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ADD and ADHD and a new theory

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posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by ilovehaters
ADMIT YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PARENT.......... and your clueless
as to how drugs work....... i will go head to head with you and any other ritalin "mom" if thats what you want to call yourself.....if you seriously believe your child has a problem then why didnt kids in the 50s have this problem or the 60s ???..........

Geez, what is your problem turning this into a bad parenting issue, not gonna help the poster either since it's distracting from the topic.

I agree that there is a big mystery here as to why this problem is so prevalent now and didn't seem to exist when I was growing up, but since all the parents of kids with the problem are NOT bad parents - your views are off base and out of line in this thread if you ask me.

If you want to debate parents being the cause of ADD start a thread for it. (Just a suggestion)

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 08:25 AM
Below is a copy of something I posted in another thread, but fits here too, I think....I'm too lazy to type it all out again...

Yes, I do feel part of the problem lies with the parents! Junk food full of chemicals, convenience foods full of youngest grandson was a mess! He showed all signs of hyper activity, was awful to have to try and be with him for any length of time the little fellow was like a little day we went to my sisters, we all met there to visit and horse back ride (she has a Walker farm over in N. Kentucky) my sister had made a beautiful Red Velvet Cake......after we came back home, the next morning my Oldest son called me and told me that they had to take my youngest grandson to the hospital in the middle of the night, he was swollen, jerking and twitching....come to find out, he has a sensitivity to "red" dye. A Red Velvet Cake is made with about a cup of red food coloring to get it'd rich red color. He was immediately removed from "all" small task sense it's even in medications! It's in everything! Cereal, chips, drinks, everything.....he is now like a totally different child, calm, good attention span. I am so glad my Son refused to put him on drugs as the doctors wanted!

EDITED to add that this does not fit all caases of course.....there are children out there that have true ADHA and need help, but it's worth checking out!

[edit on 9/12/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Another tip as well:

Cut out ALL preservatives from the diet (esp. the one in bread). It's a BIG ask, but foir kids they calm down HEAPS.

Also you'll find that food coloring has been tested individually and no side effects were found, however when they tested combined colors MAJOR side effects were found for hyperactive kids (funny how when you buy jelly-beans all the colors are mixed in together).

Also, to divert your kids energy, try the good ol'e way: get them to play sport. When I was a kid I played badminton (to state level), football, golf, basketball and hockey...and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Today the most played sport for kids is playstation/xbox/nintendo...and we wonder why kids have ADD/ADHD.

ADHD/ADD is a rort, believe it or not!

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 11:54 AM

What is the Bi-Polar association

I�ll try to answer that in my case.

In my earlier post I suggested you give some thought to what Grady had mentioned/suggested in his post. I still think it�s a good idea. Not so much to do with whether or not you�re bipolar, but rather that it doesn�t hurt to get other points of view. Especially when it comes to mental/psychological evaluations, the conclusions reached can often be quite subjective. Whatever the diagnosis, you need to feel comfortable with it in that it�s a correct one.

When a physician/psych diagnoses a patient it immediately places them in a nice, neat pigeon hole. Some people tend to lend themselves easily to suggestion, and regardless of whether or not the diagnosis is correct, the patient will assume the roll anyway. With a lot of folks, if their doctor told them they�re a duck, it wouldn�t be long before they�d start quacking. I�m not suggesting that you�re such a person." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/> I�m only saying that unless you�re comfortable in that skin, get another skin. Or at least feel confident that it's the one you belong in, because it will become part of your identity and will affect the way you view yourself and the way others view you.

When I went into the bipolar dissertation, it was only because there were certain things you stated that reminded me a lot of my ex-wife, who is bipolar. Statements I thought might be compatible with some level of mania, such as:

�I have never fit in well with standard society.

In the face of tedium, regardless of my very determined attempts to focus on the task at hand, my mind would wander. Many times I would only realize this after somone else had pointed this out to me, by ways of either yelling, or getting my attention brought to it.

I am a creative writer, poet, have classical singing skills, small time actor, and occasional stand up comedian. My mind is very sharp, I do not miss much.

On the Downside on the topic of Jobs, I have lost, or quit every job I have ever had since I started working 8 years ago. Either I would be fired for my lack of focus, or I would be so bored with the Job I would quit.

My mind functions very similar to an ever changing TV on Channel surf. It shifts quickly �

I still can't focus on menial repetitive structured tasks, and I still can't hold down a job.

I am doomed to be a societal loser.�

There are different types of bipolar disorder. Not all varieties involve frequent and radical shifts in mental state.

My post was made before reading your later posts, however. I�m certainly not qualified to make a diagnosis, and would not attempt to do so. The reason for mentioning my ex-wife�s experience with bipolar disorder was just in case you were able to relate with any of it. I don�t think you did, though, and so that�s a good thing. Bipolar disorder is a rollercoaster you wouldn�t want on.

Now, let's tackle this from another angle. About your obsessive/compulsive/schizoid/psychosis, here�s what you need to do �" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Sep, 12 2004 @ 01:26 PM
The reading here is definitely good for a chuckle, and for furthering a learning experience!

It is also good for us to have a place to come together, and share our common ground.

It's a small pilosophy of thought, I came up with this. I sort of think of the Internet as a technological step to a group consciousness, but even in our group consciousness, there is still Salesman, Conmen, and Porn. LOL

My heart goes out to the people who have struggled and have had a hard time coming to grips with their personal demons. Your stories have been inspiritational, tragic, and helpfull.

On another note, This whole "Whoopen Business" gave me a pause for thought. If "Whoopen" is the cure all for disruptive children think on this...

If you were hearing voices, would a good ass whoopen make them stop?

If so, then jeez, I guess you are the foremost authority. Perhaps Osama Bin Laden would have never grown into the Tyrant he is today, if Ole Goergie Bush had beat him up on the playground.

And of course he would have had zero thoughts on revenge, cause a whoopen solves everything.

Put yourself in that perspective.

Best Regards,


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by ADHDsux4me
If you were hearing voices, would a good ass whoopen make them stop?


Quick question - do you hear voices? If so are they unfamiliar voices or yours saying things to you that you don't want to hear?

This is important if you do.

[edit on 13-9-2004 by Relentless]

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 08:07 AM
I personally identified with many points in your sincere and excellent post. Through my filter-system, what you are experiencing is the conflict between your individualist (soul-based) "real self" and the surrounding paradigm of control, which only serves to silence your soul-self under the institutional conditions (e.g. work) that you described.

I recommed: The Paradigm Conspiracy, by Denise Breton and Cristopher Largent, Hazelden, 1996, ISBN: 1-56838-208-1

With best wishes

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 10:51 AM
Voices, er no that I know of?

I was trying to make a leap of faith for the topic of whoopens. If whoopens makes ADHD go away in Ilovehaters rationale, then the same should be true for those who have schizophrenia.

I can see it now, Ilovehaters has a child with schizophrenia, and they act out because they are completely ovewhelmed by voices. Ilovehaters gives them whoopen after whoopen, in attempt to "cure" them of misbehaving, only to realize it doesn't.

This soul self paradigm, sounds very intruiging. I will look into it, thanks!


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:08 AM
Hi ADHDsux4me

I have family experience of schizophrenia and have reflected that what seemed like hallucinations in my mother may have actually been perfectly valid thoughts which were classified as hallucinations by the doctors (and therefore by the patient, too). I think it's possible that voices and other internal-thought-emotion phenomena may persist in our consciousness until we have "heard" and understood the messages from our soul. I think that nightmares while "sleeping" are examples of soul-messages which seem negative while they are experienced, but which lead to refreshment and healing afterward.

Hope this helps
Kind regards

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:17 AM
What a madhouse!

I believe that you and I have a lot in common OP. Although, I am not ready to call myself an Indigio person. But, I do have trouble focusing and my mind goes in a thousand different directions all the time. I sing, play trumpet, act and do comedy as well. Many people around me like to label me ADD, but I will not test as I do not believe in the subjectiveness of the diagnosis. That and ADD and ADHD is NOT a disease, only a diagnosis.

I am definitely 100% against mandatory psychological testing for children. There are far too many children on psychotropic meds. So many are now diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder or bi-polar manic depressiveness, etc.. This is insane. How much money do these drug companies want to make off an entire generation.

I can bet that if I were to test, that I would probably be ADD or ADHD. But, I can hold a job (no offense to you), and I am not in a constant state of depression. My eyes have been describes as being "mysterious" and "full of wisdom" on more than one occasion. I do feel that I have a purpose and, in fact, was just thinking how I can help to change the world this morning. I feel like I am on a mission, but don't know exactly what that mission is.

My daughter was labeled ADHD, but I told her that medication was her choice. I would not force it on her. It does MORE harm than good in my opinion. And I refuse to put these substances in my daughter's body because someone can check off 6 out of 9 items on a simple questionaire.

You may feel free to U2U me if you want. It's nice to find someone of like mind.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 11:43 AM

The Paradigm conspiracy, certainly fits something I have thought for some time.

In fact as I went to an acting course, my teacher had very similar thoughts. The current establishment seeks to squelch our individuality, so that we may have a smoother running system of conformity, for a more "productive" society as it stands now.

In fact, I am beginning to see that Society seeks us to conform into more or less a hive mind. Limiting self, while admonishing and rewarding the group. If you have interests outside the conformity, you are intrinsically broken and must be "made" to fit back into the structure with medication.

I suppose this also suggests indiviual thinking, should be suppressed becuase individuality is anarchy. Conformity reinforces structure. Without this structure, our wondefull society would have never come to be.

I call back to ancient Greece, anf the Reniassance. Men and Women were allowed more freedom for self discovery, and following routes which go beyond the status quo in society. For instance, the great philosophers of Anceint Greece helped establish many exestential ideas, and science which our current societies hold dear. Yet, we have adhered to them and not allowed change or deviations from it now, as it would upset the structure. Without those minds of Anciet Greece, we would have never come to be. Democracy, Republics, Match, Astronomy, Science, Medicine.

The very same goes for the Renaissance, Capoernicus, Isaac Newton, Columbus. If these people didn't question, and then establish that their ideas are true, we would still be very far behind. No gravity as a scientific force, the world is in fact flat. In the renaissance these people were labelled as heretics, becuase they thought outside The Church, "God's" laws, and society.

I think the Governments, and Religions of this world, are still fearfull of Revelutionary thinking. They have become comfortable with yoking the masses to pull their weight, and at the same time be controlled by that yoke. If we out think their (Societies) usefullness, they will cease to be the ones in power. No more Newton, No more Columbus, No More Plato, No More Aristotle, the absolute shock of this is setting in...

No more new ideas, unless they conform to the way it is established now...



posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 03:39 PM

Excellent post! I am 25yo and I suffer from Adult ADHD as well. Its defintely been a problem with almost everything that you have experienced but I think I managed to get a little more lucky than you since I found somethings that work for me. For instance I found a job where I really get to work my noodle and not do monkey tasks.

Anyway this was a very difficult post for me to read just cause it was so long, my ADD kicking, but I wanted to finish it because this topic is very important for me.

So this Indigo Children thing really suprised me since I have hit the nail on every single point that was there. Anyway, due to my ADD I have started this post about 4 hours ago and am just now getting back to it. If I remember what the hell else I was going to post I'll let ya know.

Good Luck with your struggle, if you find out what stimulates you, you can apply that to every aspect in your life.

posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 05:51 PM
If this thread has proved to be helpfull to people even in the most not traditonal wayy, then I feel as if I'm doing something productive. I am provoking thought, which really fits in with my paradigm, and I am learning from others input here, as well.

A community like this, would be a nice place to live. A society of free thinkers, not bound by structure or oppresive "get in line like everyone else" rules.

Hmm anyone up for starting a Utopian Island of creativity, philosophy, and free form thinking? lol


posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 06:31 PM
"Hmm anyone up for starting a Utopian Island of creativity, philosophy, and free form thinking?"


Yep. You know how to reach me.


posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by ilovehaters
I work in a pharmacy in the military and it seems as if around 25% of the children here are on some type of ritalin or concerta or the newest most extravegant drug to "help" them. Well I can only say that when my father was a child back in the 60s they had these things call butt whoopens. They worked to straighten kids out...... if you are a adult and suddenly think you are add or adhd i think you need to see a shrink. Realistically maybe you have other issues that are complex enough to directly affect your state of well being........or maybe you yourself didnt recieve enough butt whoppens either....

people please take my advice...... dont rely on a drug to babysit your kids for you...

I have bipolar disorder ( diagnosed at age 30 ) and let me assure you that I received my fair share of butt whoopens as a child. Funny though, they didn't relieve the symptons but medication has. I can't speak about adhd, but as mentioned, the symptoms seem similar to being in a hypomanic state. I too am creative, I can only stay in a job for about 3 years before I am bored etc. One of my children has exhibited signs of bipolar disordrer and my pdocs advice was to just keep a close eye on her as she moves into her teen years, not medication.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:07 PM
I am an ADHD adult(46 years old) I take a drug called Adderall an for me, it works. I was first misdiagnosed as having depression and "maybe" bi-polar. The meds I was given, had very bad effects on me. I had my share of punishment (butt whippings, groundings, ect.) but it didn't change the way my mind all. It's very easy to say that ADD/ADHD is a myth or a money maker for the drug companies, when you have never experienced it.

posted on Sep, 17 2004 @ 10:11 PM
I, too, suffer from ADHD. It's nothing to be happy about, it's been a major impediment in life, esp school. I'm a first year student now taking Philosophy/Poltical Sciences; though the material is not tough, concetrating on it is.

Best of luck to you.


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 01:00 PM
I know how you both feel, Zero, and the Gentleman on Adderall.

I wish there was work in this world, which would just let ADHD people, make money being what they are. Idea and thought Batteries!

Philosphy sounds like a good subject for one of us, good luck Zero.

Alternatively, I think 46 is the oldest I have heard for someone with ADHD. What kind of struggles, you must have had.


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 01:00 PM
I know how you both feel, Zero, and the Gentleman on Adderall.

I wish there was work in this world, which would just let ADHD people, make money being what they are. Idea and thought Batteries!

Philosphy sounds like a good subject for one of us, good luck Zero.

Alternatively, I think 46 is the oldest I have heard for someone with ADHD. What kind of struggles, you must have had.


posted on Sep, 19 2004 @ 02:02 PM
I've had a few struggles along the way, especially childhood. There wasn't any knowlege of ADD/ADHD as I was growing up, mostly concidered as hyper active brats, "retards" , targets for bullies, ect. My Doctor says that kids with ADD/ADHD never outgrow it, most develop coping methods. In my case......coping+meds. Upsides to it......I'm always hungry for knowlege, especially in science. I also love to tinker and fix things....especially when someone says it can't be done.

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