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Ron Paul brings back soldier that was cut off from CNN

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posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 11:58 AM
I started skipping through the thread when the insults started flying so forgive me if this has been said, but notice how Ron Paul doesn't even mention CNN? He very politely mentions this Jesse Thorson (not sure on the name) was cut off and he'd like to allow him to speak.

Ron Paul shows more dignity and tact than any other candidate.

edit on 5-1-2012 by TinkerHaus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:13 PM
Of course he's going to ask the guy back. It makes it look like the entire US Military supports him.

The only time he's mentioned in my section, the words "tin foil hat" are also mentioned.

No problems with the guy doing an interview with him, as long as he doesn't wear his uniform. I bet his squad leader is having a blast with him.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Man.... I swear to god... politics in the US.

You guys are being played so bad.

It's so obvious... It's like a circus.

Guy gets cut off by awful news station... have no fear, Super Ron Paul is here..


How convenient

American politics totally reminds me that.

Remember Obama? Yes he can! Super Obama! Like a Boss! Swagger!

He sure did wonders for America.

High five and fist bumps for all.

Did yah have a hearty breakfast?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:18 PM
I am not an american and im not know much things about politics,but this RP guy look a very kind and calm man.
Like an old granndpa...i hope he wins the election!GO RP!

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
Lol, Rand Paul looks like he is dressed for a Star Trek convention.

I'll give you this one. That was funny.

As for the soldier, Ron Paul is complicit in this crime because he admitted this soldier is a part of his campaign for 3 years. I guess breaking the law to get out of the Service is alright in Ron Paul's philosophy, that is what this is showing. That is as far from acting like you respect the duty of Commander in Chief as possible. Proves he is not fit to be President.

I really don't get how you come to this conclusion. You seem to ascribe the worst possible scenario to RP for everything. So, he allowed this gentleman to speak and that makes him unfit? Could it be that maybe he didn't know. The onus is on the soldier who should know the rules. RP is not Commander in Chief yet. And I'd bet that any Presidential candidate that assumes that office probably has a bit of a learning curve when becoming CIC.

I think word probably got back to the camp that CNN cut this guy off and Ron was giving him a chance to say his peace. I honestly think if RP or his campaign knew this guy would en up in hot water because of speaking for the campaign while in uniform, then they wouldn't have allowed him to speak in public.

edit on 5-1-2012 by Freenrgy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Man.... I swear to god... politics in the US.

You guys are being played so bad.

It's so obvious... It's like a circus.

Guy gets cut off by awful news station... have no fear, Super Ron Paul is here..


How convenient

not everything is a conspiracy

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 12:58 PM
RP is just being made out to be to much of a hero. He either is a hero or this is the estab going all in.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:11 PM
And the punishment from the US Military finally comes up

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:32 PM
It's funny how people knock RP getting all worked up and saying he's just the same - if that's true why do you care, jump off a cliff and die if there is no hope.

Seriously I don't understand how your cynicism helps with anything at all, ever.

Some people are optimistic and in a world where Arnold can't pronounce his last name managed to get 6 whole months off bi partisanship because of his popularity in California. There is hope, if only for a short term, just gotta play a new angle - any new angle like someone who says what others arent or wont or cant.
edit on 5-1-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Dionisius
Inspiring post man, but you have to remember that TPTB are extremely clever and will have thought of this. Its my belief that they are double bluffing American voters into thinking that Ron Paul will be great 'for the people', but Government is controlled left, right and centre and Ron Paul wont have any breathing room, let alone any room to make his own choices that benefit the people. Remember that Congress must approve bills and just about every single member of Congress is in TPTB pockets. And this is if he doesnt lose the election or has a convenient 'accident'.

TPTB forgot to tell the MSM about their plan, because so far most of the MSM has tried everything in their book of tricks to bend the public opinion away from Ron Paul.

Dont kid yourself, the MSM is TPTB's extended hand. Just look at the war propaganda before the Iraq invasion, or the fear mongering after 911, or the ignoring of the 911 whistle-blowers, or the 911 families, etc etc

Want more proof, look at Robert Murdochs's twitter!/rupertmurdoch

or follow the money

Of the top twenty media corporations in the U.S.all but two are members of the Council On Foreign Relations.

we are in deep water when the news media, that are supposed to be skeptical to the road the politicians are taking, are profiting from the roads the politicians are taking. We need a revolution.
edit on 5-1-2012 by conar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
You seem to ascribe the worst possible scenario to RP for everything. So, he allowed this gentleman to speak and that makes him unfit? Could it be that maybe he didn't know. The onus is on the soldier who should know the rules. RP is not Commander in Chief yet. And I'd bet that any Presidential candidate that assumes that office probably has a bit of a learning curve when becoming CIC.


No, the onus is on Paul who should know the rules. Who should know who wrote his newsletters. Who should know who's using his twitter account. Seems to be a pattern here.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by DelMarvel

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
You seem to ascribe the worst possible scenario to RP for everything. So, he allowed this gentleman to speak and that makes him unfit? Could it be that maybe he didn't know. The onus is on the soldier who should know the rules. RP is not Commander in Chief yet. And I'd bet that any Presidential candidate that assumes that office probably has a bit of a learning curve when becoming CIC.


No, the onus is on Paul who should know the rules. Who should know who wrote his newsletters. Who should know who's using his twitter account. Seems to be a pattern here.

The only pattern I see is folks like you trying to form a picture from dots that aren't connectable!

So every Presidential candidate should know every military rule and law? Can't give the guy the benefit of the doubt, huh.

And, the soldier who is bound by the rules, doesn't matter. Just the guy who isn't CIC yet and thought he was doing the right thing? Great logic.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2

So every Presidential candidate should know every military rule and law? Can't give the guy the benefit of the doubt, huh.

He shouldn't know EVERY military rule. But he should know that soldiers aren't supposed to be involved in politics like this. Our military answers to (or is supposed to answer to) civilian authority.

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
And, the soldier who is bound by the rules, doesn't matter. Just the guy who isn't CIC yet and thought he was doing the right thing? Great logic.

Sure, the soldier should know the rules. But he ain't the one running for President. Thinking you're doing the right thing doesn't cut it.

I like a lot of things such as the anti-war stance (and him giving Newt hell about skipping Viet Nam.)

But the more I see, the more Uncle Paul is looking like a cranky old Bircher who is either too careless or too dotty to keep track of his own affairs. Let's indulge in fantasy and say he were to be elected. Will he know who is writing and emailing in his name then? Is just thinking he was doing the right thing going to be the standard?

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by Pinkgomo653

Thanks for the video stayed up till 4am uk time to see the result and when Dr Paul was about to introduce him they cut him off again on FOX couldnt get it any other way on tv, Also I hope that Ron wins he is by far the best choice for America and the world I wish we had someone like him in the UK, lets hope you guys who know of him spread his message and lead your nation back to the top again.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by vkey08

Wake up and read what he's really proposing, don't get blinded by "Audit the Fed and Bring the troops home"

What's the Libertarian view?

Libertarians envision a country with every citizen fending for themselves with no federally enforced equal rights protections or programs to maintain and build roads, schools, hospitals, or regulations to protect consumers.

Directly forma libertarian..... Really now, is THAT what we all really want???????
If you put your trust in man, you are under a delusional curse that causes you to believe that it is someone else's job, beside your own, to look out for your own best interests.

Auditing the Fed is great, yes i needs to be done, count the gold in Knox too..
there isn't any in there. Or didn't you get that memo?

but Don't under any circumstances in this climate tell me I have to pay out 500K a year EACH for my children to attend school
If libertarianism took over, you wouldn't have to shell out any money to send your mentally challenged child, because there would be no binding requirement to send him/her to school. But apparently you feel it's appropriate for that $500k to come from your neighbors, and since you want the bennies, you feel comfortable abdicating total responsibility for yourself.

because as the RP fevered jerk who came to my door explained, it's not our job to educate retards....
And you are now going to say it is? Listen, pal... this country spends many times the amount on "Special Ed" than what is spent on "Talented and Gifted" programs.

The total spending on regular and special education services to students with disabilities amounted to $77.3 billion... An additional one-billion dollars was expended on students with disabilities for other special needs programs (e.g., Title I, English language learners, or gifted and talented students)

So that's what we get? One billion dollars' worth of support for gifted children (and that one billion includes ESL programs for illegal immigrants!) versus $77.3 billion for developmentally-disabled children. I don't think that's fair. My daughter is DD, but I was a gifted child. My program was cut in the 70s. I could have perhaps been another Nikola Tesla or Henry Ford, but we'll never know because I was stuck in a school system that didn't conform to MY needs. What I see them doing with my daughter is heartwarming, and I love her without bounds. But I am under no illusion that the money is better spent on her than on raising a generation of boys and girls who could literally change the face of this planet for the better.

Which of those two do (challenged or gifted) you think have the most potential to help the human race? I'll just leave you with that question.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by CaptainInstaban
reply to post by Gorman91

Please answwer me this, oh he who is about to be raptured by Dr. Paul,

Can you name a chosen president in any country in the world´s history, who has completely changed the dishonest and corrupt power structure, without some sort of revolution or struggle preceeding his election?

Enjoy pleasuring yourself with a delusion. we will all let you get to that while nothing changes.

A president was even killed while already in office, trying to change the way things were run.

And now 50 years later, you really think that TPTB are going to give it all away and let this supposed great threat to their operations walk away with the presidency?

If a way out of this mess even exists, Ron Paul and his potential presidency is not it.

Then what is it? If you have a better suggestion please share.

edit on 5-1-2012 by CaptainInstaban because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 04:52 PM
Just a reminder to all you Paul Bearers as in Ron Paul Supporters Obama Drones thought he was going to change things too.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by seamus

Which of those two do (challenged or gifted) you think have the most potential to help the human race? I'll just leave you with that question.

I think all Children should be given an equal opportunity to prove themselves, disabled or not. My girls happen to define the upper end of the curve in their classes, so their disabilities, while severe have not hindered the ability to learn, and test well. I'm lucky to be in a school district that believes as I do that all kids, are equal and should have the benefit of the same education.

Also I resent the implication that I don't pay for anything. I do.. 85% of my yearly take home pay goes to their education, what's not covered by my insurance, and their other needs, the other 15% goes to paying power, food, etc that is needed to run the household, under your view I should remove them from school, not take them to the doctors and let them starve.

No thank you .... But than you for proving my point, that even when confronted with a wild west/vigilantie system where everyone is out for themselves, the Paulites just sit there and ignore the consequences of that sort of anarchy.

PS: Dont' call me Pal, I can't stand that, I'm a single parent, a woman, and I work my rear off for my family. I am most certainly NOT your Pal.

posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by DoubleDNH

Originally posted by Pinkgomo653
Second, he was in the heat of the moment and was eager to show us how the military supports him?

This is exactly why you cannot wear your uniform when actively participating in a political event. The MILITARY does not support any presidential candidate.... single individuals within the military might support someone... Ron Paul said specifically in his address that the active duty supports him... which is a bold faced LIE.

Actually, RP's three biggest donor PACs are the branches of the military:

US Army $24,503
US Air Force $23,335
US Navy $17,432

Compare this to Romney:

Goldman Sachs $367,200
Credit Suisse Group $203,750
Morgan Stanley $199,800


posted on Jan, 5 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by Darkblade71

I see you are in the FTW, everyone is messed up, no one cares, we can't fix it, we are all gonna die camp..Probably in the America should die camp too, just guessing.

Not even remotely, not sure what gave you that idea?
I love the world and almost everyone in it (including Americans
) and of course the world and its problems can be fixed, but not by using divisive tactics and only if people want it to change.
Some leader is never going to solve everyone's problem or relieve you from your awful life or situation, only yourself and others around you can do that.

People need a little more humanity.

Ron Paul... Santorum and most of these other clowns are NOT going to help in any way, shape or form.

But whatever, keep blasting Americans who truly want to see our country recover from the worst mess it has ever been in.

I haven't blasted Americans?
Just idiots who blindly follow someone like RP no matter what he says or what his past may be, just because he says some "stuff" about the government and says he want to give you back the power.

Again... gullible springs to mind.

The whole WORLD is in a mess.... the global financial system is screwed... China owns most of the US debt.

If you honestly think RP is going to save you and our country.... then yes, you're deluded.

And this isn't an anti-american stance, just an anti-stupidity one

Can you understand how frustrated that Americans are, that our country is as messed up as it is, though? I know most of the world thinks of us as spoiled and arrogant. And many of us are and deserve such approbation. But, the majority of us are just sick of how the world and our country in particular, have become. I once did not question what my government did, in my name, because I thought we were universally members of the set of "good guys". I no longer believe that. I believe our government, has wrought much havoc and damage in the world,...not through ill will or some sense of being superior, by our people. But, by the machinations of those in power, who were able to keep us fooled for so long. For that, I as an American, apologize. We were deluded, as you say.

No one person is going to fix what is wrong here. It's going to take the efforts and toil of hundreds of thousands...maybe millions, of fix our society, and by extension, stop meddling in other societies. What we need, and probably won't get, to speed that process, is a group of leaders, not just one, who are more concerned with the good of people, than the game of politics itself, and their own perks.

Ron Paul is by no means perfect. But, he is principled and consistent. America is designed to have the opportunity for peaceful rebellion every couple of years, through elections. Personally, I think that who is elected President, matters far less than who is elected to the two houses of Congress. Ron Paul is the guy who happens to stand in a place where it becomes obvious the both the Democrats and the GOP are two sides of the same corrupt coin. I think of him as more like a narrator, than anything else. Even if he got elected though, he could do nothing substantial without the cooperation of the Legislature.

Americans seem to me to be waking up to the fact that we are not a two Party system any longer, if indeed we ever were. There is only one political Party...the Incumbent Party. And whoever made the reference to Big Time Wrestling is right. It doesn't matter if you are rooting for Johnny America or The Golder Sheik. It doesn't matter who won the bout. At the end of the night, they are both out in some sleazy bar, drinking beer together on our dollar. It isn't about the "bout". It's about the concessions sales.

Since our ballots do not have a "None of the Above" option, I am voting for Ron Paul...simply because he is the one there right now. I would have voted for Herman Cain. But, he has been successfully taken out of the equation. I have no idea if it was by his own Party members because they realized he would be too much of a wild card. Or by the Democrats because they feared him leading too much of the black vote off the Democratic plantation. But, it really doesn't matter.

The most important votes you will cast this November, are the ones for your Congress-critters. And it is very simple. It is YOUR job to vote out YOUR Incumbent. No one ELSEcan do that FOR you. It doesn't matter if they have an R or a D after their names. It doesn't matter if you like them. Most people (as all the Incumbents well know) detest Congress, but think their own guy is doing the best job they can in a bad situation. And they count on that. But, if everyone who votes...or even just a little more than half of us do, we will be changed forever. If yours has brought home the bacon, remember that it's stolen bacon. And THEY KNOW it.

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