I started posting about it in Oct 2010 when it seemed to be getting recorded for the first time. People were starting to come together on ATS asking
questions. Here are some of the original first threads about this sound
Strange Mechanical Sounds in The Clouds
Strange Pulse Noises in Florida
Strange Loud Metal Sounding almost like Gears changing in the sky
Every time I see a new post I listen to it and it makes my bones feel like they want to crack. The sound makes every hair on my body stand upright.
It makes me feel ill.
Now I will proceed to tell you my story.
This is no hoax, no joke. I have dr's visits to prove how it effected me.
Oct 19th 2010 around 1pm I heard a sound outside. My windows were vibrating and my dog was starring at the front door. I thought maybe it was a fire
copter loading up water from a tower in the canyon next to us. Well the vibrations and sounds didn't stop. I had all my double paned windows closed
so it sounded muffled. Seeing as how it didn't stop for 15 min or longer and my dog was very interested I opened the front door. My attention was
immediately drawn to the sky above me. No clouds, open blue at the time. Surprisingly I took a 360 view around and there was no aircraft. The sound
in the sky was terrible. Scrreeeeching, grinding, pulsing, clashing metal! It went on for a very long time, perhaps over an hour. I had to go back
in because it made me feel ill. My entire head felt like someone flipped a switch and "turned it on" I was on vibrate now! My head was vibrating,
spinning as if I had instant vertigo. I became sick to my stomach and plopped on the couch for 2 hours until I had to pick up my son from school. In
the following days I became even more ill. Episodes like that were coming and going daily by the minute and hour. Ok one minute, the next sick. I
wasn't able to tolerate any household electrical noise. I had to unplug the water cooler and the computers. If I heard a strange electrical sound
like the microwave it would just set me off like a bomb. All sounds became magnified even my sons voice was intolerable at some points. Going to a
noisy restaurant was a death wish.
By the beginning of November I headed to the Dr's office. I told him about me episodes minus how they started with the sounds in the sky because he
would never believe me and probably have my evaluated by a psyche dr. He tested my ears, eye, pressure and other things and he couldn't find anything
wrong with me. He found a strange murmur in my heart that he ended up sending to a cardiologist for later. Apparently I have a petite hole in my
heart that I was born with but............it never started to act up until that day. I started getting weird pains,stretching and fluttering.
Eventually he diagnosed me with having "auditory" migraines and gave me imitrex........ well it didn't work and I'm pretty sure he was wrong. I've
had regular migraines my entire life but this was not like a migraine at all. It took months of going in and out of these phases of being ok then
being ill.
I heard the sound again but for very brief time five days after the first sound. At this point my dog went completely crazy and let out a sound that
made me think she was having a heart attack. A truly blood curdling sound. My dog can't even bark so I can tell it was hurting her head.
Now I will talk about my theories on what they are. Many people have started calling them "The Trumpets of God" I think they are on to something.
1. A type of military experimentation with VLF or ELF frequencies for modification of weather or atmosphere or even possibly humans!
2. The earth is beginning it's magnetic pole shift.
3. (This is what I HOPE it is) The earth is in transition to the next dimension. It's evolving and changing. Some can hear this, some cannot. Those
who can hear it have been "awaken" those who cannot are still "sleeping" Eventually it will come down to who hears it and who doesn't that make the
next shift in humanity. If you can hear it you will transition to the next level with the earth. These sounds are speeding up and more and more
people are starting to hear them. Is Earth is preparing her children for the transition to come?
edit on 23-1-2012 by favouriteslave because: (no reason given)