posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:55 AM
When President Barack Obama signed the NDAA, sections of the bill were opposed by key members of his administration, including Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta, FBI Director Robert Mueller and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. Many civil liberties activists believe the law is
We have to ask, if the security establishment did not want this bill, and the FBI Director Mueller actually goes to Congress and says publicly they
don’t want it, why did it pass? What pushed it through?
Without question, the corporate elites understand that things, certainly economically, are about to get much worse. They’re worried about the Occupy
movement expanding. In the end—and this is a supposition—they don’t trust the police to protect them, and they want to be able to call in the
elite-controlled Army. And if this bill goes into law, and it’s slated to go into law in March, they will be able to do that.
Ultimately, the police don't matter.