I posted in another thread
The following in response to a video & reply to post by constant_thought
I agree I think this is a hoax/viral campaign, most of the videos shown here have in my opinion had the sound sequence's cut from the original kiev
video soundtrack, I listened to all of the short films in this video.
1, The track is the same as the last video no 10 except the sound track is shorter and listen for the baby's cry.
2, The sound has been altered and the pitch has been changed also more reverb and bass has been added as if someone is running this through a sound
mixer- kaos pad possibly.
3 Again sounds like the rest of the kiev video - why would workers look up at the sky looking for a sound coming from underground and why the voices
of kids in the middle of the forest with the same voices and sounds of cars going by as in the kiev video, again the sound changed as the bass had
been taken out of the sound track and the mid range had been turned down and more high end added.
4 Same sound track, again the sound has changed.
5 Fake - same sound.
6 Fake - sound has changed again.
7 Fake.
8 Fake same sound as kiev video but shorter sound sequence.
9 Fake same sound as kiev .
10 Kiev video, Listen all the way through and stitch all the other sound tracks together, does anyone have sony soundforge or a similair sound product
where the tracks can be analysed and the effects removed so the sound tracks can be returned to thier original composition and then stitched together
so they can be compared to the kiev sound track.
In my professional opinion someone is having a right old laugh with this and adding parts of the kiev track to random videos and then altering the
How do I explain a video where you can hear snow and frost crunching under someones feet in time with them walking?.
Easy - because that's what is happening and an extra track has been added on top to dramatise it, anyone who has worked with sound knows this is
easily done and you can mix in and add multiple tracks to create a layer of different sounds.
Source - Me and my Ears - Ex International DJ.
I dont think the original sound track is fake however I will question the source as I have heard this same sound coming from an underground sewer
system or similiar where a stream has been diverted through concrete pipes and I think the more water running underground against some kind of a metal
sluice gate grating against concerete is enough to cause the same level of vibration and then reverbration through yards or miles of concrete pipe, ie
the more it vibrates and the longer the system then the more reverbration the further it carries, and with a source for the sound to escape ie man
hole cover's then you will hear it in different locations close by.
Can someone analyse the audio please and strip out the filters so it matches the original track from kiev?.
Just putting it out there as someone is taking us all for a ride.
Just on a footnote, in the original kiev video there are lots of multi storey flats as there are behind my mothers house, presumably they have lift
shafts with metal lifts in them?.
Sound does carry quite a distance especially through hollow tubes, (sic).
The video is on page one, I have included a linky.
1/16/2012 -- 'Strange sounds' heard WORLDWIDE -- what is it?