posted on Jan, 8 2012 @ 08:05 PM
Ron Paul has my vote.
But I have to tell you something that does make me laugh a little.
In ancient greece, there always was debate about political types, meaning governments.
Although we know greece as a sort of cradle of democracy, this was not performed by them without advisement.
Aristotle put it on paper. He's probably the only scholarly person that did.
They actually, and generally, thought that the best form of government was a benevolent monarchy. And as they filter through the various types, such
as an Oligarchy, an Aristocracy and the like, it might suprise you to discover that Democracy was next to last on the list with only a Dictatorship
below it.
The concern was that a democracy could easily slip into a dictatorship. It was thought that over time as all the rights and complaints and
conflicting laws would be created to ease this burden or placate that complaint that eventually anarchy would ensue which would set the stage for the
So here's the part that makes me snicker... It may be placed in Aristotle's Politics, and probably is, but the statement is made that the sign of
the dictator would come from the dictator himself. He would be the one who would "guarantee and restore" the rights. (similar words) or straighten
things out.
That is exactly what Mr. Paul has done.
It does not mean that somehow he will be our dictator as I think we already know better than that. It is an interesting anecdote to me.