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Warmonger Thread

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by ker2010

Excellent points and, I agree, Israel is more than capable of taking care of this. They've proven themselves in the past.

Our own country is in a shambles, but yet our "leaders" feel the need to take on people who are "perceived" as being a threat. We have problems here in the U.S.that we're ignoring while being the worlds policemen. I'm not saying wait until something bad happens then act, by then it might be too late so being pre-emptive has its uses, but Iran has done nothing that would lead anyone to assume they will actually nuke the world into oblivion except talk about it. The same thing Russia used to do actually, and to a certain extent.....Cuba.

People seem to forget that all over Iran, there are mothers and fathers getting up at 2 in the morning to feed their babies. Their leaders included. Regardless of their ideologies, religous views or political stances......Iranians love their children just like we do. And in my opinion, there's no difference between somene in the Middle East strapping a bomb to their chest, walking out in public and detonating it and one of our own soldiers going overseas with all the modern weapons into the middle of a "war". There is a very good likelihood that you're going to get killed in either case. And why? What's the point in EITHER case?

Nobody in their right mind actually WANTS war. There are people who have learned that war is not the answer to getting in and living in a civilized society, and there are people who haven't.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

This is because you have no real life experience in the field and have relied on what you read and have been told to formulate your opinions.

Real life experience in what field? The "field" of war is it? Perhaps you could clarify this mysterious field you so ambiguously refer to so maybe I can join you in laughing at my uneducated ways.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Yes I would truly like to know if Iran had the same military might as the USA minus the nuclear warheads would the people pushing for war still pursue it? Would they pursue it if they knew most of their family members would see the conflict in there cities and probably be killed in it?

Ill say it again, its easy to call for war when you are a wolf and you are calling for war against rabbits. I just wanna know how many of these people would man up and wanna pre strike if Iran had the same capability as the USA minus the nuclear arsenal?

Would the slight maybe chance they would use a nuke be worth the definite chance of hundreds of thousands if not millions on both sides dying in that scenario?


edit on 18-1-2012 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Too bad, that with all this schooling, you're are having such a hard time getting an education.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Quote "You may feel that deconstructing and analyzing your opponents debating style has some sort of effect on any resolution of this debate, but reflecting on how another person makes an argument is not an argument."


I'm keeping an eye on you. And one of these days, if we ever disagree on anything, I'm taking you on. You know how boxers have sparring matches to keep themselves in peak condition? Mental sparring matches do the same thing. Keeps the mind sharp.

You're good.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by Rocky Black
reply to post by superman2012

IF yopu knew what really went on like Iranian soldiers shell US soldiers over the boarder.

Supplying SHites with IED's

The list goes on.

People have no idea what really goes on behind the lines because we are not told.

We are told what the want to believe nothing more.

I believe nothing they say and everything I see ..

And what I see is a war is imminent

So just like what the CIA does behind the scenes and your government doesnt tell you about !
the CIA has had its hand in more overseas coup's than any other country in the world.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by ker2010
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Yes I would truly like to know if Iran had the same military might as the USA minus the nuclear warheads would the people pushing for war still pursue it? Would they pursue it if they knew most of their family members would see the conflict in there cities and probably be killed in it?

edit on 18-1-2012 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

Probably not. You're right. Just like the bully on the playground. Only picks a fight with someone he knows will never put a real fight in return.

I haven't met a man yet, regardless of who is he or who he knows, who is willing to fight me because he knows there is a good that he won't win. He might, anything's possible I suppose, but he's going to be hurting pretty bad as well when the dust clears. That's guarenteed. And for all of the tough talk that people like that do....nobody WANTS to get hurt.

Apparently, our military leaders need to learn the hard way that you've got to bring a** to get a**. They also need to learn that talk is cheap and that anyone can and will say anything. What other people DO to US should be the only reason we go to war. Not what other people SAY in general to the world at large.

People need to remember one very important thing. War is like a street fight. There comes a time when both sides are going to realize that they can beat the snot out of each other, but when it's all said and done, the only thing that got accomplished is bragging rights for the winner. That's it. I have yet to see case where respect was earned by winning a fight excpet by the guy who everyone thought was going to lose. And that was obviously a defensive action.

War......a street doesn't matter. The aggressor will never have the respect of other people and will be looked down on by everyone when it's all said and done. Whether he wins or not. It happens every time.

Sorry war pigs ( Not you OP), it doesn't matter what the question is, peace is the answer.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:35 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by torqpoc
reply to post by OldCorp

No it didn't slip my mind at all OldCorp. What I did find slightly off though was you support the Palestinians right to live peacefully, but you also support Israel. Israel has been killing Palestinians and raping their land, so the two points are not exactly fitting with each other, are they? And yes I am fully aware that Palestinians have also killed Israelis, but I think you'll find that the offenders were, by far, the Israelis.

FYI it was the first time something in one of your videos just didn't seem "right".. which I guess is a compliment.

I support EVERYONE'S right to live in peace. I've seen way too much violence and brutality over the last near half-century and I've had enough. No matter by what name you call God, if you are a child of the universe awaiting the next vibration, or the evolutionary end product of a random convergence of amino acids in the primordial ooze, all human beings are brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, what eases my mind is the knowledge that there is One coming soon that will vanquish the wicked for all time. When He gets here, I don't want to stand before Him and say I didn't do what I could to promote brotherhood between His children, that I failed to stand up for the weak, or that I let an innocent suffer because I was afraid to speak.

Hope that clears everything up for you.

Dear OldCorp,
Well I appreciate the response, I must say. However I don't agree with some parts of it, but that's simply a question of opinions.

The clarification though, gets you a thumbs up from me.

As for the rest, I can only hope you're right.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by seabag

As long as they don't get nuclear weapons I'll be happy....but that makes me a warmonger to some

So far there has only been one country on the entire face of this third rock from a medium yellow star to have used Weapons of mass destruction, not once, but twice............America.

What goes around, comes around.

It is called karma.

I never use to believe in karma but now coming up on approaching my 59th year of life I have seen enough of life and death to realize that karma is very much alive.

We are in the Middle East for their oil...............pure and simple.

The American People are being once again manipulated by fear.

Yes the Middle East hates us now and is it any wonder?

How would you feel if foreign soldiers kicked in your door, shot your son, bombed your neighbor who you went golfing with for the last ten years or bombed the hell out of your town?

How would you feel?

Sit back and for just five minutes Good Search (not Google-Good Search will give a penny for every search to your favorite charity) victims of war.

Look at the graphic destruction of human life now numbering in the millions.

And all for what?

The oil.

911 - and I have researched this very extensively, was a false flag operation. It was committed by a fraction of the United States "shadow" government, ie: the people that are really running the show. This horrible act was to instigate fear and manipulate the American People into yet another war.

If humanity does not grow up and quick we are headed for a very destructive end.

We all must become aware of those who we have allowed to control and manipulate us and begin to elect leaders that are wise, compassionate and "good".

Far to long we as a whole and I am including every single person and nation reading this, been saddled with greedy, evil men ruling over us.

War, hate and violence is not the answer.

War, hate, violence and greed are humanity's death warrant.

Anyone in the Western World wonder why the Middle Easterners hate us?

Again ask yourself, how would you feel if you were invaded and your beautiful home bombed out, your job gone, people you know and love maimed or killed.

War is nothing but terrorism on a bigger budget.

And America is a militaristic bully.

We practice nuking other countries, torture and invading other countries under the guise of "being attacked" when in fact the greedy bankers, oil companies and other large corporations that now rule our country deem they want more.

And the common man is so distracted he/she does not see the manipulation.

"He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword."

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by maestromason
reply to post by seabag

To hell with what people think!

I am a true red-blooded American from the Land of the FREE & Home of the BRAVE!

WAR is necessary to oppress TYRANNY that would otherwise spread like wildfire around the world.
I have been a fighter all my life and WAR once declared by the US is justified. People around the world hate our country because they are jealous and envious of our supreme niche atop the world in The Eagle's Nest.

I love being in the Eagle's nest where safety, comfort and prosperity dwells.

I love my country and War has afforded me and my fellow countrymen the luxury of freedom.

I love WAR...The United States is master of everything we survey on Earth for a reason!



edit on 17-1-2012 by maestromason because: (no reason given)

WOW I dont think there are words in any langauge to describe you and your opinion ,or any that the t's n c's would allow !

One thing I'd like to highlight , you say war is necessary to oppose tyranny , then well you better start a war with your own tyrancial government !
Also with your inflated self esteem and enboldened ego , that tree is looking mighty weak and the branch holding your nest ready to snap ! Keep on with that attitude and I can assure you , that your fall from grace will be quite painful !

All that I can sum up from your post is that the america you are clearly having delusions about has granted you an incredible arrogance that which I havent seen in anyone ever !

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 06:39 AM
reply to post by seabag

Probably at the same time you get it through your head that my wanting to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of the mullahs does not mean I want war or don't like the people of Iran.

Im talking about you calling everyone anti america if they don't agree with you about iran. Im not anti america, im antil government.

Idolize? I just posted that I disapprove of congress and the potus. How did you glean that, professor?

LOL but you will never admit that iraq was a mistake. The invasion on Iraq was illegal and wrong, but you will never admit that

As far as Iraq, did you approve of Saddam who was responsible for the deaths of as many as 600,000 Iraqis? Why do so many Americans side with and feel sympathy for tyrants and despots?

Oh give me a break! Im sick of hearing this excuse
You really think that you invaded iraq for the good of the people lol. Have you seen the state of iraq lately????

If you donr it for the good of the people, why not do the same thing with other countries around the world in the same situation. Is it just a coincidence that it just so happens to be countries in the middle east?

Did you even read the link i posted a few pages back where an american weapons inspecter told your government that iran don't, and are not building a weapon? I guess he is lying and your government is right. Just like they were right about Iraq! lol lol lol

You will never get through to people like you
You carry on thinking that we are starting these wars in the middle east, and placing a puppet governmet, all for the good of the people lol

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by Truth4Thought

Yadda Yadda Blah Blah Blah

We bombed the snot out of Germany. Now, they are our allies, We bombed the crap out of Japan and dropped Two nukes on them and they are one of our strongest allies in the Pacific. We flattened North Vietnam and now we have a good relationship with them


We were involved with Operation Ajax and they cant get passed it.

Grow up...

WE won't be ally because we are taught by Islam and you can't defeat it.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by OldCorp

Originally posted by hmdphantom
reply to post by seabag

And what could we expect from a person who his avatar is an army man ?



No need for those kind of insults, this is a family board.

SeaBag is a MARINE, and from what I've seen a damn fine one too.

Semper Fi

This is a family board , but you were not my audience.

With respect.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom

WE won't be ally because we are taught by Islam and you can't defeat it.



That says it all. Really. Either be Islam or die. Either be Islam or not be an ally.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou so bloody much for finally being honest.

A first!

That right there folks is the reason why we can't become allies. Why we can't trust the middle east. Because of their religious ideology that does not allow them to think of us as equals even though we may practice a different worship.

What's the term I'm looking for?

Oh yeah.


posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:52 AM
There are people living in our age , living by the technology , using internet , but


And blood thirsty as Nazis.

I know what are Muslims getting today is the harvesting of what they have done yesterday .

And one day Superpowers people will be harvesting what they are planting today.

Beware of what you plant.

WE have learned from past and we won't plant oppression , none of Muslims will. But in future you will eat the fruit of the tree you have raised.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by hmdphantom

WE won't be ally because we are taught by Islam and you can't defeat it.



That says it all. Really. Either be Islam or die. Either be Islam or not be an ally.

Thankyouthankyouthankyou so bloody much for finally being honest.

A first!

That right there folks is the reason why we can't become allies. Why we can't trust the middle east. Because of their religious ideology that does not allow them to think of us as equals even though we may practice a different worship.

What's the term I'm looking for?

Oh yeah.


I think that you may get a wrong idea and I explain.

We won't be allies of the country which invades and kills millions of people by Nuclear bomb.

And Evil thinks everyone else is Evil , too.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by hmdphantom
First you say because of Islam.

Then you say because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Make up your mind, as to why you hate us.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by beezzer


Is that all you know ?

All the radius of your knowledge paints ?

Is ATS a place to feed and grow ignorants ?

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by hmdphantom
First you say because of Islam.

Then you say because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Make up your mind, as to why you hate us.

I can't count . Nobody can. Even you.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom
reply to post by beezzer


Is that all you know ?

All the radius of your knowledge paints ?

Is ATS a place to feed and grow ignorants ?

Scooter, you got busted. Just face it. It's alright, really. You hate us because of Islam. It's okay. We all knew it. Admitting you have a hatred is just the first step.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by hmdphantom

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by hmdphantom
First you say because of Islam.

Then you say because of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Make up your mind, as to why you hate us.

I can't count . Nobody can. Even you.

So there are countless reasons why you hate us?


Do tell.

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