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Warmonger Thread

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
I'm all done with this thread. It's devolved into a jingoist circle-jerk, where everyone is bastardizing American values and disgracing "the uniform" they once wore, if even at all.

Go ahead and pretend you rule on a moral high-ground, while you send your sons and daughters to die. Because you're so frightened of the bomb. Boo hoo. Itty bitty tough guys are soo scared. Let's send our children to die in a war.

Psychopaths coming in bearing "Templar Knight" avatars and talking about "killing America's enemies" and "protecting freedom". Unbelievable, you people have not evolved and you're a disgrace to America.

Actually I fight so my sons won't have to.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by maestromason
To conclude my participation in this thread I remain standing where I am and never faltered.

War, is it pretty?... no.

War, is it accommodating?... no

War, is it necessary... YES!

War will ensure that the American way of living is perpetuated and is unique. War with Iran is inevitable. All peace-nicks, green-tea sippers and believers of peace(green or any other color) are delusional.

Human beings are multicultural beings and to attempt to unify them is asinine.

The Tower of Babel fell for a reason, and all the tongues of all the nations made to vary.

Tolerance is one thing that shall respectfully divide the masses and has been exercised since time began.

I will not reverse myself to appease anyone or anything. As a man I stand on solid ground with my people who are of like mind.

A coward who attempts to balance an argument by either reversing him/herself or by not being him/herself is neither worthy of the air I breathe nor the land I stand on.

For as long as you have TWO differentiating view points on how the world works and how people should live you will have War.

I as an American am proud of my country, and I would not want to be born and raised in any other country on Earth!

See its people like you that make this world a messed up place. Why not feel the same for the planet, instead of a country? You are a perfect example of how governments brainwash their people, so they can do all the things they do without people questioning it.

Its disgusting that you stick up for your government, which has basically bankrupt your own country. Its people like you who dont have the balls and stand up and say that what they are doing is wrong.

You country is not free, its an illusion. No country is free while we have these criminals in charge. But you will blindly follow them, into hell if you have too.

A country is just a country. The planet is far more important than a stupid country, but you will never see that

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by maestromason

War, is it necessary... YES!

War will ensure that the American way of living is perpetuated and is unique. War with Iran is inevitable. All peace-nicks, green-tea sippers and believers of peace(green or any other color) are delusional.

As inevitable as war has been in the past, and tragically as inevitable as it seems to be in the present and coming future, war - as fought by military industrial complexes - is only necessary when in the defense of freedom.

Invading a country that has never attacked our own is no where near defending freedom!

Frankly, if were truly a free market advocate, I wouldn't need to explain this to you, but seemingly I do. A true free market advocate understands the necessity of competition and all that competition implied. Competition can and often times will generate far more than just two opposing ideas and beliefs. If you're answer to your competitions ideas and beliefs is to use the force of government to shut them down then you are no free market advocate, I assure you.

The fight for freedom does not begin in Iran, it did not begin in Iraq, its beginnings have no future in the Middle East. The fight for freedom began a while ago and it was Thirteen colonies in North America that stepped up to the plate and took up the mantle of the fight for freedom. That battle, in North America is still being waged.

You are certainly entitled to be as "proud" of the United States of America as you please. Such "pride", if it causes no harm, is a right. My understanding of pride, however, is that it can only be achieved through accomplishment. Why should a free market advocate fear Islam when he is expected to obtain a license to business in his own land? Why should a free market advocate fear Islam when he, in his shameful surrender to his own government, acquiesces and does what the City Hall instructs him to do before obtaining a license and goes to the local IRS office and obtains a tax identification number so he can qualify for the license to do business in his own land?

Why should a free market advocate fear Islam when his own governments, federal, state, and local all, form endless bureaucratic agencies that so regulate his business that he lives in constant fear of failure, bankruptcy, and loosing his business?

What good is the mightiest armed forces in the world when at home tyranny has come home to roost?

Unless, by free market advocate, you mean to say the American system of massive regulations and licensing schemes that have the effect of limiting competition, and by using a worthless fiat currency that only undermines free market principles. If that is what you mean by "free market advocate" then I understand your pride.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by peck420

Well I for one am not advocating an "Attack or Regime change" in Iran. I know some here do.
I'd be happy with a shift in their agenda.

Is that too much or extreme?

Would that be a real shift or a fake shift?

For a real shift to happen, it would require a regime change.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:03 PM

edit on 18-1-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by hmdphantom

For somebody who just a few pages back was spewing Allah's word now seems [when pressed for clarification] to fall back on an awful lot of "maybes"

Shift change at the Iranian Government Headquarters. Different agents at different times using 'hmdphantom' accounts for the continued change of personality and information styles that gets posted under that account name.

Originally posted by Tw0Sides
Haters gonna hate, It keeps them enlarged in their own minds.

Truth isn't hate. No matter how much the PC crowd tries to say it is. It's just truth.

Originally posted by hmdphantom
Is bullying the best way to get answer in your culture?

No, but it's how IRAN operates. The 'morals police' run around beating up women who dare to have bare feet in sandals. They throw men in jail for not having their beards 'exactly islamic'. They hang homosexual boys simply because they are homosexual. They sentenced a christian minister to death simply because he wouldn't convert to Islam. Iran is a mess. Before you start pointing your finger at the USA and complaining, perhaps you'd best take a long look at your own country and fix it. It isn't exactly a trustworthy or peaceful utopia.

Originally posted by hmdphantom
We don't have a govt killing innocent backwards worldwide.

That isn't true.

WE like teaching those people rather than killing them

Again - not true.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Aeons

Peace means to find one's rightful place in a place of surrender to the will of Allah and His Servants.

You will *never* find anyone who argues this point. They'll try to take it off course; they'll use Jean Paul's techniques. They'll attack me. But they will never tell you that my definition is wrong. My definition is taken from Islamic scholars from all sects.

Look at you! Last time you replied to me, you were backing down and claiming you were not advocating an invasion of Iran, but look at you now, and it ain't even under the pretense of a nuclear armed Iran, it is flat out Islamaphopia you are speaking to, and at least honestly in this post, in spite of your effort to link my own earnest plea for the U.S. to simply lay down their own nuclear arsenal before using the nuclear arsenals of other countries as an excuse to invade them, with Islamic drivel.

My "techniques" are rooted in my own honest beliefs, and you will certainly not *ever* find me deceitfully backing off of an argument I made contending I did not make that argument. If I back off of an argument it is because I own to being wrong. If I don't back down it because I don't see where I am wrong. Call that a "technique" if you like, but I'll take that over your own shameful disingenuous any day.

Astonishing. Your response has nothing to do with my post you quoted.

Quoting Islamic scholars is Islamophobia.

Though I will concur with your description of Islamic drivel. There is a lot of Islamic drivel.

I'll point out again, that we are already at war with Iran. So far no invasion necessary.

In case you didn't know, most of the Pan-Islamic groups are covertly (so covert you don't even know about it) at war with you. So is China.
edit on 2012/1/18 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:38 PM
Well sea bag,

I really had you made out to be the typical "gun ho" Leather neck. I have an enormous respect for the armed forces. Hell, They do a job most of us can't even imagine . They sacrifice for a nation sometimes at odds with their very purpose. I think the fact that you have related here on an honest level, makes you not the typical "thinking marine" but rather a unique "thinking person". Thank you.

I think that we as a people, born of a revolution, are at odds with each other but not for something as simple as a being a true patriot vs. an anti American. I think it is more complex than that. We as a people are tired of being lied to. We are tired of supporting welfare corporatism that goes against our capitalist ideals. Ideals where a business must provide better services and products while being competitive in order to survive, not a system where a handful of businesses buy our government and secure their position based on tax money being pumped into them.

The only way this system can keep the money faucet open for these truly traitorous corporate entities is by keeping the world economy at their mercy. They designed a debt based economy that revolves around a currency made supreme by the military that backs it. Our soldiers secure their ability to keep the promise of endless support for their inefficient and costly businesses.

Besides the profit that is directly attained through war by its contractors, there is the issue of protecting the stranglehold on world trade by de-stabilization and direct or indirect control of foreign influence done in the hypocritical name of "freedom". If a country doesn't want to play ball we send in the marines. While that is not the issue I take, I do take a deep offence to lying to our military in the name of corporations that dont give a slightest damn about my country.

I will refer to thread already offered here that does a great job of providing an example for the current boogey man, Iran.

Basically it says :

Various countries have been buying gold. Russia, China, India have all bought a lot…The list of countries accumulating gold is similar to the list of countries that were reported to be talking about the need for a new reserve currency to replace the dollar.

In January of this year the India Times reported that India was talking to Iran about moving out of dollar settlements so as to be able to buy Iranian oil despite a US embargo. India said it was discussing settling in Gold. Remember, India has just signed a settlement agreement with China to use the Yuan.

China and Russia have been trading directly in their own currencies and using them both interchangeably for settlement for over a year. As the The China Daily article reports,

China is allowing greater use of its currency for cross-border transactions to reduce reliance on the US dollar, after Premier Wen Jiabao said in March he was “worried” about holdings of assets denominated in the greenback.

Japan and China will promote direct trading of the yen and yuan without using dollars and will encourage the development of a market for companies involved in the exchanges, the Japanese government said.

Iran and China on Wednesday signed two agreements on expansion of trade ties and joint investments. These trades too will not be settled in Dollars or in Euros.

think the stand-off with Iran in the Straits of Hormuz over sanctions is as much to do with the moves to replace the dollar as anything else. The stand off is as much with China and its allies as it is specifically with Iran. The US is testing China’s nerve and the solidity of its network of bilateral currency settlement agreements. We are seeing military power deployed to counter economic power

Now I ask, what is done in this world that is not about the all mighty dollar. What exactly. Security you say, well it would be safer to be smarter, not tougher. It would be wiser to have better relations with your neighbors rather than have them always come to you with the resentment of what you did to them last time. We are viewed as a great threat globally instead of the beacon of hope for humanity we once were.

So here we are as PATRIOTS, you as much as I and those that know as I do, that military power has been bought by disloyal Americans who want the power of money. They deliver us not unto greater security or freedom but rather into the hands of enemies they create in an effort to seize the world for their PRIVATE gain. They dont ever share pie. ever. Dont call your fellow patriots traitors or blatant foreigners. We speak for our nation, as well as you. We want America for Americans, not the Halliburton's or the BP´s of the world. Help us save our country beyond the battlefield. Save our American spirit lost to the greed of the "noble" scum bags who bought our government with our debt. Save us, beyond bullets and bombs. Save our legacy. Rebel patriots, us.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Despite the mounting tension, Iranian leaders have to stick to the country’s nuclear course, because otherwise they will risk losing their core hardline supporters, also essential to secure a high turnout in the March vote, analysts say.

“Iranians have always managed to cope with sanctions, but now with talks about oil embargo the authorities feel cornered. That is why they have increased the volume of harsh rhetoric,” said Iranian analyst Khosro Karami.

“They will do anything to prevent street unrest, which will jeopardize the clerical establishment’s existence.”

Why Iran doesn't back down.

It isn't for the Iranian people. It is to maintain the Mullahocracy.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:48 PM
We are labeled as enemies by the people who make our wars. We are labeled anti American by our fellow Americans because they have been lied to for so long, it almost makes sense from a distance. But up close and personal, we are you. We are fighting for a better America. One where our security and prosperity is placed over that of a foreign power. The rest of the world doesn't need us the way we think they do. They need the America that was the light of the world not the America that rules the world.

Let us free the world by our greater freedom home. Let the inspiration of a good example force the world to demand it of their leaders. Let us free ourselves from mental slavery. Let our soldiers fight for us, not a flagless, colorless,nationless corporation. Let the armed forces of this nation be freed from their traitorous masters. The same ones that send our good people against us to call us traitors for demanding their liberty.

Look how this worlds authority loves its soldiers. Look to us for support, not them.

edit on 18-1-2012 by casenately because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by Aeons

I'll point out again, that we are already at war with Iran. So far no invasion necessary.

In case you didn't know, most of the Pan-Islamic groups are covertly (so covert you don't even know about it) at war with you. So is China.

In case you don't know, free market advocates - actual free market advocates - are at war with every goddamned tyrant on the planet.

You can backpedal all you want. You are not advocating individual freedom at all, you're advocating an organized military industrial complexes use of force against ideologues that scare you.

In my lifetime, living in the United States, I have never known freedom. I get told a lot that I'm freer than anyone else in any other country, but this does not make the gross intrusions of a federal, states, and local governments on my own unalienable rights any more tolerable. Before the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the federal, states, and local governments were intolerable and I quietly kept my intolerance to myself, but since the new millennium U.S. empire building I can no longer stay silent. The inexcusable and unforgivable acts of treachery and criminality the United States governments have perpetuated on their own people has accelerated to unprecedented levels.

In short, your silly ass sabre rattling and warnings of foreign enemies means nothing as long as tyranny can lounge so comfortably at home. I do not experience the yolk of Sharia law, nor the chains of China's brand of totalitarianism, unless this covert strategy you refer to means that some of the "homegrown" tyrants of the United States are puppets of this Islamist and Communist strategists. Whoever pulls the strings to the assholes pissing all over the constitutional republic of the United States, and are at undeniable war with individualism and unalienable rights, my fight and any other American's real fight for freedom begins at home. Not by empowering a military industrial complex to bully other nations.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Jean Paul Zodeaux - The kind of guy who will never be a leader.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

The planet is small, and your world view is miniscule.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Jean Paul Zodeaux - The kind of guy who will never be a leader.

TsukiLunar, forever a follower.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

The planet is small, and your world view is miniscule.

That's right, the world view that all people everywhere possess certain unalienable rights and are free and independent of the governing bodies established by they is miniscule and your world view of a more practical tyranny is what is the zeitgeist. Yet you want me to be afraid of Iran and China alone.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:20 PM
I think this post from another Iranian poster in another thread may be of some interest here...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:20 PM

edit on 18-1-2012 by Deetermined because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Aeons

Have you ever been to a sporting event? basketball or football? and witnessed the energetic attention of a massive group of people.. have you ever seen a sky scraper.. The focused energy of humans can accomplish ANYTHING it does not limit itself to accomplishing... Can you imagine if a large number of peaceful world citizens ( in the millions and millions im sure) voiced their constructive energy towards removing the minority of malignant clusters of corrupt cancers and growths which have formed on ripe areas of government and economic policy worldwide, no bias, if your means of providing for yourself harms many others that is wrong, if you dont wish to create peaceful and practical environments for a human life to flourish that is wrong... it is not the government or leaders that live peoples lives, in reality, technically it has been the physical human body, and mind which has created all things and ways on this planet... I believe that if all men and women had security and hope for their future, the ability to provide food and a home for their family, there would be no need for wars, or jails, no one would need to steal, or fight for freedom, no one would need nuclear missiles, people would know that the only thing worth living for is life it self, that is true love, true peace, true freedom,

when you say... That is not the reality were living in, it is because many people with similar opinions to yours will not let that reality exist.
edit on 18-1-2012 by ImaFungi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:29 PM
Is it not a greater form of treason to let our nation's best and brightest die for the fortunes their people never see. Is it not a greater travesty of loyalty to allow these select few ruin the lives of parents, siblings, friends for the fortunes they accumulate by the blood of our patriots.

I say we are not enemies. I say our armed forces and those that opse war are in spirit the same. Besides the national and cultural heritage we share, we have an en ending promise to our descendants made by our ancestors. We shall fight tyranny. We shall oppose the suffering imposed by them.

A soldier wants war to end an much if not more than anyone. A tyrant wants to never lose the position he has at any cost. Especially that of his own people.

He will put the common man against himself. He will have brother against brother. He will have you call me anti American, and I to you war monger, while he laughs his twisted little head off. All the while feasting on the banquet paid for in my peoples blood, on the table of our nations legacy, wiping his mouth and ass with our flag and our law.

He has no loyalty to you or me. He is not American, as he and his people have traveled across this globe from one nation to the other like parasites throughout history. Leaving entire peoples without what is theirs as he leaves, and taking what is not his as he arrives. He will have you kill others like you so he and his kind can survive the endless waves of time. He will see countless men die for him. He will see you distrust me, and I resent you, all for his profit.

Help me, help you. Help your people. Do not become my enemy, do not make me your enemy. Together we lack nothing. Separated we want of everything.

You are my anti-anti- American. I am your patriot- patriotic
We are as one. Brothers. We are as one family.
Do not call us traitors.
call us

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by ImaFungi
reply to post by Aeons

... I believe that if all men and women had security and hope for their future, the ability to provide food and a home for their family, there would be no need for wars, or jails, no one would need to steal, or fight for freedom, no one would need nuclear missiles, people would know that the only thing worth living for is life it self, that is true love, true peace, true freedom,

This is true, when they do not exist.

It is for all man to know peace, it is for only some to take it from him.

They have always been here. We are before the times when they divide us not. We are deserving of a world where they make us kill no one. We are self aware, awake, alive. They cannot destroy us. Only we can.

Distrust is the sword of the enemy, his shield is our war with each other.

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