posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus
Dr. Jim Fetzer agrees with me that Doorman was Oswald. And you have got stop with the collectivist, pluralist argument. That is how mistakes get
Doorman is wearing Oswald's very distinctive clothes, and he is wearing them in the very same distinctive and unusual manner that Oswald was wearing
them. You have to consider how unlikely that was that Lovelady just happened to deck himself out the same way that day. It's say it was a 1 in 1000
shot, but it was much smaller than that.
There is so much that you are not considering in your glib pronouncements. Were you aware that Lovelady was a much bigger man? He weighed 170 pounds.
Oswald weighed 130. I'm no Math major, but I think 40 pounds is a big difference. Lovelady was a lot brawnier. And for that reason, he filled out his
shirt better, where it looked relatively tight on him. Oswald, being scrawny, seemed to be swimming in his shirt. And the same is true of Doorman.
And that's just one thing. When you look at all the aspects of the clothing, the form, the fit, the lay, and the hang of it, there is no doubt that
Doorman was Oswald.
Dr,. James Fetzer of the Univ. of Minnesota, a famed reseacher, agrees with me, and he has publically said so- on the radio. So, how about being a
little less glib and hastily dismissive and a little more open-minded?