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Iowa Caucus Stolen? Exit Polls Show Ron Paul at 29%. Winning All by a Fair Margin...

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by Wookiep

In order to get Paul elected you may need an upper age limit for voting as well

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:07 AM
Well lets really look at the numbers. Only 3k more people this year than 2008. Ron Paul went from 11k in 2008 to 26k. Supporters should be very excited about this. Two things that maskes things a little muddy for me. First off, 43k switched their party to Repub with 7 days. I started hearing in the media that Ron Paul supporters are trying to control who the candidate is. Well those numbers don't jive. Even if all of RP's 26k votes were from those 43k, then who did the other 17k vote for? The way I heard the MSM talking, it sounds like they are passing RP off as the 2012 version of Obama in 2008. They will associate the enthusiasm and vote manipulation and make people thing thats all Paul is. I don't have a link to those numbers but you guys are pretty smart and can look them up yourselves.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by TheMindWar

Of course it was fixed, paul was miles ahead before the vote and then came in third?

How do you figure he was "miles ahead"?

All the recent polls had him very close to Romney; with Santorum rising fast.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Dr UAE

Originally posted by icecap
Paul's problem was that too many old people showed up.

That's right people. This country's future lays in the hands of out of touch old dinosaurs who vote any way Fox or CNN tell them to.

CNN Iowa Caucus--Vote by Age


looks like because those between 50 & 65+ spend a lot of time watching CNN & FAUX , so what did you expect from those dinosaurs ?

It appears at least 15% of us are aware and awake and not glued to Faux. It would also appear that half or more of your own generations fail you as well. Such is the democratic tyranny of the majority.

On the bright side, finishing 3rd in Iowa doesn't put Paul out of the running at all, as some others have now dropped out. Paul is clearly shown to be IN the running now. Not every winning President finished first in Iowa. I believe finishing a strong 3rd shows Paul clearly has a shot at this election now.

edit on 5-1-2012 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Up until the SELECTION of Bush in the obviously rigged "election" of 2000, the US would stick its nose into every other countries elections. If exit poll results ever wildly disagreed with the official numbers, they would be shouting from the rooftops that the election was fraudulent. Even so far as to drop bombs.

Ever since the coup by the Bush Crime Syndicate, it is always assumed that exit polls are somehow wrong. Funny how that works.

And the numbers by age are part of the problem. Anyone (like me) over 40 is pretty much stuck in the past, and grew up having everything rammed down their throats by the TV. US demographics are part of the problem. Without the flood of immigration being forced upon us, the US would have a FALLING population. This makes everything get top heavy. There are way more old farts than young people, and they have nothing better to do than watch TV all day, and go to the polls. Young people are mostly too busy trying to survive, and lack the knowledge of how important this stuff is. This one aspect is going to come to bite everyone in the ass soon, just look at Japan.

Immigrants are also unaware of what's going on. You should see what the TV news is like here in Mexico. HAH. This is where 90 percent of all immigrants come from, and down here they've been brainwashed into accepting the butt reaming for generations. That's why this large country, wealthy in farmland, oil, and other resources, is in total poverty, and the people adore the corrupt freaks at the top that are stealing everything with impunity. All they have to do is tell them this guy or that is somehow good for La Raza, and they will do as they are told. They're used to it.

So all they have to do is get lots of old farts and immigrants to show up, and they will vote however the idiot box told them to.

If we can get 100 percent of the people under 30 to actually vote, things will be very different. But, when taking the day off to go to the polls will lose your job, or at least lose enough pay that your kids will have to eat Ramen noodles for the next couple of months, well, what does that do?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Dr UAE

Originally posted by icecap
Paul's problem was that too many old people showed up.

That's right people. This country's future lays in the hands of out of touch old dinosaurs who vote any way Fox or CNN tell them to.

CNN Iowa Caucus--Vote by Age


looks like because those between 50 & 65+ spend a lot of time watching CNN & FAUX , so what did you expect from those dinosaurs ?

Not all hope is lost on the youth, only 50% of the youth voted for Ron Paul, that means half are already crtitical thinkers by not becoming Paul fanatics and it will just take more time as the rest get older and live in the real world to become critical thinkers.
edit on 5-1-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2012 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 09:21 AM
Thanks for the thread TA. It felt wrong to me all night. Look at the upper-west of Iowa. There are 4 counties which went overwhelmingly for Santorum. I think he took one county by 61% and a 1,000 vote margin. That seemed very strange to me and was out of line of every other county in Iowa.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:26 AM
Question : Why aren't the citizens of Iowa allowed to hand count their state's votes?

Answer : Because that would begin a process of disabling the negative elite's corrupt and destructive self-serving agenda.

" Israeli Firm Will Count Iowa Vote "

source : ______beforeitsnews/story/1543/889/Israeli_Firm_Will_Count_Iowa_Vote.html


edit on 5-1-2012 by seasoul because: Ron Paul for president ...

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 10:34 AM

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:43 AM
Before I say this, I want everyone to understand that I support everyone's right to vote however they want and get behind whichever campaign they choose. More power to you, as your activism is indeed "We the People" at work.

That being said, I have a question because I really don't understand this.

How is it that someone can become so passionate about a candidate, which requires a passion for the political process as far as the election cycle goes, just to cry stolen, rigged, etc?

I don't understand getting behind any candidate if you think that the process is rigged. I only ask because I knew days before the caucus that if Ron Paul didn't win, there would be 100 threads making these claims.

I ask this very honestly; not trying to stir anything up. A simple review of my previous posts will tell you I'm not a RP supporter, but I really do respect everyone's right to support him if that is who they choose.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:48 AM
I think Paul supporters are the most vocal about their support and are more likely to talk to the exit poll people. I think the count was accurate. I dont think people are willing to commit voter fraud for something as miniscule as the Iowa cuacus that doesnt really count for that much.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:52 AM
I felt something was odd during the counting. They would post numbers of counted votes.. And at the end of one count, paul was at 4440 votes.. A few minutes later, more votes were counted, and gingrich as at 4440 votes. I find it odd that such numbers would come out..

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:56 AM
What the F is wrong with you Americans?

The previous (corrupt) Irish government to the present one spent 10's of millions
of euros on electronic voting machines, intent on replacing and 'modernising' the
age-old tried and trusted paper ballot system.
The Irish people rejected these machines because of the lack of paper trails, open tracability
and accountability and the real potential for corruption (as was most probably the intent
of the purchasers (and their masters)).
These machines are sitting rusting in a corner somewhere and the last I heard was
that they were to be sold for recycling into pens and other such commodities.

EveryOne knows (or at least should know) that Bush stole BOTH elections and
that the American voting system is as corrupt (if not more-so) than even the most
dictatorial of regimes, where there the people are at least aware of the corruption
they are up against.

Wake the F up America. The world has changed so much for the worse in the last 50
years because (at least on the surface) of the hijacking of the U.S. and its systems by
nefarious forces, and the apathy and narrow-mindedness of the average American
'American election fraud, again and again'.
A two hour exposee of the true extents of election fraud in the U.S.
Jim Fetzer interviews Richard Charnin.

Come on, and stand up and be counted Yanks.
This is pretty basic stuff!
Ye are so much better than this.
The world needs the decent America back.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Personally I view any election where the outcome is by .... 8 votes .. to likely be fixed. This year was also the first year the Republican party did the counting in a quote "secret location"...

Doesn't really matter, The three top winners were so close they will split evenly the Iowa votes.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:03 PM
There's always the risk of manipulated votes.

People seem to have overlooked the fact that John Diebold, after whom the Diebold Corporation, used to be a board member of Brian Crozier Institute for the Study of Conflict. He sat there with top CIA guys as Robert Komer (set up the Phoenix Program in Vietnam) and Kermit Roosevelt (high level CIA officer and coup plotter whose family has Pilgrims ties). Other were Pilgrims Society members as Zbigniew Brzezinski, George W. Ball, John S. McCain Jr. (also of the ASC), etc.

Crozier was friends with Richard Perle, Rupert Murdoch and CIA spook Ted Shackley with whom he ran a worldwide black operations outfit called Le Cercle. So the Diebold Corp is probably part of some privatized black program these people have been running everywhere.

Probably somewhere discussed on the site I want to promote here:

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by MinorityReporter

I can't believe 8% voted for that loony Bachman? I've listened to some of the stuff she says in interviews? Really? I mean really Iowa?

I think the same about RP sometimes when I hear him talk about foreign policy. I say REALLY?? What a loon!!

I think the people have to make change happen because the system is like a ride at the amusement park; your at the wheel but you sure aren't driving!

The system in Iowa worked fine. There is no evidence of any fraud. RP’s camp hasn’t complained about sabotage. The reality is that RP simply didn’t have enough votes to pull out a win.

How come when RP does good everyone thinks the system is fine but when Santorum or anyone else does good the system is broken? Doesn’t that say more about the bias of VIEWER than the SYSTEM itself?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by seabag

I suppose we shouldn't blame the system.. we should blame the old bastards in the 50+ age group for voting for asshats like Romney. No coincidence it's this same age group that totally fubar'd the economy from the 70's-80's onward.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This is another of those anomalously skewed results - like in Ohio, where Bush lost in the exit polls by a margin skewed way off.

But I'm sure the system is perfect and no One is trying to mess with it for nefarious purposes... Heh. Yeah. Right.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:17 PM
Ron Paul is only experiencing what John Kerry and Al Gore experienced. Leading in exit polls, yet - inexplicably - the vote goes another way.

Footprints of Electoral Fraud: The November 2 (2004) Exit Poll Scam

Republican electoral fraud in the 2004 presidential election was widely anticipated by informed observers--whose warnings about the opportunities for fraud offered by "black box" voting machines supplied and serviced by corporations closely aligned with Republican interests (and used to tally nearly a third of the votes cast on November 2) have been amply borne out by the results.1

One of the clear indicators of massive electoral fraud was the wide divergence, both nationally and in swing states, between exit poll results and the reported vote tallies. The major villains, it would seem, were the suppliers of touch-screen voting machines. There appears to be evidence, however, that the corporations responsible for assembling vote-counting and exit poll information may also have been complicit in the fraud.

Bush v. Gore (2000)

As daylight turned to twilight on the East Coast of the United States, it became evident that Florida's 25 electoral votes held the key to victory in the November 7, 2000, U.S. presidential race. Early returns combined with exit polling results indicated that Gore had a commanding lead in the state. By 8:00 p.m. EST, all of the major television networks projected that Gore had defeated Bush to become the nation's next president.
Luckily for Bush his brother was governor of Florida and his Supreme Court ruled in his favor...

Now we have an Israeli firm, ELRON - VOXEO, that will count the Iowa caucus votes. (Voxeo is based out of Orlando, Florida - see comments above about Bush v Gore). Does this bode well for Ron Paul? We again have an election with a serious discrepancy in the exit polling.

Will Americans ever learn? You're about to be ROBBED on election night AGAIN.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by pshea38
What the F is wrong with you Americans?

EveryOne knows (or at least should know) that Bush stole BOTH elections and
that the American voting system is as corrupt (if not more-so) than even the most
dictatorial of regimes, where there the people are at least aware of the corruption
they are up against.

Obviously the Bush/Gore election can be debated, but Bush/Kerry? Come on. Nobody had to rig that election and it wasn't stolen. John Kerry never stood a chance. Did Clinton rig his second term election or was it just that Bob Dole was a poor choice by the GOP? I bet if Ron Paul was elected President, all these claims of a corrupt voting system would disappear overnight. That doesn't make for good conspiracy fodder though, does it?

Nothing is wrong with me. As an American I have the ability to examine the candidates and vote however I choose. That's what I will do. How you view my decision is not my concern.

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