posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 03:35 PM
As of March 12 we will all enter into the last cycle. We will live 64 million years in 10 months from march 12 to December 12 2012 that will be a
huge push of power and time compressed in a short span.
Hold on to your pants we are going to life though a time vary few have lived though, just to think that 7 billion + soles will live through this this
has never bin seen any where in the universe before.
Just keep an eye out for how wacky and completely insane things are going to get before we reach 12 12 2012.
Just a few thinks to remember,
There is going to be and extremely strong energy surge or pulse up to that day, pushed by the masses of people coming in to synchronicity of energy
All events that need to played out before 12 12 2012 will need to be played out, that means all things that you think could not happen will and can
happen before 12 12 2012.
Over load and high energy out put from people will come into play like static electricity and other human electrical things will come to be, you need
to let the power flow through you don't let it stay of hold it just let it follow.
If you think that you have seen it all don't be surprised when things just get our of control quickly and strangely
lots more to come.
Every sole has to move in it's own direction, as for life or death it is just a movement through this time crunch, all is as it should be not to
worry just stay clear of all of the craziness.
Last thing trust in your own self it knows the path and the way to where you should be and let go of all things, you have no need of anything of
matter all will be provided and when needed just trust.
You will be in the front seat of the greatest show in the universe, so hold on and by all means it's free just sit back and watch with wonder of how
this is all going to play out.
Good luck !