessimistic Israeli expert said Iran was about a decade away from being able to produce its own nukes.
3. It may have already some missiles from plutonium bought at black markets or ready-made from Korea or Pakistan. They will never admit this until the open confrontation though.
4. I differ in my assessment of who is a terrorist nation. Europe as well as the US sells weapons to criminal governments that actually perpetrate small holocausts, like Congo (up to three million kiled, hudreds of thousand raped). So when did Africa hurst the US at all? We back up Saudi Arabia - home of Al Kaida - we give them premier style fighter jets. This is a country where your hand may be chopped off if you are suspected of stealing and women must walk several feet behind their husbands. Youth sometimes buy cars and jeeps and drive them to the desert one day then abandon them as industrial waste becaue they can afford it.
5. Russia WILL be involved if you bomb Bushehr! And when the fuel rods blow up into the atmoshphere, a few hundred kilometres from Europe and Israel will be contaminated heavily. It will not be as peaceful as Fukushima. Realize! Please do not disregard this possibility!
Also, the killing of the Russian personnel at Bushehr may result in an all-out Russian-US war. Is that something you actually included in your visions?
War today is the same as terrorirsm except it is on a large scale. The difference between them was principally how much of the civilian population you intend to massacre for our narrow poitical goals. Well what about Iraq and Afghanistan? While terrorists called terrorists by the official opinion-maker Fox News, killed a few thousand civilians in both countries, we killed over 100,000 in Iraq alone and many will suffer the results of the uranium bombs that went to dust... I think we are a borderline terroristic state. Certainly no better than Iran morally, even if we support the Jewish side and they the Muslim. Can you see any PARTISAN thinking beyond this is madness?
Impersonate the voices that try to drum ceaselessly the same message into your ears: They want to nuke Israel, so Hell, we nuke them first!
That message is the Voice of the Liar. Could be after preying an "emotive effect." upon your sentiments. Could be mere propaganda of the neocons. (They are as suicidal as Netanyahu) .

We are in deep trouble if we are in confrontation with Russia. Sorry, but even Napoleon the genius, or Hitler the evil possession man could never, ever rule continental Russia. It is a geoppolitical imposiibility.

Do we want to bring out the worst possible fears of three generations from a Russian-US confrontation merely becaus a bunch of right-wing Jews are whining in the Middle East?

It looks like more and more YES!. We Do want to be led down the alley of the Pied Piper...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Yes...and so what of it?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

Look, who are the Warmongers?

Those that have Nuclear weapons,and have tried to reduce their arsenals,


Those claiming that their Nuclear ambitions are PEACEFUL?

North Korea also claimed their Nuclear ambitions were peaceful.

Then they built the BOMB.


Did sanctions work? NO
Did appeasement work? NO

They now have the power to destroy more people,in a World that is trying to get rid of weapons like that.

And you have NO PROBLEM with that.

Any Country building such deadly devices,in a world that needs NO MORE devices like that,are warmongers.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I understand the chaotic circumstances of the historical more primitive past, I really just thought that we were now at an era of wisdom, technological ability, and intelligence to actually solve do the most right and good, why are things getting nuttier and worse?

people are saying we were isolationist, and that is the reason for hitler gaining power, and we didnt keep a close enough eye and arm on iran and now their government is full of crazies.... the problem are these crazy people, who desiree power... I just thought humans had the means of education and enlightenment to not allow this to happen...

also I have heard a statistic that maybe percentage wise in america there are more prisoners then any other country, that means american citizens raping, murdering, stealing, cheating etc... gangs, ghettos, when we look at iran and see these terrorist organizations how is it any different then the few bad apples in the barrel? the problem is that the government is supplying the terrorists... those doing the supplying and those doing the terrorizing ... are wrong and bad... no need to bomb and "terrorize" these countries, civilians.. there must be someway to make sure F*cked up leaders do not have means of leading, that is the root of the problems... I know the problems run deeper, racial tension and holy lands... Do you know If we have talked to the ones who want to achieve nuclear capabilities? and we do not know why they honestly want them? but we think they want them to make missles, and they want to use those missles ( at all would be bad) immediately on us or surrounding countries? and so they are viewing us , the big brother, telling them nah you cant play with the big boys, remember what happened last time, you werent so nice, time out for you etc.. and they are just no we are good now, we will behave, we just want it for energy, we just want it for bombs just like you have it, but really we just want to kill everyone the moment we get them?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
reply to post by hmdphantom

Look, who are the Warmongers?

Those that have Nuclear weapons,and have tried to reduce their arsenals,


Those claiming that their Nuclear ambitions are PEACEFUL?

North Korea also claimed their Nuclear ambitions were peaceful.

Then they built the BOMB.


Did sanctions work? NO
Did appeasement work? NO

They now have the power to destroy more people,in a World that is trying to get rid of weapons like that.

And you have NO PROBLEM with that.

Any Country building such deadly devices,in a world that needs NO MORE devices like that,are warmongers.


Iran doesn't need to have nukes , Iran is just demanding to use alternative ways to produce electricity. Iran is going to sell less oil to other countries , US is just mad about this.

US has virgin oil and gas sources , and has already decided to keep them for the energy crisis. Iran is just going to pump less oil and gas out of the earth.

US govt is just mad about this and is just trying everything to legitimate invading Iran. Other broken Europe countries are mad , too. they like to continue their neo-colonialism.

So , they are just on the same side against Iran. But Russia is concerned about US presence near itself and is a big oil exporter itself. So it's not going to let US take over Iran.

Israel is just US representative in the region . maybe US is Israel representative in America. So , they have many common interests + Israel ( without any border ) doesn't like another rival powerful country in the region , specially an Islamic one.

In my thread here , I posted a Iran's nuclear timeline to say that Iran has been cooperating with all concerned sides , but those concerned sides are just saying " Stop Uranium enrichment ". It is because they know :

Uranium enrichment ==> using alternative way to produce electricity ==> getting less oil pumped out of the wells + More electricity for industry ==> Iran gets less dependent to oil ==> reduce selling oil ==> neo-colonialism will end ==> other Middle Eastern countries will learn ==> there won't be any neo-colonialism at all.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

It is only the preferred currency for trade since it has the most investment in it, it controls the most wealth/ has access to it. If china, Russia, India, and Iran formalizein relations for a strong independent currency for settlement and trade in general for energy, they disempowered a US based control of world policy. Through sanctions or other economic warfare, the dollar is made the sure bet. That is all it has, the military that backs it. It is now threatened so the only card available for the hand we played is military enforcement.

Energy is going to be the standard of worth in the future IMO. There is no avoiding it. It will become the foundation of the future global trade. The thing is it requires you to be competitive and rely on other talents besides empirical enforcement.

It's what happened to the Mongol empire. They became stagnant as a culture and eventually seeded more structured societies. It's the natural progression of order. Using military might now only limits your available response later. Ultimately the need for growth becomes foremost in the name of survival for a society. Spartas come and go.

edit on 18-1-2012 by casenately because: fix

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi

. You can't build nukes from 20% enrichment. That works only for plants. Weapons need 90% enrichment.

But you don’t need more than 20% except for nukes!

A few years ago a pessimistic Israeli expert said Iran was about a decade away from being able to produce its own nukes.

IAEA says different today. Maybe its time for you to reexamine the facts??

It may have already some missiles from plutonium bought at black markets or ready-made from Korea or Pakistan. They will never admit this until the open confrontation though.

Maybe…just not enough to play their hand yet??

I differ in my assessment of who is a terrorist nation. Europe as well as the US sells weapons to criminal governments that actually perpetrate small holocausts, like Congo (up to three million kiled, hudreds of thousand raped). So when did Africa hurst the US at all? We back up Saudi Arabia - home of Al Kaida - we give them premier style fighter jets. This is a country where your hand may be chopped off if you are suspected of stealing and women must walk several feet behind their husbands. Youth sometimes buy cars and jeeps and drive them to the desert one day then abandon them as industrial waste becaue they can afford it.

Blah..Blah..Blah.. Makes no difference when we’re talking about Iran.

Russia WILL be involved if you bomb Bushehr! And when the fuel rods blow up into the atmoshphere, a few hundred kilometres from Europe and Israel will be contaminated heavily. It will not be as peaceful as Fukushima. Realize! Please do not disregard this possibility! Also, the killing of the Russian personnel at Bushehr may result in an all-out Russian-US war. Is that something you actually included in your visions? We are in deep trouble if we are in confrontation with Russia. Sorry, but even Napoleon the genius, or Hitler the evil possession man could never, ever rule continental Russia. It is a geoppolitical imposiibility.

The Russians know this too. You saw that they backed off their statement of “an attack on Tehran is an attack on Moscow” recently and now they are just saying it will be bad for business.

Do we want to bring out the worst possible fears of three generations from a Russian-US confrontation merely becaus a bunch of right-wing Jews are whining in the Middle East? It looks like more and more YES!. We Do want to be led down the alley of the Pied Piper...

Right-Wing Jews

Anti-Semitic American hater??
edit on 18-1-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

So you honestly BELIEVE Iran has NO intention of creating a Nuclear weapon?

Sorry,that is HIGHLY Naive.

I wish I could agree with you actually though.

Personally,I think its all about having Regional superiority in the Area.

I wish the Iran people luck. The regular average Iranian wants peace,like the average American. Protesting,the way they did tells me,Iranians are tired of their Government also.
edit on 18-1-2012 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi

Some things you have said here I am impresed with since the ordinary person does not know. But there is a lot you do not know because you are not in the field and there are issues...very secret issues that are known and the U.S. does not EVER do something without an overall plan...even if that means making us look bad.

You just do not have the ability to see the whole picture and neither can I but I see it better than most. These are a few things I can tell you because they have already been speculated upon in the media.

Reguardless of what anyone or group tells you...the U.S. Military is so far ahead it boggles the mind. An example of this is why we can go and do whatever we wish at will without fear of retaliation.

The second thing you need to know is that there is always a plan...and sometimes these plans make us look bad.
Split Infinity

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Who is the U.S. then? and who does their plan benefit?

all I can think of is that unless this is their plan; that if this conflict progresses, without being resolved peacefully, the Mayans were pretty spot on.....

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
Iran doesn't need to have nukes , Iran is just demanding to use alternative ways to produce electricity. Iran is going to sell less oil to other countries , US is just mad about this.

That's the most dishonest thing said on the entire thread.

Dude, you've been exposed. You're an Iranian propagandist. All of the evidence anyone would ever NEED has been presented in this thread.

You're not going to keep peddling these lies, bud.


IRAN has violated the NPT treaty!!!! Game Over! There is no dispute!!! STOP IT!!

edit on 18-1-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

So you honestly BELIEVE Iran has NO intention of creating a Nuclear weapon?

So you have proof that Iran has nuclear weapon ?

And you say average Americans want peace since your activity for peace in this thread :



What will you fed your war-machine when the war is over ?

(When you have your one world government)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by seabag

Originally posted by hmdphantom
Iran doesn't need to have nukes , Iran is just demanding to use alternative ways to produce electricity. Iran is going to sell less oil to other countries , US is just mad about this.

That's the most dishonest thing said on the entire thread.

Dude, you've ben exposed. You're an Iranian propagandist. All of the evidence anyone would ever NEED has been presented in this thread.

You're not going to keep peddling these lies, bud.


IRAN has violate the NPT treaty!!!! Game Over! There is no dispute!!! STOP IT!!

Maybe you are too smart to expose me , but I am not too smart.

You are a tool in the war-machine and you can do nothing else when the war is over.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
reply to post by sonnny1

So you honestly BELIEVE Iran has NO intention of creating a Nuclear weapon?

So you have proof that Iran has nuclear weapon ?

And you say average Americans want peace since your activity for peace in this thread :



What will you fed your war-machine when the war is over ?

(When you have your one world government)

You are so blind to your cause,you CLEARLY didn't READ the sentence.

So you honestly BELIEVE Iran has NO intention of creating a Nuclear weapon?

Clear enough for you?

Oh and this.....

Originally posted by hmdphantom

And you say average Americans want peace since your activity for peace in this thread :

The SAME can be said for YOUR participation.

Guess you being here clears up the misconception,that Iranians want war also.


Or shouldnt you be in the Peacemonger thread?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by hmdphantom

I've exposed the fact that you're not too smart....but you helped a alot!

You are a TOOL for the Iranian proganda machine. My war is OVER. I'm a civilian living in peace!! I hope you can live in peace one day as well, bud!!
edit on 18-1-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

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