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Idiots hunting Big Foot shooting in woods behind my house.

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posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by kdog1982
Hey,Destiny,you say they are from that big foot hunter show.

Is that the one with Bobo?
I heard they where trying to use a baboon to help find bigfoot.


I don't think it's the tv show who was up here...just idiots who watch it doing copy cat crap. Except real drunk while they were doing it.

They left out of the area about an hour ago, so I think they may have been some kids camping, drinking and playing BF hunter with their guns in tow. I'm just glad they're gone and hope they don't come back.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Doc Holiday
reply to post by Destinyone

I'm sorry ..I'm still laughing so thoughts of the many things I could/would do in your stuation...
blowup doll...wearinga fur coat on a string pully......system....omg lol
Just for starters.....and yes a giant slingshot "waterballoon style" chuck larger than "normal human" sized rocks their way....trying not to hit them of course....just omg LMFAO....can I come stay a few days?
edit on 15-1-2012 by Doc Holiday because: darn OCD and blank boxs

Make sure and GIVE them an experience......not sure I would not capitalize on it......cator sp? to them...
Shoot get an old jeep style 4x4 bumber jack and roll boulders dow the hill.......omg LMFAO still......
edit on 15-1-2012 by Doc Holiday because: OCD box

I know it would have been funny. But, they were o gun happy in shooting so much, I would be scared of getting shot.

I actually know this idiot....I do know the story made national news. He worked one season for me. And yes, he and his buddy were drunk when they shot this young trail hiker thinking she was a deer....

AT Hiker Shot
Georgia Trails

In November, 2002, a 16 year-old Cartersville girl was accidentally shot while hiking the Appalachian Trail in Union County, Georgia.

Rachel Ferguson is one lucky person. A bullet fired from the rifle of Matthew Bryant struck the 16 year-old girl in the chest, barely missing her heart. Her 21 year-old assailant had fired blindly at a moving object in the bushes, near Jarrard Gap. Ferguson had been camping in the area along with 15 other members of her group.

Ferguson, of Cartersville, Georgia, was struck in the right arm. The .243 caliber bullet, fired from a distance of 220 feet traveled through her body, missing her heart by half-an-inch, then lodging in her collar-bone. Ferguson was flown by helicopter to St. Joseph's Hospital in Atlanta, where she was admitted in serious but stable condition. She underwent emergency surgery to correct a punctured lung and remove the bullet.

Union County police charged the assailant, Matthew Bryant, of nearby Suches, Georgia, with misusing a firearm, a felony that carries a maximum 10 year sentence, if convicted. He is being held on $10,000 bail.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

What do you expect Destiny?

There's a Squatch out there!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

So glad there are gone.
Hopefully it will be more peaceful for you.

And,if you don't mind,I have got to throw this out there.

Now,follow me ,
Has anyone heard from Phage in the last couple of days?
Ever heard of Harry and the Hendersons?

I'm sorry,I couldn't resist.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:29 PM
This is appalling, and scary. Someone could get hurt.

Further, they're stomping around and scaring off animals that make that area their home. Sad.

As a disinfo tactic, you could drive to the nearest gas station and spread rumors that a whole family of Sasquatch was sighted several miles off in some location far off and away from you.
Do this at a few different locations that these yahoos might stop off at, and, well, people talk. The yahoos will catch the scent and follow the happy trail off in whatever direction you've led them.

Don't forget to mention Standing's $2million reward for a body.

Good locations to decoy these idiots over to would ideally have ease of access and convenience for law enforcement.

edit: oops, just caught that they're now gone. Good news! Hopefully all gets back to quiet and those people don't come back.

In the mean time, you could occupy yourself by making official-looking signs that say something along the lines of WARNING: this area is restricted access. DANGER: minefield. Military live-fire operation/training in progress, beyond this point. Loss of life hazard in effect.
... or, something like any of those. post the signs along access ways to that area and some might have a thought or two about maybe going somewhere else?
That is, of course, if they can read?

edit on 15-1-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:39 PM
Why call the police when you could call a park ranger....?

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:48 PM
What you should do is, in the day time place some random battery operated televisions, with deliverance playing on repeat!
Then put a blow horn on your vehicle and drive around at night saying "squeal like a piggy"
That may just work. IMO

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

I was outside rounding my goats back up, and did think of returning the call...then I remembered I was wearing a big fluffy black jacket with fur trim on the hood...decided not to yell back. Was actually afraid I might get shot.

oh PLEASE........put on something orange, THEN go out in your yard and give them that yell back....then run into your house and hide lolz........OMG just to freak em out and give them something to talk about for years Bwahaha!!!........if you could video tape this all for ATS it would be so awesome!!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by nineix

LOL...the military does do field training up's pretty rugged.

I like your idea of spreading the rumor of sightings elsewhere....the only problem being, it would mean more idiots with guns shooting at shadows in this whole area.

There are long time old stories of BF up here. The old Indian tales speak of them also.

I respect the Indian Spirits on this land, and should BF care to visit...I'll smile, and wave him on his way.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
Why call the police when you could call a park ranger....?

There is only one emergency number up here for all the departments. You have to walk the operator through the call to get to whom you need.

Remember where I live, you get directions like...*go past where the old bridge used to be, then go up blind dog road, and hang a left before the tree struck by lightning 5 years ago.* Really, I'm not kidding.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:10 PM
I've got a homemade catapult I'd love to find a home for.
My stepson got 3rd in school with it, shoots about 300+ feet.
would be cool to shoot some rocks their way, they would think bigfoot was attacking them.
you anywhere near cincinnati? i've got a truck, I'll bring it to you.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by horseplay
I've got a homemade catapult I'd love to find a home for.
My stepson got 3rd in school with it, shoots about 300+ feet.
would be cool to shoot some rocks their way, they would think bigfoot was attacking them.
you anywhere near cincinnati? i've got a truck, I'll bring it to you.

Blue Ridge Mountains...Chatahoochee National Forest is my backyard. Appalachian Trail can see from my front deck.

Sorry...Your offer sounds like a brilliant idea.... would be great for the Punkin Chukin contest....
edit on 15-1-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I'd certainly make the call to the police so the report is started anyway. They may do nothing right now, but if the idiots are caught doing something worse before they break up and go home then your report will help insure the next one is taken in the context it needs to be. Idiots with guns being a menace to everything in the world around them.

edit on 15-1-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

There are no houses behind mine...only National Forest. I don't know if you've ever lived in an extremely rural area, where hunting is a generational way of life....I'd be laughed off the mountain for calling the police about hearing gunshots.

It sounds good in principal, but it won't get you anywhere. If I called and said someone had been shot, then they'd show up here in about an hour. And the local fire and rescue, those not out hunting, would provide medical service until other help arrived.

I appreciate your location. As a trucker, I was around the border of national forests and very remote areas often enough..and these turkeys need to leave that area eventually. Maybe they don't stop their insanity when they leave and start to re-enter civilization off the mountain. I'd just think it would help the State or local Police if they nab these idiots on the road home being as dangerous as they are behind you......when they know the guys have spent the weekend being dangerous idiots.

Piling on never hurts when people may deserve it.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

They will never get him, but he might get one or two of them. Here in Washington State Bigfoot is nearly the State Bird.

My roommate used to work for the Forest Service and actually saw him one day on Snoqualmie Ridge. This was before the Ridge part was built.

Anyway, he was about fifteen feet away and saw something behind the bush. The thing stood up and just looked at him. My RM went home as nonchalantly as he could, Sasquatch followed him at a distance. The next day, when he went to work he asked the guys at the Forest Service. The response? "Oh yeah, they exist. We just don't talk about them."

At my house we follow the Big Foot story and have looked at the history. It seems some of the local Indian tribes have stories about women and children being carried off by him/her, as the case may be.

The dude/dudette is smart! I mean we have never caught one. I personally would be more concerned for the safety of the cretins with the guns than our big friend. Besides, with all that noise they are making our buddy is probably a long way off, or sitting safe watching and laughing. Yeah, I figure he can laugh and us Americans can be a pretty comical bunch when we get our "idiot" on.
edit on 15-1-2012 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Destinyone
I'm all for looking for Big Foot. But, there are a group of idiot Big Foot *hunters* creating a ruckus in the National Forest behind my home.

If you've seen the cable network show Finding Big Foot, you've seen the guys doing their big foot calls...a loud drawn out yell, ending in a high pitch. I live on top of a mountain that is known for Big Foot sightings, along the Appalachian Trail, surrounded by National Forests.

Yesterday, last night, and now today, there are a bunch of yahoos up here hunting for Big Foot. Between them giving *the yell* and their guns blasting afterwards, my dog and goats are stressed to no end.

Did I mention they are also yelling..."there's a Big Foot now,...shoot him"....

It wouldn't do any good to call the sheriff dept as they are over an hour away, and they'd laugh at me to boot.

I just wish, that tv shows like the one on tv, portrayed the serious researchers instead of the stereotypical drunk red neck blasting his way to fame with a Big Foot carcass....

Any suggestions ? I just hope they don't shoot any of my goats....

Go join them, it might be a fun adventure. Hunting mysterious creatures can be exhiliarating and an adrenaline rush since you don't know what youre up against. Thats probably why theyre doing it.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

They were drunk off their butts...yelling what they thought was the Bigfoot call, and shooting at every shadow they saw.

Not my idea of fun. Plus, if BF is up here, I have no longing to go mess with him/her. Live and let live.

I just hope they left this afternoon, and didn't just all pass out from all the hoopla from last night. Monday is a holiday...we'll see. I did take a lot of posters advice and called in a report of drunks playing with guns in a gun restricted National Forest.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:20 PM
If they are shooting then they wont catch it. You have to be in stealth mode to catch a Bigfoot in an area where they are reported to be.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Destinyone

I would find a recording of a "bigfoot call" online and everytime they do that call, id blast it back...

Just to get them going.......and then laugh at the aftermath

If they are drunk and shooting around, then just hope bigfoot gets ahold of them and culls the gene pool
edit on 15-1-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:30 PM
Cleary the idiots did not listen to ATS LIVE this past Saturday when we had a real Big Foot expert on.....

*tsk tsk*

and yeah, dont be wearing no coat w/ fur on it out there!
we dont need to hear about destinyone being mistaken for big foot!

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Cleary the idiots did not listen to ATS LIVE this past Saturday when we had a real Big Foot expert on.....

*tsk tsk*

and yeah, dont be wearing no coat w/ fur on it out there!
we dont need to hear about destinyone being mistaken for big foot!

When I was herding up my goats to take them from the side property, around to the front so they wouldn't get shot at, I almost did do the *yell* just to mess with them. I then did a double take and looked down at what I was wearing, and just shook my head no....bad idea.

Also just checked online, and found out that the second episode of "Finding Big Foot" for this season, was filmed only 14 miles from my house

That's where my unwanted visitors got the idea to begin with....dangitt....

ETA: As I stated, I'm all for finding out the true nature of BF. But the type of shows that get the air time, are not the ones I'd like to see. These past 2 days here, behind my home prove to me, shows that foster any fool with a gun, and a bottle of hootch to the mind set of "let's go find us a big foot" is wrong and dangerous.

Leave looking for BF to the experts of cryptozoology, and those with only cameras
edit on 15-1-2012 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

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