Hello ATS people.
I was watching a show on the Toynbee tiles so I googled it.
It was boring so I googled "urban unsolved mysteries" which turned up a story about a giant pyramid on this site. Thats how I came to be here. I like
to google. I get bored easily.
I noticed that the pyramid story said it was "heading this way" so I was like "wut?" and read on.
It turned out to be fairly boring so I ended up browsing other topics and thought that even though the site looks pretty scary it might be fun to sign
up and join in and chat and all that for awhile. Give it a go and stuff.
As you can see my name is invaliduser. Please feel free to call me iu, or invalid, or user, or hey new person.
By day I'm an IT professional and graphic artist and by night I do pretty much the same things other people do I imagine. I watch movies, play video
games, eat food thats probably bad for me and wonder what its all about up there in space, or if ghosts are really really real.
A little about me personally. I don't dig on politics so please don't expect anything coherent from me there.
I don't subscribe to any religions but I have some opinions on them. Opinions that I like to keep civil. I feel like religion has caused enough war to
bother arguing over it. Ooh. Ouch! Eh its my thread I'll leave that one in.
I tend to poke fun at most things within reason so please don't be offended and if you are just let me know. I'll apologize.
Hmm what else.
If I lived near a volcano I would move. I don't so we are a-ok there. Seriously if you live near a volcano. Move. >_>
I type like I talk so sorry in advance if thats weird or something. I like using smilies as they look better than my face.
I'm a punctuation rebel.
Sometimes I just don't like apostrophes. I just don't, I don't know why and I can't afford a therapist. My sense of humour is about 12 years old for
the most part. Seeing or saying the word poop makes me laugh. I once joined a forum that spoke entirely in leetspeak. F0|2 |234|_! (for real!) It
eventually gave me a headache so I left.
The old wrinkly lady in the ad on the home page here scared the crap out of me. She's pulling her skin off...
I hope I'm allowed to say crap here. Twice. If not sorry.
I'm feeling kind of pressured by the character count below this window and I don't know if I can actually come up with something to say in 5222
characters. I'll try though! j/k
That would be so annoying lol. I hate tl;dr posts!
(I fully expect someone to respond with "tl;dr" lul.)
I have a rubber duck that looks like a pirate. I like zombies and hope that if there is an apocalypse that it is of the zombie variety so I can put
all the nifty skills I've been honing into use. I have a detailed apocalypse survival plan. I'd be happy to discuss it though I will be leaving out
possible fortified locations because I wouldn't want to have to shoot you with a crossbow into the moat. I've said too much already...
I'm a huge horror fan. My favourite movie is The Thing. Both of them. I haven't seen the prequel yet so I dunno how that will go. I didn't spell
favourite wrong. I'm from Canada. Our main export is bacon and donuts. At the same time. If you order bacon you must order donuts. We have not yet
perfected the bacon donut yet. Sometimes I break out into spontaneous made up rap lyrics. I hate rap music. If you send me pictures of yourself I will
somehow photochop you into a compromising position with a burrito. Fair warning. I'm just sayin.
I'm tired of talking about myself right now so I'm going to stop here and open the floor for questions. Funnily enough I like answering questions. I
previewed this post 8 times before posting it. Let the games begin!
edit on 6-1-2012 by invaliduser because: My formatting! She did not work! Eek!