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another energy shift last night?

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posted on Sep, 20 2012 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by theabsolutetruth
reply to post by angelchemuel

I think the whole tuning in to ones self, possibilities and for clarity of sight and understanding is good and to that part about your post I agree.

However, I believe this is something else, something that isn't just about personal realisations about personal situations, this is a part of life and has always happened.

I think this is far more, a universal energy.

Humanity has senses that are beyond the visual and auditory, the 'sixth sense' is alive and well and at times when it is imperative, it kicks in more, that is the thing that people are experiencing.

So, we agree then. albeit coming from different directions


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 07:37 AM
Today, Thursday 22nd November, the 'angels' are knocking at our individual doors...have you heard them?


posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 10:00 AM
i'm on fire today.

i'm just getting over probably the WORST sickness i've had in my life. i've had a hard time walking for days. today, i can't sit still. i'm still physically as weak as a child yet i can't sit still.

there's so much going on upstairs it's coursing through me.
edit on 11/22/12 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Me too...I've gotten my stolen belongings back and plus a razor-sharp axe. That's how the I-Ching put it. I'm in a mood to kill some demons and vampires. I'm sick of their #.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
i'm on fire today.

i'm just getting over probably the WORST sickness i've had in my life. i've had a hard time walking for days. today, i can't sit still. i'm still physically as weak as a child yet i can't sit still.

there's so much going on upstairs it's coursing through me.
edit on 11/22/12 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

It's interesting that I'm guided back to ATS intime to see there is activity on this thread once more with a couple of the users that I remember from earlier this year on the same thread.

I've had a lot go on in my life over the past year and am now able to connect to my higher self, source, God/creator/scriptwriter directly, without meditation/connection/grounding following a period of training and understanding across physcology, perception, physical/matter level and energetic theory, time and quantum theory aswell as to possible theories of why we (as humans) and I (as a human) are here, and why we make the "decisions" we do.

I've had a long and sustained period of syncronicity which tends to lead me towards the belief that our lifes are pre-scripted (i.e. freewill is a perception we are given, or have - from where, I'm not yet sure - God/creator/scriptwriter, spirits, higher self, aliens) - I can't prove anything, other than it's happening to me.

My perception of things has now been changed/altered to allow me to understand information and consider theories and my actions from TV (live or repeat), music (including that on shuffle). It's now a "fate timeline" of understanding using perception and syncronistic events.

Is anyone else like this now? I feel a little alone at present.

My body, I'm presuming phyisical and energetic body has been suffering - coughs, shudders, vibrations, phlem - but I'm still here. ;o)

I'm still working towards some plans I have and want to do next year at present, but I still see something to do with the Mayan prophecies ("the end of the world as we know it", "the change in perception of time"), and the timing of these increased vibrations (as I currently perceive but can't prove).

I see this for me as a Spiritual awakening that some, in time, will experience, either 1 by 1 (in their own time) or a possible mass event, or mass awakening that will be too significant to avoid media coverage. Some may already be awake, others may not - it may be for some, but not for all.

Reality as I was previously aware of it, has changed, but I still "fit in" to be percieved normal (and not crazy).

If you want some film recommendations in order to try and give you some ideas or show concepts:
- The Matrix (probably an obvious one, but I'd put it out there again anyway)
- The Trueman show (noticing things wrong/incorrect with the way the world is perceived)
- Being John Malkovic (i.e. we are puppets being controlled by our higher selves (or creator/god))
- Quantum Leap (a TV series, but some of the later episodes explore some of the theories too)

Hope that helps anyone.



posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by angelchemuel
Today, Thursday 22nd November, the 'angels' are knocking at our individual doors...have you heard them?


Could you explain what your perception of what you have said is?



posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by SpiritualTerrier

imagine life as a circuit board. energy flowing cleanly and evenly in all directions upon predetermined paths.


imagine shoving a giant pry bar right into the middle of that circuit board. all kinds of energy will start firing on new pathways, if only for a brief moment the energy will forge new bridges for the energy to flow through, quite possibly short circuiting and creating all kinds of arcs.

well...imagine yourself as that pry bar. synchornocities...

go shove yourself into the matrix. it's real.
you are a very magical creature but only when you remember it and tap in...

when you understand just how connected we really are, an idea TRULY can change the world.
edit on 11/24/12 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by ICEKOHLD

Here's my reply!

In the last TWO nights, BIG changes took place. So much stress and anxiety has vanished like I haven't felt in a LONG time and I feel like I've attracted a lot of things I'd wished for before. Eating and sleeping like never before.

I hope this is positive for us all. Peace and love be upon you all!

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by SinkingSun

last week, several of my friends and i were all overtaken by this energy that said "everything is gonna be ok" and "everything is about to get good".

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by angelchemuel
Today, Thursday 22nd November, the 'angels' are knocking at our individual doors...have you heard them?

What does that mean?

I get a very strange feeling (I can only describe it as some kind of quivering anxiety) when I repeat that phrase in my mind.

I haven't been feeling anything abnormal lately that can't be explained by hormones and/or philosophical reaction to behavior of others. It's not particularly positive, though.

It's odd, I seem to be affected in the opposite way...

posted on Nov, 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by SpiritualTerrier
I've had a lot go on in my life over the past year and am now able to connect to my higher self, source, God/creator/scriptwriter directly, without meditation/connection/grounding following a period of training and understanding across physcology, perception, physical/matter level and energetic theory, time and quantum theory aswell as to possible theories of why we (as humans) and I (as a human) are here, and why we make the "decisions" we do.

I've had a long and sustained period of syncronicity which tends to lead me towards the belief that our lifes are pre-scripted (i.e. freewill is a perception we are given, or have - from where, I'm not yet sure - God/creator/scriptwriter, spirits, higher self, aliens) - I can't prove anything, other than it's happening to me.

Is anyone else like this now? I feel a little alone at present.



I may as well have written this.

My control over my life has been significantly increasing since the most recent fall equinox (also happens to be my birthday). It's getting to the point where I just pick and choose what I would like. No hesitation, no doubt, just intention. Time to get creative.

The number 23 seems to be the key to showing me the way. I like how you posted your story, 90% similar to mine, on the 23rd. I also came to the conclusion that it may have something to do with December 21st fast approaching. Not as the end of the world, but as something exciting happening.

Though in contrast to your story my physical body feels no effects, my life gets continuously better, and I feel more like a 'god' everyday. I am essentially becoming more and more what I'd like to be. Simply because I make it so.

Learning about /becoming your own or one with your scriptwriter (I call it Oracle), is a hell of a lot of fun.
edit on 30-11-2012 by revered because: more concise

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 09:49 AM
GROUNDING is the name of the game right now.

as the energies start to fill the Earth, you'll want to be grounded so as not to get zapped.

posted on Dec, 9 2012 @ 11:13 AM
Not really one to "believe" in any thing supernatural, but I have to admit that I had felt some of the strangest stuff of my entire life in the last few months/weeks/days..

Had 3...yes 3...OBE's in one day....For someone that didn't know what they were, it was pretty upsetting..Then it turned into astonishing. Even the mushrooms years ago didn't get me to that place...When I realized that a 911 call was not in order, it changed everything. It has made me have an entirely new outlook on this thing I call "my" life...

Rainbows Jane...They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. I just saw your soul....


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