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9/11: A Boeing 757 Struck the Pentagon

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posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 10:04 AM
When I provided the links with some photos of "a winged missile" debris, SNOOPY'S reaction to this was tipical: SILENCE. CONGRATULATIONS, SNOOPY!
NO IDEA? ASK ME. now and then Im gonna post some links of "the plane" which hit the pentagon. TODAY I'M PASTING: YOU are to decide. Of course, even SNOOPY can refer to them to see that there are "a missile" debris. Hmm, the truth can cause pain, sumtimz ;] I knnow, but what relief then !!

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999 You ASSUME a proper investigation was not done.
So you can show me reports of an investigation and where the parts were taken for reconstruction, even though the NTSB is not going to show any reports to the public due to the FBI being in control of the investigation. NTSB reports showing that they will not release informtion to the public :
well, well.. who could know...? thx for the links

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 11:33 AM

I invite all the rest of the members [SNOOPY FAILED TO COMMENT] to visit
Already did check out that website....its a load of crappola

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas I invite all the rest of the members [SNOOPY FAILED TO COMMENT] to visit zorgon? Can I ask you to write ath about te website? Any comments?
LOL... You ought to know that people who have their mind made up will NEVER EVER answer a direct question if there is any chance it goes against their opinion. So why waste time trying? As to comments about the 911 stuff.... sigh okay I can toss a few at you... just because you seem like a decent sort, despite your pounding of SNOOPY
WTC... There is no better way to sum it up than to watch the new video posted here ar ATS VIDEO It is full of eye witness accounts of people that were IN the building trying to get out and heard the explosions long after the plane hit. These people were THERE running for their lives... I think I for one will take to heart their comments... A close friend of mine is a Fema Rescuer who was there at the CIA meetings... he has stories... one that I can relate is the fact so many rescuers were lost in the tragedy was the communication... a fact that DID come out in the evening news Flight 93... I know a mechanic who services the "White Planes" that have the job of taking out airliners in case of such an incident... You know,,, those planes that were told to stand down originally? Pentagon... There is only one thing that you really need to study in that case... whether airplane or missle... The FIREBALL... Why? just look at other examples unrelated to 911... An airplane fuel explosion is yellow orange... Watch some other missle demos... RED fireballs... Thats it for my comments... any more info and I would have to shoot you...
[edit on 14-10-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999 You ASSUME a proper investigation was not done.
So you can show me reports of an investigation and where the parts were taken for reconstruction, even though the NTSB is not going to show any reports to the public due to the FBI being in control of the investigation. NTSB reports showing that they will not release informtion to the public :
well, well.. who could know...? thx for the links
Sure, let me know if you need anything else.

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas

Originally posted by snoopy

Originally posted by mcfunthomas as I see, SNOOPY has given up with exchanging arguments with me. He couldn't have reached my level, I suppose. So, as I said, I'm just leaving this rather thread. No more info exchange may I get here. Thx those who surprised me with the supported links, as it has given me the opportunity to browse the NET to find far better info you seem not to pay attention to.
Yea a real mature post there. If you will note I have the last responses in this thread. If you have a question for me, then please post it. Otherwise go to a self ego inflating forum for your vanity issues. Don't let the door hit you on the way out and may your dilusions be grand.
well, well, well. It seems I hooked a snoopy-fish. ANOTHER BLA BLA BLA from the part of SNOOPY. It's all he/she can do..? miserable... Only when felt secure SNOOPY responded to my post.
HILARIOUS I encourage others to value his/her stupid attitude towards me. I know it's easier to slam sb face, than focus on sb's statements, ocular proof and so on. I changed my mind. It's better to ignore those who ignore me. As SNOOPY, though stating he does read my posts, he is still ignoring my questions and my posts, refering only to what isn't essential here - like my links. I won't pay attention to his unwise and low-level comments any more. Waste of time. So, SNOOPY, stop us asking you questions until you have answered those already asked, OK ?
[TIP: pp.191-2] If you want me to ask you Q's, you must deal with what is already in front of you. But I doubt you do it. You doesn't seem to be don't make me laugh, please. Maybe he should start with fulfiling his/her word he/she has given me. Cant he/she remember? I should have assumed it....well waste of time, you all see. All Im gonna do is to expose SNOOPY lack of competence...from time to time of course, because he/she produces too much ribbish here. ONCE AGAIN the saying is true: It is unable for stupidity to leave its owner [paraphrase] I invite all the rest of the members [SNOOPY FAILED TO COMMENT] to visit ULTIMA1? Swampfox46_1999? jab712? Majic? zorgon? intrepid? Terral? Can I ask you to write ath about te website? Any comments? last thing: I see that ANOK and others left the thread, as far as for now. Maybe they couldn't stand sb's stupid attitude any more, you know who I mean, don't you? ANOK - ONE OF FEW I PAY ATTENTION TO.
That's it? You wenbt on this long childish immature self ego boosting rant over a link that suggests that the government doctored photos? Do you realize how much text you just wasted trying to inflate your own ego? One again 100% pure conjecture with no proof. And what you forget is that most of the photos were not taken by the government, they are from bystanders and news agencies. Thus making it impossible for them to have been doctored. Not to mention that 1000s of witnesses who you continually ignore were there to see it.

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas oh, SNOOPY... Can't you see that planes like 757 can't fly so low with the speed you state??!! of course you won't refer to this, cause you will have to admit I'm right. To all the other members - info about it may be found in physics books about that issue. Cant find ? let me know! I'll help you with it? BUT ONE THING SNOOPY wrote is right: Is seems for those like him that PENTAGON is completely different. There many miracules happend...according to the official story.
Not true at all. You are not right at all. Not only is it possible, but 100s of witnesses testified to it, and 1000s of people were there to see it. yet you never care to explain that. The only miracles happening are in this missle theory. Like your magic missle that looks like a commercial jet liner, does zig zags to hit light poles, hits a generator, does a 90 degree turn, then a 180 degree turn, hits a vent shaft, then does another 180 degree turn, and then another 90 degree turn, then hits the building. Then continues out the far side of the building while leaving many support beams blocking the path completely intact. All the while never actually blowing up except for on impact, and uet still continually going through. And that missle has a 40ft tail that flew over the top of the building. Yeah you wannt talk about miracles?

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas When I provided the links with some photos of "a winged missile" debris, SNOOPY'S reaction to this was tipical: SILENCE. CONGRATULATIONS, SNOOPY!
NO IDEA? ASK ME. now and then Im gonna post some links of "the plane" which hit the pentagon. TODAY I'M PASTING: YOU are to decide. Of course, even SNOOPY can refer to them to see that there are "a missile" debris. Hmm, the truth can cause pain, sumtimz ;] I knnow, but what relief then !!
You are turning this thread into a complete joke. Those parts you call missle debre are not from that same missle at all. Are you kidding us?? Wrong engine, wrong langing gear. And somehow flight 77 flew by without being noticed by anyone? What truth???? Go back to inflating your little ego and come back with actual truth and not this nonesense.

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:20 PM
*looks into thread* Nice request Hmm, can we provide posts without the attitude guys?

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by snoopy You are not right at all. Not only is it possible, but 100s of witnesses testified to it, and 1000s of people were there to see it.
Here we go again with your thousands of people. Where are these thousands of people? There are 110 known witnesses to the pentagoon incident. So even if there were thousands who saw it, it makes no difference if we don't have their testimony. Your exaggerations impress nobody, and certainly won't change any bodies mind. Why is it you official story pedlars seem to only be able to rant and keep yelling the same thing over and over? Are you hoping something will stick? You seem to spend an awfull lot of your time to tell us we're all wrong, what's the point? You should ask for a pay raise...
Have you actually looked critically at the list of witnesses? I don't expect you to even look at that but hopefully the more enlightened ppl on this board will or already have.

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999

I invite all the rest of the members [SNOOPY FAILED TO COMMENT] to visit
Already did check out that website....its a load of crappola
that's all? Can't you support your justification? to be clear: I didn't want to say that government was responsible for doctoring those photos but there was/were sb/people who did it. That's all. If such photos exist, it shows that the gov might do so too.

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 07:20 PM
ZORGON: You ought to know that people who have their mind made up will NEVER EVER answer a direct question if there is any chance it goes against their opinion. So why waste time trying? ME: you're right. ZORGON: As to comments about the 911 stuff.... sigh okay I can toss a few at you... just because you seem like a decent sort, despite your pounding of SNOOPY
ME: THX. about SNOOPY: I think you can see SNOOPY'S pounding of me. Im an amateur in comparision with him, heh
ZORGON: WTC... There is no better way to sum it up than to watch the new video posted here ar ATS VIDEO ME: HEH, I've already seen it. One of those which I like. I have downloaded many other videos. all in all I've got over 7GB of videos about 911. Mostly in English. ZORGON: It is full of eye witness accounts of people that were IN the building trying to get out and heard the explosions long after the plane hit. These people were THERE running for their lives... I think I for one will take to heart their comments... Me: I agree ZORGON: A close friend of mine is a Fema Rescuer who was there at the CIA meetings... he has stories... one that I can relate is the fact so many rescuers were lost in the tragedy was the communication... a fact that DID come out in the evening news Me: I bet sb was delighted seeing n knowing that. But it's true, it was a terrible lost of lives. R.I.P. ['] ['] ['] ZORGON: Flight 93... I know a mechanic who services the "White Planes" that have the job of taking out airliners in case of such an incident... You know,,, those planes that were told to stand down originally? ME: I still haven't read much about it, I must admit so it's the very next thing for me to consider and read about. ZORGON: Pentagon... There is only one thing that you really need to study in that case... whether airplane or missle... The FIREBALL... Why? just look at other examples unrelated to 911... An airplane fuel explosion is yellow orange... Watch some other missle demos... RED fireballs... ME: I'm already familiar with that issue cause I read sth about that some time ago. thx for the confirmation. ZORGON: Thats it for my comments... any more info and I would have to shoot you... ME: can you chuck any links about "White Planes" that have the job of taking out airliners....?

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Well done... The Moto here is : DENY IGNORANCE, but as a kid my dad always told me to not speak with idiots,because the other will think you are an idiot too (think about it that way: every conversation is between two or more people,and its level is the level of the th least intelligent member) or as the quote say: "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience." So its always a pleasure to see someone trying to defend the truth (or at least the reallity based on facts and logic,not half-facts or wicked logic)...You have my vote

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by snoopy

Originally posted by mcfunthomas When I provided the links with some photos of "a winged missile" debris, SNOOPY'S reaction to this was tipical: SILENCE. CONGRATULATIONS, SNOOPY!
NO IDEA? ASK ME. now and then Im gonna post some links of "the plane" which hit the pentagon. TODAY I'M PASTING: YOU are to decide. Of course, even SNOOPY can refer to them to see that there are "a missile" debris. Hmm, the truth can cause pain, sumtimz ;] I knnow, but what relief then !!
You are turning this thread into a complete joke. Those parts you call missle debre are not from that same missle at all. Are you kidding us?? Wrong engine, wrong langing gear. And somehow flight 77 flew by without being noticed by anyone? What truth???? Go back to inflating your little ego and come back with actual truth and not this nonesense.
If you don't like my links, chuck us yours! can't wait
If I am turning this thread into a complete joke, prove it! when?! how?! What can YOU say about those debris? Were they there IN SITE or not? Are they from F77 or not? If so, YOU must be joking, NOT ME. If not, you are asked to support your point of view...if you manage
I only need you to know that all the photos WITH DEBRIS, which are available ON THE INTERNET support NO-F77 point of view. GAME OVER
It is you who assumes that it was F77...despite many contradicting witnesses. You can't assume sth you are to prove? do you agree? the end of yo reply is just a crap-attack on me. NOT GOOD. Got on nerves? Is it when sb can't prove their theory correct? when can't advance arguments for or against? Let me make it clear: I don't tolerate the attitude such as: 'Go back to inflating your little ego and come back with actual truth and not this nonesense.' If I did the same previously, sorry. I won't do it again. ;/ let's stop using sarcastic imperative mode

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by snoopy

Originally posted by mcfunthomas oh, SNOOPY... Can't you see that planes like 757 can't fly so low with the speed you state??!! of course you won't refer to this, cause you will have to admit I'm right. To all the other members - info about it may be found in physics books about that issue. Cant find ? let me know! I'll help you with it? BUT ONE THING SNOOPY wrote is right: Is seems for those like him that PENTAGON is completely different. There many miracules happend...according to the official story.
Not true at all. You are not right at all. Not only is it possible, but 100s of witnesses testified to it, and 1000s of people were there to see it. yet you never care to explain that. The only miracles happening are in this missle theory. Like your magic missle that looks like a commercial jet liner, does zig zags to hit light poles, hits a generator, does a 90 degree turn, then a 180 degree turn, hits a vent shaft, then does another 180 degree turn, and then another 90 degree turn, then hits the building. Then continues out the far side of the building while leaving many support beams blocking the path completely intact. All the while never actually blowing up except for on impact, and uet still continually going through. And that missle has a 40ft tail that flew over the top of the building. Yeah you wannt talk about miracles?
WHERE ARE THOSE 100s OF WITNESSES?? have you talked to them personally? or just read on the net? If on the net, there are also those who can swear that wasn't a large AA F77? who is right? those who support your point of view, because you are after the Official TALE??!! If physics proved to state NO to sth, and witnesses say YES, then ONLY miracles can take place. GAME OVER
Did you read my post carefully? NO! So all the rest of your post, starting from: 'The only miracles happening...' is not relevant. SORRY. GAME OVER

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

Originally posted by snoopy You are not right at all. Not only is it possible, but 100s of witnesses testified to it, and 1000s of people were there to see it.
Here we go again with your thousands of people. Where are these thousands of people? There are 110 known witnesses to the pentagoon incident. So even if there were thousands who saw it, it makes no difference if we don't have their testimony. Your exaggerations impress nobody, and certainly won't change any bodies mind. Why is it you official story pedlars seem to only be able to rant and keep yelling the same thing over and over? Are you hoping something will stick? You seem to spend an awfull lot of your time to tell us we're all wrong, what's the point? You should ask for a pay raise...
Have you actually looked critically at the list of witnesses? I don't expect you to even look at that but hopefully the more enlightened ppl on this board will or already have.
A good shot, ANOK. it should take some time for SNOOPY to analyse the above link, then, make him be more humble in his ONLY-MINE-IS-TRUE opinion. THX FOR THE LINK ;]

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by snoopy Not true at all [that F77 couldn't crash - mcft's additional expl]. You are not right at all. Not only is it possible, but 100s of witnesses testified to it, and 1000s of people were there to see it. yet you never care to explain that. Yeah you wannt talk about miracles?
I added [that F77 couldn't crash - mcft's additional expl] to make it clearer. Ok Snoopy, You wanted it, You got it!
Read this: "Testimonials are a tricky business. This is partly because we can't verify them: some of the testimonials that were widely reported were given by people who cannot be located now, and none of the testimonials were sworn statements under penalty of perjury (and/or treason)- after all, that's what an open and impartial inquiry should have been for. Bear in mind that the fact that there is any lack of consensus at all amongst the witness accounts is itself very significant. If a huge plane like a Boeing 757 flew across a crowed downtown freeway during morning rush hour at an altitude of 100 m. or less, you would expect a chorus of accounts that differed only in minor details. The fact that the eyewitness accounts even need analysis indicates that whatever hit the Pentagon was much smaller, and probably much faster, than a Boeing 757." More here: - the source of the above citation. Now, please, refer to this. Can you dissaprove it?

posted on Oct, 14 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by ZMax Well done... The Moto here is : DENY IGNORANCE, but as a kid my dad always told me to not speak with idiots,because the other will think you are an idiot too (think about it that way: every conversation is between two or more people,and its level is the level of the th least intelligent member) or as the quote say: "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience." So its always a pleasure to see someone trying to defend the truth (or at least the reallity based on facts and logic,not half-facts or wicked logic)...You have my vote
I'm starting to think this over. I've got to. But first I need to make sure who is an idiot [here in this thread for axample]. it's a delicate matter. It might be even me and what then??
Not a word, now. anyway thx for your opinion ZMax.

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by mcfunthomas ME: can you chuck any links about "White Planes" that have the job of taking out airliners....?
I had a couple of links here somewhere that were public... I will see if I can dig them up... might take a few days though Oh wait here is one... don't know if you have this yet... as its posted on one of your favorite sites
WHITE PLANE TAKES OUT FLIGHT 93 A British Point Of View OA-10 Rumsfeld Video "Plane shot down" CNN Claims he "misspoke" Stand Down Orders Yes that last one its from but it has names, times and CNN posts that can be researched from other sources to back it up That should paint a picture for starters... Your tax dollars hard at work... enjoy And here is a little motto for those like Snoopy... "Those that know don't talk... those that talk don't know"
[edit on 15-10-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Oct, 15 2006 @ 09:21 AM
thx ZORGON for help. I could have found them browsing the Net but it might have taken much more time though

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