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Huge News! Obama Must Prove Eligibility in Court Now as Motion to Dismiss is DENIED.

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posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

One would hope to think
Something tells me not to bet on it though.

Look how threads go one after the court cases they are about fall apart and all.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by spinalremain

I wasn't alive in 1960 so I don't know if the country was referred to as such.

Well since it was formally called the "Kenya Crown Colony" from 1920 to 1963, what else would it be called? Even the 10 mile wide coastal strip the British leased from the Sultan of Zanzibar was called the "Protectorate of Kenya".

Really, what would you expect a man from the Kenya Crown Colony to answer when he was asked by the Hospital Registrar where he came from?

In fact, the Hospital Registrar probably didn't ask him that. He was probably just handed the form and asked to fill it out himself, like you and I and everyone else does the first time we visit a doctor.

And what would he, a black man from Kenya involved in the African Decolonization Movement put down for 'race'? Negro was a colonialist term, a term that was widespread in America, but not one that he would be familiar or comfortable with. He isn't Indian or English or Scots. He is, and thought of himself as African.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by spinalremain

Makes sense if Grandma and Gramps reported the birth, not Mom and Dad at the hospital.

But if Dad was present surely he would know what country he was a citizen of...

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by rnaa

You are aware that this is BS don't you? The subpoena that Taitz downloaded of the web page is fraudulent and cannot be enforced in Hawai'i. The judge didn't 'issue' it, Taitz copied downloaded it. You have to jump through more hoops than that to get a subpoena from one state enforced in another.

And the Georgia case is not the first to be heard on its merits. Ankeny is. Birther's lost it. And didn't appeal it when they had the chance. Ankeny v Daniels

Well, if state after state after state refuses to put him on the ballot, unless the Hawaiians show up with the microfilm, they might be persuaded. That would certainly put the issue to rest if it is on the microfilm. Well, the issue about where. Still have to get over Dad not being a citizen.
edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by PaxVeritas

Then you're an idiot. Just about any scanned document can be broken down in this way.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Annee

Where was the outrage about McCain? He really was not eligible until a hearing was held.

The Georgia complaint is arguing with wording in the Constitution. Did they ever bring a suit against another president who's parent was born in another country? NO.

If memory serves it was the Dems that made all the ruckus about that.

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by kawika
reply to post by Annee

Where was the outrage about McCain? He really was not eligible until a hearing was held.

The Georgia complaint is arguing with wording in the Constitution. Did they ever bring a suit against another president who's parent was born in another country? NO.

If memory serves it was the Dems that made all the ruckus about that.

What ruckus?

Yes - OK it was in the news - - but what ruckus?

I found out about it by accident in a birther thread.

edit on 19-1-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Annee

Took me just a minute to find using ATS search....

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

Originally posted by aptness

Originally posted by rangersdad
During the campaigning Obama said that McCain was not a US citizen and not able to be president and about 2 days later McCain produced his long form birth certificate for all the world to see....Then McCain said to Obama, "lets see yours"
Nice story. Too bad that’s complete fiction.

Give us a source to back up that account.

They actually had a congressional hearing to prove McCain's eligibility, due to being hounded by


Could The Supreme Court Decide Another Election? The New York Times reports on questions about John McCain's Constitutional eligibility to serve as President of the United States. The son of a U.S. Naval officer, McCain was actually born on a military base in the Panama Canal Zone where his father was stationed at the time. And the Constitution is not entirely clear on what constitutes a "natural-born citizen" – one of the few requirements needed to be met to be president.

Legislation Introduced - by Democrats - to Declare McCain a U.S. Citizen

With questions - however serious - about whether Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., is eligible to run for president since he was born outside U.S. borders on an American Naval base, Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. today introduced a non-binding resolution expressing the sense of the U.S. Senate that McCain qualifies as a "natural born Citizen," as specified in the Constitution and eligible for the highest office in the land.

Co-sponsors include Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Barack Obama, D-Illinois

Co-sponsors include Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, and Barack Obama, D-Illinois
edit on 113030p://bWednesday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 113030p://bWednesday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by relocator

I know the story.

Do you really remember hearing about it on MSM?

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Oh yeah... ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, etc....Heard it from the time I turned on the tube in the morning and from when I turned it on in the evening...Didn't last long though about 2 weeks because McCain had no problem getting and showing his BC.

Many of the same news organizations and research groups today dismissing concerns about Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility were far more eager to cover the issue when Republican presidential candidate John McCain was the subject.

edit on 19-1-2012 by relocator because: Added link

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by relocator
Oh yeah... ABC, NBC, CNN, FOX, etc....Heard it from the time I turned on the tube in the morning and from when I turned it on in the evening...Didn't last long though about 2 weeks because McCain had no problem getting and showing his BC.

Many of the same news organizations and research groups today dismissing concerns about Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility were far more eager to cover the issue when Republican presidential candidate John McCain was the subject.


Guess I missed it.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:29 PM
I think this is a new one.

Motion to quash

Obama’s attorney has filed a Motion to Quash which states that “The subpoenas serve no permissible function.”

Taitz had used a subpoena from the Georgia court to obtain the production of Obama’s original birth certificate purportedly held at the Hawaii Department of Health in Honolulu. That case, Taitz v. Fuddy, is still open.


It places him in a very bad light, because he released what he claims to be a valid birth certificate which he has put on mugs and T-shirts. So why is he quashing the subpoena to get the original? If there’s nothing to hide and it’s not a forgery, then why not show the original document? Clearly, he is nervous; he’s worried. he knows that what he showed is just a cheap forgery and that he and many others will end up in prison.

Busy taking vacations, Ha...

He wrote that Obama is “extremely busy.” Well, he wasn’t busy a couple of weeks ago taking a 17-day vacation to Hawaii, costing taxpayers $4,000,000. Is he too busy to spend maybe an hour during a hearing which would authenticate all of his records? If the records are authentic and there is no fraud or forgery, then it is res judicata. If there is fraud and forgery, then he cannot be on the ballot in Georgia or anywhere else in the country, and Congress will need to start impeachment proceedings.

The Post & Email asked, “What is the next step? Does all of this go to the judge on the 26th?” and Taitz answered, “The judge will probably decide before the 26th. It’s going to go very fast, because he filed his Motion to Quash the subpoenas just now, and the hearing is in a week.”

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: add text

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:32 PM
Back in 2008 the US Senate adopted a resolution that expressly said that McCain was a natural-born citizen. Even then-Senator Obama voted in favor of that resolution.

In 2009, the US House adopted a resolution recognizing the 50 anniversary of Hawaii statehood, which contained an explicit statement that Obama had been born in Hawaii. Most Republicans voted in favor of the resolution.

Kawika, a subpoena to Obama himself is pretty pointless. A person is not considered an eyewitness to his own birth. And since Obama is neither the creator nor official custodian of the Hawaii birth certificates, he cannot testify to them either. The evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii is very solid, the evidence that he was born somewhere else is very flimsy.
edit on 19-1-2012 by Shoonra because: clarification

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Shoonra

Kawika, a subpoena to Obama himself is pretty pointless. A person is not considered an eyewitness to his own birth. And since Obama is neither the creator nor official custodian of the Hawaii birth certificates, he cannot testify to them either. The evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii is very solid, the evidence that he was born somewhere else is very flimsy.

Yup, probably no need for him to be there. Except this is an opportunity to face this problem in an adult way. It is an opportunity to save face for him. Probably too little too late though.

In 2009, the US House adopted a resolution recognizing the 50 anniversary of Hawaii statehood, which contained an explicit statement that Obama had been born in Hawaii. Most Republicans voted in favor of the resolution.

Well, they might get away with using something like that. Probably if they had done it in the Senate like McCain in advance it would have been accepted.

At this point they have been so evasive that people are demanding the real deal. WE WANT TO SEE THE MICROFILM! Along with the twins...Twins in ATS post

Also, don't forget. Dads non citizen status could sink him depending on how seriously they take the whole natural born verses native born issue. ATS post Art II stuff at the bottom

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: added link

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: add quote

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: added link

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: corectolated spel'n err

edit on 19-1-2012 by kawika because: add quote

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Annee

Where was the outrage about McCain? He really was not eligible until a hearing was held.

There was no hearing. A non-binding resolution was presented to the House and to the Senate and was co-sponsored by a large number of members from both sides of the aisle, including Senator Clinton and Senator Obama. There was no 'hearing' of any kind, no 'testamony', no 'debate'. It was read into the record and was passed unanimously by both Chambers. It is not 'law', it is a non-binding resolution.

reply to post by kawika

If memory serves it was the Dems that made all the ruckus about that.

I don't know who "made all the ruckus". McCain's NBC status occupies a very narrow gray area and this fact is as well known to everyone as the fact that Obama's father was born in Kenya. The difference is that McCain's issue is actually an honest debate over a technicality and Obama's is neither honest nor a debate.

McCain was born overseas, but according to legislation, is a U.S. Citizen because his parents are citizens. There is no debate on this. The debate is whether he is a "Natural Born" Citizen or not.

One side of the debate says that people who gain their citizenship as the result of legislation, are 'naturalized', not 'natural born' even if that citizenship is automatic, at birth (for the record: I am on this side of the argument). The other side of the debate says that if citizenship is automatically granted at birth, that is 'Natural Born'. That has never been decided one way or the other. John McCain is the only person in history for whom the issue has been anything more than academic.

Knowing that there was a technical issue surround McCain in this way, and realizing that is quite ridiculous for John McCain to be punished for the choice his parents made to serve their country overseas (for the record: I absolutely agree) Congress, in probably the best actions they made in that setting, decided to put the question of the table.

They didn't decide the technicality issue for all time, that probably cannot be done, but they made it clear that if McCain won the Electoral College vote he would not be challenged on those grounds. That is the proper place for eligibility challenges, by the way, in the Congressional Electoral College Certification session after the Electoral College has voted, not in the Courts.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by relocator

McCain had no problem getting and showing his BC.

McCain has never shown his birth certificate. There is an image of a forgery going around, that was produced by a deluded supporter that thought they were somehow doing the right thing, but no actual McCain BC has ever been published or publicly shown (and why should it be necessary?).

One reporter claims that he did get to view it briefly, but he has no proof of that, not even agreement from the McCain campaign. Their are no images of it, nothing. We are taking it 100% on faith that it says he was born on Coco Solo as he claims ( the forged one says he was born in Panama City ).

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by Shoonra

the evidence that he was born somewhere else is non-existent.


posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by kawika

At this point they have been so evasive that people are demanding the real deal.

I assume you are talking about evasion from Obama. There has been no such evasion, indeed, he has published two, count'em two birth certificates! Let me look that up... yep, I thought so... that is exactly TWO MORE THAN ALL THE REST OF THE PRESIDENTS COMBINED! That is not evasion, that is bending over backwards to placate a fringe of a fringe of people who aren't going to vote for Obama in any case.

The only evasion that is going on is by folks like you who systematically evade any semblance of honesty and integrity in your willfully ignorant attacks.

You don't like Obama. OK, Fine. We get it. The Koch Brothers and Faux News don't like him either, that doesn't mean that you have to be their sycophants and proxy guttersnipe.


What makes you think there is or ever was any microfilm? Even if it does exist, how can they show it to you without compromising the other records that you have no right to see either? This is a really stupid red-herring. Really stupid.

posted on Jan, 19 2012 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by kawika
reply to post by spinalremain

Makes sense if Grandma and Gramps reported the birth, not Mom and Dad at the hospital.

But if Dad was present surely he would know what country he was a citizen of...

This seems really confused. What is your issue with the father as listed in the newspaper announcements?

posted on Jan, 20 2012 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by rnaa

You're preaching to the choir.

That first sentence you quoted was simply me stating that I can't definitively state what the land mass was called because I wasn't alive to speak about it.

I agree with everything you say.

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