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"Racism" is 100% natural, and is not evil. Homogenization is.

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posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by kimish

Originally posted by antonia

ATS racists are so damn annoying. You are all freaking hypocrites. Most of you would never say this crap in public because you know how socially unacceptable it is so you come on here to rattle cages. You never dare say what you really think we should do about racial issues. You'll never say "deport all black people" or anything shocking even if you are thinking it. Just show your true colors and get it over with.

If a white, hispanic or Asian were to say that to a black they would be jumped. Real life experiences tell me this and I have seen it first hand (not for a deportation comment but for something trivial) and if a black were to say that to a person of another race the other person most likely would walk away again real life experiences confirm this. It's the nature of the beast and it is ugly. That is why people come onto boards/threads like this, to voice their opinions and views because there is a greater chance that the person voicing his/her views/opinions will actually be alive the next day where if it were to happen face to face there would almost inevitably be some form of violence.
edit on 13-1-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

They would get jumped? You seem to be stereotyping you arse off. It's fine and dandy, all black people jump other races. That is just what we do. All of us. Your comments are so bigoted you have no point.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by kimish

Human capital flight, more commonly referred to as "brain drain", is the large-scale emigration of a large group of individuals with technical skills or knowledge. The reasons usually include two aspects which respectively come from countries and individuals. In terms of countries, the reasons may be social environment (in source countries: lack of opportunities, political instability, economic depression, health risks, etc.; in host countries: rich opportunities, political stability and freedom, developed economy, better living conditions, etc.). In terms of individual reasons, there are family influence (overseas relatives), and personal preference: preference for exploring, ambition for an improved career, etc.


It has been going on for quite some my question(s) would be: when were those IQ measurements taken? Besides that, what source do you have, but more importantly what argument do you have, that explains the differences and backs up your statement?

That wiki page is goes on to say:

The term brain drain was coined by the Royal Society to describe the emigration of "scientists and technologists" to North America from post-war Europe.[2] Another source indicates that this term was first used in the United Kingdom to describe the influx of Indian scientist and engineers.


Brain drain is common amongst developing nations, such as the former colonies of Africa,[4] the island nations of the Caribbean,[5] and particularly in centralized economies such as former East Germany and the Soviet Union, where marketable skills were not financially rewarded.

I believe the route of genetics. I believe that being poor is an excuse used to cater to poor "minorities" because in certain neighborhoods with different racial makeups, kids going to the same schools, parent(s) with same income +/- 1k dollars and asians will preform better than whites, whites will preform better than blacks.

I have family and friends that are teachers in the inner city and they can confirm that. If it's not "income" or habitat or surroundings it has to be genetics.

These are some I found on a whim. There are many better examples out there. No offense but I never did anybodies homework while I was in school and I sure as heck won't do anybodies homework as a grown adult. T
edit on 13-1-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by kimish

How about some people just keep their mouths shut and not vent racist BS over the internet or in the real world? And I know if a black man calls me a white boy I'll call him a black boy straight back, there's nothing racist about stating what colour and gender we both are if people want to try and be clever, and if you're too scared to confront a racist black person then that's your problem.

And I hate that childish "blacks can say what they want about whites but we can't be racist back" rubbish. Firstly, why in gods name would you want to be racist back? If I was called a "honky" I would never in my life feel the need to return the insult with "'n-word'", racism is vile, why contribute to it because it's been brought upon you? This makes you as bad as the racist black man that called you a honky in the first place.

Secondly, if someone tries to be racist to you because you're white, it only becomes "okay" for the other person to do so if you let them get away with it! Say something, because racism is appalling no matter which side of any spectrum it comes from.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Taupin Desciple

I am white, proud of it and always will be.My partner however, is black. She is the love of my life, we have a daughter together who is mixed race. She is neither black nor white.

I'm glad it's working out for you. I went down that road a long time ago and have nothing but bad memories to show for it. I have to stay objective though and realize that I did what I did for selfish reasons, and that my experience isn't typical. It hasn't burned me from black people, but it's given me a perspective that's, shall we say, unique.

For myself personally, I'll never go down that road again. Bad memories aren't something I can let go of. I can learn from my mistakes, but there's always going to be a stigma attached that is going to influence my current decisions. It doesn't make me a rascist, It simply makes me a man that bases his decisions on what he has learned from the past. And if people don't understand that, they need to focus their attention elsewhere and quit paying attention to me.

Again, I'm glad for you and yours.

Best wishes.

When I was little, I grew up I came up in a very white school system, in fact I think there were just 3 black people in my school. We got called the n word, and I was personally asked how come my lips were so big over and over. I guess by your logic, I should just assume that for all white people? Well I don't I use judgement, and understand that people are people. I am sick of the labels, so all black girls are the same then? It's sad you can't see.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by kimish

If a white, hispanic or Asian were to say that to a black they would be jumped. Real life experiences tell me this and I have seen it first hand (not for a deportation comment but for something trivial) and if a black were to say that to a person of another race the other person most likely would walk away again real life experiences confirm this.

This is one of the most racist things I've seen posted on this thread, and that's saying A Lot.
edit on 13-1-2012 by Oneiros247 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by greysave

Originally posted by kimish

Originally posted by antonia

ATS racists are so damn annoying. You are all freaking hypocrites. Most of you would never say this crap in public because you know how socially unacceptable it is so you come on here to rattle cages. You never dare say what you really think we should do about racial issues. You'll never say "deport all black people" or anything shocking even if you are thinking it. Just show your true colors and get it over with.

If a white, hispanic or Asian were to say that to a black they would be jumped. Real life experiences tell me this and I have seen it first hand (not for a deportation comment but for something trivial) and if a black were to say that to a person of another race the other person most likely would walk away again real life experiences confirm this. It's the nature of the beast and it is ugly. That is why people come onto boards/threads like this, to voice their opinions and views because there is a greater chance that the person voicing his/her views/opinions will actually be alive the next day where if it were to happen face to face there would almost inevitably be some form of violence.
edit on 13-1-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

They would get jumped? You seem to be stereotyping you arse off. It's fine and dandy, all black people jump other races. That is just what we do. All of us. Your comments are so bigoted you have no point.

This is ironic, because I have been jumped by white guys before at school. I guess it's just us. It was cool of them though to jump me and call me the n word. Stereotype them

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by kimish

Really? Are you sure that's your final answer?


I was just laughing at the fact that the wiki article you posted has a link in it to Scientific racism.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:12 PM
Actually, it's not that it is natural or unnatural. This really shouldn't even be a topic, as it is political and hate based with a touch of "holier than thou".....period. People are people and that is the way it should be approached. Except for hippies, there should e heavy bias against hippies because they stink and don't like to work for a living. What smells and lives like a dog, should be treated as such. Just sayin'.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Oneiros247

Originally posted by kimish

If a white, hispanic or Asian were to say that to a black they would be jumped. Real life experiences tell me this and I have seen it first hand (not for a deportation comment but for something trivial) and if a black were to say that to a person of another race the other person most likely would walk away again real life experiences confirm this.

This is one of the most racist things I've seen posted on this thread, and that's saying A Lot.

How are my real life experiences racist? Where did I state that 1 race was superior over another? Please enlighten me. I merely stated what I have witnessed with my own two eyes, real life experiences. Btw, both questions I asked were not rhetorical (that means I would like an answer). Thank you.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by kimish

Please, white people will fight over racial remarks too. I live in the south and see it all the time. heck, one poor man got beat damn near to death for looking a a group of white men the wrong way. You are just stereotyping people and I can say nothing else without breaking some rules. I have more respect for the KKK than ATS racists. At least the grand wizards live their lives in the open rather than being nice to your face and stabbing you behind your back.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Phenomium

Calm down Cartman.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by InfoKartel

Wow, I didn't catch the scientific racism. Like I said, I just pulled some up on a whim. Thanks for your response though

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:16 PM
Racism is natural. Its natural to think differently and even sometimes negatively, toward something that outside of your own sphere of comfort.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by antonia
reply to post by kimish

Please, white people will fight over racial remarks too. I live in the south and see it all the time. heck, one poor man got beat damn near to death for looking a a group of white men the wrong way. You are just stereotyping people and I can say nothing else without breaking some rules. I have more respect for the KKK than ATS racists. At least the grand wizards live their lives in the open rather than being nice to your face and stabbing you behind your back.

Things are different down south than up here in the north. My friend just moved up from South Carolina, he said he couldn't believe how racist the whites were down there. He said "whats up?" to a black guy and he said that he shocked the sh!t out of him because blacks weren't used to a white being courteous.

Where I live, whites are typically submissive to blacks because of the fact that black on white crime is disgustingly unproportionate.

The fact of the matter is that a black can be racist towards a white with little to no consequence, reverse the roles and it gets ugly, in my neck of the woods anyways.

There was a man in Houston Texas years ago that got away with manslaughter because of his defense. His defense was that blacks were statistically more violent and aggressive in nature and he acted in self defense. The kicker is that the man accused was black himself.

edit on 13-1-2012 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by kimish

Have you ever seen things like fully grown white males screeching "'n-word's!" at young black girls as they walked defencelessly to school with their heads down? Or the kind of subhuman scum bags that stabbed a young bright university student like Stephen Lawrence to death purely based on his skin colour, and then went on to laugh about it?

It very much works both ways, and just because you feel your experiences are the be all and end all, they're definitely not.

I'm white btw, and I cannot stand racism from any corner and don't think we should allow any racism to slide, the colour of the racists skin should be irrelevant, we should treat all racists the same way - knock them down.
edit on 13-1-2012 by Scope and a Beam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:30 PM

what most of Western society has now deemed "racist", is really just an extended instinct of self-preservation. Does not the self-preservation instinct extend beyond the proper functioning of ones own physical body into more abstract things like culture and society, making it only natural for a people to want to maintain their unique cultural identity as an extension of themselves?

from the OP is mind boggling. What a ridiculous sentiment, to presume that mixing races is essentially weakening your culture and race. Almost every culture on earth is a mix bag of others in some form or another.

And the irony is that mixed race people are more resilient to disease and illness than any other "pure" race is, so this "self-preservation" could technically see you killed off one day. Not that I'm saying all races should mix and have babies, but come on, what a stupid idea: "Breed within your own race to self preserve it", I mean Jesus Christ, mixing (and I don't mean mating) can do nothing but enrich a culture in my opinion.

I'd rather my offspring were cultured, knowing of other races and their habits and history, wiser by their tales, and also sharing their own, than some dunderheads who cross the street when they see a black man with dreadlocks and know only about fish and chips.

edit on 13-1-2012 by Scope and a Beam because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:31 PM
This thread is now officially hilarious!

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Scope and a Beam

Almost every culture on earth is a mix bag of others in some form or another.

If anybody knows history and has study the migrations of cultures since the dawn of time should know that other cultures mixed/were influenced by other cultures continuously. Sometimes it was by the way of conquering, and sometimes it was by the way of "# just happens".

Also, cultures change over time. Granted, such change will be resisted, but the change happens anyway.

Sometimes, cultures die over time too. It can be a shame and great loss, but, it happens.

I'm surely not sweating over the fall of Rome.....

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:42 PM
Sorry for commenting so late in the thread, but the OP brings to mind ethnocentricity, I think, moreso than racism which is not a good word.

It's okay to have pride in who you are, as long as you do not judge others for being who you are not.
My take on it anyway.

posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 08:45 PM
Can't live and let live.
The black folks I know only want Obuma because he is 1/2 black...not 1/2 white . They're racist/ bigots and have no idea what or who they are.. Answer stupid! They do not look at the vote has regular folks cause they are consumed with their black BS back ground. I can't blame them I think they have had a bad rap ever sence they became citizens, have all the right.. ..but , time to turn on the mind,,,I know I just lost most of you...but think about the BIG PICTURE... AMERICA... RON PAUL... good for all!!! not black or white...just.. give it a thought
AMERICA...not African American...Just American...Just Americans!!!!!!!!! Think!!!!!

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