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Iowa Caucus Stolen? Exit Polls Show Ron Paul at 29%. Winning All by a Fair Margin...

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This is another of those anomalously skewed results - like in Ohio, where Bush lost in the exit polls by a margin skewed way off.

But I'm sure the system is perfect and no One is trying to mess with it for nefarious purposes... Heh. Yeah. Right.

You just can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that a lot of people in this country simply don’t share your love for RP?

If entrance or exit polls meant a damn thing then we’d throw out the ballots and just poll everyone.

Get over it and GET USED TO IT because RP will have many more losses to come!

edit on 5-1-2012 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by MinorityReporter
reply to post by Observor

Mainly because we've lost all government transparency and the CBC now has a short leash that uploads propaganda. 5th estate where are you?

Actually the CBC has been a propoganda source for decades, if anything they have just been smacked for being too blatent about it and been forced to give both sides of the story. It's a shame when liberals seem to think that reporting the truth is propoganda and the leftist elistists should have the right to control the media.

On the RP issue, he does well in the polls and the exit polls all the time because the people who vote for him are very outspoken. They tweet about their votes and want to yell to the world that they voted RP as if that some how makes them part of the cool kids. The fact is that part of the issue with the poll and most of the Iowa ones lately is multiple votes. The Iowa exit poll was done by edison research, if you agreed to do it you walked over to a table took a form (or multiple) and filled them out and dropped them in a box. There was according to the polsters no mechanism to block people from doing the form multiple times. As is usual RP groupies stack the polls and then cry when there dream doesn't come true. The truth is that everyone gets one vote in the primaries and one in the election. If you voted multiple times in a poll don't expect it to represent the actual outcome of the vote.

This site gives the break down of the stats on who participated in the poll. It shows that the vast majority of people who say they voted for RP are under 24, have not completed college yet and have no income of there own they also consider themselves INDEPENDANTS who consider themselves LIBERAL in there political outlook. Other than Romney supporters they are the most opposed to the Tea Party. Santorums voters made there decision in the 24 hours prior to the vote while Paul supporters had made up their mind months before.

The other thing about this poll is that people over 65 and under 24 are way over represented in the poll. They make up about half as much of the population as they do in the polling group.

Lastly all the republican canidates including RP are doing there best to make it easier for Obama to win again and that is just going to stink.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

This is another of those anomalously skewed results - like in Ohio, where Bush lost in the exit polls by a margin skewed way off.

But I'm sure the system is perfect and no One is trying to mess with it for nefarious purposes... Heh. Yeah. Right.

If you look on line you can see the results for the poll that one too. If you did you would notice that democrats participated by 2 to 1 over republicans in the exit poll for the elections. Again if your sample crowd is skewed then your results will be skewed. It's very simple.

If I have a table with 100 fruits on it and I tell you that some are oranges and some are lemons. I have a blanket covering 70% of the fruits and so you can see 30 of them. If of those 30, 20 are lemons and 10 are oranges you will think that oranges make up two thirds of the fruit. Now if in fact the other fruits are 50 oranges and another 20 lemons then the sample I showed you is not REPRESENTATIVE of the whole and so using it to form any kind of idea about the whole is useless, pointless and outright missleading.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by exile1981

BS. I hear this propaganda all of the time.
The fact is Ron Paul is vastly more popular than any other candidate. I suppose any news of voter fraud doesn't get through to you?
Sure, some Paul supporters may vote multiple times, but who is to say that his supporters are the only ones? And, if a poll allows multiple votes, it should not be considered a credible poll now should it? DrudgeReport had a poll, and nationally and in Iowa Ron Paul won.
Any news site that allows comments will have far more positive Ron Paul comments than any other candidate or political figure. More evidence that he has real support.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by SurrealisticPillow

The Drudge report one polled people from all over the world, not just americans, you also did not need to be over 18 to participate and you could vote multiple times.

I would never consider voting multiple times in a poll, it just seems wrong somehow. I keep harping on the RP supporters doing it because I know a relative who is in college who has admitted he went into the computer lab at the university and voted from each of 30 different computers.

In tampa they had straw poll and to vote in it you had to donate $10 to the republican part coffers. All the people who voted in it where from Tampa, except the busload of RP supporters who drove hours for some of them just to ensure they stacked the deck so he won the poll.

The national review has an article about how they figured out that there poll was being spammed by some voters voting hundreds of times and the one doing it always did it for RP. Obama's supporters do it too, and i'm sure all the other republican canidates also do it but it does seem to be a major issue with RP supporters.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Exit polls can show what a candidate may want after they have voted.

IE, He may have voted, heard about Paul, then changed his mind.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Observor

Here's what we do......

Two things are rapidly becoming apparent;

1. Our news media is desperately and blatantly trying to shape the 2012 presidential election race. I’m sure it’s been happening for some time but we seem to be more aware of it now and they seem to be much more blatant about it. There are numerous threads on this forum that highlight instances of media bias and influence but this thread is not about that.

2. I’m rapidly becoming aware that the Presidency of the United States is merely a pimple on a boar’s nose. In other words it’s the most visible titular head of and least ugly part of a very ugly and dangerous out of control beast.

Honestly I think Ron Paul is the last best hope for the redemption of the USA and possibly of the world. Barring his nomination I (or anyone) can easily forecast any or all of the following harbingers in the worlds very near future;

1. War with Iran
2. Catastrophic economic failure of the Eurozone
3. Hyperinflation
4. The Catastrophic economic failure of the USA
5. American civil unrest
6. Potentially WWIII

Sans Paul, neither the other GOP candidates, Obama or Congress exhibit the kind of long term view necessary to deal with the issues stated above. So if the media is shaping the election to meet the establishments choice and the world takes it’s cues from us with regard to foreign & economic policy then regardless of who is elected we are doomed.

I’m proposing as of now that if there is any other GOP nominee than Ron Paul that Libertarians, Independents, Democrats and Republicans across the country – DON’T VOTE.

I know I will catch a lot of flack for this from people who say that we are playing into the establishments’ hands, that a low voter turnout will ensure Obama or even the GOP candidates’ election.

But really – what is the difference? A vote for Obama is the same as a vote for Romney or Gingrich, or Santorum, or Perry, etc. They are just different pimples on the same boar.

The only candidate who offers anything other than the same good ole boy Washington DC status quo is Ron Paul.

They say Ron Paul is “crazy” or “dangerous” but the Washington status quo and the path we’re headed for is madness and a path towards Armageddon.

No one faults Paul on economic policy – only foreign policy. So what is boils down to is what do you fear most – a sound economic policy that might just enable us to ward of financial collapse and pacifist foreign policy which would be fought tooth and nail by the military industrial complex and probably couldn’t even be fully implemented, or a status quo of the next establishment administration which will oversee the complete distruction of the US and possibly the world.

If Paul is not the GOP nominee – I will not vote for the Presidential ballot in 2012.

I will vote for every other office on the ballot but my Presidential vote will be a no vote – a vote of no confidence in our leadership.

This will ensure that the media bias against Ron Paul does not result in the "assumption" of his voters for the media darling candidate. It will send a message of protest in the form of extreemly low voter turnout. It will allow voters to know their vote "counted" for something more worthwhile than the status quo.

First the Tea Party...
Then, OWSers...
Now....the NO CONFIDENCE VOTE initiative.
I hope you will join me.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Wookiep

Originally posted by icecap
Paul's problem was that too many old people showed up.

That's right people. This country's future lays in the hands of out of touch old dinosaurs who vote any way Fox or CNN tell them to.

CNN Iowa Caucus--Vote by Age


Wow! Romney had roughly 60% of his votes based on individuals aged between 50-65+! That's pretty damn telling IMO. Those baby boomers who screwed this planet need to get the hell out of the elections already.

edit on 5-1-2012 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

What I don't get is aren't those same baby boomers the ones that were ANTI-WAR (Vietnam)...peace lovers (hippies) etc???

Looks like a huge back-flip as they've aged...

BTW, I'm a baby boomer, anti-war and anti-establishment

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:40 PM

That's right people. This country's future lays in the hands of out of touch old dinosaurs who vote any way Fox or CNN tell them to.
reply to post by icecap

Wow, what a bigoted remark. First of all, I am probably what you consider an "old dinosaur", but no one tells me how to vote. Furthermore, I am an ardent supporter of Ron Paul, and will vote for him, whether he is the Republicrat nominee or not. I will write in his name for President, if he is not on any party line. In addition, I know quite a few seniors that support him. Perhaps it is YOU that believes what FOX or CNN tells YOU about who supports Ron Paul.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by seabag
...RP will have many more losses to come!

Yeah, and so will the US military. Have fun burying your friends, when instead they could be on the US border doing the damn job they should be doing.

The Iowa caucus only mattered if Ron Paul didn't win.

The exit polls only mattered when it was convenient. But now that they show a huge anomaly for Ron Paul, the exit polls don't matter either.

When the revolution comes, hope it doesn't matter either.
edit on Thu Jan 5th 2012 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:26 PM

none other than karl rove basically tells us the votes were lost, but dont worry the romney and santorum people monitored it, but not ron pauls people.
edit on 5-1-2012 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by filosophia

none other than karl rove basically tells us the votes were lost, but dont worry the romney and santorum people monitored it, but not ron pauls people.
edit on 5-1-2012 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

Yeah it actually seems like gloating on the part of Rove and Faux News. As to say to the Dr. Paul supporters" You came close but WE ARE IN CONTROL not the Paul supporters". Faux News AKA Rupert Murdock and the GOP hate Dr. Paul and Obama with such a passion that they will do almost anything to silence both of them.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Quetzalcoatl12

You can see Rove's smug looking grin on his face when reporting the missing ballots.

edit on 5-1-2012 by Quetzalcoatl12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Quetzalcoatl12
reply to post by Quetzalcoatl12

You can see Rove's smug looking grin on his face when reporting the missing ballots.

edit on 5-1-2012 by Quetzalcoatl12 because: (no reason given)

i noticed that too he cant get enough of it, and the reporter was about to say voter fraud but changed it to well its a big deal because romney won ha.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I really think its time for the average American to FINALLY realize that the whole thing is rigged.....


There is no way this government is going to allow this man to be president! It must be a landslide mindset so that it becomes so obvious they cannot rig the computers for fear of looking so foolish....

We have got to have a much better system of voting... 1 person, 1 vote, no extra cheese and no sauce please...

Oh yeah and a fool proof verification system NOT computerized.... License Based or SS Based???

THoughts anyone...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:06 PM
If voting fraud is a problem as so many people claim on here and the whole thing is a conspiracy why not do something about it . Instead people whine and cry all day on these forums about how unfair and unjust the system is. You people are really leading the way to make change. I guess protesting these issues in front of the white house or at polling stations voicing your opinions and concerns where it matters does not get you a star n flag to make you feel better about yourselves. Pathetic

When I was watching the Iowa caucus they were counting the votes on camera in some places , And had people from every party there even Ron Paul`s . I guess some people failed to see it , Perhaps to busy jumping on ATS after cnn dropping the feed from the Ron Paul supporter. Poll are polls it is not law anywhere that everyone has to participate in entrance polls.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by YAHUWAH SAVES

My thoughts?
The GOP establishment will soon realize that Ron Paul will have to be taken out of the race somehow, or he is going to win it. We haven't seen a march on Washington like we will see if Ron Paul is defrauded out of the nomination, or harmed somehow. His support will only grow, watch.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by freedomSlave

Unless they reveal the vote count by precinct, no one will know if the vote count was altered which I strongly suspect it was.
If I know my precinct has x votes for Ron Paul, I want to see it on the final tally by precinct for all to verify.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Hey I don't know if you've pointed this out yet, but is there a source for the video? Because I just see percentages being flashed on screen. It'd be good to know where these came from so we can determine if it's credible or not.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:03 PM
As an interested outsider from the UK, there is a saying in British politics that might apply here;-

"It's not the votes that count, it's who counts the votes"

Something to think about maybe?


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