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David Wilcock: Defeating the greatest cover-up of all time

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posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by smallpeeps

Yeah. Nobody talking about the actual important stuff, like all the gold reserves looted/confiscated during WW2, the global collateral accounts etc etc.

But DW already did a great job in presenting all that information. So what can we really do besides quote large chunks of his articles?

Exactly, so pretty much all we can do is get folks to read the article, which seems to be exactly what they are trying to prevent, by continually trying to kill the messenger, which would be David Wilcock in this case!

That is, incidentally, exactly what the shills would do as well, according to the shills handbook.

Lets just admit it guys, this thread is shill infested, we gotta think LARGER!

edit on 12-2-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain

Originally posted by cupocoffee
reply to post by smallpeeps

Yeah. Nobody talking about the actual important stuff, like all the gold reserves looted/confiscated during WW2, the global collateral accounts etc etc.

But DW already did a great job in presenting all that information. So what can we really do besides quote large chunks of his articles?

Exactly, so pretty much all we can do is get folks to read the article, which seems to be exactly what they are trying to prevent, by continually trying to kill the messenger, which would be David Wilcock in this case!

That is, incidentally, exactly what the shills would do as well, according to the shills handbook.

Lets just admit it guys, this thread is shill infested, we gotta think LARGER!

edit on 12-2-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

There's at least one other thread I keep bouncing that has lots of data in it.

Let the Davey haters have their jerk circle I guess. They do enjoy it. Some people are stuck in high school I guess.

But frankly, I think the info is such a mound of corruption, that the shills just basically discredit themselves. The Davey hatin goes for about a minute but after that they're just completely ghey haters and beyond that, they're obfuscatory.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by smallpeeps

Yeah maybe we should lobby the ATS organizers to make a special youtube episode with indepth coverage on this subject. This needs to get out there (the shills pretty much confirm it, haven´t seen them this rabid in any other thread ever.)

edit on 12-2-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by GlobalControl
Most of your discrediting the article are disinfo SHILLS! I just wanted to state that for the record.

Those of you willing to READ the article will find some very new and GROUNDBREAKING evidence.

Do not be discouraged to read this article for it has VALUABLE information CRITICAL to the current situation.

He links to his sources just like in his book so don't believe all the fools who want you to stay ignorant of the TRUTH.


I warn you there is NO CENSORSHIP i repeat NO CENSORSHIP.

I Love You All

I like David,,,,,he would understand the quantumness of it all when I said " We are all disinfo shills and dont even realize it. Some are paid and strategic and others have no direct contact with an organized disinformation program.
Memes truly are self aware cultural viruses within the global conscious construct.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain
reply to post by smallpeeps

Yeah maybe we should lobby the ATS organizers to make a special youtube episode with indepth coverage on this subject. This needs to get out there (the shills pretty much confirm it, haven´t seen them this rabid in any other thread ever.)

edit on 12-2-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

Pfft, have you seen the videos they produce? Well, I haven't. But just from the descriptions its obvious they pander to the audience with the videos they are producing. It's always been their way, I am learning. But I appreciate the forums that do exist, whatever their warts.

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by GlobalControl


Actually, according to the Fraud David Wilcock, No... it does not.

Over a dozen times in the multiple pages of his article ("soon to be a book"
) WilFraud states in a CYA kind of way...

"IF this is true..."

Since Wilfraud has used that very disclaimer in dozens of his fraudicles - aliens are landing in a big hyooge mothership...I'm ascending in Y2K!...All The DUMB bases under the White House will be cleaned of aliens..."This is Ra..."etc etc etc etc etc etc etc -

Smart money is on that "IF" is an "AIN'T"
edit on 12-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician

Originally posted by GlobalControl


Actually, according to the Fraud David Wilcock, No... it does not.

Over a dozen times in the multiple pages of his article ("soon to be a book"
) WilFraud states in a CYA kind of way...

"IF this is true..."

Since Wilfraud has used that very disclaimer in dozens of his fraudicles - aliens are landing in a big hyooge mothership...I'm ascending in Y2K!...All The DUMB bases under the White House will be cleaned of aliens..."This is Ra..."etc etc etc etc etc etc etc -

Smart money is on that "IF" is an "AIN'T"
edit on 12-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

Wow, with that kind of logic, how do yo brush your teeth? And how do you drink your sodium flouride? diluted in water or pure?

edit on 12-2-2012 by NeoVain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 03:35 PM
Attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

David Wilfraud might add"...but you can fool all the fools all the time...just watch me!"

posted on Feb, 13 2012 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician
Attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

David Wilfraud might add"...but you can fool all the fools all the time...just watch me!"

Nice deflection. NOT.

Try again.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:48 PM
Folks that own and moderate forums are, typically, excellent sources for intelligent, responsible information. They can hardly afford not to be.

Springer on Wilcock

edit on 16-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician
Folks that own and moderate forums are, typically, excellent sources for intelligent, responsible information. They can hardly afford not to be.

Springer on Wilcock

edit on 16-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

nice to know you take stranger's opinions as fact.

the crux of what he said was that wilcock publishes material that has already been published before.

without this practice, then no information would ever disseminate. how else do you know that japan bombed pearl harbor? because someone relayed the information.

do some critical thinking for once, then maybe your "peers" will take you seriously.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 03:44 PM
Personally I am just sounding off hoping to have the light-brained rainbow chasing SewAgers re-think their deluded stance about a fraud who is nothing more than an articulate, arrogant, apocalyptic fool with way too many pickpocketed followers.

Yes, I know it's a lost cause but, hey, even the lost-minded should be shown the courtesy of being corrected before committed.

edit on 16-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 04:47 PM

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician
Personally I am just sounding off hoping to have the light-brained rainbow chasing SewAgers re-think their deluded stance about a fraud who is nothing more than an articulate, arrogant, apocalyptic fool with way too many pickpocketed followers.

Yes, I know it's a lost cause but, hey, even the lost-minded should be shown the courtesy of being corrected before committed.

edit on 16-2-2012 by TheExopolitician because: (no reason given)

You are a fool.

I will gladly debate "Springer" anytime, provided it's a nice long time to discuss the whole Keenan filing and also the Kuomintang army and their origins. Give me the 1-800 number and I'll be there. It costs nothing to set up a gotomeeting account and get goloboconference calls going. I know 100% for a fact no ATS admin will set up such a conference call and invite me and allow me to shred them and post it to youtoobe, but if they have the cajones, they need only stand up right here and reply. Or send me a U2U, which never happens, and won't happen.

So it's an ad hom comment there from Springer, as usually, not addressing the underlying data. He thereby mocks Davey Wilco, joining the laughing mob, and yes, it's a funny thing how Davey behaves, but it doesn't draw away from the issues being discussed at this time.

ATS has no interest in such history. Delude yourself if you wish, but delude the world at your peril. There is no desire in these forums do really do research it's all honey pot data gathering. The guilty know who they are, typically they aren't found in any useful threads.

Fact up: Only when the IP network was invented, was it time for humans, to figure out the great #ings of history. We are trying to do that now that we have the IP network, it should be easy, but there are beuarcratic twats and admins and shilly posters with no skills, whom we have to fight, to do that most important and right research. Guess what team you're on? HINT: Not the one pursuing truth.

posted on Feb, 16 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps

So it's an ad hom comment there from Springer, as usually, not addressing the underlying data. He thereby mocks Davey Wilco, joining the laughing mob, and yes, it's a funny thing how Davey behaves, but it doesn't draw away from the issues being discussed at this time.

I see. Perhaps you are looking to me to advise *SNIP* and this, as you request, I shall do.


Davey Wilco, when you eventually come to terms with being bullied during high school, jump that life hurdle, accept that you may die a horrid ugly virgin...stop to think about how you wasted away your life dribbled and contained in your bubble of spherical intergalactic time warping madness, reciting lectures of times gone past, stealing thoughts and ideas from other individuals writings and the worst part, plagiarizing 1980's and 1990's films, passing them off as his own work.

Davey, pal-o-mine, if you are reading this...just because the braces are now off doesn't mean we think any better of you in any way!


I feel better, I'm sure "Davey Wilco" does too!

Mod Edit: ALL MEMBERS: We expect civility and decorum within all topics - Please Review This Link.
edit on 2/16/2012 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by TheExopolitician
I feel better, I'm sure "Davey Wilco" does too!

Actually no Exo, nobody feels better, because silence from the top compounded with your profoundly narrow posts, means that it will take even more time, to figure out the great crimes of history.

You are worse than useless. Yes, we get it, you have an obsession with David Wilcock, but need you proclaim it with such vigor? Really, can you see how you look?

The straight up truth about these recent Wilcock/Fulford/Zagami/Keenan/Mayor McCheese revealings is this: The Chinese hardworkin fellows, who built the railroads in America (and lots of them blown up by dynamite) seemed to have trusted their gold, to someone representing the US, and we now have high resolution photos of the instruments in question. Also, we have the key point in the Keenan filing that "They were created with overt flaws that would be recognizable" and also that "The person submitting the instruments needed to have the right codeword, to avoid being prosecuted."

That is to say, that the so called "Dragon Family Financial Instruments" are crafted such that if anyone tries to use them, they get jailed.

Here are the question, you and your lack, are not asking:

1: Are the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalists) kinda like the German Nationalists, meaning, Nazi? Well I mean the German National Socialists would be "Nazis" but what do you call German Nationalists who are not socialists? Isn't it really all just thuggery of one kind or another? Yes, you must admit, it's all coersion, and brute force. However setting all that aside, the main question is: What is the shape and nature of this so called "Kuomintang", in relation to the Tong gangs of China and the Yakuza of Japan.

2: Looking at the globe as we do, we have China on the left, and Japan on the right. In between them, we have Korea, which is chopped right in half (dialected?) and divided between the two aforementioned powers, Chinese mainland tribes/gangs, and Japanese islander/peninsula tribes/gangs. Now then, compare Korea, with Germany, which was similarly split in two. QUESTION: In what ways, are the splitting of Korea and the splitting of Germany, the same? In what ways are they different?

3: Also, if "Kuomintang" is the Chinese Nationalist group, then how have they collaborated in the drug trade of burma/siam and that area? How is it that so much damn heroin flows out of that area? The true question is this: How can these Chinese generals claim any money, when their region of the planet is the drug-spewing hole of hell? Seriouisly, did you see that last Rambo movie? I swear it's the most brutally real war film of our day. It's flat out truth right to your forehead. All run by some seriously organized asians. Why don't they fight this, rather than harrassing the US in court? That's the real question.

Well anyway Exopol, these are questions and waypoints that you are incapable of suggesting or discussing. You instead of discussing history, are arguing ad hom, trying to say that if a man tells 99 lies, that his 100th statement will therefore necessarily will be also false. Logically you fail, because for example in the story, "The boy who cried wolf", yes, the little dude is lying when he cries wolf. Yes, the moral of the story is that we shouldn't lie. Yes but also the story goes like this: Eventually a wolf did come and ate everyone. And when you think about the "Exomeaning" of this tale, the real lesson is that the students should not have been listening to their teacher. In spite of the lying little boy's ways, they should have been preparing for a wolf to come, at some time. Do you see what I mean? The ExoTruth of that story, is that sitting in place and listening to a teacher, gets you eaten by wolves, liars or not. So you're focused on some IP persona, and yet you do not bother to even admit that there are wolves due.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 12:15 PM
People so desperately look for answers in others. Give a guy, an articulate guy in this instance, a public podium and watch him run with it.

To the bank.

Observing the bizarre story of David Wilcock unfold, responsible, intelligent people with unobscured views of reality ask "what is the matter with modern Wilcock worhippers"? Their behavior is reminiscent to the primordial when man had an excuse and knew no better and bowed to thunder or a white calf.

At least neither of them were unequivocal frauds.

But..........I guess not everyone evolves at the same clip, or evolves at all for that matter, and that's what makes the world go round. The poor of mind [need] the airy-faerie to adore and throw their wallets.

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by TheExopolitician

And what is your comment on this then?

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:38 PM
My heart wants to say, "I am so happy! Nya-nya-nya-nya-nya-nya! Whoop Whoop!"

But then my mind kicks in and says, "Nice find OP!"

posted on Feb, 17 2012 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by NeoVain

And what is your comment on this then?

Keep up. I can't constantly be reminding you of what I posted less than 12 hours ago.

Wilcock Offers No Truth By His Own Words

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